Create System Restore Point in Windows 10 - windows

I want to use Window API to create System Restore Point (SRP). However, creating SRP is limited in 24 hours.
Here're my steps
Add SystemRestorePointCreationFrequency under the registry key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SystemRestore and set to Zero.
In source code
Call LoadLibraryW(L"srclient.dll")
Get GetProcAddress of SRSetRestorePointW
Call SRSetRestorePointW method.
this method only create SRP in the first calling. In the second calling, it always return previous sequenceNumber(STATEMGRSTATUS.llSequenceNumber).
it seem that SRSetRestorePointW does not refer SystemRestorePointCreationFrequency.
I tried using powershell to create 2 SRPs, it works well (without reboot system )
Checkpoint-Computer -Description 'Install_TEST' -RestorePointType 'APPLICATION_INSTALL'
This source code is referred from MSD. But it has this issue. (

You must be using Windows 8 or later for getting SystemRestorePointCreationFrequency to work.
On first call set eventtype to BEGIN_SYSTEM_CHANGE.
On second call set eventtype to END_SYSTEM_CHANGE and set
SequenceNumber returned from the first call.


Unable to change registry on Windows 10

I'm trying to change the value of the Shell registry key on Windows 10 using the following code:
Public Function overwriteStartup()
Dim winlogon As RegistryKey = My.Computer.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon", True)
winlogon.SetValue("AutoRestartShell", 0, RegistryValueKind.DWord)
winlogon.SetValue("Shell", Application.ExecutablePath, RegistryValueKind.String)
Return True
Catch ex As Exception
Return False
End Try
End Function
The issue is that Shell and AutoRestartShell are not changing.
If I add MessageBox.Show(My.Computer.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon").GetValue("Shell")) between winlogon.Close() and Return True, I get a message box that shows the correct value (which means that the value was changed), but when I check regedit, it shows the original value, so it did not actually change the value.
If your app can read the registry value - You must need to provide administrative privileges before letting your app write registry values. Go to the app manifest and set the privilege to requireAdministrator then try again, it should work.
If you remove the exception handling Try Catch, then you'll get to know the exact reason.
I changed the target framework to .NET 4 and set target CPU to AnyCPU, it works now.

Is there any way to change the SMBIOSVersion value in win32_bios in windows?

As illustrated in the picture bellow, by tweaking the registry in windows 10 I was able to change the bios version but not the SMBIOSVersion, which is what i want. Is there any way to alter it? Not necessarily permanently. I don't care if the value is restored after a reboot, i just want the win32_bios containing an SMBIOSVersion that i have specified until shutdown so calls to it will return my specified version.
It's coming from WMI, and the Win32_BIOS provider is defined in c:\Windows\System32\wbem\cimwin32.mof as a dynamic provider calling from cimwin32.dll.
But it does seem to be possible to override it; create a new file somewhere, e.g. c:\user\spkone\test.mof and put this in it:
#pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\CIMv2")
class Win32_BIOS
string SMBIOSBIOSVersion;
instance of Win32_BIOS
SMBIOSBIOSVersion = "wow";
Run an administrator command prompt or PowerShell, and run mofcomp test.mof.
I got this far and then stopped, I don't know how far the change reaches, or what the implications are. It does show in another PowerShell process, anyway. I'll leave it to you to fill in the other details ;)
Quoting from the documentation (emphasis mine):
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("SMBIOS|Type 0|BIOS Version")
BIOS version as reported by SMBIOS.
This value comes from the BIOS Version member of the BIOS Information structure in the SMBIOS information.
Basically, this value reports information obtained from the BIOS. To modify the value you'd need to modify the BIOS, i.e. flash the chip with a new firmware.

QTP - if object exists in object repository

In QTP is there any way in the code to check to see if a specific object exists in the object repository. I have tried the following code:
If JavaWindow(className).JavaDialog(dialogName).Exist Then
End If
But from what I have gleamed from the Internets, this is similar to a isVisible method, only resulting in true if the specified object is currently visible. When I use the above code I receive a "JavaDialog object was not found in the Object Repository." Is there a method or any way to prevent this very error and check to see if the object does indeed exist?
Thank you for your time
I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish here, one typically knows if an object exists in the object repository before using it. The doubt is usually whether there is a corresponding control in the AUT (Application Under Test).
If you really face the situation that sometimes the object is in the repository and sometimes it isn't (I can think of several ways for this to happen but none of them make much sense) then you can use VBScript's error handling mechanism.
On Error Resume Next ' Turn off error handling
' Just check if object is in repository, there's no need to do anything with it
Dim Exists: Exists=JavaWindow(className).JavaDialog(dialogName).Exist
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
doThisStuff 'Exists is still empty
doThisStuffInstead ' Exists is properly set
End If
On Error Goto 0 ' Resume regular error handling
So, from the error you get, either the dialog that appears is different from the one you've stored in the repository or you don't have it there.
Have you checked it is really present in the Repository? You can try to just locate this element button.
Using the method of "if object not in the repository - skip the step" is not really a good idea. 1. Why would you want to skip the test/part of the test if the object was not saved in the repository?
2. If it's not there, so you need to make sure to store it.
I would assume that this "missing" object might have some values by which it's matched to the object from the repository different from test to test. You can tune the "matching" mechanism by manually setting the values by which you want QTP to locate it.

