Maven - How to create a POM that place files in the root - maven

I need to create a pom.xml file that builds a jar with certain files place on its root. The pom.xml I have now creates 3 directories BOOT-INF, META-INF and org. Below is the build section. I want the files to be at the same level as the directories (BOOT-INF, META-INF, org).

This worked for me... Configure the spring-boot-maven-plugin as follows:


generated file in the wrong place

I'm using the maven resources plugin to generate a plain file via filtering within a war file. I have the template file with variables in a the folder src/main/webapp/app
the problem is that the generated file is in the WEB-INF/classes folder and I need it to be at the app folder at the root of the war.
The war structure should be
How can I do it?
You have to add a copy-resources goal if you want to copy something to another structure during your build, with that you can point to a custom output path:
This can be found here in the documentation.
With the comments I could finally get the solution. It was simply to set the outputDirectory parameter to src/main/webapp/app and put the template in another place outside src/main/webapp. In my case, I put it in a folder src/main/jnlp. So finally this was the solution.. hope it helps others

Maven does not copy resource files

I have a maven web application project that follows the maven standard directory layout so I have my resource files placed in src/main/resources/.
As this follows the standard I was expecting maven to automatically add the resource files to /WEB-INF/classes of the web application during the build but no files are copied.
I have to add the following lines to the build section of the pom file to get maven to copy the files:
My question is: is this supposed to be necessary?
I was wondering if any of the build section plugins I use could somehow interfere with the copying of the resources. Are there any plugins that are known to do this?
The build section of my pom file is here:
<id>add extra source directories</id>
<id>add extra test directories</id>
<id>add integration test sources</id>
Any help or information will be much appreciated.

Move resource files to target and exclude from jar

I have a maven project set up like this:
With a pom using the maven-resources-plugin to move my resource files to a target directory like this:
And the maven-jar-plugin to create the jar like this:
When I run mvn clean install, my target location includes the compiled jar and the \config\log4j.xml. However, the jar also includes log4j.xml.
How do I exclude log4j.xml from the jar and still move it to \my\target\dir\config?
Adding this to my pom was the trick:

How to include particular file from a folder in maven install target directory?

Directory structure is
I want that only axis2.xml should be included in axis2.aar in target folder when doining maven install. I have tried many include and exclude combinations but nothing is
working. After doing maven install, It is taking whole axis2.aar contents. I also tried filtering by setting it to true.Please suggest some solution.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
The answer to your question can be:

Maven resource plugin expose an image from a different path

I have an immage accessible from /resources/gfx/loading.gif
I would like to have it accessible from /img/immage.gif
I tried with maven-resources-plugin with the following config, but actualy nothing happens.
I'm curretnly building the app from eclipse.
Assuming you are building a WAR, you could configure the maven-war-plugin to include additional web resources:
