Adding new values to an array nested within an object - windows

I am trying to create an array of objects, and inside each object I want a property called something like "valid paths" indicating where those objects can be found, but I'm having trouble adding new paths after creating the array.
For example:
$Guids = $null
$Guids = #()
$Guids += [pscustomobject]#{
Guid = '{374DE290-123F-4565-9164-39C4925E467B}'
Paths = #()
$Guids += [pscustomobject]#{
Guid = '{7d83ee9b-2244-4e70-b1f5-5393042af1e4}'
Paths = #()
Here I am creating two objects indicating the guids I am looking for. Then to find and add the paths to the array, I do this:
$Rootpath = "HKU:\$($CurrentUser.PSChildName)"
$ShellFolderspath = "$RootPath\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders"
$UserShellFolderspath = "$Rootpath\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders"
#region 1 - Identify registry keys to update
New-PSDrive -Name HKU -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_USERS -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#Adding Downloads Guids to array
ForEach ($object in $Guids)
#Check Shell Folders Path
If ($Item = Get-ItemProperty $ShellFolderspath -Name $object.Guid -ErrorAction Stop)
"$($object.guid) found in Shell Folders path"
$Object.paths += $Item.PSpath
#Check User Shell Folders Path
If ($Item = Get-ItemProperty $UserShellFolderspath -Name $object.Guid -ErrorAction Stop)
"$($object.guid) found in User Shell Folders path"
$Object.paths += $Item.PSpath
I've googled over and over and can't find any examples of anyone trying to do this. Any help would be appreciated!


How can I capture the HWND of the last opened Explorer window before my PowerShell script console opens? [duplicate]

Good Afternoon All!
Working on a script that my co-workers use, we move a lot up to Sharepoint and the objective was to make an easy method to set the file to read-only and compress it using the built-in NTFS compression.
All of that is functioning like it should with the code below. The problem I need to solve is this, somehow I need to pass the current directory the worker has open in File explorer to The open file dialog box. So that when the script is run you don't have to manually change it to the correct location.
Currently, I have it set to open on the users desktop directory
Is this possible?
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
$FileBrowser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property #{
InitialDirectory = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop')
Multiselect = $true # Multiple files can be chosen
$path = $FileBrowser.FileNames;
If($FileBrowser.FileNames -like "*\*") {
# Do something before work on individual files commences
$FileBrowser.FileNames #Lists selected files (optional)
foreach($file in Get-ChildItem $path){
Get-ChildItem ($file) |
ForEach-Object {
Set-ItemProperty -Path $path -Name IsReadOnly -Value $true
compact /C $_.FullName
# Do something when work on individual files is complete
else {
Write-Host "Cancelled by user"
The following solution determines the directory that the topmost File Explorer window has open (the window that is highest in the Z-order).
That is, if File Explorer itself is active, that active window's directory is used, otherwise it is the most recently active window's.
# Helper type for getting windows by class name.
Add-Type -Namespace Util -Name WinApi -MemberDefinition #'
// Find a window by class name and optionally also title.
// The TOPMOST matching window (in terms of Z-order) is returned.
// IMPORTANT: To not search for a title, pass [NullString]::Value, not $null, to lpWindowName
public static extern IntPtr FindWindow(string lpClassName, string lpWindowName);
# Get the topmost File Explorer window, by its class name.
$hwndTopMostFileExplorer = [Util.WinApi]::FindWindow(
"CabinetWClass", # the window class of interest
[NullString]::Value # no window title to search for
if (-not $hwndTopMostFileExplorer) {
Write-Warning "There is no open File Explorer window."
# Alternatively, use a *default* directory in this case.
# Using a Shell.Application COM object, locate the window by its hWnd and query its location.
$fileExplorerWin = (New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application).Windows() |
Where-Object hwnd -eq $hwndTopMostFileExplorer
# This should normally not happen.
if (-not $fileExplorerWin) {
Write-Warning "The topmost File Explorer window, $hwndTopMostFileExplorer, must have just closed."
# Determine the window's active directory (folder) path.
$fileExplorerDir = $fileExplorerWin.Document.Folder.Self.Path
# Now you can use $fileExplorerDir to initialize the dialog:
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
$FileBrowser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property #{
InitialDirectory = $fileExplorerDir
Multiselect = $true # Multiple files can be chosen
$null = $FileBrowser.ShowDialog()
# ...

