Changing page subtitle using the URI in Menus? - filter

I have an application-menu item that I added that contains a URI with a custom filter in attached to the page name (aka URI Querystring). I would like to have the page subtitle change to represent this filtered data on the page.
Has anyone done any work like this or have an easy way to set the page subtitle using the application-menu items?
Here is what is getting called in the browser:
<h1 class="oro-subtitle" id="grid-title-contacts-grid2073">All Contacts</h1>
Here is what is in the URI (decoded)

You can save the grid view and give it a custom title.
Here is the documentation on how to do that:
Then copy the URL for the page and use it for the menu item. It should now redirect to the saved view with your title.


Is it possible to identify file name passing url in magento?

How to identify coding having this file at magento .
For example,
Link Mean
how to identify which file its denotes ?
http://localhost/index.php/about-magento-demo-store/ is not a file, it's CMS page content which is actually a row stored in the cms_page table in your database that gets filtered through a template to produce html page content that is pushed to your browser.
Look under the CMS=>Pages menu, you'll find a grid and if you search in the url key column for about-magento-demo-store, you can find the page content there.
Magento's content does not exist as static pages, it is data stored in the database that gets selected, filtered through templates and assembled into HTML that gets final styling from CSS. It only becomes a page, once it is downloaded by the web browser.
1)Url redirects
look at the core_url_rewrite table and find the url that you requested.
if you find it, and target path starts like catalog/category/view/id/5,
that means catalog module, category controller, view action which you can find in
app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/controllers/CategoryController.php the method is viewAction.
2)Cms Pages
it can be a cms page
3)One of modules controller
It is the best way to install a profiler and see which controller handles your request.

Orchard CMS - Blog Post Featured Image

I've read the various questions regarding this but couldn't not make any any progress. I'm new to Orchard so maybe I'm doing something incorrectly.
The goal is to show a "featured" image for each post in the Blog Home Page (Summary).
The first thing I did was to add a new content type for Image Gallery, following the directions at the link:
Then I edited the Blog Post Content Definition, adding the new content type Media Library Picker Field that I created in step 1.
Now on each post there is the ability to Add a new Image.
Now I want that selected image to show up on the Blog Summary view & in the individual Blog Post view.
I followed the direction at the link below, by adding the new element - to the placement info file in my theme.
Image not appearing from a Content Part with a Media Picker Field
Still no luck...what I am missing here???
Thanks for the input
Just add a MediaLibraryPickerField directly to the BlogPost Content Type. That's it.
You don't need anything else (no "Image Gallery Content Type" - that would indeed be another Content Type).
The Display Name for the field can be "Featured Image".
The MediaLibraryPickerField can be configured to not allow multiple content items (allow only one). will allow you to decide where you want the field to show, and you already know.
Shape Alternates will allow you to modify the "template", for both Summary and Detail views, if needed.

image display in drupal

i would like to create an image gallery on my homepage in drupal. Each image will have been uploaded by the user, and, as i understand it, will be saved in some image directory folder in drupal. My question concerns a recent tip i picked up in response to the general debate whether or not it is good to store images as blob in mysql. The tip was to store the filenames of the images in mysql so you can essentially still sort the files. I was wondering whether this would be possible even if the files url is in drupal so to speak. It should be possible shouldn't it? I new to programming you see and want to the images on my homepage to be periodically refreshed according to a define sorting function. I would greatly appreciate any response to this question. Cheers.
You can using content types and views module for create gallery in Drupal 7.
First create new content type with gallery name(admin/structure/types/add).
Then add a image field to gallery content type and save it.
If you want have thumbnail of image you should create a image style. for example create a image style with thumbnail_custom name and add suitable effect(admin/config/media/image-styles/add). You will use of this image style in views in the next step.
Then create a new view with gallery-view name. uncheck create a page, check create a block, enter block title and item per page you want(admin/structure/views/add).
In Filter criteria from block details add content type gallery.
In Fields add Content image that appears in node:gallery and select and select thumbnail_custom for image style option.
Save view.
This view block appears in Blocks section and you select region for it.
If you want this block appears only in the front page, in configuration of this block in the section pages of visibility settings check "Only the listed pages" option and then enter "<front>" phrase in textarea.

show only the content of article

how do I only show content in a single article?
I am using Joomla 2.5 and Ajax to call a single article, but when I render the article in a <div> tag, I render again the header, the footer and all the page , but I only want the content.
How do I configure the page or the article to show only the content?
If you only want to get component you can append tmpl=component parameter with the url.
Your article url will be like this-
Or you can try like this-
$('#result').load('index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1&tmpl=component #container');
Loading Page Fragments

Why is my menu item resulting in a file not found error in Joomla?

I have a new component called com_location. It has a single model,
controller, and view. If I go to the page URL manually (i.e. it displays my
view correctly (all the view does right now is display a table
containing a bunch of records from the database.)
However, when I add a menu item of type Internal Link, it doesn't
work. I select Internal Link, then Locations -> Location - >Default
Layout (my only choice.) I set the title to Find a Community, and the
alias to find-a-community. The generated link shown in the Link input
field (non-editable) is index.php?option=com_location&view=location -
exactly the same URL I can type in manually.
When I go to my front-end, the Find a Community link is there;
clicking on it produces the URL, and
instead of my component, I get an error message: "The requested URL /
find-a-community was not found on this server."
I do have search engine-friendly URLs enabled in the global
If you disable SEF urls does it work? If so, you will need to write a router.php file
