Flutter Widget Test wait for animation - animation

I have a widget test similar to:
testWidgets('Widget test', (WidgetTester tester) async {
provideMockedNetworkImages(() async {
final widget = MyWidget();
await WidgetTestFunctions.pumpWidgetTest(
// ....
await tester.tap(find.byType(MyWidget));
await tester.pump(new Duration(milliseconds: 3000));
// ....
expect(widget.value, myValue);
And the following implementation of the on-tap method of the widget:
_onButtonPressed() async {
await animationController.forward();
setState(() {
// ...
// Calls method that changes the widget value.
The problem that I have is that after calling the animationController.forward() method in the test the setState portion is not executed. How should I wait for this method to finish correctly? During the app runtime, this portion of the code is called correctly.
It seems like await tester.pump(new Duration(milliseconds: 3000)); is not working correctly, the animation has a duration of 1500 milliseconds and as you can see the pump duration is double.

Instead of await tester.pump(new Duration(milliseconds: 3000));
try await tester.pumpAndSettle();
this type of pump wait for the animations end and then pump the frames.

I had the same issue, and here is what was happening.
When you do
await animationController.forward();
You are not awaiting for a simple Future<void> to complete but a TickerFuture (extends Future<void>).
For some reason, in my tests, some of the TickerFutures from the animationController.forward() weere cancelled.
In the doc of the TickerProvider, it says:
If the Ticker is disposed without being stopped, or if it is stopped with canceled set to true, then this Future will never complete.
This class works like a normal Future, but has an additional property, orCancel, which returns a derivative Future that completes with an error if the Ticker that returned the TickerFuture was stopped with canceled set to true, or if it was disposed without being stopped.
To run a callback when either this future resolves or when the ticker is canceled, use whenCompleteOrCancel.
Now, the issue with whenCompleteOrCancel is that it returns void (and not Future<void> so we cannot wait for it.
So here is what I have done (inspired by the implementation of whenCompleteOrCancel):
Future<void> thunk(dynamic value) {
final TickerFuture ticker = animationController.forward();
await ticker.onCancel.then(thunk, onError: thunk); // <- This resolves even if the ticker is canceled and the tests are not stuck anymore.


Blazor and ContinueWith on page load

I am new to Blazor. I'm working on a Server App (not WASM).
On a page load, I am loading 2 things to a page. Item1 is loaded at the same time as Item2 via API calls. I'd like individual items to show up as soon as they are available. I was thinking something like
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
var t1 = _service.GetItem1().ContinueWith(t => {
Item1Loaded = true;
Item2State = t.Result;
await InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged);
var t2 = _service.GetItem2().ContinueWith(t => {
Item2Loaded = true;
Item2State = t.Result;
await InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged);
I have a couple questions about this though:
Do I need to worry about canceling these lines if the user navigates away from the component? (would changing a state variable after the component is removed cause a problem) or does Blazor handle that at the framework level somehow?
Do I need to ensure this gets back to a certain thread with a Synchronization Context? It seems like InvokeAsync just does this for me but want to be sure.
Its hard to find lots of modern examples of ContinueWith. async/await is dominant, but I don't think it allows continuations to execute in the order they complete. Is this a reasonable use of it?
Since you are using Server side you can do this more cleanly (ContinueWith is more or less obsolete since async / await):
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
var t1 = Task.Run(async () =>
{ Item1State = await _service.GetItem1();
Item1Loaded = true; // you can probably derive this from Item1State
await InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged);
var t2 = Task.Run(async () =>
{ Item2State = await _service.GetItem2();
Item2Loaded = true;
await InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged);
await Task.WhenAll(t1, t2);
No need to call StateHasChanged() here.
Without the ItemLoaded guards you could do this without Task.Run().
Do I need to worry about canceling these lines if the user navigates away
Most modern DB stuff can be passed a cancellation token. So, use that if you wish to cancel the operation. If It's your own code and the operations are long running, consider using cancellation tokens.
Do I need to ensure this gets back to a certain thread with a Synchronization Context?
Calling await InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged); ensures the UI code is run on the UI thread.
Question 3
Stick with simple await. Yes, it executes in order. And call await InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged) between operations to update the UI if you have more than two await operations.
Note : This will only work if you await real async code, not sync code wrapped in a Task! If there are no yields, the Renderer gets no thread time so the UI doesn't get updated till it gets some.

When does a blazor component render?

In the diagram below from this page it shows that when an incomplete task is returned by the call to OnInitializedAsync it will await the task and then render the component.
However it seems that what actual happens when an incomplete task is returned is renders the component immediately, and then renders it again once the incomplete task completes.
An example later in the page seems to confirm this. If the component was not rendered immediately after the call to OnInitializedAsync, and instead only rendered for the first time after the Task returned had been completed you would never see the "Loading..." message.
OnParametersSetAsync behavior appears the same. It renders once immediately when an incomplete task is returned, and then again once that task has completed.
Am I misunderstanding the render lifecycle, or is this an error in the documentation?
#page "/fetchdata"
#using BlazorSample.Data
#inject WeatherForecastService ForecastService
<h1>Weather forecast</h1>
<p>This component demonstrates fetching data from a service.</p>
#if (forecasts == null)
<table class="table">
<!-- forecast data in table element content -->
#code {
private WeatherForecast[]? forecasts;
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
forecasts = await ForecastService.GetForecastAsync(DateTime.Now);
To fully answer your question we need to delve into the ComponentBase code.
Your code is running in the async world where code blocks can yield and give control back to the caller - your "incomplete task is returned".
SetParametersAsync is called by the Renderer when the component first renders and then when any parameters have changed.
public virtual Task SetParametersAsync(ParameterView parameters)
if (!_initialized)
_initialized = true;
return RunInitAndSetParametersAsync();
return CallOnParametersSetAsync();
RunInitAndSetParametersAsync is responsible for initialization. I've left the MS coders' comments in which explains the StateHasChanged calls.
private async Task RunInitAndSetParametersAsync()
var task = OnInitializedAsync();
if (task.Status != TaskStatus.RanToCompletion && task.Status != TaskStatus.Canceled)
// Call state has changed here so that we render after the sync part of OnInitAsync has run
// and wait for it to finish before we continue. If no async work has been done yet, we want
// to defer calling StateHasChanged up until the first bit of async code happens or until
// the end. Additionally, we want to avoid calling StateHasChanged if no
// async work is to be performed.
await task;
catch // avoiding exception filters for AOT runtime support
if (!task.IsCanceled)
// Don't call StateHasChanged here. CallOnParametersSetAsync should handle that for us.
await CallOnParametersSetAsync();
CallOnParametersSetAsync is called on every Parameter change.
private Task CallOnParametersSetAsync()
var task = OnParametersSetAsync();
// If no async work is to be performed, i.e. the task has already ran to completion
// or was canceled by the time we got to inspect it, avoid going async and re-invoking
// StateHasChanged at the culmination of the async work.
var shouldAwaitTask = task.Status != TaskStatus.RanToCompletion &&
task.Status != TaskStatus.Canceled;
// We always call StateHasChanged here as we want to trigger a rerender after OnParametersSet and
// the synchronous part of OnParametersSetAsync has run.
return shouldAwaitTask ?
CallStateHasChangedOnAsyncCompletion(task) :
In the diagram substitute "Render" for StateHasChanged in the code above.
The diagram uses the work "Render", which is a bit misleading. It implies that the UI re-renders, when what actually happens is a render fragment (a block of code that builds the UI markup for the component) is queued on the Renderer's render queue. It should say "Request Render" or something similar.
If the component code that triggers a render event, or calls StateHasChanged, is all synchronous code, then the Renderer only gets thread time when the code completes. Code blocks need to "Yield" for the Renderer to get thread time during the process.
It's also important to understand that not all Task based methods yield. Many are just synchronous code in a Task wrapper.
So, if code in OnInitializedAsync or OnParametersSetAsync yields there's a render event on the first yield and then on completion.
A common practice to "yield" in a block of synchronous code is to add this line of code where you want the Renderer to render.
await Task.Delay(1);
You can see ComponentBase here - https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/blob/main/src/Components/Components/src/ComponentBase.cs
Short summary
Blazor adds two 'free' StateHasChanged calls, before and after each lifecycle event and UI event.
StateHasChanged only requests an html update, it does not perform one.
An update request can only be fulfilled after the event
or when the main Thread is released by an await
not every await will release the Thread.
So, when you want to make sure the screen gets updated, use
await Task.Delay(1);
Old answer
when an incomplete task is returned it renders the component immediately, and then renders it again once the incomplete task completes.
Yes, that is a possible sequence.
The flowchart shows the steps for showing a component. What is not so clear from the picture is that the actual rendering is not part of this flow, it happens async on the synchronizationcontext. It can happen when your code awaits something.
So we have this basis non-async sequence:
But when there is something async in this code-path then there can be one extra Render during the await. More Renders are possible when you call StateHasChanged during this flow.

