exceeded limit on youtube search api - youtube-data-api

I am scraping keyword based info from youtube and hit the exceeded limit today. What are the options that are available?
open multiple projects
is there a paid service that can manage these limits?


YouTube Data API V3 quota limited to 0

Google Cloud support has suggested this is the forum for my question, rather than them, so here goes...
Existing project is working with Maps Platform (and in production for a few years). Trying to add YouTube Data API V3.
I have enabled the API on the project and created an API Key, but the Queries per Day quota is set to 0 and not editable. It did not default to the 10,000 per day as specified in the documentation. The "Queries per minute per user" and "Queries per minute" did default to 180,000 and 1,800,000 respectively, but the "Queries per day" of 0 is blocking access to API completely with the message:
"The request cannot be completed because you have exceeded your quota."
The edit quota icon is greyed out and displays "This limit may not be edited"
How do I enable access to the API so I can start developing a solution with my existing project?

S1 Bing Web Search API daily user search limit? Paid subscription

I have upgraded to an umlimited pay as you go subscription with our S1 tier. We are having issues when trying to test with users getting the : You've exceeded the daily search limit, try again tomorrow.
What is this?
Its not mentioned ANYWHERE about api limits per IP address?
Any assistance is much appreciated. I see other search platforms using bing api and don't seem to have the same restriction..

What limit is referred to by the `uploadLimitExceeded` response from the YouTube Data API?

I'm working on updating some code I wrote a while back to integrate YouTube with the Shrine ruby file-attachment library using the google-api-client gem.
In its test suite, I usually stub out all YouTube API communication with recorded HTTP responses and all is well. When adding new features, I run the tests against the live YouTube API which ends up uploading and deleting a tiny blank mp4 many times.
Recently, the YouTube API has been returning 400 errors with:
uploadLimitExceeded: The user has exceeded the number of videos they may upload.
This doesn't seem to correlate with the quota limits in the API console for either the user or the app, and I haven't been able to find much documentation around what it might be.
Does anyone have insight into what limit this error is referring to?
Is it a rate limit?
a daily limit?
a lifetime-of-the-user limit?
badRequest (400) uploadLimitExceeded The user has exceeded the number of videos they may upload.
Basically means that the user in question has exceed their upload limit for the day. The YouTube api has a slightly different quota system then other Google APIs the ones listed in developer console are just the general ones. You should check calculating quota usage
200,000 read operations that each retrieve two resource parts.
10,000 write operations and 90,000 additional read operations that each retrieve two resource parts.
400 video uploads, 1500 write operations, and 50,000 read operations that each retrieve two resource parts.
Sounds like you uploaded a lot of videos. This quota should reset at midnight west cost USA time.

Get remaining queries / quota for API

How do I programmatically retrieve (ideally through the API) my remaining quota for that same API? Specifically the Youtube Data API.
Well, as of now, there is no tool that can do this or compute the remaining quota used in the API. What can I give you is this feature request coming from this SO question that requesting to have a Quota statistics API for the Google Products. But sadly to say, there is no exact date when they will approve and release this API.
What can you do right now is to estimate the remaining quota of your YouTube API by using this Quota Calculator. By using this tool, you can now know how much quota that you are using every day.
Hope this information helps you.

Google api limits for platforms (DFP)

I'm not sure where to read about the API request limit for a Google platform such as DFP.
I want to know if the limits are on a per platform basis, or a per google API console account basis? Because there may be several API accounts under
a single platform
According to their support,
The API will give a QuotaError if the number of requests exceeds the limit. It is recommended to implement a back off before retrying the request. If you have DFP Small business, then it is recommended to limit requests 2 per second, if you have a Premium account, limit 8 requests per second.
For any additional information you could refer their,
Online Documentation
Ask for help in their Google Group
Hope that helps. Cheers
