Retrieving the top-level version from sub modules in Maven - maven

This is a version of the question posted in Maven: retrieving the main module version from a sub-module, but I can't figure out how to apply the answer. I'm trying this on Maven 3.6.3. I've posted the repository this can be played around with at this GitHub project
I have a top-level project:
There is another multi-module project that needs to be parented by this top-level project, and it has independent versioning from the top-level project.
The projects are not expected to be in the same repository, and are generally released independently of each other.
I want to declare a property that I can further use to refer to the version of this top-level project parent (say to pull in artifacts with the correct version):
Now, the sub-module is to pull and use the dependency:
<!-- this doesn't work
If I set main.version as a reference to ${project.parent.version} in the auxiliary POM, compilation of corelib fails because it tries to pull com.vps:main-module-1:1.0, which doesn't exist. I guess this is because the properties are resolved based on the effective POM being processed at the moment, and from there, the ${project.parent.version} is the version of corelib's parent.
If I override main.version in the corelib sub-module as ${project.parent.parent.version}, I get an error saying that effective version computed for com.vps:main-module-1 is '${project.parent.parent.version}', and is invalid. I guess this means that the property cannot be resolved all together, but I can't quite understand why.
So, how do I reasonably (i.e. without hardcoding the top-level in both the parent definition and another property) refer to that top-level version value from descendant submodules?


Maven increase version for submodule only

The project structure is (all on same version 1.3.0, which is latest):
Parent's pom is:
Now, I need to do some changes to childB only and not intending to increase Parent's version (No?).
So now my childB's POM looks like:
Now, when I'm trying to build Parent or childB, it fails because it figures (as I can see from effective POM) version of childA to 1.4.0 which does not exist as childA is at its latest 1.3.0. In short, {project.version} in Parent translates to 1.4.0 while according to my understanding it should've been translated to 1.3.0 only as childB has parent Parent with 1.3.0.
What am I missing?
I assume you got a Maven multi-module project. So, when you create the modules (childA & childB) it will automatically take the version from the parent POM.
So, remove the version tag (1.4.0) from the 'childB' POM declaration
It's all about configuration inheritance. That means the following assumptions are not correct:
In short, {project.version} in Parent translates to 1.4.0
It's not in Parent, it's in childB since that is built and it inherits the {project.version} configuration from Parent and interpolates it to its own version.
according to my understanding it should've been translated to 1.3.0
No, see above.
If you prefer to keep different versions declare the following in Parent:

Maven Inheritance and Distribution Management

I have developers who use Maven parents external to my organisation. For this particular case the parent is the spring-boot-starter-parent
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
Their builds are working and they have been testing against these dependencies for a long time, I ideally do not want to change their inheritance.
The problem I have as a Release Engineer is that the artifacts produced need to be stored in an internal Maven Repository. We've historically done that by having a Maven Parent that defines the and nothing else, that all projects had as the root of their inheritance chain.
I could end up managing hundreds of POMS and I don't want to put in each one as if we have to move the internal Maven repository I will have to manage a ridiculous number of projects to reflect the change.
Is there any way I can set where I essentially don't have write access to parents? Can this be set in MAVEN_OPTS or as a properties file on the CI servers? I have tried using properties-maven-plugin to input all of our properties but distributionManagement won't accept a property as a variable.
Keeping your org parent pom (other than the parent element you specified earlier) would need you to bring Spring Boot dependencies as a bom:
But I think the less intrusive way might be to set the proper version to your modules using:
mvn versions:set before building the artifacts and deploying to Nexus (or other Maven repo manager)

Avoid wrong version interpolation if child's pom version is different from those of the parent's aggregator pom and its sub modules

