Most efficient storage format for HDFS data - hadoop

I have to store a lot of data on dedicated storage servers in HDFS. This is some kind of archive for historic data. The data being store is row oriented and have tens of different kind of fields. Some of them are Strings, some are Integers, there are also few Floats, Shorts, ArrayLists and a Map.
The idea is that the data will be scanned from time to time using MapReduce or Spark job.
Currently I am storing them as SequenceFiles with NullWritable as keys and custom WritableComparable class as values. This custom class has all of these fields defined.
I would like to achieve two goals - one is to optimize a size of data, as it is getting really big and I have to add new servers every few weeks and the costs are constantly growing. The other thing is to make it easier to add new fields - in current state if I would like to add some new field I would have to rewrite all of the old data.
I tried to achieve this by using EnumMap inside this class. It gave quite good results, as it allows adding new fields easily and also the size of data have been reduced by 20% (the reason is a lot of fields in a record are often empty). But the code I wrote looks awful and it gets even uglier when I try to add to this EnumMap also Lists and Maps. It's ok for a data of the same type, but trying to combine all of the fields is a nightmare.
So I thought of some other popular formats. I have tried Avro and Parquet, but size of the data is almost exactly the same as SequenceFiles with custom class before trying with Enums. So it resolves problems of adding new fields without a need of rewriting old data, but I feel like there is more potential to optimize the size of the data.
The one more thing I am going to check yet is of course the time it takes to load the data (this will also tell me if it's ok to use bzip2 compression or I have to go back to gzip because of performance), but before I proceed with this I was wondering if maybe someone will suggest some other solution or a hint.
Thanks in advance for all comments.

Most of your approach seems good. I just decided to add some of my thoughts in this answer.
The data being store is row oriented and have tens of different kind
of fields. Some of them are Strings, some are Integers, there are also
few Floats, Shorts, ArrayLists and a Map.
None of the types you have mentioned here are any more complex than the datatypes supported by spark. So I wouldn't bother changing the data types in any way.
achieve two goals - one is to optimize a size of data, as it is
getting really big and I have to add new servers every few weeks and
the costs are constantly growing.
By adding servers, are you also adding compute? Storage should be relatively cheap, and I'm wondering if you are adding compute with your servers, which you don't really need. You should only be paying to store and retrieve data. Consider a simple object store like S3 that only charges you for storage space and gives a free quota of access requests (GET/PUT/POST) - I believe about 1000 requests are free and it costs only ~$10 for a terabyte of storage per month.
The other thing is to make it easier to add new fields - in current
state if I would like to add some new field I would have to rewrite
all of the old data.
If you have a use case where you will be writing to the files more often than reading, I'd recommend not storing the file on HDFS. It is more suited for write once, read many type applications. That said, i'd recommend using parquet to start since i think you will need a file format that allows slicing and dicing the data. Avro is also a good choice as it also supports schema evolution. But its better to use this if you have a complex structures where you need to specify the schema and make it easier to serialize/deserialize with java objects.
The one more thing I am going to check yet is of course the time it
takes to load the data (this will also tell me if it's ok to use bzip2
compression or I have to go back to gzip because of performance)
Bzip2 has the highest compression, but is also the slowest. So i'd recommend it if the data isn't really used/queried frequently. Gzip has comparable compression with Bzip2, but is slightly faster. Also consider snappy compression as that has a balance of performance and storage and can support splittable files for certain file types (parquet or avro) which is useful for map-reduce jobs.


How couchdb 1.6 inherently take advantage of Map reduce when it is Single Server Database

