using arrow function into the return block of page.evaluate of puppeter script - promise

It probably is a matter of Promise:
Look at the since field of my return block,
using an arrow function it doesn't return any result:
link: '',
name: 'jhon doe',
since: {}
instead to return directly the value, it works as expected!
Since i need to perform complex operations with selectors, I'd like to use an inline arrow function in that point, how can I fix to get the result out?
let rawMembers = await page.evaluate(() => new Promise((resolve) => {
//captute all the link
const anchors = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('a'));
let result = => {
return {
link: x.getAttribute("href"),
name: x.innerText,
//since : x.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute("class") <--- this works
since: x => { <---using an arrow function, it returns and empty objecy `{}`
// i need a function here to do complex and multiline operations
return x.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute("class");
i've tried this as well but with the same result
since: x => new Promise((resolve) => {
// i need a function here to do complex and multiline operations

In since you have a reference to the arrow function itself, not to its result. Functions are not serialaizable, so you get an empty object. You need to call the function, i.e. to use IIFE:
since: (() => {
return x.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute("class");


Storing element text in an array and accessing it later

I am trying to get element text inside a for loop for multiple elements and wanted to store it in an array in order to use it later. below is the code I am using. I needed to access the array for the later use so that i compare this array with another array. Please let me know how to achieve this in cypress.
it('My test', () => {
let arrayOfElementText = [];
cy.get('#divEl').each(($el) => {
.then(val => {
console.log(arrayOfElementText);//Able to access
console.log(arrayOfElementText); **//Not able to access**
let anotherArray = [];
cy.get('#divEl1').each(($el) => {
.then(val => {
console.log(anotherArray);//Able to access
console.log(anotherArray);**//Not able to access**
// code to compare two arrays
//both arrays are not accessible here
You need to use .then() to access the values, as they are derived from asynchronous commands.
let arrayOfElementText = [];
cy.get('#divEl').each(($el) => {
.then(val => {
.then(() => {
console.log(arrayOfElementText); // array is available at every step of .each()
}).then(() => {
console.log(arrayOfElementText); // full array is available here
cy.wrap(arrayOfElementText).as('myArray1') // alias it for later
Next array, same as above
cy.get('#myArray1').then(myArray1 => {
cy.get('#myArray2').then(myArray2 => {
// compare
Note cy.get('#input') will always get the same input

