customize state parameter with Oauth2client using spring security - spring

I want to customize state parameter with Oauth2client using spring security OIDC. I am using spring reactive. The issue is I am not able to add customize state in client registration. Below is my security configuration.
SecurityWebFilterChain springSecurityFilterChain(ServerHttpSecurity http) {
return http
public ReactiveClientRegistrationRepository reactiveClientRegistrationRepository(RegisteredClients clients) {
List<ClientRegistration> clientRegistrations = clients.getClients()
.map(clientRegistration -> {
String registrationId = clientRegistration.getKey();
RegisteredClients.OAuthClient client = clientRegistration.getValue();
return ClientRegistration.withRegistrationId(registrationId)
return new InMemoryReactiveClientRegistrationRepository(clientRegistrations);

To customize the authorization request, you should wire an ServerAuthorizationRequestResolver:
SecurityWebFilterChain springSecurityFilterChain(ServerHttpSecurity http) {
return http
// ...
.oauth2Client((oauth2) -> oauth2
.authorizationEndpoint((authorization) -> authorization
OAuth2ServerAuthorizationRequestResolver authorizationRequestResolver
(ReactiveClientRegistrationRepository registrations) {
DefaultServerOAuth2AuthorizationRequestResolver resolver =
new DefaultServerOAuth2AuthorizationRequestResolver(registrations);
resolver.setAuthorizationRequestCustomizer((request) -> request.state(...));
return resolver;
Spring Security has some related servlet documentation that may be useful as well.


How to capture Exceptions from OAuth2 client(OIDC) while retrieving user info in spring boot?

I am using ODIC authentication in my spring boot project , After successful authentication I am getting error as invalid_user_info_response , I do not see any exceptions or errors in the tomcat or log file. I would like to know how to capture the any kind of exceptions occured while retrieving user information from the ODIC provider. Below is security filter code.
public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
http.sessionManagement(session -> session.sessionCreationPolicy(SessionCreationPolicy.ALWAYS).maximumSessions(2)
.authorizeRequests((authz) -> authz
.csrf(c -> c.csrfTokenRepository(CookieCsrfTokenRepository.withHttpOnlyFalse()))
public WebClient rest(ClientRegistrationRepository clients, OAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository authz) {
ServletOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction oauth2 = new ServletOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction(
clients, authz);
return WebClient.builder().filter(oauth2).build();
private OAuth2UserService<OidcUserRequest, OidcUser> oidcUserService() {
final OidcUserService delegate = new OidcUserService();
return (userRequest) -> {
// Delegate to the default implementation for loading a user
OidcUser oidcUser = delegate.loadUser(userRequest);
Set<GrantedAuthority> mappedAuthorities = new HashSet<>();
oidcUser = new DefaultOidcUser(mappedAuthorities, oidcUser.getIdToken(), oidcUser.getUserInfo());
return oidcUser;

Spring Security Customizing Authorization Endpoint URL

I am implementing a Spring MVC REST web service and attempting to security it with Spring Security Oauth2.
My authorization URL is at the following address (note that there is no registration id):
So, in my Spring Security Config, I have this:
public ClientRegistration devClientRegistration() {
// set up variables to pass to ClientRegistration
ClientRegistration result = ClientRegistration
.withRegistrationId("") // this obviously doesn't work
return result;
public ClientRegistrationRepository clientRegistrationRepository() {
ClientRegistrationRepository repository = new InMemoryClientRegistrationRepository(devClientRegistration());
return repository;
public SecurityFilterChain securityWebFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// this prevents throwing an exception in the oauth2 lambda function
Map<String, String> loginProps = ...
// what we want is for a few urls to be accessible to all, but most to require
// oauth authentication/authorization
.antMatchers("/login/**","/error/**", "/oauth2/**").anonymous()
.oauth2Login(oauth2 -> {
How do I customize the entire authorization endpoint to not try to tack the registration id onto it?

Spring security very simple basic authentication

I've tried to implement a very simple BASIC authentication with Spring Boot, without the deprecated WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter.
public class SecurityConfig {
public WebSecurityCustomizer webSecurityCustomizer() {
return (web) -> web.ignoring().antMatchers("/a", "/b", "/c", "/v3/api-docs/**", "/swagger-ui/**", "/swagger-ui.html");
public BCryptPasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
return new BCryptPasswordEncoder();
public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.authorizeHttpRequests((authz) -> authz
public InMemoryUserDetailsManager userDetailsService() {
UserDetails user = User.builder()
return new InMemoryUserDetailsManager(user);
The ignored endpoints work (with a warning: You are asking Spring Security to ignore Ant [pattern='/swagger-ui.html']. This is not recommended -- please use permitAll via HttpSecurity#authorizeHttpRequests instead.). For the other, I get an HTTP 403.
What have I done wrong?
If you are doing POST request, it can be the CSRF protection. Add in your file and see the console output after the request is made to see what is happening.
If it is CSRF protection, I recommend you leave it enabled unless you have a requirement that tells you to disable it. You can have more details about Cross Site Request Forgery here.
Also, if you want to use the {bcrypt} prefix in your password, use the PasswordEncoderFactories.createDelegatingPasswordEncoder. If you want to use only the BCryptPasswordEncoder then you have to remove the {bcrypt} prefix

How to validate OAuth token in Spring Cloud Gateway

I have a Spring Cloud gateway application which currently supports "HTTP basic auth". I'm planning to use OAuth 2.0 with Keycloak as the provider. I have started by adding required packages (listed below).
implementation "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-security"
implementation "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-oauth2-client"
I'm new to this and want to support the following things.
Register clients dynamically to Keycloak
Validate the current request token with Keycloak to allow/ deny the request
My is as given below.
public class SecurityConfig {
public SecurityWebFilterChain securityWebFilterChain(ServerHttpSecurity http) {
.authorizeExchange(exchanges -> exchanges.anyExchange().permitAll())
public WebClientHttpRoutingFilter webClientHttpRoutingFilter(
#Qualifier("webClient") WebClient webClient,
ObjectProvider<List<HttpHeadersFilter>> headerFilters) {
return new WebClientHttpRoutingFilter(webClient, headerFilters);
public WebClient webClient(
ReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager reactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager) {
ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction oauth =
new ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction(reactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager);
return WebClient.builder()
public ReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager reactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager(
ReactiveClientRegistrationRepository clientRegistrationRepository,
ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository authorizedClientRepository) {
ReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider authorizedClientProvider =
DefaultReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager authorizedClientManager =
new DefaultReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager(clientRegistrationRepository, authorizedClientRepository);
return authorizedClientManager;

Credentials propagation from Spring Cloud Gateway to underlying service

I use Spring Cloud Gateway as UI gateway. Security config:
SecurityWebFilterChain springWebFilterChain(ServerHttpSecurity http) {
return http.httpBasic().and()
How I can propagate current user credentials (username and roles) to underlying services? Do I need add some custom filters to routes config:
RouteLocator routeLocator(RouteLocatorBuilder builder) {
return builder.routes()
.route("some-ui", r -> r.path("/some-ui-context-path/**")
? Is there a standard component for this purpose?
I created filter for adding username and user roles to headers of downstream services request (code on Kotlin):
class AddCredentialsGlobalFilter : GlobalFilter {
private val usernameHeader = "logged-in-user"
private val rolesHeader = "logged-in-user-roles"
override fun filter(exchange: ServerWebExchange, chain: GatewayFilterChain) = exchange.getPrincipal<Principal>()
.flatMap { p ->
val request = exchange.request.mutate()
.header(rolesHeader, (p as Authentication).authorities?.joinToString(";") ?: "")
