Installing teams app with messaging extension for all team members - microsoft-teams

I have a question regarding installation of messaging extension app. Actually I assumed that I can upload my app to teams admin center "teams apps" and afterwards it is ready to use for all teams and all team members. I already did this steps with an app showing a custom tab and everything worked fine.
Across the documentation I only found information on how to sideload apps. That is working but only for the logged in user, not for other team members. Thats why I think app package seems to be ok.
So, what is the correct way to install an app containing a messaging extension to my teams so that all team members can use it? Does app manifest need to provide some special content?
Thanks for your help!

Yes, Admin has the privilege to install an app from the admin center by assigning custom policy to users. Please have a look at this document.


"App not found, Please verify..." when launching from Visual Studio, but installs normally from Developer Portal

I'm currently learning Teams development and I just installed the Teams Toolkit extension. Following the quickstart guide, launching the app opens my browser with the Teams web app and the message
App not found, Please verify the app and it's[sic] access
Fortunately, this app can still be launched when selecting the "Preview in Teams" option in the Developer Portal.
Quoting the GettingStarted.txt:
If you Start Debugging in a browser and Teams shows the message "App not found, Please verify the app and it's access permissions", it means the app hasn't been uploaded to Teams Dev Portal. To resolve this, follow the steps in the Quick start section above. The Project > TeamsFx > Configure for SSO menu command will do this step for you.
Except it was successfully uploaded to Dev Portal.
What I did
Did this "Configure for SSO" thing. No problems with that and the app was successfully added to the Developer Portal.
Where I searched for an answer
VS Marketplace page for Teams Toolkit (Reviews, Q&A)
Github page (issues) for Teams Toolkit
This very site - Stack Overflow.
Obviously, I'm not 100% sure that I haven't missed anything.
Temporary solution
In the meantime, I set the "launchBrowser" property to "false" in launchSettings.json. However, it's a waste of time to constantly go back to the Developer Portal to launch it, especially when the functionality is there.
Visual Studio 2019, Microsoft Development Account.
Thanks in advance.
We tried to repro this issue at our end and it is working fine for us. Could you please make sure app is opened in same tenant with which you configured for SSO. Also please remove all credentials from cache to make sure its not taking another credentials and try again.
Assuming nothing else was changed from the new project template, there are a few things you can try to narrow down the issue.
Open your browsers web dev tools and watch the console after clicking the Add button (before you see the error message). Sometimes a useful error message from the developer portal helps identify the issue.
Verify that when Visual Studio launches the URL, the correct tenant is loaded in Teams.
Run the project in VS, then manually navigate in your browser to the endpoint of your tab that you expect to work. It would be something like https://localhost:44357/tab by default (the value is in the manifest.json). The sample won't work completely because it's not running inside Teams, but you should be able to verify it's working locally.
If none of that helps, please log an issue on the GitHub page and we can investigate a bug.

QnA maker bot Not responding in MS Teams

We recently added a QnA Maker Bot to MS Teams and got it to Deploy on the Unfortunately in MS Teams when you direct message the bot it is not responding at all. We checked the logs and are not getting any errors either. Any Idea where we need to check next?
Thank you,
I had exactly this problem, and it was because I was trying to hit the bot directly rather than creating a Teams App first. You will need to install App Studio from the Apps blade on the left if you haven't already.
Open up App Studio and click on Manifest editor tab
Click Create a new app
Fill our all of the required information for App details
Generate/create an App ID. This is NOT the same as your Bot's App ID
Click on Bots tab under Capabilities and add your bot
Install app for testing in specific Teams or Chats
Submit is for if you want to publish to your company's App Store. If you download the package you could import it in Step 2 instead of creating a new app. Or use it as a template to do future apps offline instead of using App Studio for the whole process.
Once I set up the bot in this way, it started responding to me. I tried with another app after doing this for one and confirmed that I would NOT get a response from a bot unless I had set it up with a manifest through App Studio.

How to add an app to a group chat in MS Teams

The What's New for MS Teams on November 13, 2018
Apps on apps on apps
Why let channels have all the fun? Now your private group chats can
add dozens of apps as tabs to make working together even more
seamless. Manage project deadlines with Trello, readily access notes
with OneNote, track business analytics with PowerBI, and so much more.
Check out all the apps available by selecting the + at the top of any
group chat.
However, the + button does not exist in the group chat screen in the desktop application ( or the Office365 web interface.
How do I do this?
I have explored further and found that this may be affecting on your case.
Assuming if you have admin access
Go to
Click on Teams. Under the Apps. Make sure you have enabled the following settings to see the + icon
The checkbox "Allow External Apps" let you When this setting is turned on, users can add external apps that are available to your organization.
Here is the official link.
Hope it helps
Tick the checkbox Allow external apps or sideloading of apps in Teams settings. You can go through the documentation.

Ms Teams Bot Icon is not displayed

I've used app studio from MS Teams to creat a manifest for a Bot App. I've uploaded the full color picture as well as trasparent outlone. However the icon is not displaying at the chat window. Only the default icon is visivle.
Any ideas, how can I solve the issue? Thanks a lot!
Is your bot sideloaded or uploaded to your organization's private app store? In those cases, the image used for the bot in the chat window is taken from the bot registration in Bot Framework. (This is a known issue that we're tracking.)
To change your bot's icon:
If you registered your bot using App Studio:
Go to and sign in with the same account you use in Teams
Select your bot, then go to Settings
Click on "Upload custom icon"
If you registered your app using the Azure portal:
Go to the Bot Service or Bot Channels Registration resource in Azure
Go to Settings
Upload a custom icon
As #Adrian Solis answer is indeed correct, I just wanted to add that it can also be related to caching issues. If you are changing icons and want to check if everything is working as expected, you can delete your browsers cache or the cache of the Microsoft Teams Windows App.
The Microsoft Teams Windows App has the following cache folders. Just stop the app, delete everything in this folders and start it again.
%appdata%\Microsoft\teams\application cache\cache\
%appdata%\Microsoft\teams\Local Storage\

Google Apps Marketplace Enable Individual Install

The setting "Enable Individual Install" has recently been added in a Google Apps Markeptplace configuration, but I was not able to find its meaning. Does anyone has an idea ?
I got an email from a google representative today with the following:
We’re excited to let you know that you will soon be able to enable anyone within an organization to install your app directly from the Google Apps Marketplace. To prepare for this new feature, you should choose whether to enable or disable individual user installs for your app.
Please follow these instructions to enable individual user installs:
Navigate to your Google Developer Console.
Select your Google Apps Marketplace project.
Click APIs under the APIs & auth section.
Click the gear icon next to Google Apps Marketplace SDK.
Check Enable Individual Install
Click Save changes.
This feature is only available for apps in Google Apps Marketplace that use OAuth 2.0. To learn how to upgrade your OAuth 1.0 app to OAuth 2.0, please see these upgrade instructions. Please also note, only individual users of Google Apps for Business, Google Apps for Education, and Google Apps for Government will be able to install your app.
This feature was announced today in a blog post. To quote:
Now, any Google Apps user can install these applications by logging into Google Apps, clicking the app launcher icon , clicking More, and then clicking More from Apps Marketplace.
