Laravel 1 row missing while inserting and - laravel

$purchase_line_datas = PurchaseLine::where('transaction_id',
$transaction->id)->get(); $i = 0;
$input = [];
foreach ($purchase_line_datas as $key => $purchase_line_data) {
if (!$enable_stock_transfer) {
$qty_available = $this->productUtil->num_uf($purchases[$i]['quantity']);
} else {
$qty_available = 0;
$item = array(
"business_id" => $business_id,
"transaction_id" => $purchase_line_data->transaction_id,
"purchase_line_id" => $purchase_line_data->id,
"variation_id" => $purchase_line_data->variation_id,
"contact_id" => $transaction_data['contact_id'],
"product_id" => $purchase_line_data->product_id,
"ref_no" => $ref_no,
"new_barcode" => $purchase_line_data->barcode,
"default_sell_price" => $this->productUtil->num_uf($purchases[$i]['default_sell_price']),
"purchase_qty" => $this->productUtil->num_uf($purchases[$i]['quantity']),
"qty_available" => $this->productUtil->num_uf($qty_available),
"created_at" => Carbon::now()
array_push($input, $item);
in this code I am inserting an array but after inserting.. it's showing that one row is missing.And it's happening very often.I couldn't be able to solve this problem.


Laravel - How to update table multiple rows at once

I have this variable called $projectFieldOptions and it's output is like this:
Now, In the Controller I need to update this. What I am doing this, first delete all the existing rows based on id_feed and id_project and then loop through this variable $projectFieldOptions and insert it. Like this:
if( $request->feed_type !== 'scrape' ) {
$delete_mapping = DB::connection($db_name)->table($db_name . '.feed_mappings')
->where('id_feed', '=', $id_feed)
->where('id_project', '=', $token)
// now insert
$field_mapping = true;
if( $request->feed_type !== 'scrape' ) {
if( count($projectFieldOptions) ) {
foreach ($projectFieldOptions as $mapping) {
$data[] = [
'id_feed' => $id_feed,
'id_project' => $token,
'import_field_slug' => $mapping['value'],
'internal_field_slug' => $mapping['custom'] ? $mapping['custom_field'] : $mapping['text'],
'custom_field' => $mapping['custom'],
'updates' => $mapping['updates'],
'removes' => $mapping['removes'],
'import' => 1,
'date_add' => now(),
'date_upd' => now()
} else {
$data = [];
$field_mapping = DB::connection($db_name)->table($db_name . ".feed_mappings")->insert($data);
Now, I don't want to delete existing rows instead I want to update those rows based on the id_feed_mappings. Can you tell how can I do this?
Check if this would work, to update based on id_feed_mappings value, you can use the ->where('id_feed_mappings', '=' ,'a value or variable') before ->update($data)
if( $request->feed_type !== 'scrape' ) {
// try using update instead of insert
$field_mapping = true;
if( $request->feed_type !== 'scrape' ) {
if( count($projectFieldOptions) ) {
foreach ($projectFieldOptions as $mapping) {
$data[] = [
'id_feed' => $id_feed,
'id_project' => $token,
'import_field_slug' => $mapping['value'],
'internal_field_slug' => $mapping['custom'] ? $mapping['custom_field'] : $mapping['text'],
'custom_field' => $mapping['custom'],
'updates' => $mapping['updates'],
'removes' => $mapping['removes'],
'import' => 1,
'date_add' => now(),
'date_upd' => now()
} else {
$data = [];
$field_mapping = DB::connection($db_name)->table($db_name . ".feed_mappings")->update($data);

