Tarantool storage lock warnings when call multiple get/update of the same row - tarantool

I have a vinyl space with some entities, that are linked between themselves by some application logic. Insert/update of any entity needs some calculations and update of linked entities too.
Let's say we have some entities with ids: e1, e2, e3 ... eN, eK
Update of any entity is made by such code:
function updateEntity(eN) then
if eN linked to eK then
-- Update linked entity eK and do some calculations.
local eK = space:get('eK')
-- Calculations using eK (time consuming)
-- Modify linked entity eK
-- Some other calculations (time consuming)
-- Using linked entity eK later somewhere else.
local eKAgain = space.get('eK')
updateEntity() is exposed to global (box.schema.func.create('updateEntity') + rawset(_G, 'updateEntity', updateEntity)) and is called from outside by nodejs connector.
When I call updateEntity() very frequently for entities that are linked with the same entity eK, I have multiple warnings like
get(['eK']) => ... took too long: 150.879 sec.
The value of 'stuck' time vary form 1 to 1500 sec! So, obviously I have some storage locks or something like that.
How it can happen anyway? I thought Tarantool is one threaded, so if I call updateEntity(), then the other call of updateEntity() can be possible only if the first one is finished?
Can I sovle this problem using fibers, calling each updateEntity() as different fiber and making all inner operations with cK entity like transaction? Or I misunderstand fibers purpose?
Maybe problem somewhere else and I miss something?

Vinyl engine supports multiversion concurrency control by default, you can read about it here in more details


Managing shared resources with threads in Huey

I have to update many rows (increment one value in each rows) in peewee database (SqliteDatabase). Some objects can be uncreated so I have to create them with default values before working with them. I would use ways which are in peewee docs (Atomic updates) but I couldn't figure out how to mix model.get_or_create() and in [my_array].
So I decided to make queries in a transaction to commit it once at the end (I hope it does).
Why I'm writting in stack overflow is because I don't know how to work with db.atomic() with threading (I tested with 4 workers) in Huey because .atomic() locks the connection (peewee.OperationalError: database is locked). I've tried to use #huey.lock_task but it's not a solution of my problem as I've found.
Code of my class:
class Article(Model):
name = CharField()
mention_number = IntegerField(default=0)
class Meta:
database = db
Code of my task:
def update(names): # "names" is a list of strings
with db.atomic():
for name in names:
article, success = Article.get_or_create(name=name)
article.mention_number += 1
Well, if you're using a recent version of Sqlite (3.24 or newer) you can use Postgres-style upsert queries. This is well supported by Peewee: http://docs.peewee-orm.com/en/latest/peewee/api.html#Insert.on_conflict
To answer the other question about shared resources, it's not clear from your example what you would like to happen... Sqlite only allows one write transaction at a time. So if you are running several threads, only one of them may be writing at any given time.
Peewee stores database connections in a thread local, so Peewee databases can be safely used in multithreaded applications.
You didn't mention why huey lock_task wouldn't work.
Another suggestion is to try using WAL-mode with Sqlite, as WAL-mode allows multiple reader transactions to co-exist with a single writer.

