How to make main menu public in all controllers - laravel

i have this code in controller
return view('front.home',['Headercategory'=>$Headercategory]
all my controlles will include "Headercategory" that mean i have to do same code with all controllers i have.
is there any way to make this code public in all project? without no need to add it in all controllers

As I understand, you want to pass categories variable in your all blade file. You can do that easily from /app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php on boot method :
use View;
public function boot()
$Headercategory = Categories::where('status','1')->orderby('order')->get();
View::share(['Headercategory' => $Headercategory);
Now you can access $Headercategory anywhere from your blade


Pass object in all methods of all controllers in Laravel

I have this code in the HomeController#index:
$towns = Town::all();
return Redirect::to('home')
->with('towns', $towns);
Is there any way I can tell Laravel to execute that lines of code before the end of methods and controllers I define without me copying and pasting those lines of code in every method?
You don't need to do that, you can just share this data with all views by using the view()->share() method in a service provider:
view()->share('towns', Town::all());
You can also use a view composer for that:
public function compose(View $view)
$view->with('towns', Town::all());
You can extend all controllers from your basic controller. Use Controller.php on app/Http/Controllers/controller.php or create new one.
Add myThreeLines to base controller.
function myThreeLines(){
$towns = Town::all();
return Redirect::to('home')
->with('towns', $towns);
class TestController extend Controller{
function index(){
return $this->myThreeLines();

How to Call a controller function in another Controller in Laravel 5

im using laravel 5.
I need to call a controller function but this should be done in another controller.
I dont know how to do this
public function examplefunction(){
And i have a Route for this function, so at
public function otherfunctioninothercontroller(){
// I need examplefunction here
how Can i do this?
1) First way
use App\Http\Controllers\OtherController;
class TestController extends Controller
public function index()
//Calling a method that is from the OtherController
$result = (new OtherController)->method();
2) Second way
Both way you can get another controller function.
If they are not in the same folder, place use namespace\to\ExampleClass; on top of your file, then you are able to instantiate your controller.
You can simply instantiate the controller and call the desired method as follows
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
class FirstController extends Controller {
public function examplefunction() {
// TODO: implement functionality
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
class SecondController extends Controller {
public function test() {
$object = new FirstController();
Now, after i've answered the question, i would like to add the following comment:
Controllers are classes, all rules that applies to normal classes can be applied to them
However, instantiating a controller directly inside another controller to call a desired method signifies a problem in your design for the following 2 reasons:
A controller cannot obtain an instance of another controller directly
Controller should contain as little business logic as possible, and if possible none
The closest possible solution to what you want (WITHOUT BREAKING MVC) is to make an HTTP request to the route that points to the desired method (using cURL, for example) and read the response as the returned data
But this still doesn't make much sense in this scenario because after all you're making an HTTP request from a method in a controller in your project on your server to a method in a controller in your project on your server, seems like unnecessary overhead, right ?
As i said earlier, a controller should contain as little business logic as possible because the logic should stay inside specialized classes (commonly known as Service Classes), and when a processing is requested the controller simply delegates the job of processing to the appropriate service class which does the processing and returns the results to the controller which in turn sends it back as a response
Now imagine if you've the following scenario:
We've got an application that consists of 3 functionalities:
A user can register an account from web application
There's a mobile application that talks to an API to register a user
There's an admin panel, which he can use to add new user
Obviously you need to create 3 controllers, but those controllers contains repeated logic, would you copy/paste the code everywhere ?
Why not encapsulate this logic inside a service class and call it from the controller when needed ?
Let's say I have Controller1 and Controller2. I want to call a function of Controller1 from inside a function placed in Controller2.
// Controller1.php
class Controller1 {
public static function f1()
And on the other controller:
// Controller2.php
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller1;
class Controller2 {
public function f2()
return Controller1::f1();
Points to be noted:
f1() is declared static
A call to a controller from inside another controller is a bad idea. There is no sense of meaning of controllers then. You should just redirect to web.php to save safe whole architecture like this:
class MyController {
public function aSwitchCaseFunction(Request $requestPrm){
//getting path string from request here
case CASE_1:
return redirect()->route('/a/route/path');

Automatically call a function when inside a certain module/controller

Is it possible to call a function in a certain module every request?
Let say I have module name called 'configuration', on this module, I have a list of controllers and list of functions/methods. What I want is to automatically pass my "Menu" to the View without manually passing it on each methods and controllers.
This menu is only available when inside the 'configuration module.
// I have extended the base controller to create common functions
ConfigureController extends \BaseController
protected function processMenu() {
// One of my controller that needs to render processMenu()
SetupController extends ConfigureController
public index()
// I want to optimize this portion so that I do not have to call it evertime
$pass_to_view = $this->processMenu();
// I need to pass it again and again
return View::make('setup')->with('data', $pass_to_view );
PS. sample code only
Thank you in advance!
Use the BaseController constructor method __construct() and within the SetupController's constructor call parent::__construct();
This is where the view composers come handy.
Put your menu in a partial, include it in you layout, then register a view composer (doc here:
You can put your register code anywhere, for instance you could create a file composers.php in app and include it in your app/start/global.php.

Laravel Use a method from BaseController in a view

As I need to get for every page a site configurations variables from a table of my database called 'site_configuration', I use a method in my baseController :
In the __constructor i have
$this->config = SiteParameter::first();
and I have a public method to retrieve a variable :
public function getSiteParameter($variable)
return $this->config->$variable;
If I do $this->getSiteParameter('sitename') it works. I'd like to do the same thing in a view. but without passing values to the view. I'd be happy if it was automatic.
Use the controller __construct to share the config data with the view. E.g.:
public function __construct() {
View::share('config', $this->config);
Just use the Config class, as explained in the configuration documentation. To put it short, assuming you created a customer configuration file app/config/site.php:
<h1><?= Config::get('site.sitename') ?></h1>

Zend MVC load config based on parameter in Url. Where is the right point dispatch/router/controller?

I'm defining a partner through a route based on the url e.g.
Now I want load the config file, databases for the partner before the front controller is called.
Where do I locate this code?
How do I get/set the variables/db, that they are later available in the controller?
I know I could do this through a controller helper but I guess this is not the best point to do it?
Yes, a controller plugin is the way I'd do it:
class MyPlugin extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract
public function routeShutdown(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
switch($request->getParam('partner')) {
//... do something based on the possibility

