CQEngine query overhead / precompiled parameterized queries - cqengine

When I query an indexed collection many times and the query is the same and only differs in the attribute value, how big is the overhead to execute it?
Is there a way to precompile a parameterized query to get rid of this overhead?
Edit: Here's a simple benchmark showing that making multiple retrievals from a CQEngine collection with a hash index tends to be ~18 times slower than retrieving items from a LinkedHashMap.

There is no support for parameterized queries per-se.
However if you would like to reduce the overhead of constructing queries frequently, such as the impact on garbage collection, you can leverage the fact that queries are immutable and stateless, and cache frequently used queries.
Queries are trees. So you can also cache frequently used branches of queries and reassemble query trees on the fly where branches are retrieved from cache.
However that said, generally the overhead of constructing queries should be pretty small. Id recommend to benchmark your application to see if this really is worthwhile.


In ArangoDb, does choice of collection impact performance?

I was wondering.
You can throw anything in any collection in Arango. I can imagine however that placing objects with similar attributes in the same collection has impact on indexing, which impacts performance.
Is that true or shouldn't I worry about performance when creating collections?
tnx, Frank
You do not need to worry about performance and collections so much.
You design your performance largely by indexing your data according to the planned queries and choosing the proper index for the above. But your query performance are going to again be hugely affected by filtering the data before sorting and vice versa.
This is all as long as you are on a single server instance. Once you are looking at sharding your data over many cluster nodes, you can again boost or impair the performance.
tldr: Don't worry about collections before you have worried about your queries and your indexes.

How is the concurrency query performance of elasticsearch?

Does elasticsearch can handle concurrency search/aggregation well? (For example, 1000 people issue the same/different query at the same time)
Please note that I am not talking about concurrency update, only search/agg.
Databases like oracle/mysql all talking about concurrency in there docs. Did not find elasticsearch talking about this. Does that mean concurrency is not a problem to the data structure and architecture of elasticsearch?
I know cache of filter is one good thing to make concurrency query easier. Anything else?
Queries can be cached for re-use with minimal overhead.
This allows faster processing of future queries over the same data.
The cluster configuration and data allocation will also have an impact on performance. Requests should be made in a round-robin fashion, If a single node is receives 1000 requests simultaneously its performance will be degraded vs dividing the work among multiple nodes.
Mappings and analyzers can also have significant influence on performance.
Queries that require retrieval and parsing of the _source field are expensive.
Using Query-time synonym translation will be expensive.
The reality is the performance is based on the particular application.

Cost of a query in/dependent of amount of data

Could you please tell me whether the cost of a query is dependent on the amount of data available in the database at that time?
means, does the cost varies with the variation in the amount of data?
The answer is, Yes, the data size will influence the query execution plan, that is why you must test your queries with real amounts of data (and if possible realistic data as the distribution of the data is also important and will influence the query cost).
Any Database management system is different in some respect and what works well for Oracle,MS SQL, PostgreSQL may not work well for MySQL and other way around. Even storage engines have very important differences which can affect performance dramatically.
Of course, mass data will Slow down the process, In fact If u are firing a query, it need to traverse and search into the database. For more data it ll take time, The three main issues you should be concerned if you’re dealing with very large data sets are Buffers, Indexes and Joins..

Doing analytical queries on large dynamic sets of data

I have a requirement where I have large sets of incoming data into a system I own.
A single unit of data in this set has a set of immutable attributes + state attached to it. The state is dynamic and can change at any time.
The requirements are as follows -
Large sets of data can experience state changes. Updates need to be fast.
I should be able to aggregate data pivoted on various attributes.
Ideally - there should be a way to correlate individual data units to an aggregated results i.e. I want to drill down into the specific transactions that produced a certain aggregation.
(I am aware of the race conditions here, like the state of a data unit changing after an aggregation is performed ; but this is expected).
All aggregations are time based - i.e. sum of x on pivot y over a day, 2 days, week, month etc.
I am evaluating different technologies to meet these use cases, and would like to hear your suggestions. I have taken a look at Hive/Pig which fit the analytics/aggregation use case. However, I am concerned about the large bursts of updates that can come into the system at any time. I am not sure how this performs on HDFS files when compared to an indexed database (sql or nosql).
You'll probably arrive at the optimal solution only by stress testing actual scenarios in your environment, but here are some suggestions. First, if write speed is a bottleneck, it might make sense to write the changing state to an append-only store, separate from the immutable data, then join the data again for queries. Append-only writing (e.g., like log files) will be faster than updating existing records, primarily because it minimizes disk seeks. This strategy can also help with the problem of data changing underneath you during queries. You can query against a "snapshot" in time. For example, HBase keeps several timestamped updates to a record. (The number is configurable.)
This is a special case of the persistence strategy called Multiversion Concurrency Control - MVCC. Based on your description, MVCC is probably the most important underlying strategy for you to perform queries for a moment in time and get consistent state information returned, even while updates are happening simultaneously.
Of course, doing joins over split data like this will slow down query performance. So, if query performance is more important, then consider writing whole records where the immutable data is repeated along with the changing state. That will consume more space, as a tradeoff.
You might consider looking at Flexviews. It supports creating incrementally refreshable materialized views for MySQL. A materialized view is like a snapshot of a query that is updated periodically with the data which has changed. You can use materialized views to summarize on multiple attributes in different summary tables and keep these views transactionally consistent with each other. You can find some slides describing the functionality on slideshare.net
There is also Shard-Query which can be used in combination with InnoDB and MySQL partitioning, as well as supporting spreading data over many machines. This will satisfy both high update rates and will provide query parallelism for fast aggregation.
Of course, you can combine the two together.