Angular 9 and rxjs - wait for message event after postMessage

I am new to rxjs and not sure how to implement the follow logic. Any suggestion will be appreciated.
I am going to implement the communication between host website and an iframe in it with postMessage. Since postMessage is one-way only, I would like to implement the logic to wait for 'response' by myself when a message is sent from host website to iframe.
I have a sync function called send(message) to invoke the postMessage to send message to iframe. Then I would like to have another function with the follow logic.
public async sendAndWait(message): Promise<responseObj> {
// 1. create an observable to wait to message event with timeout
// my first thought is as follow but I feel like it does not work
// fromEvent(window, 'message')
// .pipe(timeout(timeoutInMs))
// .subscribe(event => {
// console.info(event);
// });
// 2. run `send(message)` function
// 3. do not finish this function until timeout or receive event in the previous subscription.
When I use the function, I would like to have
let response = await sendAndWait(message);
Not sure if it is possible to implement? Thank you
You cannot stop code execution in JS (using Async-Await, a Promise object is returned behind the scenes. so that the code is never waiting)
Consider implementing it in the following way:
let response: responseObj;
function main(): void {
sendAndWait(MESSAGE_OBJECT).subscribe(x => response = x)
function sendAndWait(message): Observable<responseObj> {
return fromEvent(window, 'message')
Or optionally returning Promise:
async function sendAndWait(message): Promise<void> {
const response = await fromEvent(window, 'message')

NetworkStream ReadAsync and WriteAsync hang infinitelly when using CancellationTokenSource - Deadlock Caused by Task.Result (or Task.Wait)

