GraphQL query with multiple nested resolvers and mapping fields to arguments - graphql

From GraphQL Client's perspective, how do I perform a query with multiple nested resolvers where the fields from the parent are passed as arguments to the child resolver?
Here is a minimal example:
GraphQL Schema:
type Author {
id: ID!
name: String!
type Book {
id: ID!
title: String!
releaseDate: String!
type Query {
// Returns a list of Authors ordered by name, 'first' indicates how many entries to return
getAllAuthors(first: Int!): [Author]!
// Returns a list of Books ordered by releaseDate, 'first' indicates how many entries to return
getBooksByAuthorId(first: Int! authorId: ID!): [Book]!
Is it possible to write a query to get all authors and their last released book? Something around the lines:
query GetAuthorsWithLastBook($first: Int!) {
getAllAuthors(first: $first) {
authorId: id
lastBook: getBooksByAuthor(1, authorId) {
In the example above, I attempted to alias as authorId and pass the alias down as argument to getBooksByAuthor(...) but that didn't work.
The key aspect of the problem is that I don't know the authorIds beforehand. I could fetch the authors first and build a query to fetch their last book but that will result in multiple queries and that is something I would like to avoid.
A Java Kickstarter example is available here:

yes, on the graphql definition, you need to add lastBook in the Author
type Author {
id: ID!
name: String!
lastBook: [Book]
Next up u need to write the resolver for the lastBook
const resolvers = {
Query: {
Author {
lastBook: (parent, args) {
const userId =;
return getBooksByAuthor(userId, 1);


Query Appsync graphql with 3 different combinations

I am using appsync with amplify and trying to figure out how to query based on two different selectors. Basically I need to either query all if neither county or facility are supplied, query with county while facility is empty, or query with facility while county is empty. I thought I could wrap this into 1 query but it doesn't seem like I can. My appsync schemas look like this.
type Client
#key(name: "clientByCountyOrFacility", fields: ["county", "facility"], queryField: "getClientsByCountyOrFacility")
#searchable {
id: ID!
facility: String!
county: String!
products: [Product] #connection(name: "ClientProducts")
type Product
#searchable {
id: ID!
client: Client #connection(name: "ClientProducts")
I can get this to work by using (below query) but I am worried this will run into the 100 scan limit because it uses the listClients query underneath. Possibly if there was an easy way to change that could be a solution but it seems the files in amplify are autogenerated.
query getClientsByCountyOrFacility($county: String = "", $facility: String = "") {
listClients(filter: {
county: {
contains: $county
facility: {
contains: $facility
}) {
items {
products {
items {
I added the #key to see if I could create an index but it doesn't like that and I'm at a lose for how to acquire the data. How do I go about building this schema and query to get the data back?