RethinkDB - Is this a valid optimistic locking implementation

I am trying out a lot of new ideas (DDD, Event Sourcing and CQRS) and evaluating RethinkDB as a potential data store for the Domain Events. In DDD, an aggregate is set of objects that work together to provide a specific behaviour. Each aggregate is a transactional/consistency boundary. The root of the aggregate is an object that provides an API and hides the internal implementation.
To persistent an aggregate it is usually recommended to use optimistic locking. The idea is to have a version number attribute in the aggregate and when the time comes to save an aggregate we check to make sure the version of the aggregate in the database matches the version of the aggregate that was read/updated in the application. This guarantees that nobody changed the aggregate in the meantime and prevents overwriting others changes.
Obviously this version checking can't just happen in the application layer (think multiple application servers scenario). The application needs support from data store for doing atomic updates that take this version number into consideration.
Here is a simple implementation using the RethinkDB Ruby API.
I created a table called 'applicants' with one record
"id": "6b3b57a7-3ba8-4322-873e-1d6c8333daae" ,
"name": "Homer Simpson" ,
"updated_at": Mon Dec 28 2015 12:05:40 GMT+05:30 ,
"version": 1
Here is the sample test code that I ran twice in parallel
require 'rethinkdb'
include RethinkDB::Shortcuts
conn = r.connect(:host => 'localhost',
:port => 28015,
:db => 'test')
def update_applicant(conn, current_version)
result = r.table('applicants').get('6b3b57a7-3ba8-4322-873e-1d6c8333daae').update{ |applicant|
{updated_at: Time.now, version: current_version + 1},
fail 'optimistic locking failure' if result['unchanged'] == 1
rescue => e
puts "optimistic locking failure: #{current_version}"
current_version = r.table('applicants').get('6b3b57a7-3ba8-4322-873e-1d6c8333daae').run(conn)['version']
(1..100).each { |version| update_applicant(conn, version) }
This seems to work but I want to make sure there will be no race conditions and other issues with this approach in a production environment. I am assuming that update is an atomic operation and using a branch in update still keeps it atomic.
I am looking for some validation and suggestions from RethinkDB devs/users. Thanks.
update is always an atomic operation unless you pass the non_atomic: true flag (which is sometimes necessary if the update contains a nondeterministic operation), so that code looks safe to me.

How do we improve a MongoDB MapReduce function that takes too long to retrieve data and gives out of memory errors?