I am new to couch db, while going through documentation of Couch DB1.6, i came to know that it is single server DB, so I was wondering how map reduce inherently take advantage of it.
If i need to scale this DB then do I need to put more RAID hardware, of will it work on commodity hardware like HDFS?
I came to know that couch db 2.0 planning to bring clustering feature, but could not get proper documentation on this.
Can you please help me understanding how exactly internally file get stored and accessed.
Really appreciate your help.
I think your question is something like this:
"MapReduce is … a parallel, distributed algorithm on a cluster." [shortened from MapReduce article on Wikipedia]
But CouchDB 1.x is not a clustered database.
So what does CouchDB mean by using the term "map reduce"?
This is a reasonable question.
The historical use of "MapReduce" as described by Google in this paper using that stylized term, and implemented in Hadoop also using that same styling implies parallel processing over a dataset that may be too large for a single machine to handle.
But that's not how CouchDB 1.x works. View index "map" and "reduce" processing happens not just on single machine, but even on a single thread! As dch (a longtime contributor to the core CouchDB project) explains in his answer to
The issue is that eventually, something has to operate in serial to build the B~tree in such a way that range queries across the indexed view are efficient. … It does seem totally wacko the first time you realise that the highly parallelisable map-reduce algorithm is being operated sequentially, wat!
So: what benefit does map/reduce bring to single-server CouchDB? Why were CouchDB 1.x view indexes built around it?
The benefit is that the two functions that a developer can provide for each index "map", and optionally "reduce", form very simple building blocks that are easy to reason about, at least after your indexes are designed.
What I mean is this:
With e.g. the SQL query language, you focus on what data you need — not on how much work it takes to find it. So you might have unexpected performance problems, that may or may not be solved by figuring out the right columns to add indexes on, etc.
With CouchDB, the so-called NoSQL approach is taken to an extreme. You have to think explicitly about how you each document or set of documents "should be" found. You say, I want to be able to find all the "employee" documents whose "supervisor" field matches a certain identifier. So now you have to write a map function:
function (doc) {
if (doc.isEmployeeRecord) emit(doc.supervisor.identifier);
And then you have to query it like:
GET http://couchdb.local:5984/personnel/_design/my_indexes/_view/by_supervisor?key=SOME_UUID
In SQL you might simply say something like:
SELECT * FROM personnel WHERE supervisor == ?
So what's the advantage to the CouchDB way? Well, in the SQL case this query could be slow if you don't have an index on the supervisor column. In the CouchDB case, you can't really make an unoptimized query by accident — you always have to figure out a custom view first!
(The "reduce" function that you provide to a CouchDB view is usually used for aggregate functions purposes, like counting or averaging across multiple documents.)
If you think this is a dubious advantage, you are not alone. Personally I found designing my own indexes via a custom "map function" and sometimes a "reduce function" to be an interesting challenge, and it did pay off in knowing the scaling costs at least of queries (not so much for replications…).
So don't think of CouchDB view so much as being "MapReduce" (in the stylized sense) but just as providing efficiently-accessible storage for the results of running [].map(…).reduce(…) across a set of data. Because the "map" function is applied to only a document at once, the total set of data can be bigger than fits in memory at once. Because the "reduce" function is limited in its size, it further encourages efficient processing of a large set of data into an efficiently-accessed index.
If you want to learn a bit more about how the indexes generated in CouchDB are stored, you might find these articles interesting:
The Power of B-trees
CouchDB's File Format is brilliantly simple and speed-efficient (at the cost of disk space).
Technical Details, View Indexes
You may have noticed, and I am sorry, that I do not actually have a clear/solid answer of what the actual advantage and reasons were! I did not design or implement CouchDB, was only an avid user for many years.
Maybe the bigger advantage is that, in systems like Couchbase and CouchDB 2.x, the "parallel friendliness" of the map/reduce idea may come into play more. So then if you have designed an app to work in CouchDB 1.x it may then scale in the newer version without further intervention on your part.

Performance-wise, is it worth it to rename every mongo key name for production? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Is shortening MongoDB property names worthwhile?
(7 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
As far as I know, every key name is stored "as-is" in the mongo database. It means that a field "name" will be stored using the 4 letters everywhere it is used.
Would it be wise, if I want my app to be ready to store a large amount of data, to rename every key in my mongo documents? For instance, "name" would become "n" and "description" would become "d".
I expect it to reduce significantly the space used by the database as well as reducing the amount of data sent to client (not to mention that it kinda uglify the mongo documents content). Am I right?
If I undertake the rename of every key in my code (no need to rename the existing data, I can rebuild it from scratch), is there a good practice or any additional advise I should know?
Note: this is mainly speculation, I don't have benchmarking results to back this up
While "minifying" your keys technically would reduce the size of your memory/diskspace footprint, I think the advantages of this are quite minimal if not actually disadvantageous.
The first thing to realize is that data stored in Mongodb is actually not stored in its raw JSON format, its actually stored as pure binary using a standard know as BSON. This allows Mongo to do all sorts of internal optimizationsm, such as compression if you're using WiredTiger as your storage engine (thanks for pointing that ouT #Jpaljasma).
Second, lets say you do minify your keys. Well then you need to minify your keys. Every time. Forever. Thats a lot of work on your application side. Plus you need to unminify your keys when you read (because users wont know what n is). Every time. Forever. All of a sudden your minor memory optimization becomes a major runtime slowdown.
Third, that minifying/unminifying process is kinda complicated. You need to maintain and test mappings between the two, keep it tested, up to date, and never having any overlap (if you do, thats the end of all your data pretty much). I wouldn't ever work on that.
So overall, I think its a pretty terrible idea to minify your keys to save a couple of characters. Its important to keep the big picture in mind: the VAST majority of your data will be not in the keys, but in the values. If you want to optimize data size, look there.
The full name of every field is included in every document. So when your field-names are long and your values rather short, you can end up with documents where the majority of the used space is occupied by redundant field names.
This affects the total storage size and decreases the number of documents which can be cached in RAM, which can negatively affect performance. But using descriptive field-names does of course improve readability of the database content and queries, which makes the whole application easier to develop, debug and maintain.
Depending on how flexible your driver is, it might also require quite a lot of boilerplate code to convert between your application field-names and the database field-names.
Whether or not this is worth it depends on how complex your database is and how important performance is to you.

