Using Avro to java plugin in gradle kotlin dsl - gradle

I've a java project that is built using gradle kotlin dsl.
Now I want to use gradle-avro-plugin like this
In kotlin dsl I have written the same logic as below -
plugins {
id( "com.github.davidmc24.gradle.plugin.avro") version "1.0.0"
dependencies {
implementation ("org.apache.avro", "avro", "1.10.1")
val generateAvro = tasks.register<com.github.davidmc24.gradle.plugin.avro.GenerateAvroJavaTask>("generateAvro") {
configure<org.gradle.api.tasks.compile.JavaCompile> {
this.source = fileTree(generateAvro)
The above code is returning below error when I run grade compileJava-
> * What went wrong:
Extension of type 'JavaCompile' does not exist. Currently registered extension types: [ExtraPropertiesExtension, DefaultArtifactPublicationSet, SourceSetContainer, ReportingExtension, JavaPluginExtension, JavaInstallationRegistry, JavaToolchainService, DistributionContainer, JavaApplication, DefaultAvroExtension]
How can I fix this error?

I had similar issues, what worked for me was:
plugins {
id("com.github.davidmc24.gradle.plugin.avro") version "1.2.0"
dependencies {
tasks.withType<com.github.davidmc24.gradle.plugin.avro.GenerateAvroJavaTask> {
The important thing is I did not registered a new task, just specified a new destination directory for each task with the type GenerateAvroJavaTask


gradle: how to create 2 jars with different java versions using Springboot bootJar task and java toolchain

springboot gradle plugin version: org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-gradle-plugin:2.7.2
I have defined different versions of Java for compilation and test as mentioned here but thats just for compile and test.
tasks.withType(JavaCompile).configureEach {
javaCompiler = javaToolchains.compilerFor {
languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(8)
task('testsOn14', type: Test) {
javaLauncher = javaToolchains.launcherFor {
languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(14)
The jar task is defined simply as jar.dependsOn(bootJar)
I want this task to create 2 jars: myproject-j8.jar and myproject-j14.jar meaning one build with Java-8 and other with Java-14. No idea how to do that. Thanks for taking a look.

How to Make Kotlin Gradle Plugin not Manage Version

When I use Kotlin Gradle Plugin and consume Kotlin BOM at the same time it seems that the plugin version takes in priority for kotlin-stdlib, how do I make the plugin not manage my dependency?
plugins {
kotlin("jvm") version "1.2.50"
dependencies {
implementation(platform("some-bom:0.3")) // this has API dependency to kotlin-bom 1.3.50
implementation(kotlin("stdlib")) // this resolves to 1.2.50 (plugin version) instead of 1.3.50 (BOM version)
Project is using Gradle 5.2.1
I can't reproduce it, it looks like a bug. As a workaround you can enforce a particular version by specify isForce = true:
implementation("org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.2.50") {
isForce = true
isForce = true
isForce is not transitive, so you have to specify all the transitive kotlin dependencies explicitly with isForce flag true or create a virtual platform:
open class KotlinAlignmentRule : ComponentMetadataRule {
override fun execute(ctx: ComponentMetadataContext) { {
if ( == "org.jetbrains.kotlin") {
And add it to your dependencies block:
dependencies {
implementation("org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.2.50") {
isForce = true
This last solution is the best imo.