After reading pretty much every question on Stack Overflow and Microsoft's documentation about NetworkStream, I dont understand what is wrong with my code.
The problem I see is that my method GetDataAsync() hangs very often. I call this method from Init Method like so:
public MyView(string id)
MyViewModel myViewModel = session.Resolve<MyViewModel>(); //Autofac
BindingContext = myViewModel;
Above, my View does its initialization, then resolves MyViewModel from Autofac DiC and then calls MyViewModel Init() method to do some additional setup on the VM.
The Init method then calls my Async method GetDataAsync which return a IList like so:
public void Init()
// call this Async method to populate a ListView
foreach (var model in GetDataAsync("111").Result)
// The List<MyModel> returned by the GetDataAsync is then
// used to load ListView's ObservableCollection<MyModel>
// This ObservableCollection is data-bound to a ListView in
// this View. So, the ListView shows its data once the View
// displays.
, and here is my GetDataAsync() method including my comments:
public override async Task<IList<MyModel>> GetDataAsync(string id)
var timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20);
byte[] messageBytes = GetMessageBytes(Id);
using (var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(timeout))
using (TcpClient client = new TcpClient(Ip, Port))
using (NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream())
await stream.WriteAsync(messageBytes, 0, messageBytes.Length, cts.Token);
await stream.FlushAsync(cts.Token);
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
int bytesRead = 0;
await Task.Delay(500);
while (stream.DataAvailable) // need to Delay to wait for data to be available
bytesRead = await stream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, cts.Token);
builder.AppendFormat("{0}", Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, 0, bytesRead));
string msg = buffer.ToString();
return ParseMessageIntoList(msg); // parses message into IList<MyModel>
catch (OperationCanceledException oce)
return await Task.FromResult<IList<RoomGuestModel>>(new List<RoomGuestModel>());
catch (Exception ex)
return await Task.FromResult<IList<RoomGuestModel>>(new List<RoomGuestModel>());
I would expect that a ReadAsync or WriteAsync either complete successfully, throw some exception, or get cancelled after 10 seconds in which case I would catch OperationCanceledException.
However, it just hangs endlessly when I call method above. If I am debugging and have some breakpoints in the code above, I will be able to go through the method entirely but if I call it 2nd time, app just hangs forever.
I am new to Tasks and Async programming, so I am also not sure I do my cancellations and exception handling properly here?
I figured out how to fix the deadlock issue. In hope this will help others sho might run into the same issue, I'll first explain it. The articles that helped me a lot are:
https://devblogs.microsoft.com/pfxteam/await-and-ui-and-deadlocks-oh-my/ by Stephen Taub
https://montemagno.com/c-sharp-developers-stop-calling-dot-result/ by James Montemagno
https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/jj991977.aspx by StephenCleary
https://blog.xamarin.com/getting-started-with-async-await/ by Jon Goldberger
#StephenCleary was great help understanding the issue. Calling Result or Wait (above, I call Result when calling GetDataAsync) will lead to dead-lock.
The context thread (UI in this case) is now waiting for GetDataAsync to complete, but GetDataAsync captures the current context-thread (UI thread), so it can resume on it once it gets data from TCP. But since this context-thread is now blocked by call to Result, it cannot resume.
The end result is that it looks like call to GetDataAsync has deadlocked but in reality, it is call to Result that deadlocked.
After reading tons of articles from #StephenTaub, #StephenCleary, #JamesMontemagno, #JoeGoldenberger (thank you all), I started getting understanding of the issue (I am new to TAP/async/await).
Then I discovered continuations in Tasks and how to use them to resolve the issue (thanks to Stephen Taub's article above).
So, instead of calling it like:
IList<MyModel> models = GetDataAsync("111").Result;
foeach(var model in models)
, I call it with continuation like this:
.ContinueWith((antecedant) =>
foreach(var model in antecedant.Result)
}, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion)
.ContinueWith((antecedant) =>
var error = antecedant.Exception.Flatten();
}, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted);
This seam to have fixed my deadlocking issue and now my list will load fine even though it is loaded from the constructor.
So, this seam to work just fine. But #JoeGoldenberger also suggests another solution in his article https://blog.xamarin.com/getting-started-with-async-await/ which is to use Task.Run(async()=>{...}); and inside that await GetDataAsync and load ObservableCollection. So, I gave that a try as well and that is not blocking either, so working great:
Task.Run(async() =>
IList<MyModel> models = await GetDataAsync(id);
foreach (var model in models)
So, it looks like either of these 2 will remove deadlock just fine. And since above my Init method is called from a c-tor; therefore, I cannot make it Async and await on this, using one of the 2 methods described above resolves my problem. I dont know which one is better but in my tests, they do work.
Your problem is most likely due to GetDataAsync("111").Result. You shouldn't block on async code.
This can cause deadocks. E.g., if you're on a UI thread, the UI thread will start GetDataAsync and run it until it hits an await. At this point, GetDataAsync returns an incomplete task, and the .Result call blocks the UI thread until that task is completed.
Eventually, the inner async call completes and GetDataAsync is ready to resume executing after its await. By default, await captures its context and resumes on that context. Which in this example is the UI thread. Which is blocked since it called Result. So, the UI thread is waiting for GetDataAsync to complete, and GetDataAsync is waiting for the UI thread so it can complete: deadlock.
The proper solution is to go async all the way; replace .Result with await, and make the necessary changes to other code for that to happen.
As stated in my update, going async all the way by providing an async lambda like below resolved the issue for me
Task.Run(async() =>
IList<MyModel> models = await GetDataAsync(id);
foreach (var model in models)
Loading asynchronously an observable collection in a ctor this way (in my case, ctor calls Init which then uses this Task.Run) solves problem

