getting 404 modal when I do click event on Laravel livewire - laravel

I have started using livewire but I can't make it work im using a wire:click to load a form either on create mode or edit mode, but when I did click all I got was some sort of modal with 404 error
this is the livewire component
namespace App\Http\Livewire;
use Livewire\Component;
class Activities extends Component
public $view = 'none';
public function render()
return view('livewire.activities');
public function create_view(){
$this->view = 'create';
public function edit(){
$this->view = 'edit';
this is the view
<button wire:click="create_view" class="button-warning">{{ __('Create') }}</button>
#if ($view != 'none')
<div class="col-span-6">
Edit: I load the view manually and it loads correctly, for example:
#if ($view != 'none')
<div class="col-span-6">

if like you said this work then you have to check for the $view value. Always that you close the view remember change the property to the default value.
#if ($view != 'none')
<div class="col-span-6">

I think you might be having a Livewire configuration issue. Check your installation and specifically your asset_url in your config/livewire.php if you have published your config
php artisan livewire:publish --config
The 404 modal should disappear once your config is correct.

If your livewire.php file in config not best config
this error should not disappear
make asset_url 'asset_url' asset_url => '' (if you have localhost)

Change your code like this.
Because in your code the variable $view will consider part of string. So livewire is searching a page like livewire.$view. But in our case we didn't have like that filename. We have only the view file create. So change as per the code given below. It will work
<button wire:click="create_view" class="button-warning">{{ __('Create') }}</button>
#if ($view != 'none')
<div class="col-span-6">


I am stuck in Laravel Livewire in which I am using multiple select2 and it is a wizard form

I have a wizard in laravel livwire with 4 steps.
in the first step I have select box of select2 for multiple selection, everything works fine but when I go to step 2 and return back, the problems comes
Select2 distorts and loose it's styling
Selectbox does not contain it's selected values
I am new to livwire so do not enough about it.
Here is my blade component
I don't exactly know what is the purpose of wire:ignore but I used it from internet.
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-6 col-xl-6 col-lg-6 mb-10">
<x-label for="vehicle_groups" class="required">Vehicle Groups</x-label>
<div wire:ignore>
<x-select-two class="form-select-solid" id="vehicle_groups" multiple>
<option value=""></option>
#foreach($vehicleGroups as $vehicleGroup)
<option value="{{ $vehicleGroup->id }}">{{ $vehicleGroup->group_name }}</option>
<x-error>{{ $message }}</x-error>
document.addEventListener("livewire:load", () => {
$('#vehicle_groups').select2().on('change', function (e) {
var data = $('#vehicle_groups').select2("val");
#this.set('vehicle_groups', data);
here is my livewire component
namespace App\Http\Livewire;
use App\Models\Vgroup;
use Livewire\Component;
class Vehicle extends Component
public $currentPage = 1;
public $type, $vehicle_groups;
public function mount()
public function render()
$vehicleGroups = Vgroup::get(['id', 'group_name']);
return view('admin.livewire.vehicle', compact('vehicleGroups'));
public function gotToNextPage()
if ($this->currentPage === 1) {
'type' => ['required'],
'vehicle_groups' => ['required']
} elseif ($this->currentPage === 2) {
} else {
public function gotToPreviousPage()
public function submitForm()
$this->currentPage = 1;
wire:ignore you will use it, if you don't want to rerender a part of your code, for example imagine you have a js code, and when using it with livewire it can not work well, because livewire makes requests every time and the js code can't do it's job, now, you have to know that select2, creates it's own DOM and livewire keeps making requests(so you can see it's not a good combination), for that reason you need to add wire:ignore(to ignore select2).
So the problem that the styles doesn't render again, you could try adding the select 2 inside a DOMContentLoaded event:
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
like this, the styles will be added when the page is loaded
on the other side, to get the data, you could try and add the ready event:
$(document).ready(function() {
$(document).ready(function() {
I see that you are using an event "livewire:load", in my case this event didn't work for me(in the inspector it throw me an error that the event didn't exist), you could try and use a hook instead of "livewire:load"
Livewire.hook('message.processed', (message, component) => {
this event will be called when all the requests of livewire are finished
here is the link to the documentation if you want to check it
And last i want to comment something, i saw that you are using $vehicleGroup (i guess it's an array), you are getting the data on the view, all okei there, however you using the array on select 2, to overrite the data, is that what you want to do?(#this.set('vehicle_groups', data))
you could use the attribute wire:model(if you don't need to make requests every time in that select better use wire:model.defer, like this the only request that is going to make is when it's submited), to call a variable on livewire and store the value of the select
<x-select-two class="form-select-solid" wire:model="vehicle_variable" id="vehicle_groups" multiple>
<option value=""></option>
#foreach($vehicleGroups as $vehicleGroup)
<option value="{{ $vehicleGroup->id }}">
{{$vehicleGroup->group_name }}
now on livewire:
public $vehicle_variable
and on select2:
#this.set('vehicle_variable', data)
now you have the value on a variable and not an array(if it's an array)
to check if the data exists, you could use the debugger of laravel "ddd()" inside the function mount (the mount function, will be called when the page is being loaded):
public function mount()
if it's not null, then select2 should work however, if the value is null you need to check your livewire
if you have any question, just ask and i will try to answer!

