Cypress cache - server session expired - cypress

Can Cypress clear browser cookies/cache before each test?
The problem I am experiencing is the first execution is ok, but the second fails due to the cache. I tried cy.clearCookies(), but it doesn't work.
During the second execution, I receive the message server session expired.

Though I think by default each it block starts with a clear cache. The following command may be useful for your purposes
Doc here:
You could possibly wrap this like so
before(function () {
describe("Some useful description", () => {
// your 'it' blocks here
Alternatively, if you wanted to programmatically clear your cache after each test, try:
describe("Some useful description", () => {
afterEach(() => {
// your 'it' blocks here


How to get cypress to block datadog requests

We recently installed datadogRUM in our application and now so many DD events kick off in my cypress test that they cause a timeout and failure
I have tried cy.intercept in multiple ways:
cy.intercept('POST', '*', {
statusCode: 202,
body: {
cy.intercept('POST', '*', {});
cy.intercept(/\.*datadog.*$/, (req) => {
req.reply("console.log('datadog intercept');");
method: 'POST',
url: '/\.*datadog.*$/'
}, req => {
cy.intercept('POST', '*', { forceNetworkError: true });
just to start. I feel like I've tried every possible variation. I also created a cypress.json file in my /cypress folder
"blockHosts": "**"
I get hundreds of calls back in my network tab to with the preview of console.log('datadog intercept') as I've intercepted them. They all display the solid blue line as if they are being intercepted and blocked. When I set the intercept to an alias I see the alias in my cypress runner window. But there are no 503s or 404s anywhere. The page still fills up with events, cypress gets overloaded, and my test times out.
I even tried copying the data-dog-rum.ts from the src/utils folder to cypress/utils and either commenting out everything or setting the sampleRate to 0, no dice.
EDIT: I am able to get the test passing by adding
Cypress.on('uncaught:exception', () => {
// returning false here prevents Cypress from
// failing the test
return false;
to my support/index.js but now whether I add a cy.intercept in my test makes absolutely no difference. The page still fills up with datadog requests regardless, and whether they come back as 200/pending/cancelled, they still delay a single it block in a spec to where it takes 60 seconds to run instead of approx 10 seconds
You can use javascript to perform the stub inside the routeHandler
cy.intercept('*', (req) => { // look at everything
if (req.url.includes('datadoghq')) { // add more conditions if needed
req.reply({}) // prevent request reaching the server
blockhosts should work with
Pass only the host
"blockHosts": "*"

cy.visit() generates GET request to different page than requested in run mode

I have a very basic Cypress test, per below
describe("Tests for Site users Page", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
it("visits the manage users page", () => {
cy.contains("Contact Name").should("exist");
For some reason, Cypress does not visit /sites/2/users and instead goes to /sites/2/global (even though I did not request that). Can someone please tell me what is going on and how this issue can be resolved? In my cypress.json i have the baseUrl set to http://localhost:3002. Note, in the screenshot I have seen it says (new url) http://localhost:3002/sites/2/global directly after attempting to visit /sites/2/users
This is a bit of wild-guess territory, but maybe the login is not successful, and /sites/2/global is the default page for not-logged-in.
To test it, check where do you go with cy.visit('/') and with cy.login() commented out for the moment.
If it's /sites/2/global, then cy.login() is the problem.

Inertiajs - Asynch Redirect

I have a short question.
Does inertia render asynch?
I realized, as soon I delete a DB - Entry, while I connect to new Nav-Link direct afterwards (Inertia.onStart)- which redirects me on another Page, the changes (onSuccess) wont be showed up.'data-delete', {
}, {
preserveScroll: true,
onBefore: () => {
onStart: (visit) => {
onSuccess: (page) => {
return Promise.all([
/** Wont show after click another Link in Navbar */
onError: (errors) => {
How does it come, I have to wait until the process is Finished - otherwise my Page is not working correctly?
Not sure if I understand what you're looking for.
onSuccess runs immediately after the post request has finished AND in successful. It is completely separated from other links and it's purpose (if your returning a Promise from it) is to delay the execution of the onFinish handler.
From the docs:
It's also possible to return a promise from the onSuccess() and
onError() callbacks. This will delay the "finish" event until the
promise has resolved.
I also believe there's some problem in your code: Promise.all should receive an array os Promises and I'm pretty sure window.Toast.success(page.props.toast) isn't returning one, is it?
So... chances are that your Promise.all is never resolving.