Sorting results in AWS Amplify GraphQL without filtering

Provided a very simple model in graphql.schema, how would I perform a simple sort query?
type Todo #model
id: ID!
text: String!
Which generates the following in queries.js.
export const listTodos = /* GraphQL */ `
query ListTodos(
$filter: ModelTodoFilterInput
$limit: Int
$nextToken: String
) {
listTodos(filter: $filter, limit: $limit, nextToken: $nextToken) {
items {
I have found multiple sources pointing me in the direction of the #key directive. This similar question addresses that approach (GraphQL with AWS Amplify - how to enable sorting on query).
While that may seem promising and successfully generates new queries I can use, all the approaches I have tried require that I filter the data before sorting it. All I want to do is sort my todo results on a given column name, with a given sort direction (ASC/DESC).
This is how I would perform a simple (unsorted) query:
const todos = await API.graphql(graphqlOperation(listTodos));
I would be looking to do something along the lines of:
const todos = await API.graphql(graphqlOperation(listTodos, {sortField: "text", sortDirection: "ASC"} )).
Decorate your model with the #searchable directive, like so:
type Todo #model #searchable
id: ID!
text: String!
After that, you can query your data with sorting capabilities like below:
import { searchToDos } from '../graphql/queries';
import { API, graphqlOperation } from 'aws-amplify';
const toDoData = await API.graphql(graphqlOperation(searchToDos, {
sort: {
direction: 'asc',
field: 'text'
For more information, see
Declaring #searchable incurs pointless extra server cost if all you need is straight forward sorting. It spins up an EBS and an OpenSearch that will be about $20 a month minumum.
Instead you need to use the #index directive.
As per the documentation here:
In your model, add the #index directive to one of the fields with a few parameters:
type Todo #model {
id: ID!
title: String!
type: String! #index(name: "todosByDate", queryField: "todosByDate", sortKeyFields: ["createdAt"])
createdAt: String!
By declaring the queryField and the sortKeyField you will now have a new query available to once you push your amplify config:
query todosByDate {
type: "Todo"
sortDirection: ASC
) {
items {
The field you declare this directive on can not be empty (notice the ! after the field name)
This is a much better way of doing it as opposed to #searchable, which is massively overkill.
I've accepted MTran's answer because it feels to me it is the nearest thing to an actual solution, but I've also decided to actually opt for a workaround. This way, I avoid adding a dependency to ElasticSearch.
I ended up adding a field to my schema and every single entry has the same value for that field. That way, I can filter by that value and still have the entire table of values, that I can then sort against.

How to combine multiple field in GraphQL Object

I am trying my first Graphql Schema design. Is it possible that single field inside object type refer to a complex object?
enum KeyPrefix {
input generalKey {
type Item
pk: generalKey!
data: String!
name: String!
It gives me error as below.
The type of must be Output Type but got: generalKey!
input is a keyword reserved for describing input to a GraphQL query. Your schema should look like this:
enum KeyPrefix {
(your values)
type PrimaryKey {
prefix: KeyPrefix!
key: Int!
type Item {
pk: PrimaryKey!
data: String!
name: String!
When you define a Query in your GraphQL schema, you will want to use an input, like so:
input PrimaryKeyInput {
prefix: KeyPrefix!
key: Int!
type Query {
getItemByPrimaryKey(input: PrimaryKeyInput!): Item
This will allow a client to ask for an Item using the same fields you have on PrimaryKey.

Indexing List Type field in a GraphQL type from within a Query

Say I have the following GraphQL Schema
query {
allAuthors: [Author]
type Author {
id: ID!
name: String!
books: [Book]
type Book {
id: ID!
name: String!
author: Author!
Now I can successfully run the following query to get all the authors and their associated books
query {
allAuthors {
books {
However, if I only want to get the first three books for all authors, how would I go about doing something like that? Can we index the books field in the Author type from within a query? If so, how?
I tried something like this and it doesn't work
query {
allAuthors {
books[3] {
GraphQL doesn't have syntax for this.
You can add a "limit" parameter to a field, and this is common enough:
type Query {
allAuthors(limit: Int, offset: Int): [Author!]!
type Author {
id: ID!
name: String!
books(limit: Int, offset: Int): [Book!]!
If you add parameters like this to the schema, then the query you want (for all authors, get the first three books) could look like
allAuthors {
books(limit: 3) {

How do I retrieve all items in an ArangoDB collection using GraphQL

I am using the ArangoDB FOXX GraphQL Example to retrieve data from a couple of collections (each one named the same as the type). Everything is fine when I want to retrieve one item using the _key property, but when I try to retrieve all items in a collection (see diagnosticItems) I receive an error. My schema definition is:
export const typeDefs = [`
enum Status {
type DiagnosticItem {
_key: String!
title: String!
status: Status
locationKey: String
lastUpdatedDate: String
location: Location #aql(exec: "FOR location in Location filter location._key == #current.locationKey return location")
type Location {
_key: String!
title: String!
type Query {
diagnosticItem(_key: String!): DiagnosticItem
diagnosticItems: [DiagnosticItem]
location(_key: String!): Location
The full StackBlitz is here.
