A method for listing Ansible modules used by playbooks - ansible

I'm creating a requirements.yml in an Ansible project, and I want to identify all of the modules that need to be installed from ansible-galaxy that are used by project playbooks. ansible-doc --list --playbook-dir foo seems like the right tool for the job, but it lists all locally available modules, not just the ones which are actually used in the foo directory. ansible-galaxy list doesn't account for any which are needed but not installed.
Is there a way to do this where I don't end up writing a shell script to sed|awk|grep the info I want?
The best approach I've been able to come up with so far is to ansible-playbook --syntax-check each of the playbooks. This will throw errors such as
ERROR! the role 'foo' was not found ...
ERROR! couldn't resolve module/action 'bar'. This often indicates a misspelling, missing collection, or incorrect module path.
but this is not ideal because it exits as soon as any error occurs. I have to fix each one and run the syntax check again.

FWIW, as a concept, the playbook below lists the modules used in a role
- hosts: localhost
- always
- become
- block
- loop
- loop_control
- name
- notify
- register
- tags
- vars
- when
- name: The variable my_role_path is mandatory
that: my_role_path|d('')|length > 0
- name: Find tasks files
path: "{{ my_role_path }}/tasks"
patterns: '*.yml,*.yaml'
recurse: true
register: result
- name: Create list of tasks
lft: "{{ lft|d([]) + lookup('file', item)|from_yaml }}"
loop: "{{ result.files|map(attribute='path')|list }}"
- name: Get list of keys
lfk: "{{ lfk|d([]) + item.keys()|list }}"
loop: "{{ lft }}"
- name: Get list of keys from block/rescue/always
lfk: "{{ lfk|d([]) + item.keys()|list }}"
loop: "{{ lft|json_query('[].[block, rescue, always]')|flatten }}"
- name: Display list of modules
var: lfk|unique|sort|difference(keywords)
For example, analyze the role systemd
shell> ansible-playbook pb.yml -e my_role_path=roles/ansible-role-systemd
- command
- file
- include_tasks
- meta
- systemd
- template
Complete the list of the keywords.
Use the tasks below to analyze a playbook
- name: The variable my_playbook_path is mandatory
that: my_playbook_path|d('')|length > 0
- name: Create list of tasks
lft: "{{ _playbook|map(attribute='tasks')|flatten }}"
_playbook: "{{ lookup('file', my_playbook_path)|from_yaml }}"
- name: Get list of keys
lfk: "{{ lfk|d([]) + item.keys()|list }}"
loop: "{{ lft }}"
- name: Get list of keys from block/rescue/always
lfk: "{{ lfk|d([]) + item.keys()|list }}"
loop: "{{ lft|json_query('[].[block, rescue, always]')|flatten }}"
- name: Display list of modules
var: lfk|unique|sort|difference(keywords)
For example, analyzing the first playbook gives
- assert
- debug
- find
- set_fact


Ansible: Output of 'loop' with 'register' module

I'm trying to get the output of my Ansible script using register module but the loop I'm using is probably causing some issue.
Whats a default way of using register module with loop?
- name:
- name: Execute file
"setting environment"
register: output
- debug:
vars: output.std_lines
Whats a default way of using register module with loop?
It is just registering the result.
The only difference will be, that a single task will provide you just with an dictionary result (or output in your example) and registering in a loop will provide with a list result.results (or output.results in your example). To access the .stdout_lines you will need to loop over the result set .results too.
You may have a look into the following example playbook which will show some aspects of Registering variables, Loops, data structures, dicts and lists and type debugging.
- hosts: localhost
become: false
gather_facts: false
- name: Create STDOUT output (single)
command: 'echo "1"'
register: result
- name: Show full result (single)
var: result
- name: Show '.stdout' (single)
msg: "The result in '.stdout': {{ result.stdout }} is of type {{ result.stdout | type_debug }}"
- name: Create STDOUT output (loop)
command: 'echo "{{ item }}"'
register: result
loop: [1, 2, 3]
label: "{{ item }}"
- name: Show full result (loop)
var: result
- name: Show '.stdout' (loop)
msg: "The result in '.stdout': {{ item.stdout }} is of type {{ item.stdout | type_debug }}"
loop: "{{ result.results }}"
label: "{{ item.item }}"
By running it and going through the output you can get familiar with the differences in your tasks.
Further Q&A
Register Variables in Loop in an Ansible Playbook
Ansible: loop, register, and stdout
Register variables in loop in Ansible playbook
... and many more here on SO.