Laravel 8 Flash Session not working on Request

I wonder in my application can't show flash message. I have tried many solutions on stackoverflow but my problem is not solved.
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redirect;
class DebugController extends Controller
public function get()
// Visit direct page flash session is working
// Eg: localhost/debug/get
// But if I send request all flash sessions are not working
return Redirect::route('home')->with('success', 'Working session on visit direct page!');
public function post(Request $request)
// All flash sessions are not working
session()->flash('anything', 'Session not working!');
// Working session
session()->put('message', 'Working session!');
// Session not working, is 'success' key reserved?
session()->put('success', 'Session not working!');
return Redirect::route('home')->with('anything', 'Session not working!'); // Session not working
Route::get('debug/get', 'DebugController#get');
Route::post('debug/post', 'DebugController#post');
<div class="alert alert-success">
{{ Session::get('success') }}
// Working session
<div class="alert alert-success">
{{ Session::get('message') }}
{{ session()->forget('message') }}
I have tried to modify middle ware in Kernel from this solution but still not working
Laravel Version: 8.x.x
PHP Version: 7.4.x
You will need to do Session::has('anything') in your view instead of Session::has('success').
The first parameter is the key that can be accessed with has or get.
If the above is already done, you might need to use the Facade: Session::flash('anything','content');
Take a look at this.
In case you want to remove the Session data
you have to use flush instead of flash().
Laravel documentation

How to make alert with SweetAlert in Laravel

I would like to use SweetAlert to display my data.
I did my function
public function registration()
$url = URL::signedRoute(
return redirect('users')->with('success','$url');
and route that goes with it
Route::get('registration', [App\Http\Controllers\UserController::class, 'registration'])->name('registration');
The problem is with message, since I downloaded SweetAlert with composer I should probably got everything working, but then when I try to execute my class with button threw the route:
<button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-primary">{{ __('Registration link') }}</button>
<div class= "alert alert-succes">
Nothing pops up(when it should)
What might be wrong with it?
When you use ->with() it means, store items in the session for the next request.
return redirect('users')->with('success', '$url');
Here comes the question. What do you do after this?
Create a notification information or an alert (popup with SweetAlert)?
If it will be used as a notification, your code has no problem. If you want to make alert (popup with SweetAlert), your understanding is wrong.
Just because the class you are using uses the name alert, doesn't mean it make an alert with SweetAlert.
To use SweetAlert, you can add JavaScript in the header or before the </body> tag:
#if($message = session('succes_message'))
swal("{{ $message }}");
Or to use SweetAlert2 :
#if($message = session('succes_message'))
'Good job!',
'{{ $message }}',
If you are confused about placing the script in a specific blade view, please read my answer here.

Using data on dispatched event and trigger div

I have a component that dispatches a browser event with an object
// Livewire Component Method
public function passToDashboard($dataId)
$data = Model::find($dataId);
$this->dispatchBrowserEvent('show-data', ['data' => $data]);
Now on my dashboard blade view i've got
<div class="some-classes" x-data="{dataDisplay:false}">
<div x-show="dataDisplay">
{{-- This is where i want to use the object --}}
{{ $data->title }}
window.addEventListener('show-data', data => {
console.log(data.detail.title); // outputs title just fine
The question is, how to 'unhide' the dataDisplay and how to show it with the passed data? Thanks!
You can listen for these events directly on the element using #event-name.window="dataDisplay = true"
To get the event data, you use the $event variable and it should be under $
Use x-text to get the text onto the element. See my full example below.
So in your case:
<div class="some-classes" x-data="{dataDisplay:false, title: ''}" #event-data.window="dataDisplay = true; title = $">
<div x-show="dataDisplay">
<h3 x-text="title"></h3>
The documentation for this can be found here:
Do notice I changed the event name, because it does apparently not work if you start the event name with "show". When I changed to "event-data" or anything else it started working again.

Undefined variable on Laravel

I´m a beginner starting with Laravel. I´m trying to show a question made on this website.
Here is the Controller page:
public function show($id)
//Use the model to get 1 record from the database
$question = $Question::findOrFail($id);
//show the view and pass the record to the view
return view('')->with('question', $question);
I have included at the top of the file:
use App\Question;
Here is my blade page:
<div class="container">
<h1> {{ $question->title }} </h1>
<p class="lead">
{{ $question->description }}
<hr />
In the model I have not defined anything since I don´t need to specify any special rule. And finally here is the Route:
Route::resource('questions', 'QuestionController');
I got the error "ErrorException Undefined Variable: Question" and supposedly the error is on:
$question = $Question::findOrFail($id);
I´m looking forward to your observations.
Kind Regards.
You just need to change the controller section
public function show($id)
//Use the model to get 1 record from the database
$question = Question::findOrFail($id); // here is the error
//show the view and pass the record to the view
return view('')->with('question', $question);
Explanation:- You are going to use a variable $Question that is not defined. This is the basic PHP error, not the laravel issue.
However, You are using the "App\Question" model class not a sperate variable.