Avro size too big?

I do some research on what is the best data exchange format in my company. For the moment I compare Protocol Buffers and Apache Avro.
Request are exchanging between components in our architecture, but only one by one. And my impression is that Avro is very bigger thant Protocol Buffers when transport only one by one. In the avro file, the schema is always present and our request has a lot of optional field, so our schema is ver big even if our data are small.
But I don't know if I missed something, it's written everywhere than avro is smaller, but for us it seems that we have to put one thousand requests in one file for having PBuffers and avro's size equals.
I missed something or my thoughts are true?
It's not at all surprising that two serialization formats would produce basically equal sizes. These aren't compression algorithms, they're just structure. For any decent format, the vast majority of your data is going to be your data; the structure around it (which is the part that varies depending on serialization format) ought to be negligible. The size of your data simply doesn't change regardless of the serialization format around it.
Note also that anyone who claims that one format is always smaller than another is either lying or doesn't know what they're talking about. Every format has strengths and weaknesses, so the "best" format totally depends on the use case. It's important to test each format using your own data to find out what is best for you -- and it sounds like you are doing just that, which is great! If Protobuf and Avro came out equal size in your test, then you should choose based on other factors. You might want to test encoding/decoding speed, for example.

Does someone really sort terabytes of data?

I recently spoke to someone, who works for Amazon and he asked me: How would I go about sorting terabytes of data using a programming language?
I'm a C++ guy and of course, we spoke about merge sort and one of the possible techniques is to split the data into smaller size and sort each of them and merge them finally.
But in reality, do companies like Amazon or eBay sort terabytes of data? I know, they store tons of information, but do they sorting them?
In a nutshell my question is: Why wouldn't they keep them sorted in the first place, instead of sorting terabytes of data?
But in reality, does companies like
Amazon/Ebay, sort terabytes of data? I
know, they store tons of info but
sorting them???
Yes. Last time I checked Google processed over 20 petabytes of data daily.
Why wouldn't they keep them sorted at
the first place instead of sorting
terabytes of data, is my question in a
EDIT: relet makes a very good point; you only need to keep indexes and have those sorted. You can easily and efficiently retrieve sort data that way. You don't have to sort the entire dataset.
Consider log data from servers, Amazon must have a huge amount of data. The log data is generally stored as it is received, that is, sorted according to time. Thus if you want it sorted by product, you would need to sort the whole data set.
Another issue is that many times the data needs to be sorted according to the processing requirement, which might not be known beforehand.
For example: Though not a terabyte, I recently sorted around 24 GB Twitter follower network data using merge sort. The implementation that I used was by Prof Dan Lemire.
The data was sorted according to userids and each line contained userid followed by userid of person who is following him. However in my case I wanted data about who follows whom. Thus I had to sort it again by second userid in each line.
However for sorting 1 TB I would use map-reduce using Hadoop.
Sort is the default step after the map function. Thus I would choose the map function to be identity and NONE as reduce function and setup streaming jobs.
Hadoop uses HDFS which stores data in huge blocks of 64 MB (this value can be changed). By default it runs single map per block. After the map function is run the output from map is sorted, I guess by an algorithm similar to merge sort.
Here is the link to the identity mapper:
If you want to sort by some element in that data then I would make that element a key in XXX and the line as value as output of the map.
Yes, certain companies certainly sort at least that much data every day.
Google has a framework called MapReduce that splits work - like a merge sort - onto different boxes, and handles hardware and network failures smoothly.
Hadoop is a similar Apache project you can play with yourself, to enable splitting a sort algorithm over a cluster of computers.
Every database index is a sorted representation of some part of your data. If you index it, you sort the keys - even if you do not necessarily reorder the entire dataset.
Yes. Some companies do. Or maybe even individuals. You can take high frequency traders as an example. Some of them are well known, say Goldman Sachs. They run very sophisticated algorithms against the market, taking into account tick data for the last couple of years, which is every change in the price offering, real deal prices (trades AKA as prints), etc. For highly volatile instruments, such as stocks, futures and options, there are gigabytes of data every day and they have to do scientific research on data for thousands of instruments for the last couple years. Not to mention news that they correlate with market, weather conditions and even moon phase. So, yes, there are guys who sort terabytes of data. Maybe not every day, but still, they do.
Scientific datasets can easily run into terabytes. You may sort them and store them in one way (say by date) when you gather the data. However, at some point someone will want the data sorted by another method, e.g. by latitude if you're using data about the Earth.
Big companies do sort tera and petabytes of data regularly. I've worked for more than one company. Like Dean J said, companies rely on frameworks built to handle such tasks efficiently and consistently. So,the users of the data do not need to implement their own sorting. But the people who built the framework had to figure out how to do certain things (not just sorting, but key extraction, enriching, etc.) at massive scale. Despite all that, there might be situations when you will need to implement your own sorting. For example, I recently worked on data project that involved processing log files with events coming from mobile apps.
For security/privacy policies certain fields in the log files needed to be encrypted before the data could be moved over for further processing. That meant that for each row, a custom encryption algorithm was applied. However, since the ratio of Encrypted to events was high (the same field value appears 100s of times in the file), it was more efficient to sort the file first, encrypt the value, cache the result for each repeated value.