Problem description
We have a Maven aggregator pom with some child poms (modules) all having the same version:
pom.xml (parent zoo, version 2.0.0)
|-- pom.xml (child module cat, version 2.0.0)
|-- pom.xml (child module dog, version 2.0.0)
|-- ...
Within the dependency management section all children are declared with the project version to ease declaration of dependencies.
The parent pom looks like
<!-- other child modules go here -->
The child poms are defined as
There is another pom which declares the parent pom as its parent too (inheritance) but is not listed as sub module in this parent (no aggregation). This pom has a different version.
Actually we have expected that the version of the dependency is pulled from the dependency management section of the parent pom com.acme.zoo and is equal to 2.0.0. However the Maven documentation on project interpolation and variables says
One factor to note is that these variables are processed after inheritance as outlined above. This means that if a parent project uses a variable, then its definition in the child, not the parent, will be the one eventually used.
That is: in the reactor build the variable ${project.version} used in the dependency management section of the parent pom com.acme.zoo is evaluated with respect to and equal to 1.0.0 what is not as intended.
There is a workaround with using a variable in the parent pom which has to be kept in sync with the parent pom versions. However, this solution is incompatible with the Maven Release Plugin.
How can we achieve the desired behaviour
aggregator pom with children having the same version
declaration of children in the dependency management section to ensure that all dependencies have the same version
use of inheritance together with different versions
compatibility with maven-release-plugin
without the pitfalls of project interpolation of variables?
The maven release plugin is able to change the versions of the dependencies managed in the parent pom.
So if you define your maven parent like this:
<!-- other child modules go here -->
As you see the versions of the parent and the managed dependency are the same. I set them to a SNAPSHOT version because the release plugin will create the final versions on release:perform
Your child poms can stay as you had them.
Because in your setup, your parent project is also the reactor you can then call
mvn release:perform -DautoVersionSubmodules=true
which will update the version of the parent in all submodules when you run this command. That option is essentially the same as if you run
mvn versions:update-child-modules
meaning it will change the child poms.
After you run the mvn release:perform command your parent pom will look like this:
<!-- other child modules go here -->
and your child poms like this
The final versions will only exist in the tag created by the release:prepare command.
PS: You may define other versions for the final and the next development version when they are prompted after running the release:prepare command.
The simplest solution is modify pom of zoo and replace <version>${project.version}</version> with <version>2.0.0</version>
Please note:
when you change version to next number, for example 2.0.1, with
versions-maven-plugin, dependency management section will be also
Spring use simplest solution, see
Summary: using <version>${project.version}</version> in dependency management is wrong idea.
From Maven Introduction to the pom :
Project Inheritance > Example 1 > The Solution
Alternatively, if we want the groupId and / or the version of your
modules to be the same as their parents, you can remove the groupId
and / or the version identity of your module in its POM.
My approach to that is to track it in the child POM. It's a bit less typing overall, close to where the actual dependency lives and is low maintenance for most projects. YMMV

Maven issue when overriding an environment specific systemPath property

I experienced issues with a maven build that does not behave the same way if done on Windows (like they were done in the past) or Linux (like I want to do them now).
I want to build a project that has a dependency on another project that pom that itself imports a pom that contains a Windows path.
my project | other project
mybuild -------|------> pom --------> pom with systemPath
dependency import
But in a nutshell, here is my pom:
And I depend on a pom that looks like this (not under my control)
and the problem lies in this last pom (not under my control):
I have no control on the other project in question. I totally agree that a refactoring to use environment variable in place of the hard coded paths would solve my problem.
But instead the Windows path is defined in a property. One would think that overriding the value of the property depending on my platform would be enough. But it is not.
Unfortunately in this precise case case maven seems to behave to behave poorly.
Before applying any property override in any form (in settings.xml, -Dproperty=, redefinition in root pom), maven starts building the effective pom. And during that step, if it finds the pattern I mentioned above (a dependency on another pom that itself imports a pom that contains a Windows path), then it says:
The POM for <groupId>:<artifactId>:jar:<version> is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available
As a consequence, my project needs to explicitly define all the dependencies of the second project. And I cannot rely on transitive dependencies which gives me a lot of trouble.
In order to illustrate the issue, I created a minimal example showing the problem. It can be found here:
Do you see any workaround for this?
Any way to override the value of the property and still benefit from the maven transitive dependencies?
Thanks a lot

maven pom.xml dependencies order vs classpath/build path order

I am trying to understand the connection between the dependencies in a project's pom.xml file and the order of the java classpath/build path (my question is also regarding the inheritance of poms).
So far I wasn't able to find a detailed step-by-step explanation.
I have noticed for sure that it's not "the same", meaning, sometimes dependencies I have in my pom.xml will not appear in the build path in eclipse or will not be in the same order(after committing mvn eclipse:eclipse -$someflag) .
Let's assume for example I have the following Parent pom:
and that some other project's pom.xml inherits it:
My questions are: If I now run mvn eclipse:eclipse -$someflag on CHILD project:
Should the build path for CHILD project contain: PARENT, SOME_OTHER_ARTIFACT1, SOME_OTHER_ARTIFACT2 for sure? not for sure? when and why one of them should/shouldn't appear in the build path?
Should the classpath file for CHILD project contain: PARENT, SOME_OTHER_ARTIFACT1, SOME_OTHER_ARTIFACT2 for sure? not for sure? when and why one of them should/shouldn't appear in the build path?
Is it related to the flag (i.e $someflag) that was used when running mvn eclipse:eclipse?
Should the jars in the library appear also in the order of the dependencies in the project that is being initialized? i.e PARENT, SOME_OTHER_ARTIFACT1, SOME_OTHER_ARTIFACT2 (from top to bottom) necessarily? When and why should the order be different?
Thank you
Re "my question is also regarding the inheritance of poms"
See Maven: The Complete Reference, Project Inheritance:
You can avoid repeating yourself if your projects make use of inheritance via the parent element. When a project specifies a parent, it inherits the information in the parent project’s POM. It can then override and add to the values specified in this parent POM.
... and Multi-module vs. Inheritance:
There is a difference between inheriting from a parent project and being managed by a multimodule project. A parent project is one that passes its values to its children. A multimodule project simply manages a group of other subprojects or modules.
