im trying to implement sharpen,blur hlsl shader code into my application
i referenced learnopengl tutorial and excuted glsl code and that was fine
when i implement those glsl code to hlsl code and run it
it doesnt apply effect here is my hlsl code
exture2D screenTex;
SamplerState splr :register(s0);
const float offsetX =1.0f/1600.0f;
const float offsetY = 1.0f / 900.0f;
float4 main(float2 tc : Texcoord) : SV_TARGET
float4 color;
float2 offsets[9] =
float2(-offsetX, offsetY), //top - left
float2(0.0f, offsetY), //top - center
float2(offsetX, offsetY), //top - right
float2(-offsetX, 0.0f), //center-left
float2(0.0f, 0.0f), //center-center
float2(offsetX, 0.0f), //center-right
float2(-offsetX, -offsetY), //bottom - left
float2(0.0f, -offsetY), //bottom - center
float2(offsetX, -offsetY) //bottom-right
//for sharpen effect
/*float kernel[9] = {
-1, -1, -1,
-1, 9, -1,
-1, -1, -1
float kernel[9]=
1.0f / 16.0f , 2.0f / 16.0f, 1.0f / 16.0f,
2.0f / 16.0f , 4.0f / 16.0f, 2.0f / 16.0f,
1.0f / 16.0f , 2.0f / 16.0f, 1.0f / 16.0f
float3 col = float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
col += screenTex.Sample(splr, tc + offsets[i]).rgb * kernel[i];
color = float4(col, 1.0f);
return color;
if i run these code there is no change on my scene
i think there is issue in texture sampling with texture coordinate
ps i checked offscreen rendering works fine, and simple effect code like inversion and grayscale
it does work correctly
what is problem i need help
i found what is problem in hlsl when sampling texture coordinates operation doesnt work
col += screenTex.Sample(splr, tc + offsets[i]).rgb * kernel[i];
you should use index like
im not sure there is other way to modifying texturecoordinates
The code below draws a rectangle in 2D screen space using OpenGL ES2. How do move the drawing of the rectangle by 1 pixel to the right without modifying its vertices?
Specifically, what I am trying to do is move the coordinates 0.5 pixels to the right. I had to do this previously with GLES1.x and the reason for this is that I had problems drawing lines in the correct place unless I did a glTranslate() with 0.5f.
I'm confused about the use of glm::translate() in the code below.
If I attempt a translate of 0.5f, the whole rectangle moves from the left of the screen to the middle - a jump of about 200 pixels.
I get the same result whether I do a glm::translate on the Model or the View matrix.
Is the order of the matrix multiplication wrong and what should it be?
short g_RectFromTriIndices[] =
0, 1, 2,
0, 2, 3
}; // The order of vertex rendering.
GLfloat g_AspectRatio = 1.0f;
// LoadTwoTriangleVerticesForRect()
void LoadTwoTriangleVerticesForRect( GLfloat *pfRectVerts, float fLeft, float fTop, float fWidth, float fHeight )
pfRectVerts[ 0 ] = fLeft;
pfRectVerts[ 1 ] = fTop;
pfRectVerts[ 2 ] = 0.0;
pfRectVerts[ 3 ] = fLeft + fWidth;
pfRectVerts[ 4 ] = fTop;
pfRectVerts[ 5 ] = 0.0;
pfRectVerts[ 6 ] = fLeft + fWidth;
pfRectVerts[ 7 ] = fTop + fHeight;
pfRectVerts[ 8 ] = 0.0;
pfRectVerts[ 9 ] = fLeft;
pfRectVerts[ 10 ] = fTop + fHeight;
pfRectVerts[ 11 ] = 0.0;
// Draw()
void Draw( void )
GLfloat afRectVerts[ 12 ];
//LoadTwoTriangleVerticesForRect( afRectVerts, 0, 0, g_ScreenWidth, g_ScreenHeight );
LoadTwoTriangleVerticesForRect( afRectVerts, 50, 50, 100, 100 );
// Correct for aspect ratio so squares ARE squares and not rectangular stretchings..
