Hi I try to separate input like this : <Text1><Text2><Text2>..<TextN>
in a array who only have each text in each index, how I can use split with double parameters?
I try make a double split but doesn't work:
request = client.gets.chomp
dev = request.split("<")
dev.each do |devo|
puts devo
def split_doble (str1)
str1.each do |str2|
When you have a string like this
string = "<text1><text2><textN>"
then you can extract the text between the < and > chars like that:
#=> ["text1", "text2", "textN"]
/\w+/ is a regular expression that matches a sequence of word characters (letter, number, underscore) and therefore ignores the < and > characters.
Also see docs about String#scan.
In the string "<text1><text2><textN>" the leading < and ending > are in the way, so get rid of them by slicing them off. Then just split on "><".
str = "<text1><text2><textN>"
p str[1..-2].split("><") # => ["text1", "text2", "textN"]
The one exception is that the returned string cannot begin or end with a hyphen, and each odd digit is permitted only a single hyphen before and after each odd digit. For example:
def hyphenate(number)
# code
hyphenate(132237847) # should return "1-3-22-3-7-84-7"
"-1-3-22-3-7-84-7-" # incorrect because there is a hyphen before and after
# each beginning and ending odd digit respectively.
"1--3-22-3--7-84-7" # Also incorrect because there is more than one
# single hyphen before and after each odd digit
I suggest to match a non-word boundary \B (that will match a position between two digits) followed or preceded with an odd digit:
number.to_s.gsub(/\B(?=[13579])|\B(?<=[13579])/, '-')
Since the same position can't be matched twice, you avoid the problem of consecutive hyphens.
rubular demo
with the replacement
A simple way is to convert the number to a string, String#split the string on odd digits (using a group so that the odd digit delimiters get into the output), clean up the stray '' strings that String#split will produce, and put it back together with Array#join:
def hyphenate(number)
test_string = ''
# Convert the number to a string then iterate over each character
number.to_s.each_char do |n|
# If the number is divisible by 2 then just add it to the string
# else it is an odd number then add it with the hyphens
n.to_i % 2 == 0 ? test_string += n : test_string += "-#{n}-"
# Remove the first character of the string if it is a hyphen
test_string = test_string[1..-1] if test_string.start_with?('-')
# Remove the last character of the string if it is a hyphen
test_string = test_string[0..-2] if test_string.end_with?('-')
# Return the string and replace all double hyphens with a single hyphen
test_string.gsub('--', '-')
puts hyphenate(132237847)
Returns "1-3-22-3-7-84-7"
Here's another approach for taking a number and returning it in string form with its odd digits surrounded by hyphens:
def hyphenate(number)
result = ""
number.digits.reverse.each do |digit|
result << (digit.odd? ? "-#{digit}-" : digit.to_s)
result.gsub("--", "-").gsub(/(^-|-$)/, "")
# => "1-3-22-3-7-84-7"
Hope it helps!
I am trying to call the first duplicate character in my string in Ruby.
I have defined an input string using gets.
How do I call the first duplicate character in the string?
This is my code so far.
string = "#{gets}"
print string
How do I call a character from this string?
Edit 1:
This is the code I have now where my output is coming out to me No duplicates 26 times. I think my if statement is wrongly written.
string "abcade"
puts string
for i in ('a'..'z')
if string =~ /(.)\1/
puts string.chars.group_by{|c| c}.find{|el| el[1].size >1}[0]
puts "no duplicates"
My second puts statement works but with the for and if loops, it returns no duplicates 26 times whatever the string is.
The following returns the index of the first duplicate character:
the_string =~ /(.)\1/
'1234556' =~ /(.)\1/
=> 4
To get the duplicate character itself, use $1:
=> "5"
Example usage in an if statement:
if my_string =~ /(.)\1/
# found duplicate; potentially do something with $1
# there is no match
s.chars.map { |c| [c, s.count(c)] }.drop_while{|i| i[1] <= 1}.first[0]
With the refined form from Cary Swoveland :
s.each_char.find { |c| s.count(c) > 1 }
Below method might be useful to find the first word in a string
def firstRepeatedWord(string)
h_data = Hash.new(0)
string.split(" ").each{|x| h_data[x] +=1}
I believe the question can be interpreted in either of two ways (neither involving the first pair of adjacent characters that are the same) and offer solutions to each.
Find the first character in the string that is preceded by the same character
I don't believe we can use a regex for this (but would love to be proved wrong). I would use the method suggested in a comment by #DaveNewton:
require 'set'
def first_repeat_char(str)
str.each_char.with_object(Set.new) { |c,s| return c unless s.add?(c) }
first_repeat_char("abcdebf") #=> b
first_repeat_char("abcdcbe") #=> c
first_repeat_char("abcdefg") #=> nil
Find the first character in the string that appears more than once
r = /
(.) # match any character in capture group #1
.* # match any character zero of more times
? # do the preceding lazily
\K # forget everything matched so far
\1 # match the contents of capture group 1
"abcdebf"[r] #=> b
"abccdeb"[r] #=> b
"abcdefg"[r] #=> nil
This regex is fine, but produces the warning, "regular expression has redundant nested repeat operator '*'". You can disregard the warning or suppress it by doing something clunky, like:
r = /([^#{0.chr}]).*?\K\1/
where ([^#{0.chr}]) means "match any character other than 0.chr in capture group 1".
Note that a positive lookbehind cannot be used here, as they cannot contain variable-length matches (i.e., .*).