Failed asserting that a row in the table student.sections matches the attributes

Hello im new to PHPUnit with minimum knowledge in laravel.
Im trying to test this method that mass create student section
public function setStudentsSection(Request $request)
$enrollments = Enrollment::whereIn('student_id', $request->students)->where('session_id', $request->session_id)->get();
$program_section = ProgramSection::withCount('students')->find($request->program_section_id);
if(($program_section->students_count + count($enrollments)) <= $program_section->max_students) {
foreach($enrollments as $enrollment) {
$response = StudentSection::create([
'student_id' => $enrollment->student_id,
'enrollment_id' => $enrollment->id,
'section_id' => $request->program_section_id,
'created_at' => Carbon::now()
return $response;
return response()->json(['errors' => ['message' => 'Selected Section is full.']], 405);
Here's the test case. Im trying to match the method that i've modified with my test, but im failing to do so.
public function testCanMassAssignSection()
$sectioning_data = $this->setMassSectioning(10);
$this->json('POST', 'api/enrollments/set-students-section', $sectioning_data['data'])
$student_section_data = ['student_id' => $sectioning_data['student_ids'], 'section_id' => $sectioning_data['program_section']->id];
$this->assertDatabaseHas('student.sections', $student_section_data);
private function setMassSectioning($max_students)
$session = Session::factory()->create();
$program_section = ProgramSection::factory()->create(['session_id' => $session->id, 'max_students' => $max_students]);
$enrollments = Enrollment::factory(['session_id' => $session->id])->count(3)->create();
$student_ids = array();
foreach($enrollments as $enrollment) {
array_push($student_ids, $enrollment->student_id);
return [
'data' => ['program_section_id' => $program_section->id, 'session_id' => $session->id, 'students' => $student_ids],
'student_ids' => $enrollment->student_id,
'program_section' => $program_section
Here's the error the i get.
1) Test\Feature\EnrollmentTest::testCanMassAssignSection
Failed asserting that a row in the table [student.sections] matches the attributes {
"student_id": 2765,
"section_id": 1649
Found: [
"id": 262,
"student_id": 2763,
"section_id": 1649,
"created_at": "2022-08-24 09:32:05",
"updated_at": "2022-08-24 09:32:05",
"enrollment_id": 1740
Still can't make it to match. I do not know what im doing wrong.
Solve! I just create $student data and added to $enrollments now assert in database match. Although don't know what exactly is happening on the background.
I think when i added to enrollments variable the 'student_id' => $student->id it creates those 3 records.
private function setMassSectioning($max_students)
$session = Session::factory()->create();
$student = Student::factory()->create();
$program_section = ProgramSection::factory()->create(['session_id' => $session->id, 'max_students' => $max_students]);
$enrollments = Enrollment::factory(['session_id' => $session->id, 'student_id' => $student->id])->count(3)->create();
$student_ids = array();
foreach($enrollments as $enrollment) {
array_push($student_ids, $enrollment->student_id);
return [
'data' => ['program_section_id' => $program_section->id, 'session_id' => $session->id, 'students' => $student_ids],
'student_ids' => $enrollment->student_id,
'program_section' => $program_section

because it shows Undefined offset: 0, seeder laravel?

I have the following for in which I create the records
foreach ($v as $k => $f){
if($v[$k] != false && $f['zip_code'] !=''){
$state = State::whereCode($f['code'])->get();
'uuid' => Uuid::generate(4)->string,
'zip_code' => $f['zip_code'],
'city' => $f['city'],
'county' => $f['county'],
'state_id' => $state[0]->id,
I have noticed that the error appears in the field 'state_id' => $ state [0] -> id
since if I comment and delete it from the table it doesn't give me the error.
In fact if I just leave
foreach ($v as $k => $f){
if($v[$k] != false && $f['zip_code'] !=''){
$state = State::whereCode($f['code'])->get();
The same generates the error.

Linking arrays according to common values

I have some array like
0: [id: '1',department: 'xyz',date: '10-10-2019',time: '12:50']
1: [id: '1',department: 'xyz',date: '11-10-2019',time: '10:30']
2: [id: '2',department: 'abc',date: '09-09-2019',time: '09:50']
3: [id: '2',department: 'abc',date: '07-07-2019',time: '03:20']
I want them to be merged according to the id and department
so the 0 and 1 array will be merged together and the output should be something like
0:[id: '1',department: 'xyz',[[date: '10-10-2019',time: '12:50'],[date: '11-10-2019',time: '10:30']]]
and the 2 and 3 array will be merged together and the output should be something like
1:[id: '2',department: 'abc',[[date: '09-09-2019',time: '09:50'],[date: '07-07-2019',time: '03:20']]]
how can I do it?
Try this..
$input = [
0 =>['id' => '1','department' => 'xyz','date' => '10-10-2019','time' => '12:50'],
1 => ['id' => '1','department' => 'xyz','date' => '11-10-2019','time' => '10:30'],
2 => ['id' => '2','department' => 'abc','date' => '09-09-2019','time' => '09:50'],
3 =>['id' => '2','department' => 'abc','date' => '07-07-2019','time' => '03:20']];
$output = [];
$id_array = [];
foreach ($input as $values)
$id_array [] = $values['id'];
$unique_id_array = array_unique($id_array);
foreach($input as $key => $in)
$output[] = [
'department' => $in['department'],
'id' => $in['id']
foreach($input as $in)
foreach($output as $key => $out)
if($out['id'] == $in['id'] && $out['department'] == $in['department'])
$output[$key]['date_time'][] = ['date' =>$in['date'],'time' => $in['time']];
The output is going to be
[0] => Array
[department] => xyz
[id] => 1
[date_time] => Array
[0] => Array
[date] => 10-10-2019
[time] => 12:50
[1] => Array
[date] => 11-10-2019
[time] => 10:30
[1] => Array
[department] => abc
[id] => 2
[date_time] => Array
[0] => Array
[date] => 09-09-2019
[time] => 09:50
[1] => Array
[date] => 07-07-2019
[time] => 03:20
Hello i think this will works fine,and it's easy and best way to achieve your output.
i tried many codes in my system with data given by you,just try this
i hope this will work for you as well.
$inputArr = [0 =>['id' => '1','department' => 'xyz','date' => '10-10-2019','time' => '12:50'],1 => ['id' => '1','department' => 'xyz','date' => '11-10-2019','time' => '10:30'],2 => ['id' => '2','department' => 'abc','date' => '09-09-2019','time' => '09:50'],3 =>['id' => '2','department' => 'abc','date' => '07-07-2019','time' => '03:20']];
$second_copy = $inputArr;
foreach ($inputArr as $key => $single)
$goalArr[$single['id']] = getRow($single['id'],$single['department'],$second_copy);
function getRow($id,$department,$second_copy)
$returnArr['id'] = $id;
$returnArr['department'] = $department;
foreach ($second_copy as $key => $single)
if($id == $single['id'] && $department == $single['department'])
$returnArr['date'][] = $single['date'];
$returnArr['time'][] = $single['time'];
return $returnArr;
echo "<br>Output is: <br>";

