GraphQL Request: Determine requested resource directly out of request - graphql

unlike REST, GraphQL has only one endpoint, usually called /graphql.
I have had good experiences with REST by outsourcing the authorisation to a separate upstream service (e.g. to a proxy like Nginx / Envoy in combination with Open Policy Agent) and using the path and the HTTP verb for the decision. For example, the GET /billing route could only be used by a user with the JWT roles claim "accountant".
Now I am looking for a way to adapt this with GraphQL.
The only possibility I have found is to interpret the query in the request body, e.g.:
body: {
query: 'query {\r\n cats {\r\n id,\r\n name\r\n }\r\n}\r\n'
However, this seems to be quite complex and error-prone, as a lot of knowledge and logic would have to be outsourced, especially since the proxies (resp. OPA / other authorisation solutions) don't necessarily have any GraphQL capabilities.
Is there any better way to trustworthily identify which resolver / query / mutation / entity is being requested in a GraphQL request? Headers and other enrichments set by the client are not suitable here, right?
I would highly appreciate any appraoch!

That does indeed look error prone. The GraphQL docs recommend moving authorization checks to the business logic layer. Quoting their example here for completeness:
// Authorization logic lives inside postRepository
var postRepository = require('postRepository');
var postType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: ‘Post’,
fields: {
body: {
type: GraphQLString,
resolve: (post, args, context, { rootValue }) => {
return postRepository.getBody(context.user, post);
So rather than trying to parse the query the authz check is done in the resolver. Some discussion on using OPA with GraphQL can be found in this issue from the OPA contrib repo.


How to find out which mutation is being requested when configuring “Context”(Node.js, Apollo Server)

I would like to add conditional function on context depending on which mutation is being called in Node.js, Apollo Server.
How would I do that efficiently?
When configuring context, I have access to the request body and all the graphql request information is stored at “req.body.query”, which also contains what I need.
To make use of this, I would have to parse with the “parse” function from “graphql” module. But I dont think this is efficient, cuz now the same request is basically getting parsed twice(once by me and once by Apollo Server). Also the parsed result is not very user friendly with all the nested values.
Is there a clean way to know what mutation is being requested?
One common solution to this is the use of operation names. The client can provide an operation name to the server in the request to identify what it is doing.
"query": "{ mutation AddToBasket($myVariable: AddToBasketInput!) { addToBasket(input: $myVariable) { id } } }",
"operationName": "AddToBasket",
"variables": { "myVariable": "someValue" }
I think you can access the operation name from the body like this:
const server = new ApolloServer({
context: ({ req }) => {
if (req.body.operationName === 'AddToBasket') {
console.log("Found it!")
You can also create a plugin for Apollo Server that uses the didResolveOperation event to get the operation name value.
export class MyPlugin implements ApolloServerPlugin {
async requestDidStart() {
return {
async didResolveOperation(
) {
Using operation name avoids a need to parse the GraphQL operation to determine which mutation is included in the request, but also requires the client to provide a known operation name value, which may or may not work for your use case.

how to get the Graphql request body in apollo-server [duplicate]

I have written a GraphQL query which like the one below:
posts {
author {
I want to know how can I get the details about the requested child fields inside the posts resolver.
I want to do it to avoid nested calls of resolvers. I am using ApolloServer's DataSource API.
I can change the API server to get all the data at once.
I am using ApolloServer 2.0 and any other ways of avoiding nested calls are also welcome.
You'll need to parse the info object that's passed to the resolver as its fourth parameter. This is the type for the object:
type GraphQLResolveInfo = {
fieldName: string,
fieldNodes: Array<Field>,
returnType: GraphQLOutputType,
parentType: GraphQLCompositeType,
schema: GraphQLSchema,
fragments: { [fragmentName: string]: FragmentDefinition },
rootValue: any,
operation: OperationDefinition,
variableValues: { [variableName: string]: any },
You could transverse the AST of the field yourself, but you're probably better off using an existing library. I'd recommend graphql-parse-resolve-info. There's a number of other libraries out there, but graphql-parse-resolve-info is a pretty complete solution and is actually used under the hood by postgraphile. Example usage:
posts: (parent, args, context, info) => {
const parsedResolveInfo = parseResolveInfo(info)
This will log an object along these lines:
alias: 'posts',
name: 'posts',
args: {},
fieldsByTypeName: {
Post: {
author: {
alias: 'author',
name: 'author',
args: {},
fieldsByTypeName: ...
comments: {
alias: 'comments',
name: 'comments',
args: {},
fieldsByTypeName: ...
You can walk through the resulting object and construct your SQL query (or set of API requests, or whatever) accordingly.
Here, are couple main points that you can use to optimize your queries for performance.
In your example there would be great help to use If you load comments in your
resolvers through data loader you will ensure that these are called
just once. This will reduce the number of calls to database
significantly as in your query is demonstrated N+1 problem.
I am not sure what exact information you need to obtain in posts
ahead of time, but if you know the post ids you can consider to do a
"look ahead" by passing already known ids into comments. This will
ensure that you do not need to wait for posts and you will avoid
graphql tree calls and you can do resolution of comments without
waiting for posts. This is great article for optimizing GraphQL
waterfall requests and might you give good idea how to optimize your
queries with data loader and do look ahead

