Problem with building paths iOS v MacOs in Xamarin Forms app - macos

I have this code:
var myDocuments = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), "..", "Shared");
_rootPath = Path.Combine(myDocuments, "VisitsRota.MacOS");
_stylesPath = Path.Combine(_rootPath, "Styles");
_vrrDataFile = Path.Combine(_rootPath, "VisitsRotaData.xml");
// Read in the required data
vrrData = DeserializeFromXml<VisitsRotaData>(_vrrDataFile);
// Build list of month names. Should this property also have a private counterpart?
ListMonths = DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.MonthNames.TakeWhile(m => m != String.Empty).ToList();
// Select the current month in the list
ListMonthsSelectedItem = DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM");
string[] stylesArray = Directory.GetFiles(_stylesPath, "ElderlyInfirm-Schedule-*.xsl")
.Select(file => Path.GetFileName(file)).ToArray<string>();
On the Mac it runs as expect. But on the iOS simulator (which I am new to using) it raises an exception:
System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the
How should I be able to replicate testing on my iOS build? if I use literal paths instead of Path.Combine etc. I do not have a problem.

I was able to resolve this. My related question / answer about resources helped.
In the comments to this question I was asked:
How are these files being deployed with your app?
That was the key!
I added a constructor to the AppDelegate class:
public partial class AppDelegate : global::Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS.FormsApplicationDelegate
public AppDelegate()
The linked Q & A has more info. By getting the app to copy the default files from the resources the issue of paths with the iOS simulator is resolved.


CloudBlobDirectory' does not contain a definition for 'ListBlobs' and no accessible extension method 'ListBlobs' in .net core 3.1 upgrade

I am upgrading a .net45 app to .net core 3.1 and I have a piece of code there like below.
private void GetContainerDirectories(IEnumerable<IListBlobItem> blobList)
// First list all the actual FILES within
// the current blob list. No recursion needed:
foreach (var item in blobList.Where
((blobItem, type) => blobItem is CloudBlockBlob))
var blobFile = item as CloudBlockBlob;
sb.Add(new Tree { Name = blobFile.Name, Id = blobFile.Name, ParentId = blobFile.Parent.Prefix, Title = Path.GetFileName(blobFile.Name), IsDirectory = false });
// List all additional subdirectories
// in the current directory, and call recursively:
foreach (var item in blobList.Where
((blobItem, type) => blobItem is CloudBlobDirectory))
var directory = item as CloudBlobDirectory;
sb.Add(new Tree { Name = directory.Prefix, Id = directory.Prefix, ParentId = directory.Parent.Prefix, Title = new DirectoryInfo(directory.Prefix).Name, IsDirectory = true });
// Call this method recursively to retrieve subdirectories within the current:
GetContainerDirectories(directory.ListBlobs()); ***////////Here i am getting error***
In the last line [ GetContainerDirectories(directory.ListBlobs()) ], I am getting error for ListBlobs and I am not able to find any useful solution for this. The error like this -
'CloudBlobDirectory' does not contain a definition for 'ListBlobs' and no accessible extension method 'ListBlobs' accepting a first argument of type 'CloudBlobDirectory' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Has anyone any idea how to fix this ? Many thanks in advance :)
The WindowsAzure.Storage SDK you are using is too old, .net core does not support the synchronous methods under this SDK, and the ListBlobs method is a synchronous method.
I suggest you use the latest SDK instead:
If you don't want to use Azure.Storage.Blobs SDK, you can use ListBlobsSegmentedAsync method under WindowsAzure.Storage SDK
You can use the code below to instead of your original code:
var blobs = directory.ListBlobsSegmentedAsync(false, BlobListingDetails.Metadata, 100, null, null, null).Result.Results;

iOS equivalent of accessing Android asset files

I have a Xamarin Android application in which I've bundled up some files as assets and I can access them like this: Android.App.Application.Context.Assets.Open(fileName)).
How would I go about doing this in an iOS application?
The NSBundle class is the closest equivalent with using a BundleResource build action:
var path = NSBundle.MainBundle.BundlePath;
var filePath = Path.Combine(path, "someDataFile.xml");
var someFileContents = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);
There are also FromBundle overloads on some classes:
var image = UIImage.FromBundle("myimage.png");

AppLink Xamarin forms not indexing

I was wondering if you can help, it's literally driving me crazy. I'm trying to integrate deeplinking into my app following Lightning lecture and it simply doesn't work. I can't even get my items to show in spotlight search.
So I created a completely new project, all default New solution->forms app.
The default app is a todo list app, where I've added just two methods
AppLinkEntry GetAppLink(ItemDetailViewModel item)
var pageType = GetType().ToString();
var pageLink = new AppLinkEntry
Title = item.Title,
Description = item.Title,
AppLinkUri = new Uri(string.Format("{0}",item.Title.Replace(" ","") ), UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute),
IsLinkActive = true,
Thumbnail = ImageSource.FromFile("xamarin_logo.png")
return pageLink;
protected override void OnAppearing()
appLink = GetAppLink(BindingContext as ItemDetailViewModel);
if (appLink != null)
appLink.IsLinkActive = true;
Please see the print screen below. It registers an app link
But when I minimise the app and got to spotlight search it doesn't appear there
You should also add the Associated Domains in your Entitlements.plist. Open your Entitlements.plist configure it like:
After setting it, we should add this custom entitlements to our project:
Right click the iOS project => Properties => iOS Bundle Signing => Custom Entitlements.
Choose the Entitlements.plist we set above.

Open activity in Xamarin Droid UITest

I've started using the Xamarin UITest to verify the behaviour of my application. I wanted to make the tests logically separated (by that I mean, if one test fails the other one should not fail because of the first, they should be independent). My application has multiple activities and I could not find in the documentation how to open a specific Activity.
The closest I could find was:
public void BeforeEachTest()
app = ConfigureApp.Android.LaunchableActivity("MyActivity").StartApp ();
But nothing happend. Can I do this? Is there a workaround?
A very late response but thought i'd put it up for others to find. In order to launch the app using a specific activity UITest requires two pieces of information, the app name (or APK file path) and the activity name.
Calling StartApp() on the AndroidConfigurator will look as follows for an app that is already installed onto the device or emulator:
app = ConfigureApp
Or as follow for an APK file:
app = ConfigureApp
try this code:
if (platform == Platform.Android)
string currentFile = new Uri(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase).LocalPath;
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(currentFile);
string dir = fi.Directory.Parent.Parent.Parent.FullName;
var PathToAPK = Path.Combine(dir, "LetsGetNative.Droid", "bin", "Debug", "LetsGetNative.Droid.apk");
app = ConfigureApp.Android.ApkFile(PathToAPK).WaitTimes(new WaitTimes()).EnableLocalScreenshots().StartApp();
app = ConfigureApp.iOS.StartApp();

Detecting the Location your cocoa swift application is running from

I'm trying but unable to find out if there is a way using swift to detect the path and name of the .app file that is running
ie if my app is and its stored in ~username/applications
how can i get this information when is launched as a string variable in swift
This is called your main bundle folder.
Swift 3 or later
extension URL {
var parentDirectory: URL? {
return (try? resourceValues(forKeys: [.parentDirectoryURLKey]))?.parentDirectory
let bundleURL = Bundle.main.bundleURL
if let path = bundleURL.parentDirectory?.path {
