Unable to download spring boot jars from maven repository - spring

I am unable to download the jars for springboot.
I have settings.xml pointing to some other repository.
Could someone please suggest the repository to be added to download spring jars or share the settings.xml file so that this error gets fixed.


Spring boot not able to download spring parent group dependies

We are not able to download spring boot parent releated jars.
We are facing 501 error.
Because maven has stopped it's support for http protocol
We have mentioned https url in pom file but still it is pointing to http link
Check your maven settings.xml file. Usually this can be found in your home directory under .m2/settings.xml. You are probably pulling from repositories listed there.
That file will contain profiles that include repository URLs.

Could not resolve archetype org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-quickstart:1.1 from any of the configured repositories. while using in STS

I am able to create Spring Boot Starter Project and Maven Web Project from the STS, but somehow unable to create the maven-archetype-quickstart project in eclipse, its giving me below error
In my project, I am using cacert file and custom setting.xml
maven clean install -U
as your repository is cached so try to flush the cache using -U
I was able to solve this issue by simply deleting the .m2 folder and create maven project from scratch.
After facing the same issue and going through the message several times - I found that in the local repository i.e. .m2, under the location - org\apache\maven\archetypes\maven-archetype-quickstart\1.1 - we found the error in the file - 'm2e-lastUpdated.properties' as '#default-central-https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/.lastUpdated=1551236380266
https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/.error=Could not transfer artifact org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-quickstart:jar:1.1 from/to central (https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2): repo.maven.apache.org'
So my Eclipse was not able to download the required JARS may be cause it is behind the firewall and in that case - Place the 'maven-archetype-quickstart-1.1.jar' and 'maven-archetype-quickstart-1.1.pom' in your local repo at the location - 'org\apache\maven\archetypes\maven-archetype-quickstart\1.1' using the link - JARS_POM and then follow the same step to create the maven Project.
Better solution is to use proxy through 'setting.xml' file of Maven to bypass the firewall to download Maven plugins and jars.
You should also check if the maven archetype catalog to eclipse is configured properly.

How to include csjdbc.jar as part of maven dependency?

I have been looking for a dependency for csjdbc.jar in Maven repository so that I can build my app using maven and retrieve that jar on the fly. However, I cannot find a dependency in Maven repository related to that jar. Can anyone help, please?
Hopefully you have already resolved this issue.
csjdbc.jar is not listed in maven repositories. If you have composite software installed you can copy the jar from
~\Composite Software\CIS 6.1.0\apps\jdbc\lib
directory to your local machine's maven repository like below with proper versioning:
(I have 6.1 jar)

Missing artifact in pom.xml

I'm facing a problem in the pom.xml. It is showing the below error. I'm trying to update maven by adding the required dependencies but unable to solve the issue .
Resource Path Location Type Missing artifact org.springframework.security:spring-security-web:jar:4.2.2.BUILD-SNAPSHOT pom.xml /spring-security-samples-xml-insecure line 171 Maven Dependency Problem
SNAPSHOT dependencies are not retrieved by default. If you really need that specific version you will need to add the spring snapshot repository to maven. Usually one relies on released versions only: maven central
The version you are looking for is in the spring snapshots repository.
The maven manual describes how to work with multiple repositories. Usually people use a repository proxy like Nexus or Artifactory to simplify this.

Apache Archiva for maven pom project

I've implemented Apache Archiva on my server and it runs on jetty (localhost:8888). I've adding my jar and now I've one internal repo (localhost:8888/repository/internal/). Well, now I need to integrate this repo into my project, and I've added it into repositories section of my pom.xml but I can't retrieve any of my loaded jar. I've reindexed external repositories into Maven Repositories view of eclipse and I've checked Enable Full Index for my repo and when I try to go into this repo, through this view, this location is empty. Any suggestions?
If you are using Latest version of Archiva You can add jars manually and it will show you all the added jar in Browse section.
