why #Cacheable is invalid, when I Indirect invoke method? - spring

#Cacheable #CacheEvict invalid
I has a service like this:
pubic class TestService {
#Cacheable(cacheNames ="user",key = "#userId")
public User fetchUserById(Long userid) {
return new User();
public User fetchCurrentUser() {
return fetchUserById(124L);
there is some problem:
#Cacheable is valid, when I invoke fetchUserById(Long userid).
but #Cacheable is invalid, when I invoke fetchCurrentUser().

You can find solution here : Spring cache #Cacheable method ignored when called from within the same class
This is because of the way proxies are created for handling caching,
transaction related functionality in Spring. This is a very good
reference of how Spring handles it - Transactions, Caching and AOP:
understanding proxy usage in Spring
In short, a self call bypasses the dynamic proxy and any cross cutting
concern like caching, transaction etc which is part of the dynamic
proxies logic is also bypassed.
The fix is to use AspectJ compile time or load time weaving.


Spring inject component into non-spring managed interface/abstract class and its subclasses

TLDR: I need an interface/abstract class and all classes implementing it to have access to a Spring managed bean. Can Spring inject a bean into an interface/abstract-class and its subclasses simply via #Autowired ?
I am working on an API built with Spring Webflux + Cloud Gateway that depending on the cookie JWT authorized party, identifies the User's policy group and assign an Attribute ENUM "InterfaceID" to the ServerWebExchange via exchange.getAttribute().put("InterfaceID",InterfaceID.A) after the JWT is validated, and currently uses "InterfaceID" to represent the different groups of users/different interface the user entered from.
JWTValidationFilter.java [Current]
//if user is from company A or its partners
case "a":
case "aa":
case "b":
For certain API endpoints (say /api/getSessionDocument), different "InterfaceID" fetches data from different DB/apis, as well as have different permission checking on top of that.
RequestController.java [Current]
APICallerUtil apiCallerUtil;
// call api B but check for permission from api D first
The endpoint's controller now has another switch statement, and to many code analyzers this have been a code smell. I have been trying to refactor this entire bit of code to use polymorphism to handle the different "getSessionDocument" flows, but i run into issues regarding the injection of util classes that calls specific APIs.
APICallerUtil.java class, exisiting class from the project, would prefer not to refactor this.
public class APICallerUtil{
#Value("${some uri to some API}") //different by environment and therefore cant be static final
private String uri1;
#Value("${some auth to some API}") //confidential
private String uri1AuthHeader;
public JSONObject getDataFromApiA(String somekey){ //cant be static since uri1 is not static
//Some code that uses uri1 and apache httpclient
return data;
interface IBaseAccess{
default Mono<JSONObject> getSesssionDocument(ServerWebExchange e){return Mono.error("not implemented");}
RequestController.java [new]
APICallerUtil apiCallerUtil;
return exchange.getAttribute.get(InterfaceID).getSessionDocument(exchange);
public class NormalAccess implements IBaseAccess{
//can i autowire APICallerUtil here?
//use constructor to pass the Util class reference here?
Mono<JSONObject> getSesssionDocument(ServerWebExchange e){
//need to call ApiA here
//need to call ApiC here
NormalAccess needs to call APICaller.getDataFromApiA(), but it needs a reference to the Spring managed instance of APICaller. What would be the "correct" way to pass the reference/autowire API caller into NormalAccess, or even better IBaseAccess (so that the implementing classes can use the Util bean)?
JWTValidationFilter.java [new]
//if user is from company A or its partners
case "a":
case "aa":
exchange.getAttribute().put("InterfaceID",new CompanyAAccess(/*pass the util class here?*/));
case "b":
exchange.getAttribute().put("InterfaceID",new NormalAccess(/*pass the util class here?*/));
I have tried several methods, but either I lack the knowledge on the specific Spring feature, or that method is deeemed a bad design choice by some, including:
Making the methods and fields in APICallerUtil static, via suggestions from Spring: How to inject a value to static field? and Assigning private static final field member using spring injection , then the Access classes can call the static methods.
Creating a contructor for IBaseAccess that consumes the APICallerUtil reference and store it inside. The JWTfilter would hold an autowired APICallerUtil and pass it in when the attribute is assigned.
Create a static class that provides the application context and Access classes use applicationContext.getBean("APICallerUtil"); to obtain the bean.
Use the #Configurable annotation? I could not find much documentation on how this works for interfaces/abstract-class.
I understand that there might not exist an absolute answer for this question, but regardless I'd like suggestion/feedback on which of these approaches are viable/good. Especailly concerning whether the APIUtil class should be static or not.