PowerShell: Display the differences in permissions between folders and their parents

I'm hoping to come up with a script that can walk a directory tree on a Windows server and show me a tree that only includes directories whose permissions are different from it's parent (or sub) directory. I want to produce an easily understandable report that can help me quickly audit the permissions of a folder structure.
Here's what I've got so far:
DIR "Z:\FileShare" -directory -recurse | GET-ACL | where {$_.AreAccessRulesProtected -eq $true} | select path, accessToString | format-list |out-file c:\permissions.txt
This produces a usable set of data as is but it's a bit bulky.
What I don't know is how to have it filter out redundant text, namely lines like "BUILTIN\Administrators Allow FullControl" and instead only show me the delta. Human readable psudo-code might be "if this ACL line can be found in the immediate parent directory, don't show it here."
I tested this with a few folders setting up different ACLs with my own user and it seem to be working but I haven't tested enough to be sure. Basically, the script will loop through directories and add the ACLs to a dictionary where the Keys are each IdentityReference and the Values are the properties from the ACLs which you're interested on (FileSystemRights and AccessControlType) in addition to the folder's absolute path. While enumerating the directories, each object will be compared against the stored values using the Compare-Acl function which only returns $true if the object is different.
using namespace System.Collections
using namespace System.Collections.Generic
$map = [Dictionary[string, ArrayList]]::new()
$outObj = {
AbsolutePath = $dir.FullName
FileSystemRights = $acl.FileSystemRights
IdentityReference = $acl.IdentityReference
AccessControlType = $acl.AccessControlType
function Compare-Acl {
foreach($ref in $Reference)
$fsRights = $ref.FileSystemRights -eq $Difference.FileSystemRights
$actRef = $ref.AccessControlType -eq $Difference.AccessControlType
if($fsRights -and $actRef)
return $false
foreach($dir in Get-ChildItem Z:\FileShare -Directory -Recurse)
foreach($acl in (Get-Acl $dir.FullName | Where-Object AreAccessRulesProtected).Access)
if($thisKey = $map[$acl.IdentityReference])
$obj = & $outObj
if(Compare-Acl -Reference $thisKey -Difference $obj)
$null = $thisKey.Add($obj)
$obj = & $outObj
$null = $map.Add($acl.IdentityReference, [object[]]$obj)
$map.Keys.ForEach({ $map[$_] })| Export-Csv path\to\acls.csv -NoTypeInformation

Get Property guid

This is the context: I'm trying to set a bunch of properties to the group "Authenticated Users". For that, I've written the following script:
$sid1 = "S-1-5-11"
$objSID1 = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($sid1)
$acl = Get-Acl -Path "AD:DC=*****,DC=*****"
$objectGuid = New-Object Guid 5f332e20-9eaa-48e7-b8c4-f4431fef859a
$identity = [System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference] $objSID1
$adRights = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectoryRights] "ReadProperty,WriteProperty"
$type = [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType] "Allow"
$inheritanceType = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectorySecurityInheritance] "Descendents"
$inheritedobjectguid = New-Object Guid bf967aba-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2
$ace = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectoryAccessRule $identity, $adRights, $type, $objectGuid, $inheritanceType, $inheritedobjectguid
Set-Acl -AclObject $acl "AD:DC=*****,DC=*****"
And the final result should be this:
One important thing is that what I'm trying to set, as can be seen in the second image, is a property and not a permission. And that property doesn't have the same GUID in all the computers because I create it with another script before this one.
The question is the following:
In the code where I set $objectGuid variable I've hardcoded the GUID I need. What I need to know is if there is any way to get the GUID of the property using PowerShell.
You can retrieve the GUID of an attribute from the Schema:
Query the schemaNamingContext for an attributeSchema object
Filter on ldapDisplayName, the attribute name shown by the GUI
Grab the schemaIDGUID attribute value and use that in the ACE
I'll use the RSAT ActiveDirectory module for simplicity here, but you can do this with any ldap client:
$attrSchemaParams = #{
SearchBase = (Get-ADRootDSE).schemaNamingContext
Filter = "ldapDisplayName -eq 'pwmEventLog' -and objectClass -eq 'attributeSchema'"
Properties = 'schemaIDGUID'
$pwmEventLogSchema = Get-ADObject #attrSchemaParams
$pwmEventLogGUID = $pwmEventLogSchema.schemaIDGuid -as [guid]
Now use $pwmEventLogGUID in place of $objectGuid

