I want to open my subdomain admin.example.com and get directly to the admin login page, without the index.html page that comes before and tells me the page is in production environment, to improve usability to the customer and avoid something stupid like admin.example.com/admin.
Maybe I could do it with middlewares, but I'm clueless.
I'm using heroku.
Thank you
This is currently not supported.
Currently we don't support serving the admin from the root, added as a feature request
See https://github.com/strapi/strapi/issues/9302
You can redirect / to /admin with a custom middleware.
Create the middleware
You may need to create the directory (mkdir -p middlewares/redirect/).
// middlewares/redirect/index.js
module.exports = () => {
return {
initialize() {
strapi.router.get('/', (ctx) => {
ctx.redirect(strapi.config.get('server.admin.url', '/admin'))
Enable it
// config/middleware.js
module.exports = {
settings: {
redirect: {
enabled: true
I am using asyncData query in one of my pages:
async asyncData({$axios, query}) {
const id = query.id;
try {
const {data} = await $axios.$get(`http://localhost:8000/api/question/${id}`);
return {
question: data
} catch (e) {
Whenever I try to access another route from this page, for example:
#click="$router.push('/solution'); addTodo(question.keywords); addTodo(option.keywords)">
It redirects me to this page /solution, but the request to access API still goes from previous page (question/id)
Accessing localhost:3000/solution page:
CORS works in every other page, so I think the issue is here with redirections.
What would be possible solutions to fix this?
Also, this is what I see in Network tab:
I think referer should be: localhost:3000/solution
Adding 'paths' => ['api/*'] to Laravel back-end CORS config helped.
The Sanctum Auth system on my local machine works well and I have no errors. But my deployed app is having trouble with authorizing a user. When I login it sends a request to get the user data then redirects. After auth completes you are redirected and the app make a GET request for more data. This GET route is guarded using laravel sanctum. But the backend is not registering that the user has made a successful login attempt so it sends a 401 Unauthorized error. Here is some code...
loadUser action from store.js
actions: {
async loadUser({ commit, dispatch }) {
if (isLoggedIn()) {
try {
const user = (await Axios.get('/user')).data;
commit('setUser', user);
commit('setLoggedIn', true);
} catch (error) {
Route Guard on the routs.js checking to see isLoggedIn (which is just a boolean store locally)
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
if (to.matched.some(record => record.meta.requiresAuth)) {
// if (to.meta.requiresAuth) {
if (isLoggedIn()) {
} else {
name: 'home'
} else {
It was pointed out that I had forgotten the withCredetials setting for axios in bootstrap.js. I made this addition but my issue still remains.
window.axios = require('axios');
window.axios.defaults.headers.common['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest';
window.axios.defaults.withCredentials = true;
Route middleware guard on the server side (this is where the request is getting turned away)
Route::middleware('auth:sanctum')->group(function () {
Route::apiResource('trucks', 'Api\TruckController');
In the laravel cors.php config file I changed the "supports_credentials" from false to true
'supports_credentials' => true,
It seems to me that the cookie information is not being over the api call (but I'm really not sure). This setup is working on my local machine but not on the server that I have deployed to.
Needed to add an environment variable to the .env file for SANCTUM_STATEFUL_DOMAINS and made that equal the domain name.
In the laravel sanctum.php config file...
'stateful' => explode(',', env('SANCTUM_STATEFUL_DOMAINS', 'localhost,')),
I manage to learn nuxt by using following tutorial
In the tutorial, it show that
axios: {
baseURL: ''
it is point to localhost, it is not a problem for my development,
but when come to deployment, how do I change the URL based on the browser URL,
if the system use in LAN, it will be
if the system use at outside, it will be example.com:3000/api
On the other hand, Currently i using adonuxt (adonis + nuxt), both listen on same port (3000).
In future, I might separate it to server(3333) and client(3000)
Therefore the api links will be
How do I achieve dynamic api url based on browser and switch port?
You don't need baseURL in nuxt.config.js.
Create a plugins/axios.js file first (Look here) and write like this.
export default function({ $axios }) {
if (process.client) {
const protocol = window.location.protocol
const hostname = window.location.hostname
const port = 8000
const url = `${protocol}//${hostname}:${port}`
$axios.defaults.baseURL = url
A late contribution, but this question and answers were helpful for getting to this more concise approach. I've tested it for localhost and deploying to a branch url at Netlify. Tested only with Windows Chrome.
In client mode, windows.location.origin contains what we need for the baseURL.
# /plugins/axios-host.js
export default function ({$axios}) {
if (process.client) {
$axios.defaults.baseURL = window.location.origin
Add the plugin to nuxt.config.js.
