How in a single playbook become root as well as application user - ansible

I have a requirement to setup an application and for that I need to install Nginx as root and then run another Java application as a different application user.
The condition for this is, I have a privileged user "priv_suer" which has sudo and I'm running the playbook as this user as I need to install and configure Nginx. But my application user is different from this user "app_user" which is unprivileged application only user.
The issue I'm facing is, this app_user needs password to become app_user. So in my case I need two passwords one is to become root and another one to become app_user.
I referred Understanding privilege escalation: become and only option I could find was "ansible_become_password".
Can anyone help me with this?

I think that privilege escalation can help. My solution is:
Declare different groups for servers running your Java applications and servers you want to install Nginx. In your case, the two groups can share the same servers.
Here below I give an example of inventory.yml file:
ansible_become_pass: app_user#123
ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python3
ansible_user: app_user
ansible_become_pass: root#123
ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python3
ansible_user: root
An example of playbook is as follow:
- hosts: app
- name: Install Java app
become: yes
- hosts: nginx
- name: Install NGINX
become: yes
Finally, run your ansible playbook with an inventory provided using -i option:
ansible-playbook -i etc/ansible/inventory.yml etc/ansible/playbook.yml


Ansible. Reconnecting the playbook connection

The server is being created. Initially there is user root, his password and ssh on 22 port (default).
There is a written playbook, for example, for a react application.
When you start playbook'a, everything is deployed for it, but before deploying, you need to configure the server to a minimum. Those. create a new sudo user, change the ssh port and copy the ssh key to the server. I think this is probably needed for any server.
After this setting, yaml appears in the host_vars directory with the variables for this server (ansible_user, ansible_sudo_pass, etc.)
For example, there are 2 roles: initial-server, deploy-react-app.
And the playbook itself (main.yml) for a specific application:
- name: Deploy
hosts: prod
- role: initial-server
- role: deploy-react-app
How to make it so that when you run ansible-playbook main.yml, the initial-server role is executed from the root user with his password, and the deploy-react-app role from the newly created one user and connection was by ssh key and not by password (root)? Or is it, in principle, not the correct approach?
Note: using dashes (-) in role names is deprecated. I fixed that in my below example
- name: initialize server
hosts: prod
remote_user: root
- role: initial_server
- name: deploy application
hosts: prod
# That one will prevent to gather facts twice but is not mandatory
gather_facts: false
remote_user: reactappuser
- role: deploy_react_app
You could also set the ansible_user for each role vars in a single play:
- name: init and deploy
hosts: prod
- role: initial_server
ansible_user: root
- role: deploy_react_app
ansible_user: reactappuser
There are other possibilities (using an include_role task). This really depends on your precise requirement.

Is there any way we can run multiple roles with a particular user in Ansible

Is there any way we can run multiple roles with a particular sudo user using Ansible. If yes how can i do it .
ansible 2.7.5
An option would be to use a playbook. For example:
- hosts: webservers
remote_user: particular_sudo_user
become: yes
become_method: sudo
- role01
- role02

Ansible: editing a config file as sudo (CoreOS)

I'm an ansible newbie.
I'm using ansible
I have the playbook below to bootstrap nodes for a k8s cluster in openstack:
- name: bootstrap
hosts: coreos
become_user: root
become_method: su
gather_facts: False
- defunctzombie.coreos-bootstrap
- lineinfile:
path: /etc/coreos/update.conf
state: present
I want to turn off auto-reboots on coreos because our openstack installation has a problem with reboots not coming back up properly and having coreos reboot often is causing instance to have to be manually shut down and restarted.
Anyway, the playbook above doesn't work. I get this error:
"The destination directory (/etc/coreos) is not writable by the current user. Error was: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/etc/coreos/.ansible_tmppQCJrCupdate.conf'"
So my syntax is wrong (I've tried a few different combinations with no luck).
Could someone point me in the right direction? And feel free to make a suggestion on anything about this playbook.
Instead of execute playbook as root user, use different user with sudo access.
Please try this:
- name: bootstrap
hosts: coreos
user: <user_name>
become_method: sudo
gather_facts: False
- defunctzombie.coreos-bootstrap
- lineinfile:
path: /etc/coreos/update.conf
state: present
Replace <user_name> with your user.
Run your playbook as ansible-playbook <playbook_name> --ask-sudo-pass