g_AspectRatio = (GLfloat) g_ScreenWidth / (GLfloat) g_ScreenHeight;
GLuint hPosition = glGetAttribLocation( g_SolidProgram, "vPosition" );
glm::mat4 Projection = glm::mat4(1.0);
// Projection = glm::perspective( 45.0f, g_AspectRatio, 0.1f, 100.0f );
glm::mat4 View = glm::mat4(1.0);
static GLfloat transValY = 0.5f;
static GLfloat transValX = 0.5f;
//View = glm::translate( View, glm::vec3( transValX, transValY, 0.0f ) );
glm::mat4 Model = glm::mat4(1.0);
// static GLfloat rot = 0.0f;
// rot += 0.001f;
// Model = glm::rotate( Model, rot, glm::vec3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ) ); // where x, y, z is axis of rotation (e.g. 0 1 0)
glm::mat4 Ortho = glm::ortho( 0.0f, (GLfloat) g_ScreenWidth, (GLfloat) g_ScreenHeight, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1000.0f );
glm::mat4 MVP;
MVP = Projection * View * Model * Ortho;
GLuint hMVP;
hMVP = glGetUniformLocation( g_SolidProgram, "MVP" );
glUniformMatrix4fv( hMVP, 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr( MVP ) );
glEnableVertexAttribArray( hPosition );
// Prepare the triangle coordinate data
glVertexAttribPointer( hPosition, 3, GL_FLOAT, FALSE, 0, afRectVerts );
// Draw the rectangle using triangles
glDrawElements( GL_TRIANGLES, 6, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, g_RectFromTriIndices );
glDisableVertexAttribArray( hPosition );
Here is the vertex shader source:
attribute vec4 vPosition;
uniform mat4 MVP;
void main()
gl_Position = MVP * vPosition;
UPDATE: I'm finding the below matrix multiplication is giving me better results. I don't know if this is "correct" or not though:
MVP = Ortho * Model * View * Projection;
That MVP seems really weird to me, you shouldn't need 4 things in there to get your MVP.. your Projection matrix should just be the Orthogonal one, so in this case
MVP = Projection * View * Ortho;
But I can also see that your Projection matrix has been commented from perspective so I don't think it's doing much right now.
By the sounds of it since you want the model co-ordinates to stay the same while moving, you want to move your camera right? So (By the looks of it your vertices are using a 1 unit per pixel co-ordinate range) doing a translate of 0.5f to your View is shifting whatever half your projection space is. Instead, you want to have something like a Camera class that you get your Viewfrom using the camera's X and Y positions.
Then you can get your View matrix using the cameras position which can share the world units system you're using, which is 1 unit per pixel.
glm::mat4 view;
view = glm::lookAt(glm::vec3(camX, camY, 0.0), glm::vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),glm::vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0));
I ripped that line straight (minus changing camZ for camY) from a really good 3d tutorial on camera here but the exact same concept can be applied to a orthogonal camera instead
I know it's a bit more overhead but having a cmaera class that you can control this way is nicer practice than manually using glm::translate,rotate&scale to control your viewport (and it lets you ensure that you'r working with a more obivous co-ordinate system between your camera and models co-ordinate points.
I'm trying to render sprites using OpenGL ES 2.0. However I only get a coloured screen without the sprites. Everything is setup correctly as far as I see. What could be wrong? Here is how I setup the projection and view matrices:
this.position = new Vector2(frustumWidth/2, frustumHeight/2);
for(int i=0;i<16;i++)
mtrxProjection[i] = 0.0f;
mtrxView[i] = 0.0f;
mtrxProjectionAndView[i] = 0.0f;
Matrix.orthoM(mtrxProjection, 0, position.x - frustumWidth * zoom / 2,
position.x + frustumWidth * zoom / 2,
position.y - frustumHeight * zoom / 2,
position.y + frustumHeight * zoom / 2,
10 , -10 );
Matrix.setLookAtM(mtrxView, 0, position.x, position.y, 0.0f, position.x, position.y, -1.0f, 0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
Matrix.multiplyMM(mtrxProjectionAndView, 0, mtrxProjection, 0, mtrxView, 0);
I'm just working through the twee jump project which is written in cocos2d 1.0 found here
I'm having trouble converting this section of the code to OpenGL ES 2.0. I need at least 10 reputations to post a picture but a picture of the errors I get when I try to build and run can be found here:
- (void)draw {
[super draw];
if(currentScorePosition < 0) return;
glColor4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.2f);
float w = 320.0f;
float h = 27.0f;
float x = (320.0f - w) / 2.0f;
float y = 359.0f - currentScorePosition * h;
GLfloat vertices[4][2];
GLubyte indices[4] = { 0, 1, 3, 2 };
vertices[0][0] = x; vertices[0][1] = y;
vertices[1][0] = x+w; vertices[1][1] = y;
vertices[2][0] = x+w; vertices[2][1] = y+h;
vertices[3][0] = x; vertices[3][1] = y+h;
glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, vertices);
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, indices);
glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
I am using following OpenGL ES 1.x code to set my projection coordinates.
float width = 320;
float height = 480;
glOrthof(0.0, // Left
1.0, // Right
height / width, // Bottom
0.0, // Top
-1.0, // Near
1.0); // Far
What is the equivalent method to setup this in OpenGL ES 2.0 ?
