JMeter PerfMon having issues - jmeter

I'm using PerfMon JMeter Plugin after referring this article
Getting this error on PerfMon, can someone help please. How shall I fix it ?
This is the image of the server agent
I'm running the test on localhost server, not sure ow to resolve this
ERROR: Agent is unreachable via TCP

I don't think that the referenced article mentions that you need to pause the server agent process anywhere. Looking at this "Select" bit in your console window:
it appears that you have "selected" something in the terminal window where the server agent is running, it "pauses" the process.
It looks like a white rectangle:
so just perform a right mouse button click in the window and the server agent should continue running and you will see the metrics.
You might find How to Monitor Server Resource Utilization with JMeter’s SSHMon Listener article useful, this approach doesn't assume any server-side software installation so it may be more convenient


Concepts to write code to monitor running application on the server

I have to write code to monitor all the running applications on the server and give their name as output if it's down.
During my research I found that:-
There are several tools like azure and monito that themselves monitor all the applications but this does not match our requirements.
We can write code that can check all the running services on the local desktop or the server and from there we can also check the running status of the required applications and if the status is stopped or sleep then we can easily notify.
We can send requests to the deployed URL at some regular interval and if we get a response status rather than 200 then we can notify the user as something is wrong and this particular website is not working.
If anyone can through some light on this and can suggest some more methods or references from their experience, it will be highly appreciated.

Using perfmon on Jmeter - problems monitoring by process name

So I was running some tests across some machines and monitoring CPU/Memory usage by process.
To test it's accuracy I was also monitoring with VisualVM.
and the graphs were off slightly.
Also on Jmeter when I monitor CPU/memory but not per process name it gives the exact same results - so it's not seeing the process.
If i do it by process ID it works - but the process ID changes so don't want to go this route.
Beside process name there is occurence , anyone know what this is and whether it can be left blank or not.
I don't think the process is called kafka, my expectation is that both for Windows or for Linux/Unix you should be looking for java process, not Kafka
So try changing the process name to java and it should start working as expected:
If it doesn't - launch PerfMon Agent with --loglevel debug parameter - it should print a lot of useful information into stdout
Just in case check out How to Monitor Your Server Health & Performance During a JMeter Load Test article for more information.

Automating TestStack.White UI Testing in Windows Slave using Jenkins

First of all, I apologize if I am wasting your time, because it looks like a simple step which I am not able to figure out even after some research.
Ok, here is what I am trying to achieve, I have written some UI tests using TestStack.White, I would like to execute this on a Jenkins Slave as different user, since the application behaves differently based on the roles that are assigned to them in Active Directory.
So after doing a bit of lookup on google I found the following links which are relevant to what I am trying to achieve.
How to get Sikuli working in headless mode
Jenkins on Windows and GUI Tests without RDC
It looks like that I have to install TightVNC on Jenkins slave and should connect to slave from Jenkins Master and execute tests on slave.
Which brings me to my first question, how do I exactly achieve this from a Jenkins job?
About logging in as different users, I understand I can use to "autologon.exe" to achieve this. So just wondering how I can do this on the Windows Slave from Jenkins Master. My company doesn't allow SSH to Windows instances (slave machines), I cannot remotely execute SSH from Jenkins Master.
I understand that I may not be looking at this correctly, so any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance for your time and advice.
I am getting ready to do something similar to this but I am building a communication layer into our UI Automation application so that our build machine (our company rolled our own build machine) can send TCP request back and forth. I am going to deploy the UI Automation and the build to a share then start a virtual machine. The build machines template will have a startup script that launches both our applications from the share. Once the virtual machine is started then I am going to communicate with the UI Automation application to tell it to start and it will tell me when its done so I can tear down the VM. I am going to save all the test results out to a share for reporting purposes.
I know this doesn't directly answer your question but this approach is one I have heard about from multiple people working in various automation frameworks.
If I was going to do this in Jenkins I would look into Jenkins plugin system. The plugin system as far as I know uses Java so you should be able to create some type of communication layer and interface with some type of VM. If you don't have the option to start and stop a VM you will need to look into start and stopping processes on a remote machine while masquerading as a user. I know this can be done in C# but I have never looked into it in Java.
Thanks all for your comments and answers, basically this is what I did to get it working for me,
Establish VNC connection with a VNC Client on Jenkins slave, this was done manually not through Jenkins.
Use an app called "Caffeine" to prevent windows from locking out, it simulates a key up event on F15 (every xx seconds) so there is no interruption with testing task in my project.
Launch JNLP connection to the Jenkins Master and "Caffeine" app as a part of windows logon through VNC Connection.
Close out of the VNC connection (not logging off), this was done manually not through Jenkins.
Let the build run as different users using PSExec on the slaves.
This seems to be working fine so far, I didn't reply sooner since I wanted to monitor the jobs for a few days before posting my reply here.

problem with starting WAS in debug mode

I want to start my WAS server(on windows) in debug mode.But my application is huge and server time outs while starting in debugging mode.I have increased the timeout value to 1000 .What should i do?
If you're running your server by using Rational Application Developer, it is possible that your server is basically waiting on a breakpoint. Sounds silly, but hey, happened to me a few times before.
If it's a regular installation:
If it's a Network Deployment topology, make sure that the deployment manager and the node agent are up and running. Look at their log; they're often overlooked.
If it's a single-server topology, then it's possible that your debug port (7777 by default) is in use. When that happens, the debugger process never quite "connects" to WebSphere.
To sum it up: it starts with the logs...
Try changing connection settings on your server from using RMI to SOAP. If you are behind a firewall and you application is timing out on startup then it may help you. Also do you get any other information when the timeout occurs?

Why does debugging keep timing out in IIS7?

When I am debugging on my Windows 7 IIS7 machine, I get this error during a debug:
The web server process that was being
debugged has been terminated by IIS.
this can be avoided by configuring
application pool setting in IIS. see
help for further details.
What am I doing wrong?
When you are debugging, IIS will not service any other requests until you are done stepping through your code. That includes the "ping" request that IIS sends to itself. Since IIS doesn't hear back from itself, it decides to shut itself down, which promptly terminates your debugging.
The solution is to increase the Ping Maximum Response Time in the application pool settings from its default value of 90 seconds. Set it to something high enough that will give you enough time to debug your code (like maybe 300 seconds).
Microsoft has a long-winded write-up here.
Edit: Others have suggested setting "Ping Enabled" to false. There are several reasons why I prefer to keep it in place, just with a larger interval, but the most important is that you will (most likely) have worker processing pinging enabled on production, and you should strive to develop and debug under a configuration that is as close to production as possible. If you do NOT have ping enabled on production, then by all means disable it locally as well.
Your App Pool -> Advanced Settings -> Ping Enabled to False
IIS has a health-checking feature which periodically checks to see if an IIS worker process is hung or otherwise unusuable. If a worker process is stopped in the debugger, it looks unhealthy from the perspective of IIS, and IIS kills it and spins up a new process.
To change this behavior (on your dev workstation-- don't want to disable this in production!) go to the IIS management tool, select the Application Pools node in the left pane, and right-click on the app pool that your app lives in, and choose "Advanced Settings". From there, in the "process model" section, set "Ping Enabled" to False. You may also want to set the idle timeout to be a very large number.
See this IIS.NET article for more discussion of this issue and a screenshot. See this TechNet article for how to set these settings via code/script outside the admin tool.
If you have microsoft's scom running and configured where you work (assuming this is not a for-fun project) and you are able to create a management pack for it or know someone who is, that may help you pinpoint what is causing the issue. I realize its a long shot, but if that does describe your scenario that is what I would do if no other solution is found.
