How to change a key in gltf file? - three.js
I want to change this key value 0.5 on
"baseColorFactor" : [
This is the complete object
"materials" : [
"alphaMode" : "BLEND",
"doubleSided" : true,
"emissiveFactor" : [
"name" : "dgray",
"pbrMetallicRoughness" : {
"baseColorFactor" : [
"metallicFactor" : 0,
"roughnessFactor" : 0.5
"alphaMode" : "BLEND",
"doubleSided" : true,
"emissiveFactor" : [
"name" : "Material.004",
"pbrMetallicRoughness" : {
"baseColorFactor" : [
"metallicFactor" : 0,
"roughnessFactor" : 0.5
i tried materials[0].pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorFactor[3] = 1; but doesnt work,
that is from gltf file. i want the gltf to change transparency when the user clicks on it.
This is the code:
const domEvents = new THREEx.domEvents(camera, renderer.domElement);
domEvents.addEventListener(obj, 'click', event => {
materials[0].pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorFactor[3] = 1;
nested object is undefined - Ajax call Response - Json Parser
My Ajax call is as follows function onMapClick(e) { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: GET_MAP_PT_INFO_URI, data: { "lat":, "lng": e.latlng.lng }, dataType: 'json', success: function (d) { LoadPointDetails(d); }, error: function () { if (debugState) console.log("Error in call for chart data."); } }); } function LoadPointDetails(obj) { currPointDet = obj; var objParsed = JSON.parse(obj); console.log(objParsed); ... } My console log returns the following Json: {"general" : {"id" : 45423920, "timestamp" : "2019-06-30T23:41:38.2", "run_id" : 29211, "track_id" : 10317, "link_id" : 983544872, "dir" : "T", "vehicle_name" : "Transporter", "prev_id" : 45423919, "next_id" : 45423921, "track_start" : "2019-06-30T23:31:12.7", "track_end" : "2019-07-01T00:34:15.6", "img_path" : "", "notes" : null, "flag" : null}, "spatial" : {"lat" : -23.7830482, "lng" : 133.877221, "bearing" : 165, "speed_can_kmh" : 82, "speed_sat_kmh" : 81, "vert_velocity" : 0}, "line_data" : {"line_0_type_l" : "solid", "line_0_type_r" : "dashed", "line_0_qual_l" : "excellent", "line_0_qual_r" : "high", "line_0_width_l" : 0.13, "line_0_width_r" : 0.16, "line_1_type_l" : "solid", "line_1_type_r" : "solid", "line_1_width_l" : 0.14, "line_1_width_r" : 0.21, "line_2_type_l" : "dashed", "line_2_type_r" : "dashed", "line_2_width_l" : 0.00, "line_2_width_r" : 0.00, "ldw_left_on" : false, "ldw_right_on" : false, "ldw_off" : false, "ldw_left_avail" : true, "ldw_right_avail" : true}, "sign_data" : {"sign_type_1" : null, "sign_type_2" : null, "sign_type_3" : null, "sign_type_4" : null, "sign_type_5" : null, "sign_type_6" : null, "sign_type_7" : null}, "previous_sign_data" : {"sign_type_1" : 9, "sign_type_2" : 9, "sign_type_3" : 0, "sign_type_4" : 0, "sign_type_5" : 0, "sign_type_6" : 0, "sign_type_7" : 0}, "GeoJson" : {"type":"Feature","geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[133.877221,-23.7830482]},"properties":{"id":45423920}}} but when i try to access objParsed.general it is undefined I want to read img_path. What am I missing?
maybe you can get it directly: function LoadPointDetails(obj) { var img = obj.general.img_path; alert(img); } In my test, I have an api: public IActionResult getData() { var b = new { id = "45423920", img_path = "" }; var c = new { lat = -23.7830482, lng = 133.877221 }; var a = new { general = b, spatial = c }; return Json(a); } Then my Ajax call: $("#btn3").click(function() { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: 'https://localhost:7151/home/getData', data: { "lat": 111, "lng": 222 }, dataType: 'json', success: function (d) { LoadPointDetails(d); }, error: function () { if (debugState) console.log("Error in call for chart data."); } }); })
I found my answer here My JSon was double encoded: function LoadPointDetails(obj) { currPointDet = obj; var objParsed = JSON.parse(obj.trim()); var obj2 = JSON.parse(objParsed); console.log(obj2.general); } This worked!
