Given that the package manager is not offered on the eXist-db 5.2 dashboard (at least not on mine) how does one install XSLTForms on an eXist-db 5.2 installation running on an AWS EC2 instance.
My installation of Elasticsearch 6.8.22 does not include an installation of X-Pack because so far we have not needed any of its features.
I am generating profiling data on queries, using the Profile API, but I want to use the Search Profiler UI capabilities available in Kibana. The documentation says that this is part of X-Pack.
My questions are:
Do I have to install all of X-Pack in order to use the Search
Profiler UI, or is it possible to install only certain features?
I have to install X-Pack on the entire Elasticsearch cluster where I
am running the query in order to profile it?
Can I isolate the
X-Pack installation by creating a new separate Kibana installation
on its own server and connecting to my cluster, or does the X-Pack
installation need to be on one or more Elasticsearch servers in my
the answer to 1 is it need to be installed as an entire package
the answer to 2 is yes, the entire cluster
the answer to 3 is no, see question 2
What are the supported ways to install and deploy Apache APISIX? Is there any corresponding documentation? How should I install Apache APISIX if I am in an isolated network environment?
What do you mean by an isolated network environment?
Perhaps you could try APISIX stand-alone.
I think the method of installing and deploying APISIX depends on your needs. I would even recommend using a source installation if you are using it for a personal website, as this gives you early access to the latest features.
I've been reading the documentation for 2.4 and can see that ElasticSearch is a required module to upgrade - we'd been using a third party search module which we will continue to use for 2.4 too however you can't physically upgrade to 2.4 unless you have an active connection to ElasticSearch.
My question is: is there a way to upgrade to 2.4 without installing ElasticSearch on the server? I find it hard to believe that Adobe have decided to scrap the MYSQL search and replace it with one you have to pay and subscribe to.
Any advice is greatly appreciated!
I tried searching on the web for a tutorial to install rethinkdb on heroku but was not satisfied with the tutorial provided. Can anyone suggest a step by guide to install rethinkdb via compose or dockerhero as a database for heroku nodejs app? I don't know ruby or python.
Only this one for now
I also consider using docker for proper deployment.
Based on what I have read, the mandatory tools for FIWARE COSMOS using HDP 2.5 are:
COSMOS (HAAS engine for shared Hadoop e.g. tested with HDP 2.2)
HDPF-based storage cluster (tested with HDP 2.2)
Cosmos GUI installation and configuration & GitHub
Could the FIWARE team please share the instruction on how to install and configure Cosmos GUI to HDP 2.2 or 2.5 (installed using HortonWorks Sandbox)
Please provide the Light-version Cosmos Big Data architecture using HDP 2.2.
I am not sure if the HDP (2.2 or 2.5) comes with HttpFS server?
Reference: BigData Analysis - Installation and Administration Guide
(Posted on behalf of the OP).
I am gathering information here for HDP 2.5 user who would like to use the FIWARE framework and Cosmos GUI. In the process of questioning, I found other links that help to address the issue I have in setting up HDP 2.5 for FIWARE
Answer: HDP does not come with HttpFS, [instruction][3] to [install][4] are provided.
Suggestion: perhaps provide a Docker file to COSMOS GUI to simplify the installation to HDP? The user is expected to install HttpFS to HDP.