How to get file name in Laravel without a path file - laravel

I'm trying to upload an image file to the database. But, when it posted, it shows a full path of the image file (I use the getClientOriginalName() to get the filename).
public function createDS2(Request $request)
$imgName1 = $request->file('opsi_a')->getClientOriginalName() . '-' . time() . '.' . $request->file('opsi_a')->extension();
$imgName2 = $request->file('opsi_b')->getClientOriginalName() . '-' . time() . '.' . $request->file('opsi_b')->extension();
$imgName3 = $request->file('opsi_c')->getClientOriginalName() . '-' . time() . '.' . $request->file('opsi_c')->extension();
$imgName4 = $request->file('opsi_d')->getClientOriginalName() . '-' . time() . '.' . $request->file('opsi_d')->extension();
$data = new DS2;
$data->pertanyaan = $request->input('pertanyaan');
$data->opsi_a = $request->file('opsi_a')->move(public_path('image'), $imgName1);
$data->opsi_d = $request->file('opsi_b')->move(public_path('image'), $imgName2);
$data->opsi_b = $request->file('opsi_c')->move(public_path('image'), $imgName3);
$data->opsi_c = $request->file('opsi_d')->move(public_path('image'), $imgName4);
$data->kunci = $request->input('kunci');
return redirect('ds2');
the image file in the database will show something like this :
how I can just save the hiu_press.png-1614165665.png in my database?

The same way as #zia-yamin but different syntax.
$imgName1 = $request->file('opsi_a')->getClientOriginalName() . '-' . time() . '.' . $request->file('opsi_a')->extension();
$imgName2 = $request->file('opsi_b')->getClientOriginalName() . '-' . time() . '.' . $request->file('opsi_b')->extension();
$imgName3 = $request->file('opsi_c')->getClientOriginalName() . '-' . time() . '.' . $request->file('opsi_c')->extension();
$imgName4 = $request->file('opsi_d')->getClientOriginalName() . '-' . time() . '.' . $request->file('opsi_d')->extension();
$request->file('opsi_a')->move(public_path('image'), $imgName1);
$request->file('opsi_b')->move(public_path('image'), $imgName2);
$request->file('opsi_c')->move(public_path('image'), $imgName3);
$request->file('opsi_d')->move(public_path('image'), $imgName4);
$data = new DS2;
$data->pertanyaan = $request->input('pertanyaan');
$data->opsi_a = pathinfo($imgName1, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
$data->opsi_b = pathinfo($imgName2, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
$data->opsi_c = pathinfo($imgName3, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
$data->opsi_d = pathinfo($imgName4, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
$data->kunci = $request->input('kunci');
return redirect('ds2');

Use This Code:
if ($request->hasFile('file_name')) {
$file_name = $request->file('file_name');
$file_name = time() . $file_name->getClientOriginalName();

store your file full path in $stored_file variable and then use this one:
$data->opsi_d = $request->file('opsi_b')->move(public_path('image'), pathinfo($imgName2)['basename']);
Also, you can use:
$file = Input::file('image');
$fileName = $file->move(public_path('image'), $imgName1->getOriginalFileName());
$fileName->image = $fileName ->getRealPath();


Convert Query from Codeigniter to Laravel 8

How to write this query in laravel? this query was used in Codeigniter
$ci->db->query("SELECT ratings.rating_id," . $table . "." . $namefield . " as thenamefield,ROUND(AVG(ratings.rating_num),2) as rating
FROM ratings," . $table . " WHERE " . $table . "." . $idfield . " = ratings.rating_id GROUP BY rating_id
ORDER BY rating DESC LIMIT " . $limit . "");
try this
$select_part = $table . "." . $namefield;
->select('ratings.rating_id',DB::raw("{$select_part} as thenamefield"),DB::raw("ROUND(AVG(ratings.rating_num)2) as rating"))
->whereRaw("{$select_part} = ratings.rating_id")
->orderByRaw("rating DESC")

Lumen: Auto increment and Reset Transaction_ID Automatically every month

I trying to generate random transaction_id, with format "2000-yymmm-0000".
I already know how to set the transaction_id, but I have a problem with the auto-increment from "2000-yymm-0000" to "2000-yymm-0001", and reseting automatically to "2000-yymm-0000" at every new month.
I put this logic in different path of controller.
PS: I'm using Lumen 6.0 with Laravel 6.0.
I'm trying to create the increment with:
$number = sprintf('%04d', 0000);
but it didn't work.
$year = 2000;
$time = date('ym');
$number = sprintf('%04d', 0000);
$transaction_id = $year . '-' . $time . '-' . $number;
$transaction_data = explode('-', $transaction_id);
$month = date("m", strtotime($transaction_data[0]));
I expect the result to automatically increment every time a new data is stored to the database. But the actual result is transaction_id being having always the same value 2000-yymm-0000.
What am I doing wrong?
I know it's weird to answer my own question, but i already find the solution.
in Models/Order.php
i create a function like this.
public function count()
after that i call the function from Model/Order.php to OrdersController.php
public function create(Request $request)
$year = 2000;
$date = date('ym');
$total_data = $this->table->count();
$number = str_pad($total_data + 1, 4, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);
$transaction_id = $year . '-' . $date . '-' . $number;
return $this->success('count all transaction id', $t_id);