how to define login user and become root in playbook

my loginuser is user1 and i want to execute the playbook with root. how can i do this. if i use in cmdline it does not work like this
ansible-playbook main.yaml -i hosts --user=git -k --become-user=root --ask-become-pass --become-method=su
Please tell me how to implement this.
name: Install and Configure IEM
hosts: rhel
ansible_become: yes
ansible_become_method: su
ansible_become_user: root
ansible_become_pass: passw0rd
- name: Creating masthead file path
file: path=/etc/opt/BESClient state=directory
- name: Creating install directory
I use :
- name: Todo something
hosts: all
become: yes
become_user: root
become_method: su
When you execute the playbook pass the password as an extra var.
From Ansible docs:
you can set those in the playbook as #Raul-Hugo, with become_user and become_user;
alternatively, it can also be done in the inventory, which allows setting per host or group. But then the variables get "ansible_" prefix: ansible_become_user, ansible_become_user, etc. That's why the playbook you gave in your question did not work: it used variable names that are used in the inventory.
You can become root like below and install the packages
- name: install apache package
become: yes
become_user: root
name: httpd
state: present
- name: ensure apache is running
become: yes
become_user: root
name: httpd
state: started
All the above answers caused Ansible to try to login as root from the beginning. but in this case, the user you request is git so the below example worked for me:
- name: Install and Configure IEM
hosts: rhel
- name: Creating masthead file path
file: path=/etc/opt/BESClient state=directory
remote_user: git
become: yes # when not specifying `become_user` it's "root"
This will cause it to login as git and after the login - switch to root

Ansible ec2 only provision required servers

I've got a basic Ansible playbook like so:
- name: Provision ec2 servers
connection: local
- aws
- name: Configure {{ application_name }} servers
hosts: webservers
sudo: yes
sudo_user: root
remote_user: ubuntu
- setup_git_repo: no
- update_apt_cache: yes
- env_vars/common.yml
- env_vars/remote.yml
- common
- db
- memcached
- web
with the following inventory:
[localhost] ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/local/bin/python
The Provision ec2 servers task does what you'd expect. It creates an ec2 instance; it also creates a host group [webservers] and adds the created instance IP to it.
The Configure {{ application_name }} servers step then configures that server, installing everything I need.
So far so good, this all does exactly what I want and everything seems to work.
Here's where I'm stuck. I want to be able to fire up an ec2 instance for different roles. Ideally I'd create a dbserver, a webserver and maybe a memcached server. I'd like to be able to deploy any part(s) of this infrastructure in isolation, e.g. create and provision just the db servers
The only ways I can think of to make this work... well, they don't work.
I tried simply declaring the host groups without hosts in the inventory:
but that's a syntax error.
I would be okay with explicitly provisioning each server and declaring the host group it is for, like so:
- name: Provision webservers
hosts: webservers
connection: local
- aws
- name: Provision dbservers
hosts: dbservers
connection: local
- aws
- name: Provision memcachedservers
hosts: memcachedservers
connection: local
- aws
but those groups don't exist until after the respective step is complete, so I don't think that will work either.
I've seen lots about dynamic inventories, but I haven't been able to understand how that would help me. I've also looked through countless examples of ansible ec2 provisioning projects, they are all invariably either provisioning pre-existing ec2 instances, or just create a single instance and install everything on it.
In the end I realised it made much more sense to just separate the different parts of the stack into separate playbooks, with a full-stack playbook that called each of them.
My remote hosts file stayed largely the same as above. An example of one of the playbooks for a specific part of the stack is:
- name: Provision ec2 apiservers
hosts: apiservers #important bit
connection: local #important bit
- host_group: apiservers
- security_group: blah
- aws
- name: Configure {{ application_name }} apiservers
hosts: apiservers:! #important bit
sudo: yes
sudo_user: root
remote_user: ubuntu
- env_vars/common.yml
- env_vars/remote.yml
- setup_git_repo: no
- update_apt_cache: yes
- common
- db
- memcached
- web
This means that the first step of each layer's play adds a new host to the apiservers group, with the second step (Configure ... apiservers) then being able to exclude the localhost without getting a no hosts matching error.
The wrapping playbook is dead simple, just:
- name: Deploy all the {{ application_name }} things!
hosts: all
- include: webservers.yml
- include: apiservers.yml
I'm very much a beginner w/regards to ansible, so please do take this for what it is, some guy's attempt to find something that works. There may be better options and this could violate best practice all over the place.
ec2_module supports an "exact_count" property, not just a "count" property.
It will create (or terminate!) instances that match specified tags ("instance_tags")
