Your app(s) are using an unsafe implementation of the HostnameVerifier - google-play

I am facing this issue after uploading apk to the play console. It says:
Your app(s) are using an unsafe implementation of the HostnameVerifier
Play store rejected my app due to this issue, I searched everywhere but didn't find the solution for that so please help me out to resolve this issue.


XCode + AdMob - The app references non-public selectors in Payload/ setConsent:

I am using the latest versions of XCode and Admob and am trying to validate my app so I can submit to App Store Connect. My core code is unchanged since my last successfully validated submission except that I now have implemented AdMob as per their instructions.
When I attempt to validate my archive I get the following:
Validated with Warnings
App Store Connect Operation Error
The app references non-public selectors in Payload/ setConsent:
I am slowly going through and resolving the plethora of errors stemming from implementing AdMob and have solved similar-ish issues, but I cannot find an actual resolution to this issue anywhere. Has anyone seen this issue or know enough about AdMob to suggest potential fixes?

Recently when I updated my application and App is rejected

Please Help Me Fix this issue.
Recently when I updated my application(OXOO movies streaming app) I receive this email from Play Console:
Your app contains content that doesn’t comply with the Device and Network Abuse policy. We found your app is using a non-compliant version of an SDK which contains code to download or install applications from unknown sources outside of Google Play.
The SDK can be identified using the classname com.dcastalia.localappupdate.DownloadApk.
Affected Version(s):
App Bundle:3, App Bundle:3, App Bundle:3
But I have checked everything but have not found anything like this in the application.
Please give me some advice to fix this.
It is really important for me to release an update.
implementation 'com.github.Piashsarker:AndroidAppUpdateLibrary:1.0.3'
from your build.gradle

ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage PROCESSING ERROR - Previously Working

Upon uploading a binary to App Store Connect, I receive this email from Apple:
ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage - The app references non-public selectors in [PROJECT NAME HERE]: callWithArguments:, estimatedProgress, frameInfo, getVersion, initWithFrame:configuration:, isMainFrame, navigationDelegate, navigationType, setNavigationDelegate:, setProcessPool:, targetFrame, toDouble, toString, userContentController. If method names in your source code match the private Apple APIs listed above, altering your method names will help prevent this app from being flagged in future submissions. In addition, note that one or more of the above APIs may be located in a static library that was included with your app. If so, they must be removed. For further information, visit the Technical Support Information at
However, other than the build number increasing from 1.2 to 1.2.1, this is the exact same Binary that has been previously uploaded (and is live).
I've checked other questions on StackOverflow, such as this and this, however are typically in reference to third party SDKs.
I am completely baffled as I don't use these method names at all, anywhere in the project...
Is this an issue with iOS 16 having been just released?
Thank you.
This issue has been resolved on the app validation backend. Resubmitting should work.
Original Answer
I'm also experiencing this issue this morning. A simple search of my project reveals many usages of these WKWebView APIs that are clearly public.
I suspect the issue is due to an issue with App Store builds linking against the freshly announced iOS16/Mac updates this morning. Unless those APIs have been outright banned today with no warning (unlikely), I'd put money on it being an Apple issue which they will resolve ASAP.
I tried many ways online but finally found one way out. Refer to this comment on the gihub issue. Hope you find this helpful!

Can not publish apk in play store

I have been facing this problem since yesterday. Although I have published an app in the play store before so I am aware of the policies. But I am trying to upload a new app in play store and it's saying me the following error,
Check these warnings before starting the rollout of this release. Addressing the warnings on this page will ensure your existing users are able to upgrade to the latest version of your app.
In addition, I have tried all the way like as
Removing unused code
Unused libraries and resources
Furthermore, I have tried some of the previously asked questions but none of them saved my problem.
I am adding the details of the apk in the following image,
So it would be great if someone can help me with this problem.
I have resolved this issue.
By going Analyze->Inspect Code
This process will provide you all the unnecessary code or resources.

Non-public API usage Flutter.framework/Flutter: _kCTFontOpticalSizeAttribute error on upload of flutter app

I've spent the last two days trying to submit my app to the App Store. I get the message below:
ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage - The app references non-public symbols in Frameworks/Flutter.framework/Flutter: _kCTFontOpticalSizeAttribute. If method names in your source code match the private Apple APIs listed above, altering your method names will help prevent this app from being flagged in future submissions. In addition, note that one or more of the above APIs may be located in a static library that was included with your app. If so, they must be removed. For further information, visit the Technical Support Information at
Here's what Ive done so far:
a) I've scoured my code for any reference to Font Sizes - I had some that were constants - I changed the constant name to:
b) I tried to download the latest flutter sdk version
c) I rebuilt my entire keychain.
Im so desperate right now. im tired.
What do I do?
the internet has no mention of this bug.
I've got the same message several times from the App Store Team a few minutes ago.
I think the problem was the Flutter SDK version...!
I used to use the latest version(Flutter SDK version 1.12.3-pre.26) at first but changed the Flutter SDK version to 'v1.9.1+hotfix.3' and the problem is resolved!!!
I solved the problem with the following instruction below:
Switching Flutter SDK version to 'v1.9.1+hotfix.3' with the command:
flutter version v1.9.1+hotfix.3
Archive and upload again ...
Problem Solved!!!!!! 🤩
This may be a recently-introduced Skia regression.
The code was included in Flutter v1.12.3, so v1.12.2 on the dev channel should work.
Flutter's Bad Build wiki page will be updated when there is a fix for this issue.
Update: This has been resolved in Flutter v1.12.5.
Since there have been a lot of problems with flutter recently(when I tried the fix mentioned in another answer I different error) I though I should include this
Just type flutter version [version code]