Can't intercept Cypress API call

I have stuck with Cypress fixtures. Can't intercept an XHR request with SSR and navigation routing.
const fetch = require("unfetch")
describe("/about", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
cy.visit("/", { // Visit home page to trigger SSR
onBeforeLoad (win) {
win.fetch = fetch // replace fetch with xhr implementation
it("Has a correct title", () => {
cy.fixture("about").then(about => {
// about object is correct here, like {title: "About+"}
cy.route("GET", "http://localhost:8080/api/documents/url", about) // Not sure where .route should be
cy.get(".main > :nth-child(1) > a").click() // Navigate to the /about page
cy.route("GET", "http://localhost:8080/api/documents/url", about) // Tried both ways
// This hits my server API without stubbing, getting {title: "About"}
cy.title().should("eq", "About+") // About != About+
{"title": "About+"}
I see an XHR request (type=xhr) in Dev Tools and it doesn't use the above about stub object but hits real API instead. Why? Double checked URL and method – 100% the same. Can it be that route is coupled to visit and ignores click-based routing?!
Rechecking this once again, I've found a solution. Let me share the details for everyone interested:
1) I use Next.js which is an excellent tool for SSR but it doesn't allow you to disable server-side rendering (yet) according to this and this issues.
2) You can use Cypress with SSR pages but, in this way, you're limited to testing real HTML. Which means you have to either couple tests to real data (not good in most cases) or stub the database itself (slow). In general, you want to stub HTTP requests.
3) Cypress can't stub fetch requests and mocking fetch with XHR-based implementation was trickier than I thought.
First you need to:
// cypress/integration/your-test.js
Cypress.on('window:before:load', (win) => {
delete win.fetch
// pages/your-page.js
Entry.getInitialProps = async function() {
window.fetch = require("unfetch").default
Other combinations of delete & update code lines I tried didn't yield positive results. For example, when I had window.fetch = line in the test file it didn't work and fetch.toString() gave "native code". Not sure why, no time to explore further.
Axios solves the above but I don't like to bloat my bundle with extra stuff. You can inject XHR-based fetch for tests only.
4) The most important missing piece. You need to wait for route.
it("Has a correct title", () => {
cy.route("GET", "http://localhost:8080/api/documents/url/about", {title: "About+"}).as("about")
cy.wait("#about") // !!!

Using asynchronous Nightwatch After Hook with client interaction does not work

As far as I can tell, using promises or callbacks in After hook prevents Command Queue from executing when using promises / callbacks. I'm trying to figure out why, any help or suggestions are appreciated. Closest issue I could find on github is:
which states: finding that trying to make browser calls in the after hook is too late; it appears that the session is closed before after is run. (exactly my problem). But there is no solution provided. I need to run cleanup steps after my scenarios run, and those cleanup steps need to be able to interact with browser.
In the snippet below, bar is never outputted. Just foo.
const { After } = require('cucumber');
const { client } = require('nightwatch-cucumber');
After(() => new Promise((resolve) => {
client.perform(() => {
I also tried using callback approach
After((browser, done) => {
client.perform(() => {
But similar to 1st example, bar is never outputted, just foo
You can instead use something like:
const moreWork = async () => {
await new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, 10000);
After(() => client.perform(async () => {
But the asynchronous nature of moreWork means that the client terminates before my work is finished, so this isn't really workin for me. You can't use an await in the perform since they are in different execution contexts.
Basically the only way to get client commands to execute in after hook is my third example, but it prevents me from using async.
The 1st and 2nd examples would be great if the command queue didn't freeze and prevent execution.
edit: I'm finding more issues on github that state the browser is not available in before / after hooks:
What are you supposed to do if you want to clean up using the browser after all features have run?
Try the following
After(async () => {
await client.perform(() => {
await moreWork();
