Complex sorting in Spring Data JPA Sort object - spring-boot

I want to do this query
select * from order_config
where group_id like '%PATH%'
order by (group_id = 'PATH') desc
and I have this JpaRepository that I want to pass a Pageable object with this complex sorting
val sort =, "group_id")
val pageable = PageRequest.of(pageNumber, pageSize, sort)
I have already tried this but it doesn't work
val sort = JpaSort.unsafe(Sort.Direction.DESC, "(group_id = 'PATH')")
val pageable = PageRequest.of(pageNumber, pageSize, sort)
How do I build this Sort object with this expression instead of a model property?

You can use specification API for generating more complex Query. I my code I used this code for creating specification object.
// Instead of Post class pass your own entity class.
public static Specification<Post> search(String keyword) {
return ((root, criteriaQuery, criteriaBuilder) -> {
if (keyword == null) {
return null;
return"title"), "%" + keyword + "%"));
findAll() accept specification object too you can pass both specification and pageable object like:
this.findAll(search("PATH"), pageable);


Handling multiple possible #RequestParam values when making request

I have an endpoint to get all Posts, I also have multiple #RequestParams used to filter and search for values etc.
The issue I'm having is that when trying to filter based on specific #RequestParams, I would need to have multiple checks to see whether that specific parameter is passed when calling the endpoint, so in my Controller I have something like this. The parameters are optional, I also have parameters for Pagination etc, but I left it out below.
I have these criteria:
#RequestParam(required=false) List<String> brand - Used to filter by multiple brands
#RequestParam(required=false) String province - Used to filter by province
#RequestParam(required=false) String city - Used to filter by city
// Using these 2 for getting Posts within a certain price range
#RequestParam(defaultValue = "0", required = false) String minValue - Used to filter by min price
#RequestParam(defaultValue = "5000000", required = false) String maxValue - Used to filter by max price
I also have this in my Controller when checking which of my service methods to call based on the parameters passed.
if(query != null) {
pageTuts = postService.findAllPosts(query, pagingSort);
} else if(brand != null) {
pageTuts = postService.findAllByBrandIn(brand, pagingSort);
} else if(minValue != null && maxValue != null) {
pageTuts = postService.findAllPostsByPriceBetween(minValue, maxValue, pagingSort);
} else if(brand != null & minValue != null & maxValue != null) {
pageTuts = postService.findAllPostsByPriceBetween(minValue, maxValue, pagingSort);
} else {
// if no parameters are passed in req, just get all the Posts available
pageTuts = postService.findAllPosts(pagingSort);
// I would need more checks to handle all parameters
The issue is that I'm struggling to find out, if I need this condition for each and every possible parameter, which will be a lot of checks and Repository/Service methods based on that parameter.
For example in my Repository I have abstract methods like these:
Page<Post> findAllByProvince(String province, Pageable pageable);
Page<Post> findAllByCity(String city, Pageable pageable);
Page<Post> findAllByProvinceAndCity(String province, String city, Pageable pageable);
Page<Post> findAllByBrandInAndProvince(List<String> brand, String province, Pageable pageable);
And I'd need much more so I could handle the other potential values, ie. findAllByPriceBetween(), findAllByCityAndPriceBetween(), findAllByProvinceAndPriceBetween()...
So I'd like some suggestions on how to handle this?.
Managed to get it working by overriding the toPredicate method as shown by #M. Deinum with some small tweaks according to my use case.
public Predicate toPredicate(Root root, CriteriaQuery query, CriteriaBuilder builder) {
List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<>();
// min/max is never not set as they have default values
predicates.add(builder.between(root.get("price"), params.getMinValue(), params.getMaxValue()));
if (params.getProvince() != null) {
predicates.add(builder.equal(root.get("province"), params.getProvince()));
if (params.getCity() != null) {
predicates.add(builder.equal(root.get("city"), params.getCity()));
if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(params.getBrand())) {
Expression<String> userExpression = root.get("brand");
Predicate p =;
return builder.and(predicates.toArray(new Predicate[0]));
Create an object to hold your variables instead of individual elements.
Move the logic to your service and pass the object and pageable to the service
Ditch those findAll methods from your repository and add the JpaSpecificationExecutor in your extends clause.
In the service create Predicate and use the JpaSpecificationExecutor.findAll to return what you want.
public class PostSearchParameters {
private String province;
private String city;
private List<String> brand;
private int minValue = 0;
private int maxValue = 500000;
//getters/setters or when on java17+ use a record instead of class
public class PostSearchParametersSpecification implements Specification {
private final PostSearchParameters params;
PostSearchParametersPredicate(PostSearchParameters params) {
public Predicate toPredicate(Root<T> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder builder) {
List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<>();
// min/max is never not set as they have default values
predicates.add(builder.between(root.get("price", params.getMinValue(), params.getMaxValue());
if (params.getProvince() != null) {
predicates.add(builder.equal(root.get("province"), params.getProvince());
if (params.getCity() != null) {
predicates.add(builder.equal(root.get("city"), params.getCity());
if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(params.getBrand()) {
predicates.add("brand")).values( params.getBrand());
return builder.and(predicates.toArray(new Predicate[0]));
public interface PostRepository extends JpaRepository<Post, Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<Post> {}
Service method
public Page<Post> searchPosts(PostSearchParameters params, Pageable pageSort) {
PostSearchParametersSpecification specification =
new PostSearchParametersSpecification(params)
return repository.findAll(specification, pageSort);
Now you can query on all available parameters, adding one is extending/modifying the predicate and you are good to go.
See also the Spring Data JPA Reference guide on Specifications

