I have an Nginx reverse proxy listening on port 80 and a lot of services running over other ports or subpaths in our scenario. The outside requests are proxied to the right service / API / server based on the requested route.
Like this:
Some requests are just to check the environment health and responsiveness status, and currently, I have to send a request to health check each one of the inner services from outside.
This Nginx proxy runs on a Windows VM and the inner services can be in the same VM, on a container, other subnets, and so on...
I'm trying to configure one route on Nginx proxy to respond with a single body containing the health response of all inner services.
The desired scenario would be like this:
I've read about the njs module that could do the trick, but it looks like runs only on Linux and MacOS.
Have you guys any idea on how can I achieve this?
I have a use case where I have to put a middle server or relay or tunnel to do network communication with the following points:
I have a web server running, let say when I hit an API /request hosted my web server, it creates a post request to https://www.google.com and gives me a response through the endpoint.
I want a middle server (proxy etc.) which I will call while creating this post request instead of communicating through my webserver,
the call goes to the middle server and gives me the same response as I was getting directly.
For this, the SQUID proxy worked for me.
I came across NGINX, but we can not use NGINX as a forward proxy, also there are some observations that might be useful with this regard.
SQUID proxy also uses the conf file as similar to NGINX,
HTTPS traffic is encrypted, the proxy server need to do some more work to get something with Https requests,
For intercepting, and creating ACL rules, someone will need to have a dummy certificate to be used by the server to act as the owner of the requested content through the proxy,
a list of rules can be incorporated within SQUID.conf to achieve the filtering.
I hope this could be useful to achieve something like this.
We have two applications running on ibm cloud cloud foundry (appA and appB).
appA is accessing appB over a container-to-container networking while appB is also available externally over a Gorouter route.
The thing is that while it is http-8080 our app exposes - all is good.
Now we have to do container-to-container networking over https.
We configured the app to expose https-8080. 8080 is used as https://docs.cloudfoundry.org/devguide/custom-ports.html states that:
By default, apps only receive requests on port 8080 for both HTTP and TCP routing,
and so must be configured, or hardcoded, to listen on this port
container-to-container networking works as expected now using https.
But we are no longer able to use the appB over the external Gorouter route.
What is the best way to have it all up and running as we expect?
There isn't a good answer to this question, at least at the time I write this.
You do have a couple options though:
Manually set up HTTPS for the internal route. To do this, you would need to use the instructions for your application/server of choice to configure HTTPS. Then use whatever functionality your buildpack provides to inject this confirmation into the application container. This would also require you to bundle and push TLS certs with your application. The platform isn't going to provide you TLS certs if you take this option.
The trick to making both the internal and public route work is that you need your application to listen on both port 8080 and the port you choose for your HTTPS traffic. As long as you continue taking HTTP traffic on port 8080, then your public routes should keep working.
If you want a quick, but not ideal solution you can use port 61001. For newer versions of Cloud Foundry, this port is used by Envoy to accept traffic to your app over HTTPS. Envoy then proxies the request to your app via HTTP over port 8080. You can use this port for your container to container traffic as well, however the configured subject name on the TLS cert won't match your route.
Here's an example of what the subject name will look like.
subject: OU=organization:639f74aa-5d97-4a47-a6b3-e9c2613729d8 + OU=space:10180e2b-33b9-44ee-9f8f-da96da17ac1a + OU=app:10a4752e-be17-41f5-bfb2-d858d49165f2; CN=b7520259-6428-4a52-60d4-5f25
Because it's using this format, you would need to have your clients ignore certificate subject name match errors (not ideal as that weakens HTTPS), or perhaps create a custom hostname matcher.
For what it's worth, I don't think you want or need to change the port. That is typically used if your application is not flexible and unable to listen on port 8080. It changes the port for inbound traffic. Since you're only using C2C networking, you don't need that option.
What you want, from what I understand, is that you want HTTPS for C2C traffic. In that case, the public traffic doesn't matter. It can still go through Gorouter to port 8080. For your container-to-container traffic, you can pick any port you want. You just need to make sure the port you choose has network policy set to allow that traffic (by default all C2C traffic is blocked). Once the network policy is set, you can connect directly over whatever port you designate.
I made a proxy server in python 3. It listens on the port 4444. It basically receives the request from clients and sends it to the server. I want to use it as a firewall to my Dvwa server. So added another functionality to the proxy. What it does is, before sending the request to the DVWA server, it validates the input.