# /nuxt.config.js
plugins: [
This question is a year and a half old now, but I wanted to answer the second part for anyone that would find it helpful, which is doing it on the server-side.
I stored a reference to the server URL that I wanted to call as a Cookie so that the server can determine which URL to use as well. I use cookie-universal-nuxt and just do something simple like $cookies.set('api-server', 'some-server') and then pull the cookie value with $cookies.get('api-server') .. map that cookie value to a URL then you can do something like this using an Axios interceptor:
// plguins/axios.js
const axiosPlugin = ({ store, app: { $axios, $cookies } }) => {
$axios.onRequest ((config) => {
const server = $cookies.get('api-server')
if (server && server === 'some-server') {
config.baseURL = 'https://some-server.com'
return config
Of course you could also store the URL in the cookie itself, but it's probably best to have a whitelist of allowed URLs.
Don't forget to enable the plugin as well.
// nuxt.config.js
plugins: [
This covers both the client-side and server-side since the cookie is "universal"
I have 2 questions.
1. How can I catch undefined routes and redirect to 404 page?
2. How I can use Vuex actions to get data from api? I know that vuex mutations must be sync and actions async. But I can get data with mutations and can use then promise. but can't in actions or I do anything mistake. Please give me beautiful example for that(component type). I use vuex in laravel mix in Laravel project. Thanks...
Generally speaking, you shouldn't be getting undefined routes if you're defining all of the routes within an app. You can define a redirect in your routes configuration as such:
path: 'admin/posts/list',
name: 'post-list',
path: 'admin/posts',
redirect: 'admin/posts/list'
// you can also redirect to a named route instead
// of a path like this:
path: 'admin/posts',
redirect: { name: 'post-list' }
If you wanted to do a "catch all" that grabs any paths not matched and redirect to your 404 component/view, then you could do it like this:
path: '*',
redirect: '/404'
Make sure that is at the bottom of your routes definition as the last route because it will catch any routes in the tree it is above.
As for your question about mutations/actions, asynchronous API requests like fetching data from an API only every happen within actions when you're using Vuex.Taken from the documentation on actions:
actions: {
actionA ({ commit }) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000)
I have an index.html file in the parent dir and with http://localhost:3000/#/ that's what's being loaded instead of the sidebar.html file. If I try http://localhost:300/#/home it redirects to todo
No errors being thrown.
'use strict';
.module('App', [
.run([ '$rootScope', '$state', '$stateParams',
function ($rootScope, $state, $stateParams) {
$rootScope.$state = $state;
$rootScope.$stateParams = $stateParams;
.config(['$stateProvider','$urlRouterProvider', function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
.state('home', {
title: 'Dashboard',
url: '/',
templateUrl: '../shared/sidebar/sidebar.html',
controller: 'sidebarCtrl'
var loopback = require('loopback');
var boot = require('loopback-boot');
var app = module.exports = loopback();
// Set up the /favicon.ico
// request pre-processing middleware
// -- Add your pre-processing middleware here --
// boot scripts mount components like REST API
boot(app, __dirname);
// -- Mount static files here--
// All static middleware should be registered at the end, as all requests
// passing the static middleware are hitting the file system
// Example:
var path = require('path');
app.use(loopback.static(path.resolve(__dirname, '../client')));
app.use(loopback.static(path.resolve(__dirname, '../node_modules')));
// Requests that get this far won't be handled
// by any middleware. Convert them into a 404 error
// that will be handled later down the chain.
// The ultimate error handler.
app.start = function() {
// start the web server
return app.listen(function() {
console.log('Web server listening at: %s', app.get('url'));
// start the server if `$ node server.js`
if (require.main === module) {
Not sure if this is related, but initially my server was set to listen on but if I typed that into the URL bar it went to Google search. Although if I type localhost:3000 it seemed to work. I have since changed the listening port to localhost:3000.
In case, that this url http://localhost:3000/#/, which should trigger state home - is loading index.html - should mean, that the path
templateUrl: '../shared/sidebar/sidebar.html',
is not set properly. Use the (e.g. chrome) developer tools and check if the sidebar.html is being loaded.
The fact that this url http://localhost:300/#/home is navigating to TODO state is also correct, becuase '/home' is not mapped to home state
.state('home', {
url: '/',
so the default is triggered
NOTE: From the question, and described issue I expect that the index.html is set properly. It contains <div ui-view=""></div>, which will be filled with sidebar.html. That's why I would suspect the wrong path to that partial view template...