Insert multiple data from other table in codeigniter

I want to save the data where id_perencanaan is selected. I've tried a lot of ways, but have not found the answer.
public function salin_barang_perencanaan($id_perencanaan) {
$barang_perencanaan = $this->perencanaan_barang_model->barang_perencanaan($id_perencanaan);
// echo "<pre>";
// print_r($barang_perencanaan);
if($barang_perencanaan->id_perencanaan == 0) {
$data = array(
'id_perencanaan_barang' => $barang_perencanaan->id_perencanaan_barang,
'id_golongan_barang' => $barang_perencanaan->id_golongan_barang,
'id_bidang_barang' => $barang_perencanaan->id_bidang_barang,
'id_kelompok_barang' => $barang_perencanaan->id_kelompok_barang,
'id_sub_kelompok_barang' => $barang_perencanaan->id_sub_kelompok_barang,
'id_jenis_barang' => $barang_perencanaan->id_jenis_barang,
'id_perencanaan' => $barang_perencanaan->id_perencanaan,
'nomor_barang' => $barang_perencanaan->nomor_barang,
'nama_barang' => $barang_perencanaan->nama_barang,
'harga_satuan' => $barang_perencanaan->harga_satuan,
'jumlah_barang' => $barang_perencanaan->jumlah_barang,
'total_harga' => $barang_perencanaan->total_harga,
'penggunaan_barang' => $barang_perencanaan->penggunaan_barang,
'keterangan' => $barang_perencanaan->keterangan,
'tanggal_post' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
'id_user' => $this->session->userdata('id')
$this->session->set_flashdata('sukses', 'Perencanaan dalam tahap pengadaan');
$this->session->set_flashdata('sukses', 'Proses perencanaan telah dibatalkan');
And my model :
public function salin_barang_perencanaan($data) {
// $this->db->trans_start();
// $this->db->trans_complete();
I am very grateful for your help...
The problem has been resolved, the following is the code I used:
Controller :
public function salin_barang_perencanaan($id_perencanaan) {
$barang_perencanaan = $this->perencanaan_barang_model->barang_perencanaan($id_perencanaan);
// echo "<pre>";
// print_r($barang_perencanaan);
// if($barang_perencanaan->id_perencanaan == 0) {
foreach($barang_perencanaan as $barang_perencanaan){
$data = array(
'id_perencanaan_barang' => $barang_perencanaan['id_perencanaan_barang'],
'id_golongan_barang' => $barang_perencanaan['id_golongan_barang'],
'id_bidang_barang' => $barang_perencanaan['id_bidang_barang'],
'id_kelompok_barang' => $barang_perencanaan['id_kelompok_barang'],
'id_sub_kelompok_barang' => $barang_perencanaan['id_sub_kelompok_barang'],
'id_jenis_barang' => $barang_perencanaan['id_jenis_barang'],
'id_perencanaan' => $barang_perencanaan['id_perencanaan'],
// 'id_pengadaan' => $last_id,
'nomor_barang' => $barang_perencanaan['nomor_barang'],
'nama_barang' => $barang_perencanaan['nama_barang'],
'harga_satuan' => $barang_perencanaan['harga_satuan'],
'jumlah_barang' => $barang_perencanaan['jumlah_barang'],
'total_harga' => $barang_perencanaan['total_harga'],
'penggunaan_barang' => $barang_perencanaan['penggunaan_barang'],
'keterangan' => $barang_perencanaan['keterangan'],
'tanggal_post' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
'id_user' => $barang_perencanaan['id_user']
$this->session->set_flashdata('sukses', 'Perencanaan dalam tahap pengadaan');
// }
// $this->session->set_flashdata('sukses', 'Proses perencanaan telah dibatalkan');
// redirect(base_url('perencanaan'));
And my model :
public function salin_barang_perencanaan($data) {
$this->db->insert('pengadaan_barang' ,$data ,array('id_perencanaan' => $data['id_perencanaan']));