What projection matrix should I pass to the vertex shader ?
I have tried following function to create the matrix but its not working:
void SetOrtho (Matrix4x4& m, float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float near,
float far)
const float tx = - (right + left)/(right - left);
const float ty = - (top + bottom)/(top - bottom);
const float tz = - (far + near)/(far - near);
m.m[0] = 2.0f/(right-left);
m.m[1] = 0;
m.m[2] = 0;
m.m[3] = tx;
m.m[4] = 0;
m.m[5] = 2.0f/(top-bottom);
m.m[6] = 0;
m.m[7] = ty;
m.m[8] = 0;
m.m[9] = 0;
m.m[10] = -2.0/(far-near);
m.m[11] = tz;
m.m[12] = 0;
m.m[13] = 0;
m.m[14] = 0;
m.m[15] = 1;
Vertex Shader :
uniform mat4 u_mvpMatrix;
attribute vec4 a_position;
attribute vec4 a_color;
varying vec4 v_color;
void main()
gl_Position = u_mvpMatrix * a_position;
v_color = a_color;
Client Code (parameters to the vertex shader):
float min = 0.0f;
float max = 1.0f;
const GLfloat squareVertices[] = {
min, min,
min, max,
max, min,
max, max
const GLfloat squareColors[] = {
1, 1, 0, 1,
0, 1, 1, 1,
0, 0, 0, 1,
1, 0, 1, 1,
Matrix4x4 proj;
SetOrtho(proj, 0.0f, 1.0f, 480.0/320.0, 0.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f );
The output i am getting in the iPhone simulator:
Your transcription of the glOrtho formula looks correct.
Your Matrix4x4 class is custom, but is it possible that m.m ends up being loaded directly as a glUniformMatrix4fv? If so check that you're setting the transpose flag as GL_TRUE, since you're loading data in row major format and OpenGL expects column major (ie, standard rules are that index [0] is the top of the first column, [3] is at the bottom of the first column, [4] is at the top of the second column, etc).
It's possibly also worth checking that —— assuming you've directly replicated the old world matrix stacks — you're applying modelview and projection in the correct order in your vertex shader or else compositing them correctly on the CPU, whichever way around you're doing it.
I am able to draw a sprite on the screen of an iPhone, but when I try to rotate it I am getting some weird results. It seems to be stretching the sprite in the y direction more the closer the sprite gets to pointing down the y-axis (90 and 270 degrees). It displays correctly when pointing down the x and -x axes (0 and 180 degrees). It is basically like it is shearing instead of rotating. Here are the essentials of the code (projection matrix is ortho):
glTranslatef( position.x, position.y, -1.0f );
glRotatef( rotation, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
glScalef( halfSize.x, halfSize.y, 1.0f );
vertices[0] = 1.0f;
vertices[1] = 1.0f;
vertices[2] = 0.0f;
vertices[3] = 1.0f;
vertices[4] = -1.0f;
vertices[5] = 0.0f;
vertices[6] = -1.0f;
vertices[7] = 1.0f;
vertices[8] = 0.0f;
vertices[9] = -1.0f;
vertices[10] = -1.0f;
vertices[11] = 0.0f;
glVertexPointer( 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, vertices );
glDrawArrays( GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4 );
Can anybody explain to me how to fix this please?
halfsize is just half the x and y extent of the sprite; removing the glScalef call does not make any difference.
Here is my matrix setup:
glOrthof(0, 320, 480, 0, 0.01, 5);
OK, hopefully this screenshot will demonstrate what's happening:
If you are scaling by the same amount in the x and y directions, then your projection is causing the distortion.
Just a hunch, but maybe try swapping the 320 and 480 in your Ortho projection. (In case the X and Y on the iPhone is swapped)