let's Encrypt Bitnami SSL tool Error: [account] is not registered. Use 'run' to register a new account - lets-encrypt

I am trying to run the bitnami let's encrypt SSL tool to setup an SSL certificate on my amazon lightsail wordpress server.
this is the tool:
sudo /opt/bitnami/bncert-tool
read more about it here: https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/linux-lightsail-ssl-bitnami/
but when i run it, I get this error:
Account [email address of account] is not registered. Use 'run' to register a new account.
it's not clear how to resolve this from the let's encrypt or bitnami documentation. How do I get around this ?


Unable to Clone CloudGoat from RhinoSecurityLabs

I am trying to install the Rhino Security Labs CloudGoat on my AWS Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Free-tier EC2 instance. I followed the directions for setting up an admin user and configuring the AWS CLI and also set up terraform v0.12 per the directions in the linked sites and the directions on GitHub. I also configured my instance's security group to allow All traffic.
However, when I run the git clone command I get "Permission denied" error. See below for full output:
sudo git clone git#github.com:RhinoSecurityLabs/cloudgoat.git ./CloudGoat
Cloning into './CloudGoat'...
The authenticity of host 'github.com (<ipv4>)' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:<RSA key fingerprint>.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'github.com,<ipv4>' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
git#github.com: Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
Do I need to associate an SSH key on GitHub to my account and if so how do I do that? I'm not sure what else to try at this point. Thanks.
This is because you don't have SSH Keys on EC2 that can authenticate your requests to Github. I encountered the same error when I was installing Cloudgoat on my personal machine (not EC2), and it worked when I setup my SSH keys (generate and add it to my git profile).
You will probably need to do the same with EC2 - Generate a key pair on EC2 and add the public key to your git profile.

Downloading existing key-pair (pem) file for ECS Instance Alibaba

I am working on a clients project and they have Magento installed on their EC2 instance, in order to ssh into it I need to have the pem file that was generated at the time of setting the key-pair. However I am not able to receive the pem file from their end and I am instead looking for a way to download the existing one. Is it even possible? Or do I create a new key-pair.
I wrote an article about Alibaba SSH Keypairs. If the keypair has been lost, you can replace it if you have Alibaba Cloud credentials (AccessKey and AccessKeySecret). This link to my article goes into specific details.
Alibaba Cloud SSH & ECS KeyPairs
The following commands require that the Alibaba Command Line CLI (aliyuncli) is installed and setup. I would backup (snapshot) the system before making the following changes.
This command will create a new Keypair called "NewKeyPair"
aliyuncli ecs CreateKeyPair --RegionId us-west-1 --KeyPairName NewKeyPair
This command will replace the current keypair with NewKeyPair (Windows syntax).
aliyuncli ecs AttachKeyPair --InstanceIds "[\"i-abcdeftvgllm854abcde\"]" --KeyPairName NewKeyPair
No, you can't download existing key. In order to connect to the server via ssh, you need the key which is generated at the time of server development. You can ask your clients for the key.

SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN error while using Heroku Cli

I'm try to use Heroku CLI.
But when I want to do some commamd like:
heroku login, heroku log, etc.
The below error will show
SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN self signed certificate in certificate chain
How can I sovled it?
I had the same issue however this helped me:
Verify your proxy export
export NO_PROXY='localhost,localnets, <company proxy IP settings>
Then verifying my companies .pem file stored in my user directory:
export NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS=~/.ssh/bc.pem
(or wherever you store it.)
Then try
heroku login
Its moreover related to security and firewall settings over machine and network.
If you are in secure network, try to connect over proxies / public network, then you can able to run heroku commands.
Or manually acquire SSL/TLS certificate on machine. Kindly refer to this link

Invalid signature for user or client

we created a cookbook locally on the computer with the command: knife create cookbook web in powershell, and we want to upload it to the chef server with command: knife cookbook upload web and it gives us an error:ERROR: Failed to authenticate to https://api.chef.io/organizations/e_t as e_t with key C:/chef-repo/.chef/e_t.pem Response: Invalid signature for user or client 'e_t' , what is the problem??? thank you in advance
Maybe this will help: Chef node configuration issue with knife bootstrap- can't authenticate with server
Are sure your pem file is valid?
take a look at the chef docs about public/private keys:

Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic)+openshift

i cant connect to my application on openshift using rhc command
here is what i get when trying to connect
C:\Users\soulhiS>rhc ssh myapp
DL is deprecated, please use Fiddle
RSA 1024 bit CA certificates are loaded due to old openssl compatibility
Connecting to 56e736655650001b4#myapp-mydomain.rhcloud.com ...
Using username "56e736655650001b4".
FATAL ERROR: Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available(server sent: publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic)
Make sure that your ssh key is accessible (run the command line as administrator, if needed) and it is the one OpenShift expects - i.e. check that a corresponding public key is uploaded to OpenShift. For uploading your public ssh key to OpenShift, you can run rhc setup.
