So, I just want to change the ugly default window border in Awsome WM, How do I do ?
Thanks for the answer !
Its in your theme.lua. Try looking for variables...
theme.border_width = dpi(some number)
theme.border_normal = #some color
theme.border_focus = #some color
theme.border_marked = #some color
I believe these can also be set in rc.lua but can't remember, still, best to do it in theme to keep things from getting messy. It might help if do some youtubing on theming AwesomeWM.
In VS Code Themes I am looking for the names of the line-number bar (background)-color-options. There is no theme with different background of the line-numbers-"panel" - every theme I am testing is the same background like the document-window itself. It´s nice in design, but i click often the line-numbers instead of line-start.
Can anybody tell me the theme-name of this background color for this panel? Like "editorLineNumber.foreground" - but there is no "editorLineNumber.background"-option and I didn't find / know what to look - or what to write ;) A visible border would work, too, but the background color would be great!
I think you are looking for the editorGutter.background property as in :
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"editorGutter.background": "#fff5"
This i do not understand, and I don't know how to make this work...
I am trying to make a panel image color fade from a dark green to white like this:
myPanel.GetComponent<image>().CrossFadeColor (colorToFadeTo, fadeTime, true, true);
This do not work... It seems like it keeps the base color (green) and then puts the other color into that color :-/
Can anyone help me with this... Any help is appreciated.
I can't find much information on CrossFadeColor, but I do know it would work as you expect with Color.Lerp since it will change the color, not add it.
You will have to do it in a coroutine, or the Update.
I have changed my codeblocks' background to dark and cursor color also i am changing from Settings->Editor->margins and carets..
But the color of cursor is changing back to black after some time (mostly when '[' ']' got autocompleted), but this is not consistent that when it will go back to black..
Can someone please suggest that what setting i am missing, or is it a bug in codeblocks ?
Having problem with color of cursor with black background see how to
change the color of cursor
Settings->Editor->Margins and Caret
after going to Margins and Caret their will be color option click.Now also having doubts
[] copy and paste this is my pic then u will understand
This isn't s bug as of now in codeblocks 17.12 which is the latest version at the time of writing this answer. For your problem, well you don't have to disable autocomplete instead go to settings>editor>syntax highlighting. Select the matching braces higlight option and select the color you want for fore ground and background.
For installing themes refer this article.
I also had the same issue and could not find any proper fix but figured out a hack. Instead of using line use block in the style and it will work fine. This way you do not have to disable autocompletion of braces as well :)
for changing cursor color need: Go to setting => Editor => margin and caret => caret
part => color , so we can change cursor color of this part to your favorite color.
I am kind of new to Unity, and was just wondering how to change the text colour of a GUI.Box?
This is the line of code I am using:
GUI.Box(Rect(0, 0, width, height),"Hello World", "");
I tried putting:
GUI.color =;
above it, but that didn't work.
Fjpackard. =;
Perhaps a better way is take a look at GUIStyles ( since GUIStyle is an easy way to modify the appearance of the whole GUI.
In some cases you may want to change only a specific word or sentence, so you just need to make your text like that:
sb.Append("<size=10> <color=yellow>WARNING: </color> Some text here</size>");
In this case my style font size is 8, so this text will be a bit bigger then the other lines, the word WARNING will be written in yellow and 'Some text here' is the default color. All the other text inside my string builder will use the Box Style
For more details check:
For a WP7 App I want to use an additional color to contrast whatever the the current theme color is.
I decided to make the contrast color 'Red' unless the theme color was already 'Red' in which case I would male the contract Color ' Blue'
But the following code does not work as it does not detect the theme color as 'Red' even though it has been set that way and is certainly showing that way in the app.
private void AssessContrastColor()
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("In assess color");
SolidColorBrush themeBrush = App.Current.Resources["PhoneAccentBrush"] as SolidColorBrush;
Color themeColor = themeBrush.Color;
SolidColorBrush contrastBrush = new SolidColorBrush();
// contrastBrush.Color = ControlPaint.Light(themeColor);
if (themeColor == Colors.Red)
contrastBrush.Color = Colors.Blue;
else contrastBrush.Color = Colors.Red;
_ContrastThemeBrush = contrastBrush;
The code seems pretty straightforward, but, when looking at this through debugger, the Phone accent color when I get it (when its Red) is not #FFFF0000 but something a little different.
Just as an aside to this, was looking to create the contrast color as one that was a bit lighter than the theme color, looked around and it seemed like it could be quote a bit of code, but then stumbled across the 'ControlPaint.Light call' which seemed ideal, but doesnt seem to be an option uder WP7? Hence commented out above.
Any advice appreciated. Thanks
This would be because the Accent colour isn't Red, but something close to it, to be precise #E51400
You can find a list of all the colours and how to use them here. And for future proofing the answer, a list of all the colours:
Blue #1BA1E2
Brown #A05000
Green #339933
Lime #8CBF26
Magenta #FF0097
Orange #F09609
Pink #E671B8
Purple #A200FF
Red #E51400
Viridian #00ABA9
But I would strongly recommend against changing the contrast colours. You're likely to make content less readable.
If you determine a custom colour based on the accent colour, it will likely break when used by the eleventh (vendor specific) colour. From the documentation:
Your application should be aware of this extra color and not make assumptions on just the 10 system-wide colors. For example, do not have code that checks for the standard 10 accent colors and then performs a specific operation; an eleventh color may break the operation