Get the days between two dates which are in Unix Timestamp [closed] - bash

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Have a file with pull-requests details and has CreatedDate (ex: 1613698170) is in Unix timestamp format.
I want to notify to stake holders, when pull-request is open more than x days.
How to get the no of days between current date and pull-request created date in bash / groovy. So that I will execute this script in jenkins and send out notifications.

The following code:
def epochMillis = 1598098239000
def now = new Date()
def then = new Date(epochMillis)
def days = now - then
println "then: $then"
println "now: $now"
println "days between now and then: ${days}"
calculates the number of days between now and epoch millis. When executed, the above prints:
─➤ groovy solution.groovy
then: Sat Aug 22 14:10:39 CEST 2020
now: Fri Feb 19 19:01:54 CET 2021
days between now and file creation: 181


Calculate time passed since $STARDATE and current date [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I want to establish the amount of time that has passed since 24th February 2008 - time 17:28 UTC
The output would be something like:
Its been x years x months x days x hours x minute x seconds since Tottenham Won a Trophy
You can use python:
python -c "from datetime import datetime as d; print( - d(2008, 2, 24, 17, 28, 0))"
Or you have to build something like:
starttime=$(date -d "2008-02-24 17:28 UTC" +%s)
current=$(date +%s)
timediff=$((current - starttime))
echo $timediff
echo "$days days $hours hours $min minutes $sec seconds since start"
Years and month would be more difficult

How may I pipe a timestamp to date and convert it to datetime? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Pipe string to GNU Date for conversion - how to make it read from stdin?
(5 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
The community reviewed whether to reopen this question 11 months ago and left it closed:
Original close reason(s) were not resolved
Assume we have a timestamp like below:
[xxxxxx ~]$ date -d#1530586185
Tue Jul 3 05:49:45 EEST 2018
and I want to pipe it to date like:
echo 1530586185 | date -d#
date: invalid date ‘#’ <-------- error message
How can I do it?
Suggestion 1:
date -d"#$(echo 1530586185)"
Suggestion 2:
DATE=$(echo 1530586185); date -d"#$DATE"

Pulling information from a who command on all servers [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm creating a program that pulls information from a who command, see also this question to see the format of the who command.
Now what I want to do is ssh to different servers and run the who command. Problem being I have no idea how to ssh in Ruby. I'm aware of require 'net/ssh/gateway' would somebody mind giving me an example of how I can ssh in Ruby and and perform a who command (like the linked question) on multiple servers?
For example:
def user
cmd = `who`.gsub(/[ \t].*/,"")
puts cmd
#<= Do some fancy stuff that will ssh to the servers and run cmd
Thank you ahead of time.
I've found out that doing something like this:
26 print "Enter password: "
27 system "stty -echo" #<= Removes echo from typing, you won't see your keystrokes
28 #password = gets.chomp
29 system "stty echo"
31 def logged_in
32 cmd = `who`.gsub(/[ \t].*/,"")
33 check = Net::SSH.start(#host, #username, :password => #password)
34 check.exec!(cmd)
35 end
37 #host = %w(servers).each do
38 logged_in
39 end
41 #username = Etc.getlogin
Will do what I want to accomplish.

Name of the users which executed a command [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to get the name of the users which executed a command (for example cat).
fc -l will provide a list with the most recent commands executed by the current user but is there an way to find out the history for all users?
I read the manual but i could not find something that would help
Do you know any other commands which would do this job?
I also tried w and who
I found this solution: the super user will search in each dir from "home" in the .bash_history and make a grep on that file for that command. It will work but is this optimal?
Using awk =)
awk -v monitoredcmd=cat '
"date -d #"tmpdate | getline date
close("date -d #"tmpdate)
print "command [" $0 "] by",
gensub(/\/home\/([^\/]+).*/, "\\1", "", FILENAME),
' /home/*/.bash_history
Sample Output
command [cat file.txt] by sputnick mer. févr. 13 15:34:44 CET 2013
command [cat] by sputnick mer. févr. 13 15:45:38 CET 2013
command [cat] by marc mer. févr. 13 15:47:54 CET 2013

How to say ${foo}123 in shell script? [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm building a shell script that is checks the existence of log files in a loop. The log files I'm trying to open are named like this: access_log-%02d00-%02d59 with %02d being an hour. In perl I could just say "access_log-${hour}00-${hour}59". But how do I do that in shell script? Here's my code. It doesn't work because it thinks the var name would be $HOUR00 and $HOUR59.
for HOUR in 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23; do
if [ -e tmp/access_log-$HOUR00-$HOUR59 ]; then
# do stuff here
I figured it out myself. I works just the same as in perl. ${HOUR}00 does the trick.