Spring boot cache evict not working from another thread

I can't understand why cache evict is not working in my scenario. I have an application that has a scheduled service in it and has MVC for user to click some stuff.
#Cacheable(value = "applicationToken")
public Optional<String> getToken() {
return settingsRepository.getToken();
#CacheEvict(value = "applicationToken", allEntries = true)
public void evictApplicationTokenCache() {
log.info("Evicting token cache.");
public void updateToken(String token) {
log.info("Updating token.");
The method getToken() is called inside the scheduled service and when I tried some test to evict cache from there it worked.
However, on the MVC side, if the user updates the token, the method updateToken() gets called and although it goes inside the evictApplicationTokenCache(), on the next retrieval of the token, I still get the same token and it doesn't step into the method getToken() to actually grab the token from the repository.
The only relation I found is that the threads are different for the MVN call and for the Scheduled call. From what I know, the cache should live on the context level, not the thread level. Therefore, it shouldn't matter which thread asks for the cache to be evicted.
It seems that the updateToken() and evictApplicationTokenCache() methods are in the same class.
In that case, the #CacheEvict annotation will be ignored, because cache handling is implemented by interceptors that are only involved when you call a method from one component to a different (injected) component.
If that's the situation, you can move the evictApplicationTokenCache() method to a helper #Component, or put the #CacheEvict annotation on the updateToken() method.

How to link JPA persistence context with single database transaction

Latest Spring Boot with JPA and Hibernate: I'm struggling to understand the relationship between transactions, the persistence context and the hibernate session and I can't easily avoid the dreaded no session lazy initialization problem.
I update a set of objects in one transaction and then I want to loop through those objects processing them each in a separate transaction - seems straightforward.
public void control() {
List<> entities = getEntitiesToProcess();
for (Entity entity : entities) {
public List<Entity> getEntitiesToProcess() {
List<Entity> entities = entityRepository.findAll();
for (Entity entity : entities) {
// Update a few properties
return entities;
public void processEntity(String id) {
Entity entity = entityRepository.getOne(id);
entity.getLazyInitialisedListOfObjects(); // throws LazyInitializationException: could not initialize proxy - no Session
However, I get a problem because (I think) the same hibernate session is being used for both transactions. When I call entityRepository.getOne(id) in the 2nd transaction, I can see in the debugger that I am returned exactly the same object that was returned by findAll() in the 1st transaction without a DB access. If I understand this correctly, it's the hibernate cache doing this? If I then call a method on my object that requires a lazy evaluation, I get a "no session" error. I thought the cache and the session were linked so that's my first confusion.
If I drop all the #Transactional annotations or if I put a #Transactional on the control method it all runs fine, but the database commit isn't done until the control method completes which is obviously not what I want.
So, I have a few questions:
How can I make the hibernate session align with my transaction scope?
What is a good pattern for doing the separation transactions in a loop with JPA and declarative transaction management?
I want to retain the declarative style (i.e. no xml), and don't want to do anything Hibernate specific.
Any help appreciated!
Spring creates a proxy around your service class, which means #Transactional annotations are only applied when annotated methods are called through the proxy (where you have injected this service).
You are calling getEntitiesToProcess() and processEntity() from within control(), which means those calls are not going through proxy but instead have the transactional scope of the control() method (if you aren't also calling control() from another method in the same class).
In order for #Transactional to apply, you need to do something like this
private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
public void control() {
MyService myService = applicationContext.getBean(MyService.class);
List<> entities = myService.getEntitiesToProcess();
for (Entity entity : entities) {