Wanted: DB for fast read operations to be accessed from ruby apps

Basically it's a financial database, with both daily and intraday data (date,symbol,open,high,low,close,vol,openinterest) -- very simple structure. Updates are just once a day. A typical query would be: date and close price of MSFT for all dates in DB. I was thinking that there's got to be something out there that's been optimized for lots of reads and not many writes, as opposed to a general-purpose RDBMS like MySQL. I searched, and I didn't see anything that specifically addressed this (as far as I could tell).
MS SQL Server can be optimized like this with the fairly simple:
SQL Server will automatically cache your data in memory if it is being used heavily for reads.
You can always use a RAMdisk for your MySQL installation if your database footprint is small enough. One way to make your tables small enough to fit is to create them as MyISAM ARCHIVE tables. While they are very compact, compressed, they can only be appended to or read from, but not updated. (
Generally a properly indexed and well organized MySQL table is really fast, especially when using MyISAM, and even more so when loaded from memory. They key is in denormalizing the data as heavily as you can optimizing for your particular read scenarios.
For example, having a stock_id, date, price tuple is going to be fairly slow to sort and retrieve. If you have, instead, stock_id and a column with some serialized data, the retrieval time will be very quick.
Another solution that is likely faster is to push all the data into an alternative DBMS like Toyko Cabinet or something similar, especially if your data fits neatly into a key/value store.
Look at MySQL, but run the database from memory instead of disk. Depends on the size of your dataset and your budget, but you could then update memory from disk once a day, and have a very, very fast read time afterwards.
The best-known (to me at least!) time series database is Fame but it's expensive and I strongly doubt that there's anything like, say, an ActiveRecord implementation for it. Unless it's changed a lot in the 10 or so years since I last touched it, it isn't SQL-friendly at all.
With a fairly tightly-focused application, you can take a more flexible view of your data. For example, consider what is the information that you're actually looking to store? Is it the atomic price/hi/lo/close/vol/whatever, or is it more appropriately a time series of such values? If you always want to view the series, store a series per row, not a value.
Throwing a few ideas out here...
How might it look if you stored a year or a month of a single value for a single stock in one row? Maybe as an XML string, or JSON or something more terse of your own devising. Compressed CSV, perhaps? That ought to fit a month's values into a 255-character column. (Use something like Huffman coding to do the encoding, perhaps - a single dictionary ought to work for all instances of such similar data).
You can still hold a horizontal view as well: with the extremely low update rate you'll have (should only be data fixes, I'd guess) you can probably stand to build that stuff.
There's an obvious downside to this: you'll have a bunch of extra work to do.
I don't have any personal experience, but MogoDB claims to offer relational-style flexibility with key-value performance.
As mentioned elsewhere key-value database might be worth looking at: Tokyo Cabinet, CouchDB or one of the others again, perhaps, with concatenated value for the time series.