Retrieving data from mongo takes too long, even for small datasets. For bigger datasets we get out of memory errors of the javascript engine. We've tried several schema designs and several ways to retrieve data. How do we optimize mongoDB/mapReduce function/MongoWire to retrieve more data quicker?
We're not very experienced with MongoDB yet and are therefore not sure whether we're missing optimization steps or if we're just using the wrong tools.
1. Background
For graphing and playback purposes we want to store changes for several objects over time. Currently we have tens of objects per project, but expectations are we need to store thousands of objects. The objects may change every second or not change for long periods of time. A Delphi backend writes to and reads from MongoDB through MongoWire and SuperObjects, the data is displayed in a web frontend.
2. Schema design
We're storing the object changes in minute-second-millisecond objects in a record per hour. The schema design is like described here. Sample:
o: object1,
dt: $date,
v: {0: {0:{0: {speed: 8, rate: 0.8}}}, 1: {0:{0: {speed: 9}}}, …}
We've put indexes on {dt: -1, o: 1} and {o:1}.
3. Retrieving data
We use a mapReduce to construct a new date based on the minute-second-millisecond objects and to put the object back in v:
o: object1,
dt: $date,
v: {speed: 8, rate:0.8}
An average document is about 525 kB before the mapReduce function and has had ~29000 updates. After mapReduce of such a document, the result is about 746 kB.
3.1 Retrieving data from through mongo shell with mapReduce
We're using the following map function:
function mapF(){
for (var i = 0; i < 3600; i++){
var imin = Math.floor(i / 60);
var isec = (i % 60);
var min = ''+imin;
var sec = ''+isec;
if (this.v.hasOwnProperty(min) && this.v[min].hasOwnProperty(sec)) {
for (var ms in this.v[min][sec]) {
if (imin !== 0 && isec !== 0 && ms !== '0' && this.v[min][sec].hasOwnProperty(ms)) {// is our keyframe
var currentV = this.v[min][sec][ms];
//newT is new date computed by the min, sec, ms above
if (toDate > newT && newT > fromDate) {
if (fields && fields.length > 0) {
for (var p = 0, length = fields.length; p < length; p++){
//check if field is present and put it in newV
if (newV) {
emit(this.o, {vs: [{o: this.o, dt: newT, v: newV}]});
} else {
emit(this.o, {vs: [{o: this.o, dt: newT, v: currentV}]});
The reduce function basically just passes the data on. The call to mapReduce:
db.collection.mapReduce( mapF,reduceF,
{out: {inline: 1},
query: {o: {$in: objectNames]}, dt: {$gte: keyframeFromDate, $lt: keyframeToDate}},
sort: {dt: 1},
scope: {toDate: toDateWithinKeyframe, fromDate: fromDateWithinKeyframe, fields: []},
jsMode: true});
Retrieving 2 objects over 1 hour: 2,4 seconds.
Retrieving 2 objects over 5 hour: 8,3 seconds.
For this method we would have to write js and bat files runtime and read the json data back in. We have not measured times fort his yet, because frankly, we don’t like the idea very much.
Another problem with this method is that we get out of memory errors of the v8 javascript engine when we try to retrieve data for longer periods and/or more objects. Using a pc with more RAM works to some extend in preventing out of memory, but it doesn't make retrieving data faster.
This article mentions splitVector, which we might use to devide the workload. But we're not sure on how to use the keyPattern and maxChunkSizeBytes options. Can we use a keyPattern for both o and dt?
We might use multiple collections, but our dataset isn’t that big to start with at the moment, so we’re worried about how much collections we’d need.
3.2 Retrieving data through mongoWire with mapReduce
For retrieving data through mongoWire with mapReduce, we use the same mapReduce functions as above. We use the following Delphi code to start te query:
'mapreduce', ‘collection’,
'map', bsonJavaScriptCodePrefix + FMapVCRFunction.Text,
'reduce', bsonJavaScriptCodePrefix + FReduceVCRFunction.Text,
'out', BSON(['inline', 1]),
'query', mapquery,
'sort', BSON(['dt', -1]),
'scope', scope
Retrieving data with this method is about 3-4 times (!) slower. And then the data has to be translated from BSON (IBSONDocument to JSON (SuperObject), which is a major time consuming part in this method. For retrieving raw data we use TMongoWireQuery which translates the BSONdocument in parts, while this mapReduce function uses TMongoWire directly and tries to translate the complete result. This might explain why this takes so long, while normally it's quite fast. If we can reduce the time it takes for the mapReduce to return results, this might be a next step for us to focus on.
3.3 Retrieving raw data and parsing in Delphi
Retrieving raw data to Delphi takes a bit longer then the previous method, but probably because of the use of TMongoWireQuery, the translation from BSON to JSON is much quicker.
4. Questions
Can we do further optimizations on our schema design?
How can we make the mapReduce function faster?
How can we prevent the out of
memory errors of the v8 engine? Can someone give more information on
the splitVector function?
How can we best use of mapReduce from Delphi? Can we use
MongoWireQuery in stead of MongoWire?
5. Specs
MongoDB 3.0.3
MongoWire from 2015 (recently updated)
Delphi 2010 (got XE5 as well)
4GB RAM (tried on 8GB RAM as well, less out of memory, but reading times are about the same)
Phew what a question! First up: I'm not an expert at MongoDB. I wrote TMongoWire as a way to get to know MongoDB a little. Also I really (really) dislike when wrappers have a plethora of overloads to do the same thing but for all kinds of specific types. A long time ago programmers didn't have generics, but we did have Variant. So I built a MongoDB wrapper (and IBSONDocument) based around variants. That said, I apparently made something people like to use, and by keeping it simple performs quite well. (I haven't been putting much time in it lately, but on the top of the list is catering for the new authentication schemes since version 3.)
Now, about your specific setup. You say you use mapreduce to get from 500KB to 700KB? I think there's a hint there you're using the wrong tool for the job. I'm not sure what the default mongo shell does differently than when you do the same over TMongoWire.Get, but if I assume mapReduce assembles the response first before sending it over the wire, that's where the performance gets lost.
So here's my advice: you're right with thinking about using TMongoWireQuery. It offers a way to process data faster as the server will be streaming it in, but there's more.
I strongly suggest to use an array to store the list of seconds. Even if not all seconds have data, store null on the seconds without data so each minute array has 60 items. This is why:
One nicety that turned up in designing TMongoWireQuery, is the assumption you'll be processing a single (BSON) document at a time, and that the contents of the documents will be roughly similar, at least in the value names. So by using the same IBSONDocument instance when enumerating the response, you actually save a lot of time by not having to de-allocate and re-allocate all those variants.
That goes for simple documents, but would actually be nice to have on arrays as well. That's why I created IBSONDocumentEnumerator. You need to pre-load an IBSONDocument instance with an IBSONDocumentEnumerator in the place where you're expecting the array of documents, and you need to process the array in roughly the same way as with TMongoWireQuery: enumerate it using the same IBSONDocument instance, so when subsequent documents have the same keys, time is saved not having to re-allocate them.
In your case though, you would still need to pull the data of an entire hour through the wire just to select the seconds you need. As I said before, I'm not a MongoDB expert, but I suspect there could be a better way to store data like this. Either with a separate document per second (I guess this would let the indexes do more of the work, and MongoDB can take that insert-rate), or with a specific query construction so that MongoDB knows to shorten the seconds array into just that data you're requesting (is that what $splice does?)
Here's an example of how to use IBSONDocumentEnumerator on documents like {name:"fruit",items:[{name:"apple"},{name:"pear"}]}
while q.Next(d) do
while e.Next(d1) do

