how to select specific fields from the tables in laravel - laravel

This works but it gives all the fields of account table but only few are required.
$data = Loan::select('*')
'member' => function ($query) {
$query->addSelect('id', 'name');
This gives account: null
$data = Loan::select('*')
'member' => function ($query) {
$query->addSelect('id', 'name');
'member.account'=> function ($query) {
$query->addSelect('id', 'account'); // if this line is commented, all the fields are returned but I just need few fields.
Member model:
public function account()
return $this->hasOne(Account::class);
Account model:
public function member()
return $this->belongsTo(Member::class);
How can I get only the required fields of account table?

You can define the relationship and set it to give you specific columns like this.
on Member model
public function account()
return $this->hasOne(Account::class)->select(['id', 'account']);

You can try to define required fields in with:
$data = Loan::select('*')
'member' => function ($query) {
$query->addSelect('id', 'name');

Your are close you just need to select the foreign key column that points to your account model , I guess it would be account_id, So you basically need to select 3 columns from your table which are select(['id', 'name','account_id'])
$data = Loan::with(['member' => function ($query) {
$query->select(['id', 'name','account_id'])
->with(['account'=> function($query){
So if you have another nested relation account -> type and you need specific columns from type so you need to select the foreign key column from accounts models as
with(['account'=> function($query){
->with(['type'=> function($query){


Laravel one of many relationship with argument

coming from this relationship from the docs:
* Get the current pricing for the product.
public function currentPricing()
return $this->hasOne(Price::class)->ofMany([
'published_at' => 'max',
'id' => 'max',
], function ($query) {
$query->where('published_at', '<', now());
how can I make such an relation with a specific date?
The relation down below will work
* Get pricing for the product of one specific date.
public function priceOfDay(Carbon $date)
return $this->hasOne(Price::class)->ofMany([
'published_at' => 'max',
'id' => 'max',
], function ($query) {
$query->where('published_at', '<', $date());
but how can I use it with Eloquent? How can I pass the date to this:
I now use the one to many relation with a closure
->with(['prices' => function ($query) use ($month) {
$query->where('published_at', '<', $month)
it works with the little drawback of having a collection instead of an object as relation, but it fills my needs for the moment.
It would be nice if there was something like
->with(['relation', $param])
update 2
since there seems to bo no direct solution here the workarround i came up with:
->first() does not work in the query, you will end up getting all prices, so I finished with an each()
->with(['prices' => function ($query) use ($month) {
$query->where('published_at', '<', $month)
->each(function ($product) {
$product->price = $product->prices->first()->price;

Laravel 8 eager loading, how to access subquery fields

This is working:
$clients = Client::with([
'contacts' => function ($query) {
->select('client_id', 'first_name', 'last_name')
->where('contact_type_id', '=', 1);
->get(['id', 'client_name', 'city', 'state']);
However, I'm unsure of how to access first_name and last_name on the subquery. They're showing up in the "relations" object in the dump, but in my mind I'm envisioning a dataset that I would access like,
$client->first_name, etc.
When I try to add the fields to the get() method at the end, it doesn't recognize them, so I'm doing something wrong, or I need to access the subquery fields differently.
When you are eager loading the relationships, you are just preloading them.
If your relationship is defined as hasMany (which seems to be the case here, a Client hasMany Contact), then you'll always get a collection from eager loading.
If you defined another relationship in your model in order to get only one result, for instance:
public function contact()
return $this->hasOne(Contact::class)->where('contact_type_id', 1)->latest('id');
Your new relationship contact would return only one result:
$clients = Client::with('contact')
->get(['id', 'client_name', 'city', 'state']);
foreach($clients as $client){
// each Client of $clients would have a ->contact relationship
You should add field id to select() method in subquery and field contact_id to get() method
$clients = Client::with(['contacts' => function ($query) {
$query->select('id', 'client_id', 'first_name', 'last_name')->where('contact_type_id', '=', 1);
->get(['id', 'client_name', 'city', 'state', 'contact_id']);
foreach ($clients as $key => $client) {
// Or

How to Join tables in laravel with a value from previously joined table?

I have a table in laravel which tracks recent views of posts by users. Here is its controller
$contents = RecentView::where('user_id', $loggedUser)
->with(['posts.note' => function($query) use($loggedUser){
$query->where('user_id', $loggedUser);
->with(['posts.tags' => function($query) use($loggedUser){
$query->where('user_id', $loggedUser);
->with(['posts.savedpost' => function($query) use($loggedUser){
$query->where('user_id', $loggedUser);
->with(['following' => function($query) use($loggedUser){
$query->where('user_id', $loggedUser)
->where('follower_id', 'id');
I always gel blank values in 'following'. i want to join 'follow' table using 'user_id' field from 'posts' table.
my model is as follows:
public function posts()
return $this->hasOne('App\FeedPost', 'id', 'post_id');
public function following()
return $this->hasOne('App\Follow');
can someone tell me how i can do this?

How to pass the current/main model data to the eagerloading constraint for use as a variable

$studentIds = ExamRoutineDetail::where('routine_id', $routineId)
$data = Student::whereIn('id', $studentIds)
->where('school_id', $schoolId)
->where('grade_id', $gradeId)
'routine_detail' => function ($query) use ($routineId) {
$query->where('routine_id', $routineId);
'routine_detail.routine.routine_info' => function ($query) use ($routineId) {
$query->where('routine_id', $routineId);
'routine_detail.routine.routine_info.student_marks' => function ($query) use ($studentIds) {
$query->where('student_id', $studentIds);
I want to use the student's id in the final where condition in the last layer of the nested eagerloading i.e. routine_detail.routine.routine_info.student_marks.
so something like this
'routine_detail.routine.routine_info.student_marks' => function ($query) use ($studentIds) {
$query->where('student_id', $id);
where id would be equal to the id of the student in context, from the main Student:: .... model.

Callback function of with() returns empty collection

I have three tables: realties, room_types and realty_room_type:
In my Realty model I set a rooms() relationship:
public function rooms()
return $this->hasMany(Room::class);
I am trying to eager load the rooms() relationship using the with() method. I want to custom what is returned from the relationship, so I am passing a callback function like this:
$realty = Realty::
where('id', $realtyId)
'rooms' => function ($query) use ($realtyId) {
->leftJoin('room_types', '', '=', 'realty_room_type.room_type_id')
->selectRaw('code, COUNT(*)')
The problem is I get an empty collection when accessing the relationship using $realty->rooms. Any idea why?
However if I dump and die the statements of the callback function like this:
where('id', $realtyId)
'rooms' => function ($query) use ($realtyId) {
->leftJoin('room_types', '', '=', 'realty_room_type.room_type_id')
->selectRaw('code, COUNT(*)')
I get what I'd like to be in the rooms() relationship.
Thank you in advance.
You don't need to return inside callback function and call get(). Here you can find the details.
$realty = Realty::
where('id', $realtyId)
'rooms' => function ($query) use ($realtyId) {
->leftJoin('room_types', '', '=', 'realty_room_type.room_type_id')
->selectRaw('code, COUNT(*)')