Gradle - access other plugin version

I'm want to obtain other plugin version from my own plugin. I can't find a way to do that via PluginContainer nor PluginManager.
For example for build.gradle.kts:
plugins {
id("some.plugin") version "1.2.3"
id("my.plugin") version "3.4.5"
From the code of "my.plugin" I would like to read that "some.plugin" is in version "1.2.3".
If you want to access other plugins versions you could do something like:
plugins {
id("org.hidetake.ssh") version "2.10.1"
id("com.jfrog.artifactory") version "4.29.2"
apply plugin: MyPlugin
class MyPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
void apply(Project target) {
// retrieve plugins dependencies from buildscript classpath
DependencySet pluginDependencies = target.buildscript.configurations.getByName("classpath").allDependencies
// use the found plugins dependencies
pluginDependencies.forEach { Dependency classpathDep ->
println(" Plugin dependency found: $, version=$classpathDep.version")
This will prompt:
> Configure project :
Plugin dependency found: org.hidetake.ssh.gradle.plugin, version=2.10.1
Plugin dependency found: com.jfrog.artifactory.gradle.plugin, version=4.29.2
> Task :prepareKotlinBuildScriptModel UP-TO-DATE
nop ... still 2022 this is a 🚧
even google ships tons of lines on it
even your api() declaration (with version range)
nor can I see that dependency constraints will help us
in combination
class YourPlugin : Plugin<Project> {
override fun apply(project: Project) {
.add("classpath", "com.example:other-plugin") {
it.version {
it.require("[1.0, 2.0)")
because you can't add constraints in this gradle phase
ending with
> Cannot change dependencies of dependency configuration ':app:classpath' after it has been resolved.
so I don't see anything else than
iterate all project build dependencies checking for version
await depending plugin provides a version is JVM specific and even not addresses this aspect
btw, I was not successful when trying to use the version constraints for comparison
if (project.pluginManager.hasPlugin("com.example.other") == false) {
throw DependencyVerificationException("This plugin needs com.example.other")
.withDependencies {
it.find { == "com.example" && == "other-plugin"
?.let {
if (DefaultImmutableVersionConstraint.of("1.0") /*no clue how to compare with*/ == it)
else throw DependencyVerificationException("This plugin needs com.example.other at least with version 1.0")
} ?: throw DependencyVerificationException("This plugin needs com.example.other")
btw. because it is related: for testing different versions there are indeed some things out there like

How to lazily get main sourceSets in Gradle

I need to configure sources jar for all of my subprojects. I have the following subprojects configuration defined:
subprojects {
apply(plugin = "java-library")
val sourcesJar = tasks.registering(Jar::class) {
tasks.named("assemble") {
When I try to run ./gradlew tasks I receive an exception in my subproject saying that:
Extension of type 'SourceSetContainer' does not exist. Currently registered extension types: [ExtraPropertiesExtension]
My assumption is that the access to get() method of the extension causes problems but without that I cannot refer to the allJava sources that I need. So how to achieve desired result by using configuration avoidance API?
Running on Gradle 5.2.1 with Kotlin DSL.
I found working solution. The problem is that when you call the<T>() function it is taken from the Task type which is why it complains about absent extension. The solution is to call the<T>() function on project instance like this:
subprojects {
apply {
val sourcesJar by tasks.registering(Jar::class) {
// take extension from project instance

gradle maven publish Pom using kotlin-dsl

I have a multiplatform kotlin library project that publishes to maven and have been updating to the kotlin 1.3 multiplatform model and kotlin-dsl
The previous groovy gradle script has a modifyPom block, and i found an example here. However as soon as I add
val modifyPom : Closure<*> by ext
modifyPom(closureOf<MavenPom> {
// pom code in here
I get the same result no matter what is in the pom data, which is that the call of the modifyPom groovy closure breaks the build with a very vague error:
Build file '<path>\build.gradle.kts' line: 47
Open File
In other words the line number of the call of modifyPom groovy Closure, but nothing about the actual error.
I am using Gradle 5.0. Any help appreciated.
So - in Groovy I had this block for configuring POMs, and it worked just fine:
project.publishing.publications.forEach { publication ->
publication.pom.withXml {
def root = asNode()
root.appendNode("name", "libui")
root.appendNode("description", "Kotlin/Native interop to libui: a portable GUI library")
root.appendNode("url", POM_SCM_URL)
root.children().last() + {
licenses {
license {
name "MIT License"
distribution "repo"
developers {
developer {
id "msink"
name "Mike Sinkovsky"
email ""
scm {
developerConnection POM_SCM_DEV_CONNECTION
And how to convert it to Kotlin DSL?
Well, was answered in
In Gradle Kotlin DSL it becomes:
project.publishing.publications.withType<MavenPublication>().forEach { publication ->
with(publication.pom) {
withXml {
val root = asNode()
root.appendNode("name", "libui")
root.appendNode("description", "Kotlin/Native interop to libui: a portable GUI library")
root.appendNode("url", POM_SCM_URL)
licenses {
license {
name.set("MIT License")
developers {
developer {
name.set("Mike Sinkovsky")
scm {
This problem was fixed by changing the definition of modifyPom to
val modifyPom : Closure<MavenPom> by ext
That fixed the original problem as posted, and the pom is now being modified. If anyone needs help, add a comment and hopefully I will notice