Resolve to the same object from two incoherent sources in graphql

I have a problem I don't know how to solve properly.
I'm working on a project where we use a graphql server to communicate with different apis. These apis are old and very difficult to update so we decided to use graphql to simplify our communications.
For now, two apis allow me to get user data. I know it's not coherent but sadly I can't change anything to that and I need to use the two of them for different actions. So for the sake of simplicity, I would like to abstract this from my front app, so it only asks for user data, always on the same format, no matter from which api this data comes from.
With only one api, the resolver system of graphql helped a lot. But when I access user data from a second api, I find very difficult to always send back the same object to my front page. The two apis, even though they have mostly the same data, have a different response format. So in my resolvers, according to where the data is coming from, I should do one thing or another.
Example :
type User {
id: string,
communication: Communication
type Communication {
mail: string,
type User {
id: string,
mail: string,
I've heard a bit about apollo-federation but I can't put a graphql server in front of every api of our system, so I'm kind of lost on how I can achieve transparency for my front app when data are coming from two different sources.
If anyone has already encounter the same problem or have advice on something I can do, I'm all hear :)
You need to decide what "shape" of the User type makes sense for your client app, regardless of what's being returned by the REST APIs. For this example, let's say we go with:
type User {
id: String
mail: String
Additionally, for the sake of this example, let's assume we have a getUser field that returns a single user. Any arguments are irrelevant to the scenario, so I'm omitting them here.
type Query {
getUser: User
Assuming I don't know which API to query for the user, our resolver for getUser might look something like this:
async () => {
const [userFromA, userFromB] = await Promise.all([
// transform response
if (userFromA) {
const { id, communication: { mail } } = userFromA
return {
// response from B is already in the correct "shape", so just return it
if (userFromB) {
return userFromB
Alternatively, we can utilize individual field resolvers to achieve the same effect. For example:
const resolvers = {
Query: {
getUser: async () => {
const [userFromA, userFromB] = await Promise.all([
return userFromA || userFromB
User: {
mail: (user) => {
if (user.communication) {
return user.communication.mail
return user.mail
Note that you don't have to match your schema to either response from your existing REST endpoints. For example, maybe you'd like to return a User like this:
type User {
id: String
details: UserDetails
type UserDetails {
email: String
In this case, you'd just transform the response from either API to fit your schema.

Using prisma client with resolvers of relations

I am using prisma client in my graphql server.
Following best practices, I made the resolver layer just a thin layer that delegates the actual fetching of data to a data access layer. The data access layer also does things like authorization and request level caching using dataloader.
I can't find a good way to fetch relations of entities in this setup because prisma client uses chaining of function calls on the promise object for fetching relations, but since my resolver doesn't call prisma client directly, it doesn't have access to the prisma client promise and so cannot call the chained relationship functions.
See the following example:
Sample data model:
type Apartment {
id: ID!
floor: Int
building: Building #pgRelation(column: "building_id")
type Building {
id: ID!
buildingNumber: Int
Sample resolver for apartment:
module.exports = {
Query: {
apartment: async (parent, { where }, { apartmentDAO }) => {
return apartmentDAO.apartment(where);
Apartment: {
building: async (parent, args, { buildingDAO }) => {
return buildingDAO.buildingByApartmentId(;
Sample implementation of buildingByApartmentId in the data access layer:
buildingByApartmentId: (apartmentId) => {
// Some authorization logic goes here
// Some other common data access logic goes here
// ....
return prismaClient.apartment({ id: apartmentId }).building();
This is not a good implementation for a few reasons:
I already fetched the apartment at it exists in the cache but I cannot reuse that because I have to fetch apartment again just to get to the building.
For every relation in apartment I will need to implement a special function like this to fetch that specific relation by apartemntId. This is wasteful and misses the point of prisma implementing most of the queries for me.
Is there a better way to implement this that I am missing?
I know prisma binding would solve this issue but:
Prisma client seems like the more up to date way of using primsa.
For authorization purposes, prisma client is much more powerful.

How to test and automate APIs implemented in GraphQL

In our company, we are creating an application by implementing graphQL.
I want to test and automate this APIs for CI/CD.
I have tried REST-assured but since graphQL queries are different than Json,
REST-assured doesn't have proper support for graphQL queries as discussed here.
How can we send graphQL query using REST-assured?
Please suggest the best approach to test and automate graphQL APIs
And tools which can be used for testing and automation.
So I had the same issue and I was able to make it work on a very simple way.
So I've been strugling for a while trying to make this graphQL request with Restassured in order to validate the response (amazing how scarce is the info about this) and since yesterday I was able to make it work, thought sharing here might help someone else.
What was wrong? By purely copying and pasting my Graphql request (that is not json format) on the request was not working. I kept getting error "Unexpected token t in JSON at position". So I thought it was because graphql is not JSON or some validation of restassured. That said I tried to convert the request to JSON, imported library and lot of other things but none of them worked.
My grahql query request:
String reqString = "{ trade { orders { ticker } }}\n";
How did I fixed it? By using postman to format my request. Yes, I just pasted on the QUERY window of postman and then clicked on code button on the right side (fig. 1). That allowed my to see my request on a different formatt, a formatt that works on restassured (fig. 2). PS: Just remeber to configure postman, which I've pointed with red arrows.
My grahql query request FORMATTED:
String reqString = {"query":"{ trade { orders { ticker } }}\r\n","variables":{}}
Fig 1.
Fig 2.
Hope it helps you out, take care!
You can test it with apitest
vars: { #describe("share variables") #client("echo")
req: {
v1: 10,
test1: { #describe("test graphql")
req: {
url: "",
body: {
query: `\`query {
launchesPast(limit: ${vars.req.v1}) {
launch_site {
}\`` #eval
res: {
body: {
data: {
launchesPast: [ #partial
"mission_name": "", #type
"launch_date_local": "", #type
"launch_site": {
"site_name_long": "", #type
Apitest is declarative api testing tool with JSON-like DSL.