Ansible nested variable in playbook

I'm trying to use getent to lookup a user's home directory and then apply that information to a copy job. I know we can't do nested variables, but I'm just stuck. I have been playing with the lookup('var's...) syntax and various ways to pull a value out of a dict. In this particular case I do know the user's home directory, but now it's more an exercise in figuring this out. ANSIBLE_USER is defined as ansible
My playbook is:
#lookup ansible user's home directory
#drops the value into a getent_passwd variable
- hosts: all
become_user: root
become: true
- name: get info
key: "{{ ANSIBLE_USER }}"
database: passwd
- debug:
var: getent_passwd.{{ ANSIBLE_USER }}.4
- set_fact:
ANSIBLE_HOME: "{{ getent_passwd['ansible'][4] }}"
- hosts: all
become_user: root
become: true
- name: copy iptables files
src: "iptables/{{ IPTABLESCONFSRC }}/iptables.sh"
dest: "{{ ANSIBLE_HOME }}/temp/iptables.sh"
This works because I'm manually defining the 'ansible' string in the ANSIBLE_HOME line. However, what I'm functionally trying to accomplish is:
ANSIBLE_HOME: "{{ getent_passwd['{{ ANSIBLE_HOME }}'][4] }}"
The best I can get is a undefined variable error because I end up looking for: getent_passwd[ansible][4] or getent_passwd.ansible.4 and that doesn't exist via:
ANSIBLE_HOME: "{{ lookup('vars', 'getent_passwd.' + ANSIBLE_USER + '.4') }}"
ANSIBLE_HOME: "{{ lookup('vars', 'getent_passwd[' + ANSIBLE_USER + '][4]') }}"
The debug output shows:
ok: [HOSTNAME] => {
"getent_passwd.ansible.4": "/home/ansible"
This seems to work because the debug var is already considered Jinja, so it's effectively double nesting for you.
Oh geeze. Guess this was easier then what I was thinking. This:
ANSIBLE_HOME: "{{ getent_passwd[ANSIBLE_USER][4] }}"
works fine.

set path when file exists in Ansible yml code

I'm trying to set a var only when a file exists, here is one of my attempts
- hosts: all
- stat:
path: '{{ srch_path_new }}/bin/run'
register: result
- vars: srch_path="{{ srch_path_new }}"
when: result.stat.exists
This also didn't work
- vars: srch_path:"{{ srch_path_new }}"
The task you are looking for is called set_fact: and is the mechanism ansible uses to declare arbitrary "host variables", sometimes called "hostvars", or (also confusingly) "facts"
The syntax would be:
- set_fact:
srch_path: "{{ srch_path_new }}"
when: result.stat.exists
Also, while vars: is a legal keyword on a Task, its syntax is the same as set_fact: (or the vars: on the playbook): a yaml dictionary, not a key:value pair as you had. For example:
- debug:
msg: hello, {{ friend }}
friend: Jane Doe
and be aware that vars: on a task exist only for that task

Return Variable from Included Ansible Playbook

I have seen how to register variables within tasks in an ansible playbook and then use those variables elsewhere in the same playbook, but can you register a variable in an included playbook and then access those variables back in the original playbook?
Here is what I am trying to accomplish:
This is my main playbook:
- include: sub-playbook.yml job_url="http://some-jenkins-job"
- hosts: localhost
- some_role
- hosts: localhost
- name: Collect info from Jenkins Job
script: whatever.py --url "{{ job_url }}"
register: jenkins_artifacts
I'd like to be able to access the jenkins_artifacts results back in main_playbook if possible. I know you can access it from other hosts in the same playbook like this: "{{ hostvars['localhost']['jenkins_artifacts'].stdout_lines }}"
Is it the same idea for sharing across playbooks?
I'm confused what this question is about. Just use the variable name jenkins_artifacts:
- include: sub-playbook.yml job_url="http://some-jenkins-job"
- hosts: localhost
var: jenkins_artifacts
This might seem complicated but I love doing this in my Playbooks:
rc defines the name of the variable which contains the return value
ar gives the arguments to the include tasks
- name: verify_os
include_tasks: "verify_os/main.yml"
rc: "isos_present"
image: "{{ os.ar.to_os }}"
- name: check image on device
- "sh bootflash: | inc {{ verify_os.ar.image }}"
register: image_check
- name: check if available
shell: "printf '{{ image_check.stdout_lines[0][0] }}\n' | grep {{ verify_os.ar.image }} | wc -l"
register: image_available
delegate_to: localhost
- set_fact: { "{{ verify_os.rc }}": "{{ true if image_available.stdout == '1' else false }}" }
I can now use the isos_present variable anywhere in the master.yml to access the returned value.

Ansible: Access facts set by set_fact

I need to be able to set variables using tasks in Ansible. I use set_fact for this, but cannot seem to access the fact I set with this. What is wrong with the code below:
- name: kludge1
set_fact: fake_y = "{{ [] }}"
- name: Loop
msg: "{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ fake_y }}"
You have spaces before and after =...
- name: kludge1
set_fact: fake_y="{{ [] }}"
Avoid var= shortcut syntax. Use original YAML syntax instead, it gives less errors:
- name: kludge1
fake_y: "{{ [] }}"