Language Service: ParseReason.Check never called after migrating to VS2010

I just migrated my language service from VS2008 to VS2010. Everything works fine except for one important thing: I no longer get LanguageService.ParseSource invoked for ParseReason.Check. It do get a single invoke after opening a file. But after editing code, it no longer gets invoked.
Any ideas what could be causing that?
I also migrated a language service from 2008 to 2010. Can you check if you've fallowed all of these steps?
I didn't have to do anything else, which I verified by diffing the important files in our depot before and after the change.
I don't know if you ever figured your question out, but have you tried making sure that your Source class' LastParseTime is set to 0 when creating it? I seem to recall some issues with Check not happening unless you manually set LastParseTime to 0 when creating your Source object.
Protip: If you use .NET Reflector, you can disassemble all of the base classes for the LanguageService framework and get a pretty good understanding of how it all works under the hood. The classes you'd be interested in live in Microsoft.VisualStudio.Package.LanguageService.10.0.dll, which should be installed in the GAC. I've found this to be unimaginably helpful when trying to figure out why things weren't working in my own Language Service, and being able to step through the source code in the debugger mitigates almost all the pain of working with these frameworks!
When your Source object is initialized, it starts off with a LastParseTime of Int32.MaxValue. The code that causes fires off a ParseRequest with ParseReason.Check checks the LastParseTime value to see if the time since the last change to the text is less than the time it takes to run a parse (or the CodeSenseDelay setting, whichever is greater).
The code that handles the response from ParseSource is supposed to set the LastParseTime, but as far as I can tell, it only does that if the ParseReason is Check.
You can get around this issue by setting Source.LastParseTime = 0 when you initialize your Source. This has the side-effect of setting CompletedFirstParse to true, even if the first parse hasn't finished yet.
Another way to fix this issue is to override Source.OnIdle to fire off the first call to BeginParse() This is the way I would recommend.
public override void OnIdle(bool periodic)
// Once first "Check" parse completes, revert to base implementation
if (this.CompletedFirstParse)
// Same as base implementation, except we don't check lastParseTime
else if (!periodic || this.LanguageService == null || this.LanguageService.LastActiveTextView == null || (this.IsCompletorActive) || (!this.IsDirty || this.LanguageService.IsParsing))

when to release object in npapi plugin

I am confused about the ref count in npapi. Mostly, I don't know which method will increase ref count. Can anyone explain in detail about this? For the convenience, I listed most common used NPN_* functions here and my own understanding:
NPN_CreateObject: set ref count to 0
NPN_RetainObject: inc ref count
NPN_ReleaseObject: dec ref count
NPN_Evaluate: ?? (in case return an NPObject*)
NPN_GetValue: ?? (in case return an NPObject*)
NPN_SetValue: ?? (in case set to an NPObject*)
NPN_GetProperty: ?? (in case return an NPObject*)
NPN_SetProperty: ?? (in case set to an NPObject*)
NPN_RemoveProperty: ??
NPN_Enumerate: ??
NPN_Construct: ??
another thing: is npapi do nested release? (In case NPObject* with a property of NPObject*, release parent will decrease the ref count of child).
There isn't room in comments to answer your question in the comment well, so I'll put it in another answer.
Any time your code gets an NPObject from a NPObject function (one of those you mentioned above), you should Release that NPObject when you're done with it. (that could be immediately, or you could save it for awhile and release it when your object gets destroyed). The same holds true with a NPVariant. It does not hold true with the arguments passed into your Invoke function, but the return value you set will get released by the browser when it's done.
When you call NPN_GetValue and get an NPObject from there, that also has to be released. This means that when the browser calls NPP_GetValue, it will release your NPObject when it's done. If you want to create a new NPObject every time the browser calls NPP_GetValue to get your NPObject, then you don't have to call NPN_RetainObject on it; the assumption in the NPAPI example is that you are saving a copy of your NPObject so that it doesn't get deleted until your plugin object gets deleted.
Since the browser will call Release for every time that it calls NPP_GetValue to get your NPObject, you need to make sure that the refcount is incremented before you return it. The reason you don't have to call it twice in the case that you're going to keep it is that NPN_CreateObject does an implicit Retain before it returns your object.
I have written up a more detailed explanation here:
First, to correct a misconception: NPN_CreateObject sets the refCount to 1, not to 0. Then, when you call NPN_RetainObject it increments the refcount, and NPN_ReleaseObject will decrement it. If ReleaseObject decrements the refcount to 0, it will also free it by calling the deallocate function from your NPClass (which should delete the NPObject after doing any needed cleanup)
beyond that, a good general rule of thumb for any of the other NPClass functions is that any time you put an NPObject in a NPVariant, you need to call NPN_RetainObject. To remember this, simply remember that when you're done with an NPVariant (one that you have used and are done with, not one that was passed as a return value), you call NPN_ReleaseVariantValue, which will release the NPString data if it's a string or the NPObject if it's an object.
So from any of the other methods, if you are returning an NPObject, you need to call NPN_RetainObject before you stuff it into the NPVariant. Also, if you save a copy of the NPObject, you should call NPN_RetainObject on it and NPN_ReleaseObject when you're done saving it. It also bears mentioning that you should never call any NPN_ method from a thread other than the main thread.
Does that help?