But the problem is, the clients have to configure their proxy settings in the browser to use my proxy server. Is there any way to access the proxy without configuring the browser settings. Basically I want to host the proxy server instead of the original web server. So that all the traffic goes through the proxy before going to the webserver.
Thanks in advance...
You don't say whether your Python3 proxy is hosted on the same machine as the DVWA.
Assuming it is, the solution is simple: a reverse-proxy configuration. Your proxy transparently accepts and forwards requests to your server who then processes them and sends them back via the proxy to the client.
Have your proxy listen on port 80
Have the DVWA listen on a port other than 80 so it's not clashing (e.g. 8080)
Your proxy, which is now receiving requests for the IP/hostname which would otherwise go to the DVWA, then forwards them as usual.
The client/web browser is none the wiser that anything has changed. No settings need changing.
That's the best case scenario, given the information provided in your question. Unfortunately, I can't give any alternative solutions without knowing the network layout, where the machines reside, and the intent of the project. Some things to consider:
do you have a proper separation of concerns for this middleware you're building?
what is the purpose of the proxy?
is it for debugging/observing traffic?
are you actually trying to build a Web Application Firewall?
I am trying to build a SOCKS solution for forward proxy. I am using dante SOCKS proxy as I have heard that big companies like google uses it as forward proxy solution.
on the SOCKS server, I am allowing based on FQDN's like google.com:443
Now the problem is, when the client constructs the packet, it tries to resolve google.com and gets X.X.X.X and sends connect request to SOCKS server. Now when the server receives the packets, it tries to reconstruct the packet to send out to internet, the server again does DNS resolution and if the server gets response as Y.Y.Y.Y, then it doesn't allow client's request as the destination IP in the client's request is different then the server's resolved IP address.
There was a solution in dante client which tells client to put a dummy destination address and sends request to server and server processes it properly then. However that is creating a problem with internal domains as after using that dns resolution method, every requests goes through dante server :(
Please let me know
If there is any solution through which would help me in maintaining a DNS record expiry DC wide for e.g. google.com resolves to X.X.X.X and I should be able to resolve to this same IP address on 100's of DNS client and in case if the record changes, then it should immediately change/expire on client.
Any other proxy/socks solution which should be transparent to applications for forward proxy
I went ahead with this solution in case anyone is curious to see the solution.
I used PowerDNS Auth Server with Pipe backend. The requests would land to PowerDNS server for resolution, it will pass on all the data to Pipe backend script with ABI, the script analysis the requests, sees if it is present under cached variable/memory map, if it is cache hit, it will respond using cached DNS records else it will use a DNS resolver to resolve that query like a resolver resolves normally.
PowerDNS version lower than 4.1 supports Pipe backend + resolver. This way, the request would first land to pipe backend script, if the script doesn't have any entries cached, it will not respond or will respond blank and then PowerDNS would resolve it with the mentioned resolver server in the configuration. However with version 4.1 and above, the resolver part is removed from PowerDNS Auth server hence you need to handle that behaviour via Pipe backend script.
It depends on your client. Firefox, for example, sends hostname to SOCKS proxy without resolving it. You can confirm that by Wireshark.
PS. assume you are using a SOCKS5/4a proxy. SOCKS4 does not support hostname. Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOCKS#SOCKS4a
I'm running a kubernetes application on GKE, which serves HTTP requests on port 80 and websocket on port 8080.
Now, HTTP part needs to know client's IP address, so I have to use HTTP load balancer as ingress service. Websocket part then has to use TCP load balancer, as it's clearly stated in docs that HTTP LB doesn't support it.
I got them both working, but on different IPs, and I need to have them on one.
I would expect that there is something like iptables on GCE, so I could forward traffic from port 80 to HTTP LB, and from 8080 to TCP LB, but I can't find anything like that. Anything including forwarding allows only one them.
I guess I could have one instance with nginx/HAproxy doing only this, but that seems like an overkill
Appreciate any help!
There's not a great answer to this right now. Ingress objects are really HTTP only right now, and we don't really support multiple grades of ingress in a single cluster (though we want to).
GCE's HTTP LB doesn't do websockets yet.
Services have a flaw in that they lose the client IP (we are working on that). Even once we solve this, you won't be able to use GCE's L7 balancer because of the extra port you need.
The best workaround I can think of, and has been used by a number of users until we preserve source IP, is this:
Run your own haproxy or nginx or even your own app as a Daemonset on some or all nodes (label controlled) with HostPorts.
Run a GCE Network LB (outside of Kubernetes) pointing at the nodes with HostPorts.
Once we can properly preserve external IPs, you can turn this back into a plain Service.