You could probably make your string an array and use detect. This should return the first char where the count is > 1.
string.split("").detect {|x| string.count(x) > 1}
I'll use positive lookahead with String#[] method :
"abcccddde"[/(.)(?=\1)/] #=> c
As a variant:
str = "abcdeff"
p str.chars.group_by{|c| c}.find{|el| el[1].size > 1}[0]
prints "f"
I have a string composed by words divided by'#'. For instance 'this#is#an#example' and I need to extract the last word or the last two words according to the second to last word.
If the second to last is 'myword' I need the last two words otherwise just the last one.
'this#is#an#example' => 'example'
'this#is#an#example#using#myword#also' => 'myword#also'
Is there a better way than splitting and checking the second to last? perhaps using regular expression?
You can use the end-of-line anchor $ and make the myword# prefix optional:
str = 'this#is#an#example'
str[/(?:#)((myword#)?[^#]+)$/, 1]
#=> "example"
str = 'this#is#an#example#using#myword#also'
str[/(?:#)((myword#)?[^#]+)$/, 1]
#=> "myword#also"
However, I don't think using a regular expression is "better" in this case. I would use something like Santosh's (deleted) answer: split the line by # and use an if clause.
def foo(str)
*, a, b = str.split('#')
if a == 'myword'
str = 'this#is#an#example#using#myword#also'
array = str.split('#')
array[-2] == 'myword' ? array[-2..-1].join('#') : array[-1]
With regex:
# => "example"
# => "myword#also"
I have a CSV-file delimited by colons, but it contains text-fields wrapped in quotes, which themselves contain several colons.
I would like a simple solution for getting the data fields, but eg. in ruby the split method splits on every colon.
Is there a regex which matches all colons, except those wrapped in quotes?
str = 'foo:bar:"jim:jam":jar'
You can do this:
a = str.scan( /([^":]+)|"([^"]+)"/ ).flatten.compact
p a
#=> ["foo", "bar", "jim:jam", "jar"]
Or you can do this:
a = []
str.scan( /([^":]+)|"([^"]+)"/ ){ a << ($1 || $2) }
p a
#=> ["foo", "bar", "jim:jam", "jar"]
Those regex say to find either
One or more characters that are not a-quote-or-a-colon, or
A quote, followed by one or more characters that are not a quote, followed by a quote.
Just use http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib/libdoc/csv/rdoc/index.html
you can split on double quotes instead of colons
>> str = 'foo:bar:"jim:jam":jar'
=> "foo:bar:\"jim:jam\":jar"
>> str.split("\"").each_with_index do |x,y|
?> puts y%2==0 ? x.split(":") : x
>> end
First attempt was so bad, revised the entire thing. This is my regex solution:
GETS LAST delimeter field ':' = :last
Trims: /(?:^\s*:|:|^)\s*(".*?"|.*?)(?=\s*(?:\:|$))/
No-trim: /(?:(?<!^):|^)(\s*".*?"\s*|.*?)(?=\:|$)/
GETS FIRST AND LAST delimeter fields ':' = first:last
Trims: /(?:^|:)\s*(".*?"|(?<!^).*?|)(?=\s*(?:\:|$))/
No trim: /(?:^|:)(\s*".*?"\s*|\s*(?<!^).*?|)(?=\:|$)/
And yes, its not as easy as one thinks ..
I would like to break a long word in my Ruby on Rails string (something like <wbr> in HTML).
Is it possible to tell Ruby to add character x in string y each z characters?
result = subject.gsub(/(.{10})/m, '\1XX')
substituting the number you want for 10 and the replacement string you want for XX
In Perl it would be somewhere along the lines of s/(\w{42})/$1\n/g
I'm not familiar with rails, but in pure ruby you can always write your own. No idea the amount of speed you give up for something like this if any.
def addcharacter(num, char, string)
x = 0
resultstring = ""
string.each_byte do |byte|
resultstring << byte.chr
x += 1
if x == num
resultstring << char
x = 0
return resultstring
mystring = "hello there"
a = addcharacter(2,"*",mystring)
puts a
If your original string is str = "0123456789abcde" and you want:
01234XXX56789XXXabcdeXXX :: use str.gsub(/.{5}/, '\&XXX')
01234XXX56789XXXabcde :: use str.scan(/.{5}/).join('XXX')
These will produce slightly different input for str = "012345678abcdef"
01234XXX56789XXXabcdeXXXf :: from str.gsub(/.{5}/, '\&XXX')
01234XXX56789XXXabcde :: from str.scan(/.{5}/).join('XXX')
01234XXX56789XXXabcdeXXXfXXX :: from str.gsub(/.{1,5}/, '\&XXX')
01234XXX56789XXXabcdeXXXf :: from str.scan(/.{1,5}/).join('XXX')
One can use a regular expression without a back-reference.
Let's add 'XX' to 'My dog has fleas' every n = 3 characters:
'My dog has fleas'.gsub(/.{#{n}}\K/, 'XX')
#=> "My XXdogXX haXXs fXXleaXXs"
The regular expression reads, "match n characters and then (\K) discard all previous matches and reset the regex's string pointer to the current location (just after those n characters and before the next character)".
For the example given the string pointer is initially at the beginning of the string. .{3} matches the first three characters of the string, 'My '. \K discards that match and resets the string pointer to the (zero-width) location between the third and fourth characters, ' ' and 'd'. gsub replaces that zero-width match with 'XX' and the string pointer remains before 'd'. The next match is 'dog', \K discards that match and resets the string pointer, the zero-width location between 'g' and ' ', which is replaced with 'XX' and so on.