Can osquery generate apt package information like it does rpm? - apt

I'm looking to generate lists of apt package versions for specific packages, like sudo,ssh, etc. OSQuery seems to have an option to generate this with rpm_packages however I can find no mention of apt_packages.
I don't mean apt_sources, and the apps table appears to be a MacOS only thing.
I might be just missing a table listing versions of binaries.

Are you looking for the deb_packages table?
apps is macOS specific, as it enumerates the macOS Applications.


What is user interface for JuliaHub/CUDD_jll

Julia has a package for binary decision diagrams called CUDD_jll available from JuliaHub. The package is able to install and compile on the Apple M1 architecture. It does appear to install and compile on macOS v13 running Julia v1.82. But the user interface from an older package CUDD does not appear to be compatible with CUDD_jll.
What is needed is a test or examples revealing user commands for initializing cudd, defining logical variables, and the basic operations of AND, OR, NOT.
Does anyone have such information they will share?
_jll packages are generally not meant to be used directly, they're backend dependencies that will be automatically installed when you add a package that uses them.
In this case, CUDD.jl is the package you want to install and work with. That will automatically install CUDD_jll as a dependency and use it. Actually, the current CUDD.jl doesn't yet use CUDD_jll as a backend. It instead does its own download of the CUDD library, from a source that doesn't provide M1-compatible binaries. CUDD_jll is a recent effort to change that. It does provide binaries for the M1 architecture, but is yet to be merged in as a backend.
In the meantime, you can try ] add CUDD#update-to-yggdrasil to directly add the branch that uses CUDA_jll as the backend, and see if that works for you. (Once the PR gets merged, you can remove this branch-specific dependency and ] add CUDD like before.)
The Apple M1 system is not compatible with CUDD. My mistake, sorry.

OS X Installer limit a Package to OS version range

I have spent two days analyzing my options without coming up with a satisfying answer to this problem: what is the best and easiest way to set up an Installer that installs two different versions of of a package based on OS version range such as 10.6 - 10.8 and >10.8.
Is there an undocumented Key in PackageInfo that could be edited?
If I create a project, is there some code I could use in the Distribution.dist file to control the process of installing one package and not the other.
I really would rather not use a post flight script with ditto to do this, it would be really ugly.
Ideally, the excellent Packages would have an option, but does not.
I found the solution with the generous help from Stephane.
Using his excellent Packages IDE, it turns out that you can configure a range of options in the Installation Type Presentation pane.
Custom Install and Option can be hidden. It is possible to identify a large range of interdependent options that are linked. You can also create JavaScript, if this is not enough.
His IDE is highly recommended!

How to update SQLITE3 version of Xcode?

I already searched on the net a way to update the SQLITE3 version of Xcode, but I didn't found any working way. It is a way to do it?
If you want to use your own version of sqlite3, perhaps because you want to use newer features only provided by a later version, then probably the best thing to do would be to create an Xcode static library project to build sqlite3 and then include that library with your app (statically linked). This will avoid using the system version.
This should be fairly trivial, given the number of source files that make-up sqlite3.
You could probably make a dynamic library version, but that's slightly more complicated, though certainly possible.

RPM+Yum: install two packages with the same name and different versions simultaneously

For moderators: this question is about development of RPM based installer.
I'm developing packaging system for our software. We've designed our update management so that when we want to move to the new major version, we change RPM package to install all files into another directory (with another suffix) and change the package version. We keep the same name for the package (like: a-package-1.0.0 --> a-package-2.0.0). We want to install the new package keeping the old one to make user able to continue work with the old version while he moving to the new one.
So there is no file conflicts between our packages and RPM utility install them simultaneously without any issues (rpm -ivh ...). But Yum thinks that the new version is an update for the old one.
Is there a way to produce such RPM packages to make 'yum install a-package-1.0.0 a-package-2.0.0' installing them both? Maybe some flag in the package have to be set? I've found nothing.
Seems there is no way to install two RPM packages with the same name and without file conflicts usnig Yum.
So in my case I need to use some version suffix included into the package name.
I called RH and their preliminary answer is that there is no way to do this in YUM/RPM as this might cause confusion. After some discussion among their engineers, there does appear to be a way to do this, but they said it is cumbersome. I've asked them to send me their documentation (if any). I'm afraid you will need to call their customer service line and make the same request.
Here is the response from RH.
Thank you so much for your time on the phone today. You called asking if there was a way of installing different versions of tools like maven or java using yum to install them. After the engineers discussed it they have provided a document that shows you how to do this. I must say, if you do not have a log in to the customer portal, you will not be able to view the whole document.
How to switch Java Environment in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6?
The engineers have also provided additional documents just for general use with Developer Toolset and Software Collections:
How to use Red Hat Software Collections (RHSCL) or Red Hat Developer Toolset (DTS)?
Developer Toolset and Red Hat Software Collections use in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
What's the difference between /etc/alternatives and the dynamic software collections framework?
If you do require further assistance, please provide me with a valid account number, login, or contract number, and I can get a case started and you will be able to be in direct contact with one of our Red Hat engineers.

How can I unzip a file in MacOS X Obj-C?

How can I unzip a file in MacOS X Obj-C? What frameworks do I need and what is the call?
You might find something helpful here at CocoaDev or with theunarchiver. theunarchiver is a nice utility that handles many archive formats and since it's open-source, you may be able to use some of their code to do what you want, though it's LGPL, which may or may not be compatible with what you're doing.
libz.1.2.3.dylib is the framework you should add to your project.
And use the the classes:
