I see the basic example for Elixir's WebSockex library here but it doesn't really explain how I can expose my own websocket to the internet. This question has answers which explain how to chat to an existing websocket externally, but I want to expose my own websocket. I'm actually using websockex as part of a Phoenix application, so perhaps bits of Phoenix might help here?
I obviously know the ip:port combo of my phoenix application so given these, how do I expose a websockex websocket on that ip:port? In other words, what should I pass as the URL? in this basic example code:
defmodule WebSocketExample do
use WebSockex
def start_link(url, state) do
WebSockex.start_link(url, __MODULE__, state)
def handle_frame({type, msg}, state) do
IO.puts "Received Message - Type: #{inspect type} -- Message: #{inspect msg}"
{:ok, state}
def handle_cast({:send, {type, msg} = frame}, state) do
IO.puts "Sending #{type} frame with payload: #{msg}"
{:reply, frame, state}
Please note that I need to expose a raw websocket, not a Phoenix channel, as the consumer doesn't understand Phoenix channels. If Phoenix can expose a raw websocket then I'll consider that a solution too.
If neither Phoenix nor WebSockex can help, what are my options?
Websockex is a client library, I don't think it has any code for exposing a websocket. Since you're already using phoenix, you probably can do what you need with phoenix channels.
If you're on cowboy (and you probably are, since it's the default), then you can also use it to expose a raw websocket. However, it requires some fiddling with routing. You will need to replace YourAppWeb.Endpoint with a manual configuration of cowboy:
scheme: :http,
plug: YourAppWeb.Endpoint,
options: endpoint_options(),
dispatch: [
_: [
# Dispatch paths beginning with /ws to a websocket handler
{"/ws/[...]", YourApp.WebsocketHandler, []},
# Dispatch other paths to the phoenix endpoint
{:_, Plug.Cowboy.Handler, {YourAppWeb.Endpoint, endpoint_options()}}
I have honestly only done this with raw plug, so you might need to convert the endpoint to be a Plug instead of a Phoenix.Endpoint. Then, you need to implement YourApp.WebsocketHandler to conform to cowboy's API and perform a websocket upgrade (and handle sending/receiving messages), as described in cowboy docs. You can also see this gist for a more fleshed-out example.
WebSockex implements many callbacks, including, but not limited to WebSockex.handle_connect/2. It holds WebSockex.Conn in a state and passes it to all callbacks.
WebSockex.Conn is a plain old good struct, having socket field.
So from any callback (I’d do it from WebSockex.handle_connect/2) you might share this socket with the process which needs it and use it then from there.
Also, you can borrow some internals and check how the connection is being created.
You’ll see it uses WebSockex.Conn.new/2 that returns an initialized connection, that, in turn, holds a socket. In that case, you’ll be obliged to supervise the process that holds the socket manually.
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I'm working on a project where I want to have a Julia server process periodically publishing messages that involve some binary data. The initial client will be written in javascript, but we'd ultimately like the capability of having multiple clients, implemented in various ways. For that reason, I'd like to define the message using protocol buffers. I've turned up 3 Julia websocket implementations: WebSockets.jl, SimpleSockets.jl and HTTP.jl's WebSockets. I've done some naive experimenting with WebSockets.jl and got an error ("WebSockets does not support byte I/O"). My inclination is to shift my focus to the HTTP.jl implementation; I get the impression that it is under more active development than WebSockets.jl.
Update: I've continued with my experimentation. I was guided to a previous SO question, unable to write binary data in websocket, that was instructive. I modeled my server implementation after that in the link, yielding:
text = "A man spekith"
msg = TestMessage(someText=text)
function server(port)
#async HTTP.listen(Sockets.localhost, port) do http::HTTP.Stream
if HTTP.WebSockets.is_upgrade(http.message)
HTTP.WebSockets.upgrade(http, binary=true) do ws
while !eof(ws)
data = readavailable(ws)
writeproto(ws, msg)
Running it, I got an error very much like the previous one I reported:
HTTP.WebSockets.WebSocket{HTTP.ConnectionPool.Transaction{Sockets.TCPSocket}} does not support byte I/O
I'm wondering if anyone reading this has any experience with this particular cluster of technologies (julia, protobuf, websockets) and suggestions on how to proceed ("don't try" would count as useful feedback).
HTTP.jl websockets are working fine. Havn't tried it with protobuf, but hardly there should be any problem with that. It's basically
HTTP.WebSockets.open(data_url) do ws
x = readavailable(ws)
# Do protobuf related things, generate response
write(ws, response)
readavailable returns you UInt8[] so you can do whatever you want with it.
I was able to tweak the server implementation that I showed in the question, and it now works. It's a little clunky, and I'll hold off from accepting my own answer in hopes that a nicer approach comes along. In any event, here's the new version:
function server(port)
#async HTTP.listen(Sockets.localhost, port) do http::HTTP.Stream
if HTTP.WebSockets.is_upgrade(http.message)
HTTP.WebSockets.upgrade(http, binary=true) do ws
while !eof(ws)
data = readavailable(ws)
iob = PipeBuffer()
writeproto(iob, msg)
write(ws, take!(iob))
I am following this example. I've modified my ws_handler slightly with "websocket_handle({text, <<"h">>}, State) ->
{reply, {text, << "You h-in!">>}, State};"
to confirm I could detect specific messages.
I want to track websocket connections. In https://ninenines.eu/docs/en/cowboy/1.0/guide/ws_handlers/ I see there's a Req object but I'm not sure what to search for to see what it contains.
I found this communicating between http handler and websocket handler in Cowboy ; I don't understand the meaning of the example answer though.
https://github.com/ninenines/cowboy/tree/master/examples/websocket is using pkg_cowboy_commit = 1.0.4 in the erlang.mk, I haven't found an example using the latest 2.0 cowboy.
I want to track websocket connections via an ID or PID in a list, remove a reference when they disconnect, etc. I see no way of doing this besides sending the first bytes of a text on each message being the ID and this seems wrong.
In contrast socket.io, for example, you get socket.id - I want the same kind of reference in Erlang.
I am thinking something like creating a process that references the websocket State. So on
websocket_init(State) ->
Pass the State to a process, and add that new process PID to the State of the websocket
then in
websocket_handle({text, Msg}, State) ->
a custom {reply, Reply} can be sent by loading data from the PID which is connected to custom domain logic.
I'm building an event collector, it will receive a http request like http://collector.me/?uuid=abc123&product=D3F4&metric=view then write request parameters to Apache Kafka topic, now I use Plug, Cowboy and KafkaEx.
defmodule Collector.Router do
import Plug.Conn
def init(opts) do
def call(conn, _opts) do
conn = fetch_query_params(conn)
KafkaEx.produce("test", 0, "#{inspect conn.query_params}")
|> put_resp_content_type("text/plain")
|> send_resp(200, "OK")
AFAIK, Cowboy spawns a new process for each request, so I think write to Kafka in the call function is a proper way because it's easy to create hundreds of thousands of processes in Elixir. But I wonder if this is the right way to do? Do I need a queue before write to Kafka or something like that? My goal is handle as much concurrent requests as possible.
Consider using the Confluent Kafka REST Proxy because then you might not need to write any server side code.
Worst case is you might need to rewrite the incoming URL into a properly formatted HTTP POST with JSON data and the right HTTP header for Content-Type. This can be done with and application load balancer or a basic reverse Proxy like haproxy or nginx.
I plan on having two services.
HTTP REST service written in Ruby
JSON RPC service written in Go
The Ruby service will open a TCP socket connection to a Go JSON RPC service. It'll do this for each incoming HTTP request it receives. It will send some data over the socket to the Go service and that service will subsequently send back the corresponding data back down the socket.
Go code
The Go service go would look something like this (simplified):
srv := new(service.App) // this would expose a Process method
listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":8080")
if err != nil {
// handle error
for {
conn, err := listener.Accept()
if err != nil {
// handle error
go jsonrpc.ServeConn(conn)
Notice we serve the incoming connection using a goroutine, so we can handle requests concurrently.
Ruby code
Below is a simple snippet of Ruby code that demonstrates (in theory) the way I would send data to the Go service:
require "socket"
require "json"
socket = TCPSocket.new "localhost", "8080"
b = {
:method => "App.Process",
:params => [{ :Config => JSON.generate({ :foo => :bar }) }],
:id => "0"
response = JSON.load socket.readline
My concern is: will this be a safe sequence of events?
I'm not asking if this will be 'thread safe', because i'm not worried about manipulating shared memory across the go routines. I'm more concerned around whether my Ruby HTTP service will get back the data it's expecting?
If I have two parallel requests coming into my HTTP Service (or maybe the Ruby app is hosted behind a load balancer and so different instances of the HTTP service is handling multiple requests), then I could have instance A send the message Foo to the Go service; while instance B sends the message Bar.
The business logic inside the Go service will return different responses depending on its input so I want to be sure that Ruby instance A gets back the correct response for Foo, and B gets back the correct response for Bar.
I assume a socket connection is more like a queue in that if instance A makes a request to the Go service first and then B does, but B is quicker responding for whatever reason, then the Go service will write the response for B to the socket and instance A of the Ruby app will end up reading in the wrong socket data (this is obviously just one possible scenario considering that I could get lucky and have instance B read the socket data before instance A does).
I'm not sure if there is simple solution to this problem. Unless I don't use a TCP socket or RPC and instead rely on standard HTTP in the Go service. But I wanted the performance and less overhead of TCP.
I'm worried the design could get more complicated by maybe having to implement an external queue as a way of synchronising the responses with the Ruby service.
It maybe because the nature of my Ruby service is fundamentally synchronous (HTTP response/request) that I have no option but to switch to HTTP for the Go service.
But wanted to double check with the community first just in case I'm missing something obvious.
Yes this is safe if you create a new connection every time.
That said there are latent issues with your approach:
TCP connections are rather expensive to establish, so you probably want to re-use connections with a connection pool
If you make too many simultaneous requests you will exhaust ports/open file descriptors which will cause your program to crash
You don't have any timeouts in place, so it's possible to end up with orphaned TCP connections which never complete (either because of something bad on the Go side, or network problems)
I think you'd be better off using HTTP (despite the overhead) since libraries are already written to cope with these problems. HTTP is also much more debuggable since you can just curl an endpoint to test it.
Personally I'd probably go with gRPC.
I need horizontally scalable WebSocket connection server for chat like system, where browser clients connected to different WebSocket servers coould exchange messages within separate chat rooms.
Clients HaProxy WebSocket server1 WebSocket server2 Redis/ZeroMQ
| | | |
client A ----=------------>o<----------------|------------------>|
| | | |
client B ----=-------------|---------------->o<----------------->|
| | | |
Here client A and client B are connected through HaProxy to two different WebSocket servers, which exchange messages through Redis/ZeroMQ backend, like in that and that questions.
Thinking of building that architecture I wonder if already there is an opensource analog. What such a project would you suggest to look at?
Look into the Plezi Ruby framework. I'm the author and it has automatic Redis scalability built in.
(you just setup the ENV['PL_REDIS_URL'] with the Redis URL)
As for the architecture to achieve this, it's fairly simple... I think.
Each server instance "subscribes" to two channels: a global channel for "broadcasting" (messages sent to all users or a large "family" of users) and a unique channel for "unicasting" (messages intended for a specific user connected to the server).
Each server manages it's internal broadcasting system, so that messages are either routed to a specific user, to a family of connections or all users, as par their target audience.
You can find the source code here. The Redis integration is handled using this code together with the websocket object code.
Web socket broadcasts are handled using both the websocket object on_broadcast callback. The Iodine server handles the inner broadcasting within each server instance using the websocket implementation.
I already posted the inner process architecture details as an answer to this question
I think socket.io has cross server support as well.
Edit (some code)
Due to the comment, I thought I'd put in some code... if you edit your question and add more specifications about the feature you're looking for, I can edit the code here.
I'm using the term "room" since this is what you referred to, although I didn't envision Plezi as just a "chat" framework, it is a very simple use case to demonstrate it's real-time abilities.
If you're using Ruby, you can run the following in the irb terminal (make sure to install Plezi first):
require 'plezi'
class MultiRoom
def on_open
return close unless params[:room] && params[:name]
#name = params[:name]
puts "connected to room #{params[:room]}"
# # if you use JSON to get room data,
# # you can use room arrays like so:
# params[:room] = params[:room].split(',') unless params[:room].is_a?(Array)
def on_message data
to_room = params[:room]
# # if you use JSON you can try:
# to_room = JSON.parse(data)['room'] rescue nil
# # we can use class `broadcast`, to broadcast also to self
MultiRoom.broadcast :got_msg, to_room, data, #name if to_room
def got_msg room, data, from
write ::ERB::Util.html_escape("#{from}: #{data}") if params[:room] == room
# # OR, on JSON, with room arrays, try something like:
# write data if params[:room].include?(room)
class EchoConnection
def on_message data
write data
MultiRoom.broadcast "myroom", "Echo?", "system" if data == /^test/i
route '/echo', EchoConnection
route '/:name/(:room)', MultiRoom
# # add Redis auto-scaling with:
# ENV['PL_REDIS_URL'] = "redis://:password#my.host:6389/0"
exit # if running in terminal, using irb
You can test it out by connecting to: ws://localhost:3000/nickname/myroom
to connect to multiple "rooms" (you need to re-write the code for JSON and multi-room), try: ws://localhost:3000/nickname/myroom,your_room
test the echo by connecting to ws://localhost:3000/echo
Notice that the echo acts differently and allows you to have different websockets for different concerns - i.e., having one connection for updates and messages using JSON and another for multiple file uploading using raw binary data over websockets.