Dynamic parameter value depending on another dynamic parameter value

Starting premise: very restrictive environment, Windows 7 SP1, Powershell 3.0. Limited or no possibility of using external libraries.
I'm trying to re-write a bash tool I created previously, this time using PowerShell. In bash I implemented autocompletion to make the tool more user friendly and I want to do the same thing for the PowerShell version.
The bash version worked like this:
./launcher <Tab> => ./launcher test (or dev, prod, etc.)
./launcher test <Tab> => ./launcher test app1 (or app2, app3, etc.)
./launcher test app1 <Tab> => ./launcher test app1 command1 (or command2, command3, etc.).
As you can see, everything was dynamic. The list of environments was dynamic, the list of application was dynamic, depending on the environment selected, the list of commands was also dynamic.
The problem is with the test → application connection. I want to show the correct application based on the environment already selected by the user.
Using PowerShell's DynamicParam I can get a dynamic list of environments based on a folder listing. I can't however (or at least I haven't found out how to) do another folder listing but this time using a variable based on the existing user selection.
Current code:
function ParameterCompletion {
$RuntimeParameterDictionary = New-Object Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
# Block 1.
$AttributeCollection = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
$ParameterName = "Environment1"
$ParameterAttribute = New-Object Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
$ParameterAttribute.Mandatory = $true
$ParameterAttribute.Position = 1
# End of block 1.
$parameterValues = $(Get-ChildItem -Path ".\configurations" -Directory | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name)
$ValidateSetAttribute = New-Object Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($parameterValues)
$RuntimeParameter = New-Object Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ParameterName, [string], $AttributeCollection)
$RuntimeParameterDictionary.Add($ParameterName, $RuntimeParameter)
# Block 2: same thing as in block 1 just with 2 at the end of variables.
# Problem section: how can I change this line to include ".\configurations\${myVar}"?
# And what's the magic incantation to fill $myVar with the info I need?
$parameterValues2 = $(Get-ChildItem -Path ".\configurations" -Directory | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name)
$ValidateSetAttribute2 = New-Object Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($parameterValues2)
$RuntimeParameter2 = New-Object
Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ParameterName2, [string], $AttributeCollection2)
$RuntimeParameterDictionary.Add($ParameterName2, $RuntimeParameter2)
return $RuntimeParameterDictionary
function App {
DynamicParam {
return ParameterCompletion "Environment1"
Begin {
$Environment = $PsBoundParameters["Environment1"]
Process {
I would recommend using argument completers, which are semi-exposed in PowerShell 3 and 4, and fully exposed in version 5.0 and higher. For v3 and v4, the underlying functionality is there, but you have to override the TabExpansion2 built-in function to use them. That's OK for your own session, but it's generally frowned upon to distribute tools that do that to other people's sessions (imagine if everyone tried to override that function). A PowerShell team member has a module that does this for you called TabExpansionPlusPlus. I know I said overriding TabExpansion2 was bad, but it's OK if this module does it :)
When I needed to support versions 3 and 4, I would distribute my commands in modules, and have the modules check for the existence of the 'Register-ArgumentCompleter' command, which is a cmdlet in v5+ and is a function if you have the TE++ module. If the module found it, it would register any completer(s), and if it didn't, it would notify the user that argument completion wouldn't work unless they got the TabExpansionPlusPlus module.
Assuming you have the TE++ module or PSv5+, I think this should get you on the right track:
function launcher {
[string] $Environment1,
[string] $Environment2,
[string] $Environment3
1..3 | ForEach-Object {
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName launcher -ParameterName "Environment${_}" -ScriptBlock {
param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameter)
$PathParts = $fakeBoundParameter.Keys | where { $_ -like 'Environment*' } | sort | ForEach-Object {
