How do i dd contents in meta tag in laravel 5.7 - laravel-5

how can check what are the data inside content?
i tried {{ dd(content) }} but it did not work. I want to view this content i got from db table
<meta name="keywords" content="{{DB::table('seodefault')->pluck('meta_keywords')->first()}}">

I think it's better to define $meta_keyword from controller then return it to blade.


Laravel #yield Show URL first

I am having a problem showing the http path before an image in my meta tags.
In my Blog Post Blade I have this: #section('photo', $blog->photo)
In my Front View Blade I have this:
<meta property="og:image" content="#yield('photo')">
It successfully shows the image filename as expected.. But I tried several ways to include the URL path before it.. {{ asset('assets/images/blogs/' . $blog->photo) }}
How would I accomplish this? Thanks
you can use image path in the header meta tag as below:
<meta property="og:image" content="{{ asset('assets/images/blogs/'.$blog->photo) }}" />

Changing html title value dynamically with Thymeleaf and Spring boot

My webpage is rendering each page (~20 pages) with a general wrapper and including it via Thymeleaf (th:include="wrapper :: page"). Im adding ViewControllers for those pages as follows: "registry.addViewController("/").setViewName("index");" (example)
Now my question.. since i want to change the title html tag dynamically for each page..( <meta name="title" th:content="${title}"/>)... is it OK if i change my current addViewController methods for a new Controller, #RequestMapping each page and adding a model model.addAttribute("title", titleVariable);?
Or it would be seen as bad practice to add so many #RequestMapping methods for just changing the html title attribute? is there otherwise another better way of changing the title tag dynamically?
Add this to the page-layout head:
<title layout:title-pattern="$LAYOUT_TITLE - $CONTENT_TITLE">Site name</title>
and it will pull in all titles on your included pages when you have the template setup like this:
<html xmlns:th="" layout:decorate="~{direcory/pagename}">
<title>This title will appear</title>
Are you allowed to use jQuery?
or store it in a variable first
var title = $('meta[name="title"]')[0].content;

laravel blade template - how to remove a part from extended page

Note: Like i said in the comment, i am working relatively large project. I can't change existing codes. Just try to add some code blocks for one page.
I have a template blade. It has meta yield. But also included one meta.blade.php, that contains all meta tags. But i don't want to include metapage for some of my pages. There is the template for visualization:
my view.blade.php
<meta description...>
My question is: Is there a way to make something like this:
I know there isn't exist something like that. But i need that. I hope somebody can give me a solution.
There is a certain solution which I do:
First one is to create multiple template and extend them as your requirements.
Second one is to disable sub parts.
Third one to create parent template having little things, then create child template which is extending parent and do extra things here. use it as your need.
If You are working on existing project and you have a lot of pages then First & third one is a better solution for it because you could make changes only in front end without affecting class code.
You could make the meta a component rather than an include, then your template would look the same and your view would be e.g.
#slot('description', 'my amazing description')
// other code here as usual
Your component is then responsible for checking what exists and what doesn't, e.g. like this:
<meta name="description" content="{{ $description }}">
<title>{{ $title }}</title>
// etc, the title is just an example
Take the Tag Name Which You Want To ignore And Apply the CSS
ex: If I need to Remove the Footer From the Extended Page make
footer {
display: none;

Laravel 5 proper way to require CSS file from view

I've got specific Form component, which is declared as
Form::component('fcRadio', 'components.form.fcradio', ['name', 'options', 'selected' => null]);
and used as
{{ Form::fcRadio('name', $options }}
What I want is somehow attach custom CSS file, so if the page fires this component at least once, the desired CSS file is included to the <head> of my document.
For example, in Joomla it was like
Is there any way to achieve the same in Laravel?
I've extended the answers below a bit to let it add multiple styles from multiple templates. Finally, it looks like this:
It works fine, but if I use the component twice per page, style is also adds twice. How can I allow multiple but unique entries?
So this is typically how I deal with it:
In your folder: resources/views I create a folder called layout. This folder handles the templates for all my pages.
Then I create a file called default.blade.php. In it I put the bulk of the HTML code. Here's an example of how default.blade.php could look (slimmed down, obviously)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('css/main.css') }}">
<!-- Additional per-page css -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src="js/script.js"></script>
<script src="{{ asset('js/bootstrap.min.js') }}"></script>
<!-- Include per-page JS -->
Right, so essentially what we have so far is the #yield() and asset() helpers.
#yield() is special blade syntax that Laravel uses to say, "Okay. Any time a blade view that is inheriting THIS master template calls the section named in this #yield() I will display that content right here.
asset() is a nifty little helper that basically appends your URL structure onto the string you pass it. So if your url is and you use asset('js/script.js') it will spit out a fully qualified URL that will work anywhere on the site ( asset() is great because you can use it in blade templates that will get sent out as an email and all of the files will work in an email inbox because they are absolute links.
Right. So now we have this master template and we need to use it. So what I do is create another view in the resources/views directory. Lets say we're doing a contact page. I would make contact.blade.php. Now I want to inherit that master template we created. So we do that like so:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('css/contact.css') }}">
Contact Us
<h1>Contact us</h1>
Contact us via email:
<script src="{{ asset('js/contact-form.js') }}"></script>
Okay, so, first things first. At the very top we tell this blade file that we want to use the template we just made. We use the blade helper #extends() and pass it the path to our view relative to the views directory separated by periods.
Next, we want to create the sections that correspond to the template. We do that by opening the section with #section() and passing the name of the section we want to push this block of content to. We write our content and then we close the section by using #stop. Pretty simple. For images, css, or js, we simply use the asset() helper again.
I know it's a little long-winded, but hopefully that helps and explains the process a little better.
tl;dr: Use #yield(), #section(), and asset().
So I think I understand what you are saying.
In your blade layout file create a section inside the head:
And in the component do:
You could also just include the css but I wouldn't advise this:
.exampleclass {text-align:center;}
Hopefully I have understood you correctly.
I've finally found a bit tricky but working solution:
This makes by Form::fcRadio append this style only once

Nesting views with laravel Blade

I have searched SO, and dug in the Laravel documentation but I am not sure I quite understand if what I would like to do can be done.
I am using Laravel 4. I want to know how I can nest views in other views.
For example, I have a base layout.. lets call it layout.blade.php
<title>{{ $title }}</title>
Next I have a blade for a page called home:
I have a couple different navigation layouts, one for admins, another for super users, and another for regular users.
Is there a way to add another blade view inside the section('nav')?
// do something magical here?
It doesn't make sense that for every blade layout I need to repeat the navigation code when several snippets can be reused.
You can do this
Another solution, in case you were wishing to dynamically load different subviews, you can nest using the View Class. E.g. you could have the following in a Route / Controller:
return View::make('home')->nest('subnav','home/nav', array('some' => 'data');
and then in your home.blade.php, you could do this:
{{ $subnav }}
This can be done with an include and a variable as well (#include($viewname, array('some' => 'data')) however I'd say its cleaner as it removes the logic from the view, particularly if your nested views aren't always the same blade file.
Even though this is late you can also do this:
eg. in an admin.php you can have this:
// navigation
// admin page content
Not saying this is better or not i'm just answering your question on nesting views with blade, this is how i nest my views.