Grails or Spring Method Level Transaction

I am new with spring/grails transaction and i am still not clear after reading so i am posting it in here,
I have a service class which is annotated as #Transactional
and i have methods some of them are annotated as
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
and some of them are not.
class SomeService {
def findJob() {
MyInstance myInstance = getMeAJob();
if (myInstance) {
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW, rollbackFor = Exception)
private doSomeThing(MyInstance myInst) {
myObj = MyInstance.lock(myInst.id)
try {
differentObj = doTask(myObj)
} catch (Exception e) {
log("Error in doAnotherTask")
private doAnotherThing(MyInstace myInst) {
perform some update on myInst
myInstant.save(flush: true)
private doTask() {
Suppose , I have transaction t1 from the class level and t2
transaction from doSomething()- REQUIRES_NEW.
Method that will execute in t1 - findJob() and doTask()
Method that will execute in t2 - doSomeThing() - doesn't affect the
"t1" in case of exception (Rollback)
Which one will be for doAnotherThing() method? Since I am calling it from doSomething()?
When you have a class-scope annotation, any method that's not annotated uses those settings, and annotated methods override the class-level settings with the settings from that annotation.
Note however that when using Spring's annotation support (with the #org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional) annotation only public methods are supported. There won't be an error, but the annotations are silently ignored.
But even if you make doSomeThing public (either implicitly by removing the private keyword or explicitly by changing it to public) it won't do what you expect when you call doSomeThing from findJob. This is because Spring's annotation triggers the creation of a proxy of your class at runtime. The Spring bean that's registered for your service in that case is a proxy instance that has a "real" instance of your class as its delegate. All transactional public methods are intercepted by the proxy, which starts/joins/etc. a transaction and then calls your service method. Once you're "underneath" the proxy in the service instance all method calls are direct and any annotation settings have no effect. To get it to work you would need to call the method on the Spring bean and go through the proxy to start a new transaction.
To avoid this proxy issue, use the Grails #grails.transaction.Transactional annotation instead. It supports the same transaction features as the Spring annotation, but instead of creating a proxy, an AST transformation rewrites your methods to wrap them within a transaction. This makes it possible to make direct method calls like you're doing and create a new transaction or run under other transaction semantics as defined by the annotation attributes.
I did a talk a while back on using transactions in Grails that might shed some light.

Spring #Transactional issue/challenge while placing in service layer

My Spring application is layered as Bean, Service and DAO. All the #Transactional annotations are in service layer.
This is the pseudo code in one particular scenario.
saveUser() {
public void manageUser() {
createUser() {
//insert user record in database
updateParentUser() {
//update parent user's database record
In my save user test case, the update parent user operation can fail in some cases due to primary key violation which is kind of expected.
As the #Transactional annotation is implemented in service class, this violation exception will be notified in bean class only.
What is the option to get this PK violation notification in my service class?
[Then I can handle it from there in a different business process.]
If I add a new method in service class and call manageUser() from there the #Transactional annotation will not work properly. This is due to the limitation/property of AOP. Spring expects external call to #Transactional methods.
The create/update won't be committed until you return from the #Transactional method. If the create/update is flushed to the database before that then you may get the exception within the method, but in your case it's not being flushed until the commit.
You can force the create/update to be flushed before the commit. You don't say whether you're using Hibernate or JPA, but session.flush() or entityManager.flush() should do the trick.
Use programmatic transaction management and handle exceptions in try catch block
Introduce a delegate class and do manageUser in a transaction there:
public void manageUser() {
} catch (Exception ex ) {
And in delegate class
public void manageUser() {
Instead of Spring proxy based AOP I moved to AspectJ approach. This gives me the flexibility to make my manageUser() method call from another method of same service class and I can handle the exception there.