Xamarin TouchRunner Hangs calling IOS 3rd Party Binding

I have a 3rd party API IOS Binding which I am trying to test (more like an integration test) using TouchRunner.
An example API Method is this -
_client.AuthenticateWithUsername(username, token,
() => { // Success Callback },
() => { // NoConnection Callback },
(obj) => { // Other Error Callback });
The API when called goes off and does some work in the background then eventually makes one of the callbacks above, I would like to control the flow of the unit test using something like -
How can I unit test async methods on the UI Thread with Xamarin iOS TouchRunner
Unfortunately, when I insert the AutoResetEvent code, TouchRunner just hangs and never returns to the GUI.
I have also tried to use a TaskCompletionSource as follows -
public async Task<AuthResponse> AuthenticateUserAsync(string username, string password)
TaskCompletionSource<AuthResponse> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<AuthResponse>();
AuthResponse response = new AuthResponse { Success = false };
LoginResponse loginResponse = await LoginUser(username, password);
_client.AuthenticateWithUsername(username, loginResponse.token,
() =>
response.Success = true;
() => { tcs.SetResult(response); },
obj => { tcs.SetResult(response); },
obj => { tcs.SetResult(response); });
return await tcs.Task;
public async void AuthenticateUserAsyncTest()
var auth = await AuthenticateUserAsync(_username, _password);
The debugger stepped through fine until the return await tcs.Task, but then results in a similar HUNG runner.
How can I work out why the hang is happening?
As this was not working, I then resorted to code like this -
_client.AuthenticateWithUsername(_username, loginResponse.token,
() =>
Assert.Pass("This crashes the runner");
Assert.True(true); // This DOES NOT!
() =>
// This will crash runner also
(InvalidTokenError obj) =>
Assert.Fail("InvalidToken" + obj.Description);
(ClientError obj) =>
Assert.Fail("ClientError" + obj.Description);
As you can see, the flow ends up (understandably), run test, runs client call, end of test method completes which shows test as success, then the callback returns and the asserts get called, which crash the app, which we assume is because the runner has already completed the test, why one assert works and other crashes I do not know.
Am I approaching this the right way?
Could something be happening in the 3rd Party API that will cause these approaches to hang? and how would I debug that?
Thanks #Nkosi, that is a good suggestion, I forgot to add that during my original testing that when I ran the code with async Task rather than void I got an immediate block from TouchRunner without even adding any other code other than the API call! This was a red flag I suppose, but using async void "seemed" to allow "standard" async testing, so I progressed and then ended up in the loop above.
As TouchRunner has not been updated in a very long time I have just spent time re-creating the test project using XUnit after various suggestions to try it in the forums and on stack.
https://github.com/xunit/devices.xunit - runners for Xamarin IOS + Android
https://xunit.github.io/docs/comparisons - to port NUnit syntax
Some other useful links are -
RESULT: I am very pleased to say all the above code now works for both the TaskCompletionSource and the AutoResetTask scenarios
I can now safely test my event based API :)
I just wanted to ensure other users are aware of this.
Thanks for your help.
One observation is that the test should be async Task and not async void ie
public async Task AuthenticateUserAsyncTest() {
//...code removed for brevity.
async void is a fire and forget so any exceptions thrown wont happen in the current context so they wont be caught.
Reference Async/Await - Best Practices in Asynchronous Programming