Get-ChildItem -Path ".\configurations\$($PathParts -join '\')" -Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | select -ExpandProperty Name | where { $_ -like "${wordToComplete}*" } | ForEach-Object {
New-Object System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult (
For this to work, your current working directory will need a 'configurations' directory contained in it, and you'll need at least three levels of subdirectories (reading through your example, it looked like you were going to enumerate a directory, and you would go deeper into that structure as parameters were added). The enumerating of the directory isn't very smart right now, and you can fool it pretty easy if you just skip a parameter, e.g., launcher -Environment3 <TAB> would try to give you completions for the first sub directory.
This works if you will always have three parameters available. If you need a variable # of parameters, you could still use completers, but it might get a little trickier.
The biggest downside would be that you'd still have to validate the users' input since completers are basically just suggestions, and users don't have to use those suggestions.
If you want to use dynamic parameters, it gets pretty crazy. There may be a better way, but I've never been able to see the value of dynamic parameters at the commandline without using reflection, and at that point you're using functionality that could change at the next release (the members usually aren't public for a reason). It's tempting to try to use $MyInvocation inside the DynamicParam {} block, but it's not populated at the time the user is typing the command into the commandline, and it only shows one line of the command anyway without using reflection.
The below was tested on PowerShell 5.1, so I can't guarantee that any other version has these exact same class members (it's based off of something I first saw Garrett Serack do). Like the previous example, it depends on a .\configurations folder in the current working directory (if there isn't one, you won't see any -Environment parameters).
function badlauncher {
DynamicParam {
#region Get the arguments
# In it's current form, this will ignore parameter names, e.g., '-ParameterName ParameterValue' would ignore '-ParameterName',
# and only 'ParameterValue' would be in $UnboundArgs
$BindingFlags = [System.Reflection.BindingFlags] 'Instance, NonPublic, Public'
$Context = $PSCmdlet.GetType().GetProperty('Context', $BindingFlags).GetValue($PSCmdlet)
$CurrentCommandProcessor = $Context.GetType().GetProperty('CurrentCommandProcessor', $BindingFlags).GetValue($Context)
$ParameterBinder = $CurrentCommandProcessor.GetType().GetProperty('CmdletParameterBinderController', $BindingFlags).GetValue($CurrentCommandProcessor)
$UnboundArgs = #($ParameterBinder.GetType().GetProperty('UnboundArguments', $BindingFlags).GetValue($ParameterBinder) | where { $_ } | ForEach-Object {
try {
if (-not $_.GetType().GetProperty('ParameterNameSpecified', $BindingFlags).GetValue($_)) {
$_.GetType().GetProperty('ArgumentValue', $BindingFlags).GetValue($_)
catch {
# Don't do anything??
$ParamDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
# Create an Environment parameter for each argument specified, plus one extra as long as there
# are valid subfolders under .\configurations
for ($i = 0; $i -le $UnboundArgs.Count; $i++) {
$ParameterName = "Environment$($i + 1)"
$ParamAttributes = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
$ParamAttributes.Add((New-Object Parameter))
$ParamAttributes[0].Position = $i
# Build the path that will be enumerated based on previous arguments
$PathSb = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder
$PathSb.Append('.\configurations\') | Out-Null
for ($j = 0; $j -lt $i; $j++) {
$PathSb.AppendFormat('{0}\', $UnboundArgs[$j]) | Out-Null
$ValidParameterValues = Get-ChildItem -Path $PathSb.ToString() -Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
if ($ValidParameterValues) {
$ParamAttributes.Add((New-Object ValidateSet $ValidParameterValues))
$ParamDictionary[$ParameterName] = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter (
return $ParamDictionary
process {
The cool thing about this one is that it can keep going as long as there are folders, and it automatically does parameter validation. Of course, you're breaking the laws of .NET by using reflection to get at all those private members, so I would consider this a terrible and fragile solution, no matter how fun it was to come up with.