can't reproduce/verify the performance claims in graph databases and neo4j in action books

UPDATE I have put up a follow up question that contains updated scripts and and a clearer setup on neo4j performance compared to mysql (how can it be improved?). Please continue there./UPDATE
I have some problems verifying the performance claims made in the "graph databases" book (page 20) and in the neo4j (chapter 1).
To verify these claims I created a sample dataset of 100000 'person' entries with 50 'friends' each, and tried to query for e.g. friends 4 hops away. I used the very same dataset in mysql. With friends of friends over 4 hops mysql returns in 0.93 secs, while neo4j needs 65 -75 secs (on repeated calls).
How can I improve this miserable outcome, and verify the claims made in the books?
A bit more detail:
I run the whole setup on a i5-3570K with 16GB Ram, using ubuntu12.04 64bit, java version "1.7.0_25" and mysql 5.5.31, neo4j-community-2.0.0-M03 (I get a similar outcome with 1.9)
All code/sample data can be found on https://github.com/jhb/neo4j-experiements/ (to be used with 2.0.0). The resulting sample data in different formats can be found on https://github.com/jhb/neo4j-testdata.
To use the scripts you need a python with mysql-python, requests and simplejson installed.
the dataset is created with friendsdata.py and stored to friends.pickle
friends.pickle gets imported to neo4j using import_friends_neo4j.py
friends.pickle gets imported to mysql using import_friends_mysql.py
I add indexes on t_user_friend.* in mysql
I added "create index on :node(noscenda_name) in neo4j
To make life a bit easier the friends.*.bz2 contain sql and cypher statements to create those datasets in mysql and neo4j 2.0 M3.
Mysql performance
I first warm mysql up by querying:
select count(distinct name) from t_user;
select count(distinct name) from t_user;
Then, for the real meassurment I do
python query_friends_mysql.py 4 10
This creates the following sql statement (with changing t_user.names):
t_user_friend as uf1,
t_user_friend as uf2,
t_user_friend as uf3,
t_user_friend as uf4
t_user.name='person8601' and
t_user.id = uf1.user_1 and
uf1.user_2 = uf2.user_1 and
uf2.user_2 = uf3.user_1 and
uf3.user_2 = uf4.user_1;
and repeats this 4 hop query 10 times. The queries need around 0.95 secs each. Mysql is configured to use a key_buffer of 4G.
neo4j performance testing
I have modified neo4j.properties:
and the neo4j-wrapper.conf:
To warm up neo4j I do
start n=node(*) return count(n.noscenda_name);
start r=relationship(*) return count(r);
Then I start using the transactional http endpoint (but I get the same results using the neo4j-shell).
Still warming up, I run
./bin/python query_friends_neo4j.py 3 10
This creates a query of the form (with varying person ids):
{"statement": "match n:node-[r*3..3]->m:node where n.noscenda_name={target} return count(r);", "parameters": {"target": "person3089"}
after the 7th call or so each call needs around 0.7-0.8 secs.
Now for the real thing (4 hops) I do
./bin/python query_friends_neo4j.py 4 10
{"statement": "match n:node-[r*4..4]->m:node where n.noscenda_name={target} return count(r);", "parameters": {"target": "person3089"}
and each call takes between 65 and 75 secs.
Open questions/thoughts
I'd really like see the claims in the books to be reproducable and correct, and neo4j faster then mysql instead of magnitudes slower.
But I don't know what I am doing wrong... :-(
So, my big hopes are:
I didn't do the memory settings for neo4j correctly
The query I use for neo4j is completely wrong
Any suggestions to get neo4j up to speed are highly welcome.
Thanks a lot,
2.0 has not been performance optimized at all, so you should use 1.9.2 for comparison.
(if you use 2.0 - did you create an index for n.noscenda_name)
You can check the query plan with profile start ....
With 1.9 please use a manual index or node_auto_index for noscenda_name.
Can you try these queries:
start n=node:node_auto_index(noscenda_name={target})
match n-->()-->()-->m
return count(*);
Fulltext indexes are also more expensive than exact indexes, so keep the exact auto-index for noscenda_name.
can't get your importer to run, it fails at some point, perhaps you can share the finished neo4j database
python importer.py
reading rels
reading nodes
delete old
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "importer.py", line 9, in <module>
g.query('match n-[r]->m delete r;')
File "/Users/mh/java/neo/neo4j-experiements/neo4jconnector.py", line 99, in query
return self.call(payload)
File "/Users/mh/java/neo/neo4j-experiements/neo4jconnector.py", line 71, in call
self.transactionurl = result.headers['location']
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/requests-1.2.3-py2.7.egg/requests/structures.py", line 77, in __getitem__
return self._store[key.lower()][1]
KeyError: 'location'
Just to add to what Michael said, in the book I believe the authors are referring to a comparison that was done in the Neo4j in Action book - it's described in the free first chapter of that book.
At the top of page 7 they explain that they were using the Traversal API rather than Cypher.
I think you'll struggle to get Cypher near that level of performance at the moment so if you want to do those types of queries you'll want to use the Traversal API directly and then perhaps wrap it in an unmanaged extension.

