Can I add a border to node labels? - label

I am using the STRING app in Cytoscape and find most node labels difficult to read. I want to have white text with a black border/ stroke so that it will stand out against the white background and the color nodes, but I can't figure out how to do this. Is there a way to add labels with white text and a black border? 'STRING style labels' are black with white borders, but are too small and seem to not be customizable.

The STRING style labels actually are customizable, but they use the enhancedGraphics plugin, so the information is stored in a column -- stringdb::enhancedLabel Passthrough. If you look in that column, you'll see how the defaults are set, but you can certainly change those defaults, for example, by changing the "labelsize" from 12 to 16. You can similarly change the font color, outline color, etc.
-- scooter


CKeditor Copy/pasting without color & background

I like copy past to keep links and list, but when it comes to the colors, users does not understand that it also do takes the background color, which is white and the font color, which is black.
Then, when I render it in a gray background, users do not understand why they have white background..
Is it somehow possible to keep the copy past logic but to remove the color one?

Change color of expanded dgml node

In a dgml file, an expanded Node can have the Background color set which changes the background of the border and title bar. The Foreground color sets the color of the title text.
The body currently seems to be filled with a color that depends on the current color theme selected in the Visual Studio options dialog. This means some people end up with white backgrounds and some black. This causes issues, especially when trying to export as xps to print the diagram. A massive block of black ink is a waste of ink!
How can the color of the body of the expanded Node be specified?
No it cannot. It was a "UI design" decision. Filling the entire group background with color conflicted too much with the VS color scheme. For example, a dark theme editor showing tons of White looks ugly, and a light themed VS showing tons of dark colors also looks ugly...sorry.

Transparent Circle inside a White Rectangle

I'm working on a report project and would like to avoid making a separate image for each indicator color. Ideally, I like to put a transparent circle in a white rectangle. I have Snag-It available and general Windows tools.
My plan is to put the Image in a table cell and change the color of the circle by dynamically assigning the background color of the cell. I think it would be much easier to embed this one image, rather than creating a bunch of different colored circles that all have to be embedded.
Any suggestions on how I can do this in Snag-It or Paint, or any tools that are free for commercial use that you can recommended for this?
This sounds like a good workaround to get an indicator with whatever color you want. is a free image editor that you could create this in. Start with a white square. Use the Ellipse Select tool to select a circle in the middle. Press the Delete key to make it transparent. Save it as a .PNG file and embed it in the report.

How do I prevent objects/text from changing color when changing layout?

I have a PowerPoint template with a number of custom layouts. The template has a custom color palette, and layouts are organized under multiple Slide Masters that each use one of the color in the palette. So layouts are the same for each Slide Master, but feature a different color. All Slide Master use the same custom color palette, which has Black set for the Dark 1 color, and White set for Light 1.
The problem I have is when I create slides from these layouts, some end up with White as the first (Dark 1) color, and Black as the second (Light 1) color on the palette, while others have it the other way around (Black then White for Dark 1 and Light 1), as I would expect. This means that if I change the layout of a slide, any object that was white becomes black, and vice-versa.
Why does that happen?
I have tried re-selecting the color palette for the problematic slides, but it didn't help. I don't know what else I can try.
Any help is very much appreciated :)

How to add patterns or stripes to SSRS data cells instead of a color

I can only add Solid color fills to the data cells inside a matrix.
How do I add Stripes or Patterns as background fill instead of a solid color.
Is there a particular color code like '#xxxx' for stripes?
There are certain rows in my report that need to have stripes or patterns as backgrou fill.
I have found some methods around this:
1- You can use image gradients to fill text boxes by right-clicking the cell and selecting text box properties. You can use the Fill tab to select a small image or item that has a gradient or pattern and apply it within your cell(s)/report.
2 - Another approach is to use a combination of Font/Color/Bold/Italic/Underline and Boarder colors/weight to achieve your desired result.
3 - Apply a gradient-style scheme to your report by using one or more colors and dynamically changing the hue as you go up or down the report. That way, the top could be darker than the bottom, or vis-versa.
I hope this helps.
Numerous fonts can be used.
Open the Character Map
Select Arial in the Font drop down
Scroll to near the bottom, select the cross character
Hit the Select button a number of times, grab as many characters as the SSRS textbox may require to fill its width
Click copy
In SSRS select the textbox then Ctrl-P to paste
Experiment with font size and font color to get the desired effect
Setting padding to zero may help
Setting row CanGrow to False may help
I find there is a little gap between cells vertically but it is close to perfect for me. There is likely to be a character in Arial or another font that works even better.