With spring-data-elasticsearch and searching for similar documents, how to get similarity score?

I am using the latest version of elasticsearch (in docker) and a spring boot (latest version) app where I attempt to search for similar documents. My document class has a String field:
name = "description",
type = FieldType.Text,
fielddata = true,
analyzer = "icu_analyzer",
termVector = TermVector.with_positions_offsets,
similarity = Similarity.BM25)
private String description;
I get plenty of results for my query when I use the built-in searchSimilar method:
public Page<BookInfo> findSimilarDocuments(final long id) {
return bookInfoRepository.findById(id)
.map(bookInfo -> bookInfoRepository.searchSimilar(bookInfo, new String[]{"description"}, pageable))
However, I have no idea how similar the documents are, because it is just a page of my Document object. It would be great to be able to see the similarity score, or to set a similarity threshold when performing the query. Is there something different that I should be doing?
I just had a look, the existing method Page<T> searchSimilar(T entity, #Nullable String[] fields, Pageable pageable) was added to the ElasticsearchRepository interface back in 2013, it just returns a Page<T> which does not contain any score information.
Since Spring Data Elasticsearch version 4.0 the score information is available and when you look at the implementation you see that it is stripped from the return value of the function in order to adhere to the method signature from the interface:
public Page<T> searchSimilar(T entity, #Nullable String[] fields, Pageable pageable) {
Assert.notNull(entity, "Cannot search similar records for 'null'.");
Assert.notNull(pageable, "'pageable' cannot be 'null'");
MoreLikeThisQuery query = new MoreLikeThisQuery();
if (fields != null) {
SearchHits<T> searchHits = execute(operations ->, entityClass, getIndexCoordinates()));
SearchPage<T> searchPage = SearchHitSupport.searchPageFor(searchHits, pageable);
return (Page<T>) SearchHitSupport.unwrapSearchHits(searchPage);
You could implement a custom repository fragment (see that provides it's own implementation of the method that returns a SearchPage<T>:
public SearchPage<T> searchSimilar(T entity, #Nullable String[] fields, Pageable pageable) {
Assert.notNull(entity, "Cannot search similar records for 'null'.");
Assert.notNull(pageable, "'pageable' cannot be 'null'");
MoreLikeThisQuery query = new MoreLikeThisQuery();
if (fields != null) {
SearchHits<T> searchHits = execute(operations ->, entityClass, getIndexCoordinates()));
SearchPage<T> searchPage = SearchHitSupport.searchPageFor(searchHits, pageable);
return searchPage;
A SearchPage<T> is a page containing SearchHit<T> instances; these contain the entity and the additional information like the score.

Spring Mongo perform pagination/sorting with multiple collections

I am making use of, with Pageable for all the regular search and pagination related feature. It is working fine, now i wanted to join multiple collections and do the pagination operations. Is there any provision for the same?
Please find the method which am using for achieving the same:
public <E> Page<E> searchEntity(final SearchCriteria searchCriteria, Pageable pageable, Class<E> entityClass) {
Query query = prepareSearch(searchCriteria); // method which frames the required search criteria based on the requests
long count = mongoOps.count(query, entityClass);
if (count == 0) {
return new PageImpl<>(new ArrayList<>(), pageable, 0);
List<E> list = mongoOps.find(query, entityClass);
return new PageImpl<>(list, pageable, count);