Excel file with Multiple Sheets in Laravel-Excel 3.1 -> Import Original and Store + Store Individual sheets after cell validations

Thanks for the reaching out to my question, but i have got a problem, I'm trying to Import an excel file with multiple sheets.
Find sheets by some cell-value validation, like if on cell E7, i have a value, store this sheet as separate file. I'm doing mapping() for cell values, and then trying to use Excel::store to save each individual sheet separately. Can't receive any data for individual sheets
Also store the original file. This works!
The issue is, i can't receive any data for storing individual-sheets as excel files, i can create the individual excel files, but no data is being received, or maybe i'm not using the right data-format mentioned on documentation.
Please also check the code. Any help would be appreciated.
public function mapping(): array
return [
'altafit_id' => 'E7',
'year' => 'B3',
'initial_month' => 'B4',
'final_month' => 'B5',
public function model(array $row)
// dd($row);
$name = $row['altafit_id'];
$year = $row['year'];
$initial_month = $row['initial_month'];
$final_month = $row['final_month'];
$file_type = 'club';
// dd(collect((object) $row));
Excel::store(collect((object) $row), 'P&L_' . $name . '_' . $year . '_' . $initial_month . '_06' . ',clubs' . ',' . $initial_month . ',' . $final_month . '.' . 'xls', 'public');
return new Files([
//'user_id' => $row['user_id'],
'file_name' => 'P&L_' . $name . '_' . $year . '_' . $initial_month . '_06' . ',clubs' . ',' . $initial_month . ',' . $final_month . '.' . 'xls',
'file_type' => $file_type
Already check the documentation, but doesn't work for me.

PHP: eval don't have value

I stored a Controller#Action in the database, but when I try to run it it don't has value.
I know that eval is very dangerous. If there is an alternative what I can use in this situation I'm open for it.
My code where I wan't to run it:
//$action = "ExchangeController::module_getAllValutaByBank";
//$params = "K&H";
$test = eval('\App\Http\Controllers\ModuleControllers' . "\\" . $action . "('" . $params . "');");
The code what I want to eval:
It's an API request to the local ForexChange site. #param bank's name
#return stuctured string
public static function module_getAllValutaByBank($bankName){
$return = '';
$data['bankName'] = $bankName;
$response = self::getRequest($data);
$return .= $response[0]['bank'] . "\n";
foreach($response as $key => $item){
$return .= $item['valuta'] . " - " . round($item['buy'], 2) . " - " . round($item['sell'], 2) . "\n";
} else {
$return = $response;
return $return;
Output of Debugbar::info($return);
K&H Bank GBP - 338.51 - 363.07 AUD - 189.9 - 207.8 DKK - 39.75 - 43.93
JPY - 2.26 - 2.48 CAD - 188.73 - 206.51 NOK - 30.92 - 34.18 CHF -
256.89 - 275.53 SEK - 29.18 - 32.26 USD - 246.14 - 260.32 CZK - 11.51 - 12.97 PLN - 69.87 - 78.79 EUR - 302.92 - 320.38 HRK - 39.39 - 44.41
Output of Debugbar::info($test);
Where it went wrong?
Found the solution:
$test = call_user_func('\App\Http\Controllers\ModuleControllers' . "\\" . $action, $params));
Found the solution:
$test = call_user_func('\App\Http\Controllers\ModuleControllers' . "\\" . $action, $params));

How to create a signed url with Firebase/JWT?

In the new version of Googles PHP-API-Cient the Google_Signer_P12 class was removed and now you should create signed urls via Firebase JWT (see
Unfortunately this doesn't work for me (I am trying to generate signed urls for cloud storage downloads). My previous (working) code looked like this:
$signer = new \Google_Signer_P12( 'privatekey.p12' , 'notasecret' );
$stringToSign = 'GET' . "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . $expires . "\n". '/' . $bucketName . '/' . $fileName;
$signature = $signer->sign( utf8_encode( $stringToSign ) );
$finalSignature = \Google_Utils::urlSafeB64Encode( $signature );
I tried to replace this with:
$stringToSign = 'GET' . "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . $expires . "\n". '/' . $bucketName . '/' . $fileName;
$finalSignature = \JWT::encode(
but I receive a "SignatureDoesNotMatch" error. Unfortunately I couldn't find anything in the docs on how to upgrade this part of the code.
