Read emails from multiple account, is that possible? - google-api

I created a new gmail project using my own google account. after creating the credential, I could use the following code to fetch my own emails.
result = service.users().messages().list(userId='me').execute()
My question is what should I do if I need to fetch emails from other accounts, such as 20 different accounts? list all of their userIds in the list function?

When you ran your code the first time it asked you to authncate yourself, login to google and consent to the application accessing your email.
You will need to do this for each of the twenty users. Each user must grant your application access to their data only then can you access it. then for each user you can do
result = service.users().messages().list(userId='me').execute()


google calendar create event without user logging in

Is it possible to create an event on behalf of my own application?
I tried using API Key but that doesn't work. I want all the event to be under my app's account. I don't want to make the user login. I just want to create new google Meet links.
No you must be authorized to write to a users calendar
if you check the documentation for events.insert you will notice a section called authorization
This section tells you what authorization scopes you need in order to be able to write to a users google calendar. A user must grant your application access to their data before your application will be able to write to it.
API keys are only used for accessing public data, for example the public google calendar holiday calendars you can read from them with an api key.
However to access private user data you need to be authorized.

Google Ads API accounts missing

I'm developing integration with Google Ads API using their Ruby gem library.
I have an approved oAuth2 account for the Ads scope with an approved developer token that allows any external user to connect with our API.
I have a Google Ads account that manages our own Ads account and two other accounts.
When I authenticate with the API and approve it, I then grab the account with
graph = get_accounts_graph()
This surprisingly returns just ONE Ads account, and one that belongs to a client that we manage. Our own two Ads accounts are missing.
So I tried to compare between our client's account and our own.
Under I can clearly see we have admin rights to our two ad accounts, just like we do to the client account.
Am I missing some setting somewhere? Has anyone experienced this before?
I ran into this issue at the beginning. The sample in the API client libraries (which I'm going to assume you are using here), calls the customer service
There's actually two different services for retrieving customer account IDs. The customer service only allows access to accounts that are added as direct admins on each account. This is an important distinction as manager accounts don't fall into this category.
What you need to call is the regular GoogleAdsService (not the customer service!) and put your request in the query itself..
query = "SELECT customer_client_link.client_customer FROM customer_client_link"
This will give you a list of account IDs as resource names, not accessible accounts. And you can iterate over them as usual.
Hope that helps.

Google classroom read only api user

I’m new to google classroom api. I want to create a process that will query all classes, students, assignments etc. It will run unattended.
So, my questions are:
will offline scope allow the process to query the api unattended?
can only an admin user see all classes, students, assignments?
or, can a g-suite user be created with limited read-only permissions to certain resources?
Since this is an unattended batch process and Google OAuth access tokens expire after 1 hour, you will likely need offline access. You can do this by adding the parameter access_type=offline in the authorization URL.
In terms of actually acquiring all classes, students, assignments, etc., here are a few things to note:
If you're a domain administrator, you can retrieve courses, students, assignments, invitations, etc. in their domain and will not need each teacher to authorize these requests.
If you don't have domain administrator access and want to retrieve all these items, you will have to have each teacher authorize your request(s).
As for your last question, I'm not entirely sure what you mean -- could you clarify? Are you asking is if one workaround would be to create a G Suite user that has read access to all these resources and then use that account to make all the requests?
You can create a service account and use it to query all data on behalf of users-

Get a user's API key for using in Slack

So I'm building a small Slack bot that I want multiple users to be able to use in different Slack teams. So far the workflow is like this:
User signs up on website.
User connects with an API provider and receives their OAuth credentials. The access token for each user is saved in the database.
User adds Slack bot to their team.
With hardcoded API values the bot retrieves the desired data, but what is the best way for the bot to be able to get the appropriate data for each Slack team?
I obviously don't want a user to need to keep signing into the website etc, so how do I associate the slack team with the Laravel user and then pull the relevant API data?
For some example code, imagine that I have a Strava access token stored in my DB for a user and I want to call the API:
$botman->hears('runstats', function ($bot) {
$payload = \Strava\Account::get(
array('api_key' => "here_is_a_secret_key")
This works fine when I query from my web interface as I'm signed into my website and it spits back 123km as an example.
Obviously when I'm signed into Slack then there's no Auth::user instance and so it cannot find the relevant Strava ID. That's what I want to be able to retrieve for the relevant Slack user. I envisage it being installed in multiple Slack workspaces.
You need to store the relation between a Slack user (with team ID, user ID) and his individual token for each API in your database.
So you have two options when adding new API tokens:
Ensure that the process of adding new tokens for API services is always started on Slack (e.g. with a slash command) and then forward the user to your webpage. Thus your app knows which user it is.
Let users log into your web-page with their Slack credentials (using Slack Sign-in).
Both options require that your Slack app has been previously installed to the relevant team of course.

add calendar to another user's calendar list

Not sure if this is possible or if anyone has managed to do this. I have user with super admin access, with which I can create a new user for my domain. However I also want to add a couple of calenders to the created user's calendar list. When I create a user I authenticate using my super admin, but then I can't add a calendar to the user's calendar list since I am not logged in as the user. Is it possible to do this as the super admin, or do I have to logout and authenticate as the created user in order to add calendars to their list? This is the base url to which the post request is made:
in the place of me could I pass in the id of the user? I couldn't find any parameter in the documentation with which I can specify the user to whose list I want to add a calender.
Two options:
Each user much login to google calendar and share thier calendar to a single user. You can then use this account to update their calendars. Note that google has limitations to how many calendars and request you are allowed before the account goes to read-only mode.
Buy a google apps domain (5$per user per month) and create a service account at Create a project and give it domain wide delgation at In Apps engine you should be able to give access for admin to modify all users calendars.
No matter what case you choose, you also need to enable CalendarAPI at dev console site. Now with private key created from website request OAuth2 access token, where sub field is set for the users that you want to change calendar for. With returned access token use CalendarAPI to modify calendar.
Sry for bad english and short description, i'm in a hurry. /conner ;)