Hibernate Criteria FetchMode.JOIN is doing lazy loading

I have a paginated endpoint which internally uses Hibernate Criteria to fetch certain objects and relations. The FetchMode is set as FetchMode.JOIN.
When I am trying to hit the endpoint, the request seems to work fine for few pages but is then erring out with :
could not initialize proxy - no Session
Method is as as below:
public Page<Person> findAllNotDeleted(final Pageable pageable)
final var criteria = createCriteria();
criteria.add(Restrictions.or(Restrictions.isNull(DELETED), Restrictions.eq(DELETED, false)));
criteria.setFetchMode(PERSON_RELATION, FetchMode.JOIN);
criteria.setFetchMode(DEPARTMENT_RELATION, FetchMode.JOIN);
criteria.setFirstResult((int) pageable.getOffset());
final var totalResult = getTotalResult();
return new PageImpl<>(criteria.list(), pageable, totalResult);
private int getTotalResult()
final Criteria countCriteria = createCriteria();
countCriteria.add(Restrictions.or(Restrictions.isNull(DELETED), Restrictions.eq(DELETED, false)));
return ((Number) countCriteria.setProjection(Projections.rowCount()).uniqueResult()).intValue();
Also, the call to findAllNotDeleted is done from a method anotated with #Transactional.
Not sure what is going wrong.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
I read that FetchMode.Join does not work with Restrictions. So I tried implementing it using CriteriaBuilder but again stuck with the issue.
public Page<Driver> findAllNotDeleted(final Pageable pageable)
final var session = getCurrentSession();
final var builder = session.getCriteriaBuilder();
final var query = builder.createQuery(Person.class);
final var root = query.from(Driver.class);
root.join(PERSON_RELATION, JoinType.INNER)
//flow does not reach here.....
var restrictions_1 = builder.isNull(root.get(DELETED));
var restrictions_2 = builder.equal(root.get(DELETED), false);,restrictions_2));
final var result = session.createQuery(query).getResultList();
return new PageImpl<>(result, pageable, result.size());
The flow does not seem to reach after root.join.
The relations are as follows:
String PERSON_RELATIONSHIP = "person.address"
String DEPARTMENT_RELATION = "person.department"
and both person, address, department themselves are classes which extend Entity
I guess the associations you try to fetch i.e. PERSON_RELATION or DEPARTMENT_RELATION are collections? In such a case, it is not possible to directly do pagination on the entity level with Hibernate. You would have to fetch the ids first and then do a second query to fetch just the entities with the matching ids.
You could use Blaze-Persistence on top of Hibernate though which has a special pagination API that does these tricks for you behind the scenes. Here is the documentation about the pagination:
There is also a Spring Data integration, so you could also use the Spring Data pagination convention along with Blaze-Persistence Entity-Views which are like Spring Data Projections on steroids. You'd use Page<DriverView> findByDeletedFalseOrDeletedNull(Pageable p) with
interface DriverView {
Long getId();
String getName();
PersonView getPersonRelation();
DepartmentView getDepartmentRelation();
interface PersonView {
Long getId();
String getName();
interface DepartmentView {
Long getId();
String getName();
Using entity views will only fetch what you declare, nothing else. You could also use entity graphs though:
#EntityGraph(attributePaths = {"personRelation", "departmentRelation"})
Page<Driver> findByDeletedFalseOrDeletedNull(Pageable p);

How to perform sort with multiple fields on custom query JPQL with Spring Pageable

I am using Spring's Pageable to sort the columns.
A working example is below:
Pageable pageable = PageRequest.of(0, countOfBookData.intValue(), getSortingDirection(sortingOrder), sortingField);
Where sortingOrder = ASC and sortingField = bookName
Here is the query
#Query("SELECT bs FROM BookSummary bs WHERE bs.bookId=:bookId")
List<Books> getBookDetails(#Param("bookId") Integer bookId, Pageable pageable)
But I got stuck when I need to perform this sort on Custom my custom query.
So I have no idea how I can perform the sorting using Pageable for below custom query:
Public List<Tuple> getBookDetails(Integer bookId){
String query = "SELECT book.bookCd as bookCode, "
+ " as bookName"
+ "FROM Book book WHERE book.bookId=:bookId";
return entityManager.createQuery(query , Tuple.class).setParameter("bookId", bookId).getResultList();
The same as in the first custom query but using the Projection, for example:
public interface BookDetails {
String getBookCode();
String getBookName();
#Query("select b.bookCd as bookCode, as bookName from Book b where b.bookId = ?1")
List<BookDetails> getBookDetails(Integer bookId, Pageable pageable);
Note that projection method names must match with corresponding aliases in the query.
Or without the query:
List<BookDetails> getAllById(Integer bookId, Pageable pageable);