Cypress how to get a text from a div and store in a variable for later

I am new to Cypress and some of the things that I expect to work have really weird issues.
For example, I am trying to get the value of a column in a table and use the value in a search input. I have done it like this:
it('should filter', () => {
let id = 0;
cy.get('[data-cy=data-table-row]').should('have.length', 25);
cy.get('[data-cy=data-table-row]:nth-child(1) > .cdk-column-id').should(($div1) => {
id = $div1.text();
cy.get('[data-cy=data-table-row]').should('have.length', 1);
cy.get('[data-cy=data-table-row]:nth-child(1) > .cdk-column-id').should(($div1) => {
But when I run this, I get an error stating that [data-cy=data-table-row] has a length of 25 not 1.
It turns out that the id variable I am using is not accessible outside the should method. I assume that's because it is a promise.
If I try to do this:
it('should filter', () => {
let id = 0;
cy.get('[data-cy=data-table-row]').should('have.length', 25);
cy.get('[data-cy=data-table-row]:nth-child(1) > .cdk-column-id').should(($div1) => {
id = $div1.text();
cy.get('[data-cy=data-table-row]').should('have.length', 1);
cy.get('[data-cy=data-table-row]:nth-child(1) > .cdk-column-id').should(($div1) => {
The test goes mental and tries to get the [data-cy=table-filters-search] over and over and over again.
I am not sure why.
Is there an easier way to grab the innerText of a div and store it to compare later?
As someone gave a response, I tried this:
it('should filter', () => {
let variables = {};
cy.get('[data-cy=data-table-row]').should('have.length', 25);
cy.get('[data-cy=data-table-row]:nth-child(1) > .cdk-column-id').then(($div1) => { = $div1.text();
cy.get('[data-cy=data-table-row]').should('have.length', 1);
cy.get('[data-cy=data-table-row]:nth-child(1) > .cdk-column-id').then(($div1) => {
But the test fails on the second expect(;
Closure problem
The problem with the first example is that the test runs in two phases. The first phase sets up the commands in the queue, and the second runs them.
During the first phase, .type(id) "captures" the current value of id (which is "0") and in the second phase that's the value that gets used.
You can fix it in a couple of ways, with an alias or moving the type(id) inside the callback, as per your second example.
This gets around the closure problem by deferring cy.get(...).find('input').type(id) until the id has actually changed.
Retry problem
The problem with the second example is that should() with an expect in the callback will retry until it succeeds or times out.
Something in the callback is continuously failing (or an error is thrown) causing a continuous retry. It should time out, not sure why that doesn't happen.
You can separate the parts of the callback into two sections, and use a .then() which does not attempt to retry.
cy.get('[data-cy=data-table-row]:nth-child(1) > .cdk-column-id')
.should(($div1) => {
id = +$div1.text(); // Note $div1.text() is always a string
// so convert with "+" to compare numbers
expect(id) // otherwise this always succeeds
.then(($div1) => { // use a then which does not retry
id = $div1.text();
cy.get('[data-cy=data-table-row]').should('have.length', 1);
cy.get('[data-cy=data-table-row]:nth-child(1) > .cdk-column-id')
.should(($div1) => {
cy.get('[data-cy=data-table-row]:nth-child(1) > .cdk-column-id')
.invoke('text') // find it's text
.should('not.eq', '0') // passes on the id
.then(id => {
cy.get('[data-cy=data-table-row]').should('have.length', 1);
cy.get('[data-cy=data-table-row]:nth-child(1) > .cdk-column-id')
.should($div1 => expect(id).to.eq($div1.text()) );
If you want to use it within a single case - Allias is the cypress way:
cy.wrap('value').as('variable') //setting the variable
cy.get('#variable') // with this you can call it at any time in the test after aliasing
.then(variable =>{
//here you can use it
For a variable to use on multiple cases I recommend using an object as a Reference
let variables = {} //This would need to be declared on the scope you wish to use it in
.then($el => {
variables.elText = $el.text() //Assigning the value
cy.log(variables.elText) //You can call it later like this

rxjs: how to improve this case by rxjs operators in a functional reactive programming style?

In my case, I have a function as following:
private transformResData(data: Data[]): DataInfo[] {
let userIDNames: Array<OBJIDName>;
this.dataStoreService.userIDNames$.subscribe((res) => {
userIDNames = res;
return => {
return {
userName: userIDNames.find(current => current.userId === each.referID).userName
simply speaking, this function want to map the input data to a new form, and the output data containing a property userName, and input data only has property referId. I need to map referId to userName. Simple, yes?
And as you can see, the mapping relationship is obtained by rxjs as an Observable:
this.dataStoreService.userIDNames$ // Observable<Array<UserIDName>> of the id and name mapping
My current solution can work by subscribe to the Observable and get the data.
But I want to know how to do this in a more functional reactive programming way. My imagination is using rxjs operators like:
The function still need to return plain array data instead of Observable.
How to do this? Thank you
You'll need to return an Observable or Promise, I removed the local variables and pass variable along the function chain.
private transformResData(data: Data[]): Observable<DataInfo[]> {
return this.dataStoreService.userIDNames$.pipe(map(userIDNames => {
return => ({
userName: userIDNames.find(current => current.userId === each.referID).userName