VEGA - area chart - strange data point behaviour
Does somebody know why my data points are twisted at some positions? (fig.1) I use the same data-set in Vega-Lite and it works there. But in Vega I'm missing someting. Maybe someone can help me out in this regard that would be most welcome :) Datasample: { "score" : 18, "time_out" : false "hits" : { "total" : { "value" : 0123, "relation" : "eq" }, "max_score" : 1.8, "hits" : [ { "_index" : "dataIndex", "_type" : "log", "_source" :{ "#timestamp" : "2017-01-13345:00:16.0301135Z" "numericValue" : 2.0 } }, { "_index" : "dataIndex", "_type" : "log", "_source" :{ "#timestamp" : "2017-02-20345:10:16.0301135Z" "numericValue" : 3.0 } } ] } } Fig.1 Example in Vega - everything works as expected, except some points are skewed { $schema: data: [ { name: table url: { %context%: true %timefield%: #timestamp index: dataIndex-* body: { size: 1000 aggs: { hits: { date_histogram: { field: #timestamp fixed_interval: 10m extended_bounds: { min: { %timefilter%: min} max: { %timefilter%: max} } } } } } } format: { property: hits.hits } transform: [ { type: formula as: varTime expr: toDate(datum._source['#timestamp']) } { type: filter expr: datum._source['#timestamp'] != null && datum._source['numericValue'] > 0 } ] } ] scales: [ { name: xscale type: time range: width domain: { data: table field: varTime } } { name: yscale type: linear range: height domain: { data: table field: _source.numericValue } } ] axes: [ { orient: bottom scale: xscale format: %H:%M } { orient: left scale: yscale } ] marks: [ { type: area from: { data: table } encode: { enter: { x: { scale: xscale field: varTime } y: { scale: yscale field: _source.numericValue } y2: { scale: yscale value: 0 } fill: { value: steelblue } } update: { fillOpacity: { value: 1 } } hover: { fillOpacity: { value: 0.5 } } } } ] }
"sort": [ { "#timestamp": { "order": "desc" } } ] ... in the body did the trick. The why still eludes me.
Extjs- Grid column sorting case insensitive
I am having a grid populated with search results. The sorting seems to be working fine if all the values in each column are numbers or if all of them are in the same case(upper or lower). But some of the columns in my grid like firstname and lastname are a mix of uppercase, lowercase and empty values. When I click on that particular header for sorting purpose, these values seems to be sorted as case sensitive. The uppercase values come one by one, then there are a mix of empty values and then the lowercase values. I want this sorting to be done as case insensitive alphabetically. I think extjs sorts these values based on the ascii values. Is there any way I can overwrite this functionality and where should I be doing that. For example, I have some values like james, JAMESON and ROBERT. When I click on top of the header, if it ascending, I should be getting james, JAMESON and Robert and all the empty/null values together at the top or bottom. But that is not happening. I am getting some empty values on the top and then JAMESON, james, empty value again , ROBERT followed by empty/null values. How can I make sure all the null values are grouped together and the sorting should be case insensitive. { header: "User Last Name", width: 170, dataIndex: 'userLastName' }, { header: "User First Name", width: 170, dataIndex: 'userFirstName' }, Thanks,
On the field in your model, define a sortType,!/api/ either as a function or as one of the predefined strings:!/api/ I would guess that asUCText would be a good start, but I don't know what happens to null values there...
var itemsPerPage = 10; // set the number of items you want per page var data = { "success" : true, "users" : [{ "id" : 1, "name" : 'ed', "email" : "" }, { "id" : 2, "name" : 'Tommy', "email" : "" }, { "id" : 3, "name" : 'Tommy', "email" : "" }, { "id" : 4, "name" : 'Tommy', "email" : "" }, { "id" : 5, "name" : 'Tommy', "email" : "" }, { "id" : 44, "name" : '1', "email" : "" }, { "id" : 45, "name" : '2', "email" : "" }, { "id" : 11, "name" : 'Ed', "email" : "" }, { "id" : 12, "name" : 'apple', "email" : "" }, { "id" : 13, "name" : 'Apple', "email" : "" }, { "id" : 14, "name" : 'Tommy', "email" : "" }, { "id" : 15, "name" : 'tommy', "email" : "" }, { "id" : 21, "name" : 'Ed', "email" : "" }, { "id" : 22, "name" : 'Tommy', "email" : "" }, { "id" : 23, "name" : 'Tommy', "email" : "" }, { "id" : 24, "name" : 'Tommy', "email" : "" }, { "id" : 25, "name" : 'Tommy', "email" : "" }, ] } Ext.apply(, { asPerson : function (name) { // expects an object with a first and last name property console.log("Test"); return name.toUpperCase() + name.toLowerCase(); } }); var store = Ext.create('', { autoLoad : true, fields : [{ name : 'name', sortType : 'asPerson' }, { name : 'email' // sortType set to asFloat } ], pageSize : itemsPerPage, // items per page data : data, proxy : { type : 'memory', enablePaging : true, reader : { type : 'json', root : 'users', successProperty : 'success' } }, sorters : [{ property : 'name', direction : 'ASC' } ], }); //Ext.Ajax.request({ // loadMask: true, // url: 'app/data/users.json', // // success: function(resp) { // // resp is the XmlHttpRequest object // var options = resp.responseText; // // // // store.loadData(options); // } //}); // // Ext.define('AM.view.user.list', { extend : 'Ext.grid.Panel', alias : 'widget.userlist', title : 'All Users', initComponent : function () { Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', { title : 'My Test Demo', store : store, columns : [{ header : 'ID', dataIndex : 'id' }, { header : 'Name', dataIndex : 'name' }, { header : 'Email', dataIndex : 'email', flex : 1 } ], width : 350, height : 280, dockedItems : [{ xtype : 'pagingtoolbar', store : store, // same store GridPanel is using dock : 'bottom', displayInfo : true, pageSize : 5, } ], renderTo : Ext.getBody() }); this.callParent(arguments); } });
In ExtJS5 I add a transform to the sorter, e.g. sorters: { transform: function(item) { return item.toLowerCase(); }, property: 'category_name' }
JSONLoader with texture
I made a shape with texture in Blender and exported it. Then with json loader displayed it. Almost everything is fine, geometry good, texture you can see on shape, but no colors. Just black and withe. How to display texture colours? What I am doing wrong? Json file: { "metadata" : { "formatVersion" : 3.1, "generatedBy" : "Blender 2.65 Exporter", "vertices" : 64, "faces" : 92, "normals" : 64, "colors" : 0, "uvs" : [133], "materials" : 1, "morphTargets" : 0, "bones" : 0 }, "scale" : 1.000000, "materials" : [ { "DbgColor" : 15658734, "DbgIndex" : 0, "DbgName" : "Material", "blending" : "NormalBlending", "colorAmbient" : [0.44769230556029527, 0.44769230556029527, 0.44769230556029527], "colorDiffuse" : [0.44769230556029527, 0.44769230556029527, 0.44769230556029527], "colorSpecular" : [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "depthTest" : true, "depthWrite" : true, "mapNormal" : "texture3.jpg", "mapNormalFactor" : -0.058823585510253906, "mapNormalWrap" : ["repeat", "repeat"], "shading" : "Phong", "specularCoef" : 50, "transparency" : 1.0, "transparent" : false, "vertexColors" : false }], "vertices" : 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"faces" : 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"bones" : [], "skinIndices" : [], "skinWeights" : [], "animation" : {} } Code to load mesh is : var loader = new THREE.JSONLoader(); loader.load('cylinder.js', function(geo, mat){ var materials = new THREE.MeshFaceMaterial( mat ); var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geo, materials); mesh.position.y=0; mesh.position.x=5; loadJson(mesh ); }); function loadJson(mesh){ scene.add( mesh ); } Result:
Your material in your JSON file does not look right: You have "mapNormal" : "texture3.jpg" and it should be "mapDiffuse" : "texture3.jpg" three.js r.55
jqplot changes the color of graph on mouse hover when graph has many data points
$.jqplot( this.loadAvgChartId, loadAvgChartData, { height : 130, width : 410, fontSize : '9px', seriesColors : [ '#3aa5dc', '#032ecf' ], series : [ { label : 'Load-5', showMarker : false, lineWidth : 1, shadowDepth : 0, shadowOffset : 1.25, }, { label : 'Load-15', showMarker : false, lineWidth : 1, shadowDepth : 0 } ], legend : { show : false }, grid : { gridLineColor : '#EBEBEB', gridLineWidth : 1.0, show : false, shadow : false, shadowDepth : 0, background : '#FFF', drawBorder : false, borderColor : '#999', borderWidth : '1.0' }, cursor : { zoom : false, showToolTip : false, showVerticalLine : false, showCursorLegend : false, intersectionThreshold : 20, style: 'default' }, highlighter : { bringSeriesToFront: this.isIE7?false:true, shadow : false, lineWidthAdjust: 1, sizeAdjust: -3, tooltipLocation: 'n', tooltipAxes: 'both', formatString: '<i>%s</i><br/><b>%s</b>', useAxesFormatters : true }, axes : { xaxis : { renderer : $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer, syncTicks : true, tickOptions : { showGridline : true, formatString : this.nmdLoadAvgs[this.selectedLoadAvg].curTickFormatString }, labelPosition : 'start', tickInterval : this.nmdLoadAvgs[this.selectedLoadAvg].curTickInterval, min : minXaxisTick, max : maxXaxisTick }, yaxis : { tickOptions : { showGridline : false, showMark : false }, //tickInterval : .5, pad: 1.4, min : 0.0, max: maxYaxisTick, numberTicks: 3 } } } );
this worked for me: jqplot changes the color of graph on mouse hover seriesDefaults: { rendererOptions: { highlightMouseOver: false } }