How to configure 32-bit IIS websites or applications using PowerShell cmdlets

I am trying to change the location of the ASP.NET temporary files so that I can clean them up during the release of a new version.
Because it is very hard to find the location of the ASP.NET temporary files for a specific website, application of virtual directory under the C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64 locations I decided it would be easier just to move the files to a specific location on the disk which can then be cleaned.
You can do this by modifying the tempDirectory attribute in the system.web/compilation configuration section.
We have our server build and release processes automated therefore this looked straightforward to add the code to the configuration and release scripts.
However during testing I found that the location of 32-bit applications does not change.
The code I am using is:
Set-WebConfigurationProperty -pspath 'MACHINE/WEBROOT' -location 'MyWebSite' -filter 'system.web/compilation' -name 'tempDirectory' -value 'E:\Temporary ASP.NET Files\MyWebSite' -Clr v2.0
This code works without errors and writes an entry into the root web.config file at: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\CONFIG\web.config.
<location path="MyWebSite">
<compilation tempDirectory="E:\Temporary ASP.NET Files\MyWebSite" />
Note that without the -Clr v2.0 parameter, the value would be written to the CLR 4.0 configuration file at C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Config\web.config.
You can see the entry in IIS Configuration Editor as well:
The problem is the application pool is set to "Enable 32-Bit Applications" and therefore this property is ignored.
If I manually move the location element shown above from C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\CONFIG\web.config to C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\CONFIG\web.config
The change works and indeed the ASP.NET temporary files move to this location specified when the compilation of the website occurs.
The question is not about ASP.NET temporary files, it is a more general question on how are you meant to configure 32-bit applications in PowerShell or indeed in IIS? There seems to be no way to do it which I find incredible. There are plenty of 32-bit applications around which still need to be configured.
Also please note that I have chosen to use the root web.config to store this value for good reasons:
ApplicationHost.config cannot store system.web configuration
The location of the temporary files is not something that is known at design time and is determined by the hosting server configuration. Therefore this setting cannot be specified in the web.config file for the application itself.
there are two workarounds.
Use 32 bit appcmd.exe. Here is the example.
%windir%\syswow64\inetsrv\appcmd.exe set config -section:appSettings /+"[key='test',value='test']" /commit:webroot /clr:4.0
Use MWA directly on powershell. Here is the example.
$iis = new-object Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager
$wcm = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Web.Administration.WebConfigurationMap -ArgumentList "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\CONFIG\machine.config","C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\CONFIG\web.config"
$iis.GetWebConfiguration($wcm, $null).GetSection("appSettings").SetAttributeValue("file", "test3")
After experimentation, using some information from the answer provided here and an offline conversation I can say conclusively that it is not possible to edit 32-bit root web.config files using the Microsoft WebAdministration PowerShell cmdlets.
It seems that the cmdlets are hard coded to only look at the 64-bit versions of the configuration files. IIS Manager behaves the same way. Why this is the case is inexplicable to me.
I also found a lot of problems using some of the cmdlets for editing 64 bit Clr 2.0 websites and applications. The Clr parameter is not present on all the cmdlets and even in the ones where it is it does not seem to always work.
Therefore I decided to abandon the WebAdministration cmdlets and use the 'Microsoft.Web.Administration.dll' assembly and the Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager object directly.
The following are some of the functions I wrote which might be helpful:
function Get-MWAConfigObjects
Returns object to manage IIS configuration in root web.config
The objects returned allow viewing or editing or configuration. Parameters open the appropriate version, either 32 or 64 bit for the appropriate version of the ManagedRunTime.
Ensure that you call CommitChanges to save any changes made.
$MWA = Get-MWAConfigObjects -ManagedRunTimeVersion v2.0 -Architecture 32 $MWA.Configuration.GetSection('system.web/compilation','MyWebSite/MyApplication').SetAttributeValue('tempDirectory', 'C:\NewPath')
[cmdletbinding(positionalbinding = $false)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][string][ValidateSet('v2.0','v4.0')] $ManagedRunTimeVersion,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][string][ValidateSet(32,64)] $Architecture
$assemblyPath = $(Join-Path -Path $([System.Environment]::GetFolderPath('System')) -ChildPath $(Join-Path -Path 'inetsrv' -ChildPath 'Microsoft.Web.Administration.dll'))
If (Test-Path -Path $assemblyPath -PathType Leaf)
$null = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($assemblyPath)
$iis = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager
$wcm = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Web.Administration.WebConfigurationMap -ArgumentList $(Get-ConfigFilePath -Type machine -ManagedRunTimeVersion $ManagedRunTimeVersion -Architecture $Architecture), $(Get-ConfigFilePath -Type web -ManagedRunTimeVersion $ManagedRunTimeVersion -Architecture $Architecture)
$configuration = $iis.GetWebConfiguration($wcm, $null)
$object = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
$object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ServerManager -Value $iis
$object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Configuration -Value $configuration
Write-Output -InputObject $object
Throw "Cannot validate existence of required assembly 'Microsoft.Web.Administration.dll' at ""$assemblyPath"""
function Get-ConfigFilePath
[CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][string][ValidateSet('web','machine')] $Type,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][string][ValidateSet('v2.0','v4.0')] $ManagedRunTimeVersion,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True)][string][ValidateSet(32,64)] $Architecture
$ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'
switch ($ManagedRunTimeVersion)
switch ($Architecture)
$path = $(Join-Path -Path $([System.Environment]::GetFolderPath('Windows')) -ChildPath "Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\CONFIG\$Type.config")
$path = $(Join-Path -Path $([System.Environment]::GetFolderPath('Windows')) -ChildPath "Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\CONFIG\$Type.config")
switch ($Architecture)
$path = $(Join-Path -Path $([System.Environment]::GetFolderPath('Windows')) -ChildPath "Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\CONFIG\$Type.config")
$path = $(Join-Path -Path $([System.Environment]::GetFolderPath('Windows')) -ChildPath "Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\CONFIG\$Type.config")
If (Test-Path -Path $path -PathType Leaf)
Write-Output -InputObject $path
Throw "Cannot validate configuration file at path ""$path"""