Ignore switchMap return value

I want to resolve an observable but I don't want the return value to replace the previous value in the pipe. Is there any asynchronous tap()? I need an operator like a switchMap but I want to ignore the return.
of(1).pipe(switchMap(() => of(2))).subscribe(console.log); // expected: 1
I could create a custom operator but sure there's something built-in in rxjs.
I ended up with this custom operator. It is like tap but resolves observables (and should be updated to also support promises).
export function switchTap<T, R>(next: (x: T) => Observable<R>): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<T>;
export function switchTap<R>(observable: Observable<R>): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<R>;
export function switchTap<T, R>(
arg: Observable<T> | ((x: T) => Observable<R>)
): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<T> {
const next: (x: any) => Observable<T | R> =
typeof arg === 'function' ? arg : (x: any): Observable<T> => arg;
return switchMap<T, T>(value => next(value).pipe(ignoreElements(), concat(of(value))));
of(1).pipe(switchTap(of(2))).subscribe(console.log) // 1
or with a function:
switchTap(value => {
console.log(value); // value: 1
return of(value + 1);
.subscribe(console.log); // 1
If you just want to simply ignore the values of the subscribe, then just don't pass in any arguments in the subscribe callback:
of(1).pipe(switchMap(() => of(2))).subscribe(()=>{
console.log('no arguments')
If you however want to retain the values of the first observable, things can get tricky. One way is to use Subject to retain the value:
//create a BehaviorSubject
var cache = new BehaviorSubject<any>(0);
of(1).pipe(switchMap((first) => {;
return of(2);
})).subscribe(() => {
console.log(cache.value) //gives 1
Or you can use .map() to alter the values. This is kind of hacky and the code is harder to maintain:
of(1).pipe(switchMap((first) => {
return of(2).map(() => first);
})).subscribe((second) => {
console.log(second) //gives 1 because the values was mapped
I do it like so
switchMap( num => this.doSmtg(num), num => num)
).subscribe(num => console.log(num)); // 2
Second param of switchmap receives two value the one passed to this.doSmtg and the value returned by doSmtg(num)'s observable.
For anyone new having the same problem I would advise using the resultSelector parameter supported by switchMap and other RxJS mapping operators.
switchMap(1 => of(2), (one, two) => one)
For further reading:
I think you could use delayWhen operator to achieve a similar functionality.
delayWhen(value => {
console.log(value); // value: 1
return of(value + 1);
).subscribe(console.log); // 1

Redux Observable: How to return an action from a callback?

I'm using the WebRTC library which has a very specific API. The peerConnection.setRemoteDescription method's 2nd argument is supposed to be a callback for when it finishes setting the remote description:
This is one of my wrapper functions for my WebRTC class:
export function setRemoteSdp(peerConnection, sdp, callback) {
if (!sdp) return;
return peerConnection.setRemoteDescription(
new RTCSessionDescription(sdp),
callback, // <-------------
And this is a sketch of what I want to do:
function receivedSdp(action$, store) {
return action$.ofType(VideoStream.RECEIVED_SDP)
.mergeMap(action => {
const {peerConnection} = store.getState().videoStreams;
const {sdp} = action.payload;
return WebRTC.setRemoteSdp(peerConnection, sdp, () => {
return myReducer.myAction(); // <------ return action as the callback
This doesn't work since I'm not returning an Observable. Is there a way to do this?
P.S. this is the WebRTC API:
martin's answer is correct about using Observable.create or new Observable--same thing (except it's not clear to me why you need the mergeAll() since the mergeMap will flatten?)
As a bonus, you could also use Observable.bindCallback for this.
// bindCallback is a factory factory, it creates a function that
// when called with any arguments will return an Observable that
// wraps setRemoteSdp, handling the callback portion for you.
// I'm using setRemoteSdp.bind(WebRTC) because I don't know
// if setRemoteSdp requires its calling context to be WebRTC
// so it's "just in case". It might not be needed.
const setRemoteSdpObservable = Observable.bindCallback(WebRTC.setRemoteSdp.bind(WebRTC));
setRemoteSdpObservable(peerConnection, sdp)
.subscribe(d => console.log(d));
Usage inside your epic would be something like this
// observables are lazy, so defining this outside of our epic
// is totally cool--it only sets up the factory
const setRemoteSdpObservable = Observable.bindCallback(WebRTC.setRemoteSdp.bind(WebRTC));
function receivedSdp(action$, store) {
return action$.ofType(VideoStream.RECEIVED_SDP)
.mergeMap(action => {
const {peerConnection} = store.getState().videoStreams;
const {sdp} = action.payload;
return setRemoteSdpObservable(peerConnection)
.map(result => myReducer.myAction());
You could use this to create Observable wrappers for all the WebRTC apis.
So the problem is that setRemoteSdp doesn't return an Observable while myReducer.myAction() does and that's the Observable you want to merge?
You can use Observable.create and wrap the WebRTC.setRemoteSdp call:
.mergeMap(action => {
return Observable.create(observer => {
WebRTC.setRemoteSdp(peerConnection, sdp, () => {;
The Observable.create returns an Observable that emits another Observable from myReducer.myAction(). Now I have in fact so-called higher-order that I want to flatten using mergeAll() (concatAll would work as well).