DB Index speed vs caching

We have about 10K rows in a table. We want to have a form where we have a select drop down that contains distinct values of a given column in this table. We have an index on the column in question.
To increase performance I created a little cache table that contains the distinct values so we didn't need to do a select distinct field from table against 10K rows. Surprisingly it seems doing select * from cachetable (10 rows) is no faster than doing the select distinct against 10K rows. Why is this? Is the index doing all the work? At what number of rows in our main table will there be a performance improvement by querying the cache table?
For a DB, 10K rows is nothing. You're not seeing much difference because the actual calculation time is minimal, with most of it consumed by other, constant, overhead.
It's difficult to predict when you'd start noticing a difference, but it would probably be at around a million rows.
If you've already set up caching and it's not detrimental, you may as well leave it in.
10k rows is not much... start caring when you reach 500k ~ 1 million rows.
Indexes do a great job, specially if you just have 10 different values for that index.
This depends on numerous factors - the amount of memory your DB has, the size of the rows in the table, use of a parameterised query and so forth, but generally 10K is not a lot of rows and particularly if the table is well indexed then it's not going to cause any modern RDBMS any sweat at all.
As a rule of thumb I would generally only start paying close attention to performance issues on a table when it passes the 100K rows mark, and 500K doesn't usually cause much of a problem if indexed correctly and accessed by such. Performance usually tends to fall off catastrophically on large tables - you may be fine on 500K rows but crawling on 600K - but you have a long way to go before you are at all likely to hit such problems.
Is the index doing all the work?
You can tell how the query is being executed by viewing the execution plan.
For example, try this:
explain plan for select distinct field from table;
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display);
I notice that you didn't include an ORDER BY on that. If you do not include ORDER BY then the order of the result set may be random, particularly if oracle uses the HASH algorithm for making a distinct list. You ought to check that.
So I'd look at the execution plans for the original query that you think is using an index, and at the one based on the cache table. Maybe post them and we can comment on what's really going on.
Incidentaly, the cache table would usually be implemented as a materialised view, particularly if the master table is generally pretty static.
Serious premature optimization. Just let the database do its job, maybe with some tweaking to the configuration (especially if it's MySQL, which has several cache types and settings).
Your query in 10K rows most probably uses HASH SORT UNIQUE.
As 10K most probably fit into db_buffers and hash_area_size, all operations are performed in memory, and you won't note any difference.
But if the query will be used as a part of a more complex query, or will be swapped out by other data, you may need disk I/O to access the data, which will slow your query down.
Run your query in a loop in several sessions (as many sessions as there will be users connected), and see how it performs in that case.
For future plans and for scalability, you may want to look into an indexing service that uses pure memory or something faster than the TCP DB round-trip. A lot of people (including myself) use Lucene to achieve this by normalizing the data into flat files.
Lucene has a built-in Ram Drive directory indexer, which can build the index all in memory - removing the dependency on the file system, and greatly increasing speed.
Lately, I've architected systems that have a single Ram drive index wrapped by a Webservice. Then, I have my Ajax-like dropdowns query into that Webservice for high availability and high speed - no db layer, no file system, just pure memory and if remote tcp packet speed.
If you have an index on the column, then all the values are in the index and the dbms never has to look in the table. It just looks in the index which just has 10 entries. If this is mostly read only data, then cache it in memory. Caching helps scalability and a lot by relieving the database of work. A query that is quick on a database with no users, might perform poorly if a 30 queries are going on at the same time.
