insert items into array using graphql - Parse server - parse-platform

I have a class that contains a field called 'notes'. Its data type is array. In the mutation, I'm able to save data on the field. problem is it overwrites the value. I want to add value in the array. how do I do it? here's my mutation. I know I'm not doing the right thing, but can't find it in the documentation as well
mutation {
updateParcel(input: { id: "B6aESEwWcA", fields: { notes: ["wow"]}}) {
parcel {
notes {
... on Element {


How do I query a GitHub Project Item title from GraphQL?

I'm attempting to use the GitHub ProjectV2 API to query a GitHub Projects beta project to obtain the title or a given GitHub Project Item.
Unfortunately, I'm not well-versed in GraphQL and struggling to complete the query. What am I missing from the following GraphQL query to get this to work?
query {
node(id: \"PROJECT_NODE_ID\") {
... on ProjectV2 {
... on DraftIssue {
As written, this returns the following error:
Field must have selections (field 'items' returns ProjectV2ItemConnection but has no selections. Did you mean 'items { ... }'?)"}
You're almost there, but there are two issues here:
items returns a Connection, which means you still need to include another set of curly braces to "select" which fields you'd like.
The GitHub ProjectsV2 API doesn't look like it supports selection of individual items yet, only paginating through a list of items. This means that what you actually want to use is something like:
query {
node(id: \"PROJECT_NODE_ID\") {
... on ProjectV2 {
items(first: 10) {
nodes {
content {
... on DraftIssue {

update model in graphQL giving fields to update and array of id's

I have a problem.
I want to create query to update some fileds on multiple model,
it should looks like this:
updateInternalOrder( input: {
state: {
connect: 1
id_internal_orders: [1,2] <= here
state {
In this query i would like to assign(update) id_internal_orders_states(in states)
in id_internal_orders that has id: 1 and 2.
How to do that?
Schema(lighthouse-php) that works only if i provide a single id, not array:
extend type Mutation {
updateInternalOrder(input: UpdateInternalOrders! #spread): InternalOrders #update
input UpdateInternalOrders {
id_internal_orders: Int!
state: InternalOrdersStatesHasOne
qty: Int
id_supplier: Int
input InternalOrdersStatesHasOne {
connect: Int
Instead of this
input UpdateInternalOrders {
id_internal_orders: Int!
state: InternalOrdersStatesHasOne
qty: Int
id_supplier: Int
Your schema should look like this
input UpdateInternalOrders {
id_internal_orders: [Int]!
state: InternalOrdersStatesHasOne
qty: Int
id_supplier: Int
So this way id_internal_orders will be define as an array
Solution for the error Argument 2 passed to Nuwave\\Lighthouse\\Execution\\Arguments\\ArgPartitioner::relationMethods() must be an instance of Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Model, instance of Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Collection given
The error you get is because you might be using an ORM. The data passed to the mutation is a collection, probably because you manipulate model generated by your ORM. GraphQL expect an array and not a Collection.
You must either convert the collection in array. But this is not recommended. In case there is a collection of object with collection. You’ll have to convert the collection and all the collection inside each object of the parent collection. This can get complicated very fast.
Or you can find a way to not manipulate your model in your front end and manipulate data transfer object instead. But I can’t really help you here since I don’t know where the data come from.

Reusing GraphQL fragments

I am using Prismic, and I have two identical custom types, one is called Content and one is called Theme. Their data is identical so I would like to reuse my fragments, is it possible?
An example fragment looks like:
import { graphql } from 'gatsby'
export const CollectionFragment = graphql`
fragment CollectionFragment on PrismicContentBodyCollection {
So right now it is hardcoded to PrismicContentBodyCollection.
A GraphiQL example would look like:
query MyQuery {
allPrismicTheme {
nodes {
data {
body {
... on PrismicThemeBodyHero {
allPrismicContent {
nodes {
data {
body {
... on PrismicContentBodyHero {
I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think this is possible because it needs to be specified with the type that matches the type of document you're looking for to make sure that your query is valid and that the fields you are trying to receive actually exist on the object.
So in your case, if you're looking for the Collection Slice, the fragments would need to be
PrismicThemeBodyCollection and PrismicContentBodyCollection respectively.
I have made a few tests myself and I keep getting errors that say I'm missing the correct content type name

Get Product Metafields Data with GraphQL / BigCommerce

I'm trying to retrieve product metafields on BigCommmerce via GraphQL. The below code throws an error
query {
site {
product(entityId:639) {
metafields(namespace: "App_Namespace", keys: "color_key") {
edges {
node {
Meta field information
Namespace App_Namespace
Key color_key
Description Colour
Value Blue | Grey | Yellow
Would appreciate any help on above. Thanks
The "keys" argument expects an array of keys. So even if you just want one key, submit it as an array of one:
query {
site {
product(entityId: 639) {
metafields(namespace: "App_Namespace", keys: ["color_key"]) {
edges {
node {
Check out this link for more examples:
You also need to make sure that these requirements are met,
otherwise, even if the query is correct, you won't be able to get the metafields in the query:
The metafield must be marked with a permission_set of read_and_sf_access or write_and_sf_access in order to be exposed to the API. Metafields with any other permission value will be hidden.

What is `... on` doing in this GraphQL?

I am trying to mimic what some GraphQL does, but I do not have access to be able to run the original. It is of the form:
query {
dataSources(dataType: Ais) {
... on AisDataSource {
messages(filter: {broadcastType: Static}) {
... on AisStaticBroadcast {
(I have ommitted the closing parentheses).
It is my understanding that ... on is either to include a fragment (none here), or to choose between alternatives (but these are nested). So is this query wrong, or is there more to ... on?
user {
... on User {
and this
user {
fragment UserFragment on User {
are equivalent. In both cases, you are using a fragment. In the first example, we simply refer to the fragment as an inline fragment.
When requesting a field that return a composite type (an object, interface or union), you must specify a selection set, or one or more fields for the return type. Since fragments must include a type condition (the on keyword plus the type name), they can be used to specify different selection sets depending on the type that's actually returned at runtime.
user {
fragment RegularFragment on RegularUser {
fragment AdminFragment on Admin {
All we're saying is "if the type at runtime is this, then return this set of fields". If any of the fields inside the fragment also return a composite type, then those fields also have to specify a selection set for -- that means additional fragments can be used inside those selection sets.