Cache consistency when using memcached and a rdbms like MySQL

I have taken a database class this semester and we are studying about maintaining cache consistency between the RDBMS and a cache server such as memcached. The consistency issues arise when there are race conditions. For example:
Suppose I do a get(key) from the cache and there is a cache miss. Because I get a cache miss, I fetch the data from the database, and then do a put(key,value) into the cache.
But, a race condition might happen, where some other user might delete the data I fetched from the database. This delete might happen before I do a put into the cache.
Thus, ideally the put into the cache should not happen, since the data is longer present in the database.
If the cache entry has a TTL, the entry in the cache might expire. But still, there is a window where the data in the cache is inconsistent with the database.
I have been searching for articles/research papers which speak about this kind of issues. But, I could not find any useful resources.
This article gives you an interesting note on how Facebook (tries to) maintain cache consistency : http://www.25hoursaday.com/weblog/2008/08/21/HowFacebookKeepsMemcachedConsistentAcrossGeoDistributedDataCenters.aspx
Here's a gist from the article.
I update my first name from "Jason" to "Monkey"
We write "Monkey" in to the master database in California and delete my first name from memcache in California but not Virginia
Someone goes to my profile in Virginia
We find my first name in memcache and return "Jason"
Replication catches up and we update the slave database with my first name as "Monkey." We also delete my first name from Virginia memcache because that cache object showed up in the replication stream
Someone else goes to my profile in Virginia
We don't find my first name in memcache so we read from the slave and get "Monkey"
How about using a variable save in memcache as a lock signal?
every single memcache command is atomic
after you retrieved data from db, toggle lock on
after you put data to memcache, toggle lock off
before delete from db, check lock state
The code below gives some idea of how to use Memcached's operations add, gets and cas to implement optimistic locking to ensure consistency of cache with the database.
Disclaimer: i do not guarantee that it's perfectly correct and handles all race conditions. Also consistency requirements may vary between applications.
def read(k):
if cache_value == 'updating':
if cache_value == None:
add(k, 'updating')
if cache_value == 'updating':
cas(k, 'value:' + version_index(db_value) + ':' + extract_value(db_value))
return db_value
return extract_value(cache_value)
def write(k, v):
set_to_db(k, v)
if cache_value != 'updated' and cache_value != None and version_index(cache_value) >= version_index(db_value):
if cas(k, v):
# for deleting we can use some 'tumbstone' as a cache value
When you read, the following happens:
if(Key is not in cache){
fetch data from db
return get(key)
When you write, the following happens:
1 delete/update data from db
2 clear cache
