I have a function in my strapi where I map the data and run another query inside.
async search(ctx) {
const authors = [
id: 1,
name: "author 1"
id: 2,
name: "author 2"
authors.map((data, i) => {
var books = this.getBooks(data.id)
// some stuffs here
getBooks: async function (authorId) {
return await strapi.query('books').find({ userId: authorId })
The console.log('books') display Promise { <pending> }. I'm not very familiar with the promise stuff but I tried something like below but guess it's not the right way. It's still returning the same promise pending.
getBooks: async function (authorId) {
const books = await strapi.query('books').find({ userId: authorId })
return Promise.resolve(books)
Found this discussion here . It appears that map doesn't work with promises. I switched to for loop as mentioned in the discussion and it's working now.
async search(ctx) {
const authors = [
id: 1,
name: "author 1"
id: 2,
name: "author 2"
for (let data of authors) {
const books = await strapi.query('books').find({ userId: data.id })
// some stuffs here
My data model is a list with items. Very simple:
_id: 1,
name: "List 1",
items: [
{ _id: 2, text: "Item text 1" },
{ _id: 3, text: "Item text 2" }
Adding a new list with optimistic response works perfectly:
const [addListMutation] = useAddListMutation({
update: (cache, { data }) => {
const cachedLists =
query: GetAllListsDocument,
})?.lists as TList[]) ?? [];
if (data) {
query: GetAllListsDocument,
data: {
lists: [...cachedLists, data?.list as TList],
const addList = async (name: string) => {
const list = {
_id: ..new id here,
items: [],
const variables: AddListMutationVariables = {
data: list,
await addListMutation({
optimisticResponse: {
This gets reflected immediately in my component using const { loading, data } = useGetAllListsQuery();. data is updated twice; first with the optimistic response and then after the mutation is done. Just like expected.
Now I'm trying to add an item to the list this way:
const [updateListMutation] = useUpdateListMutation({
update: (cache, { data }) => {
const cachedLists =
query: GetAllListsDocument,
)?.lists as TList[]) ?? [];
if (data?.list) {
// Find existing list to update
const updatedList = data?.list as TList;
const updatedListIndex = cachedLists.findIndex(
(list: TList) => list._id === updatedList._id,
// Create a copy of cached lists and replace entire list
// with new list from { data }.
const updatedLists = [...cachedLists];
updatedLists[updatedListIndex] = { ...updatedList };
query: GetAllListsDocument,
data: {
lists: updatedLists,
const updateList = async (updatedList: TList) => {
const variables: UpdateListMutationVariables = {
query: {
_id: updatedList._id,
set: updatedList,
await updateListMutation({
optimisticResponse: {
list: updatedList,
const addListItem = async (list: TList, text: string) => {
const updatedList = R.clone(list);
_id: ...new item id here,
text: 'My new list item',
await updateList(updatedList);
The problem is is in my component and the const { loading, data } = useGetAllListsQuery(); not returning what I expect. When data first changes with the optimistic response it contains an empty list item:
_id: 1,
name: "List 1",
items: [{}]
And only after the mutation response returns, it populates the items array with the item with text 'My new list item'. So my component first updates when the mutation is finished and not with the optimistic response because it can't figure out to update the array. Don't know why?
(and I have checked that the updatedLists array in writeQuery correctly contains the new item with text 'My new list item' so I'm trying to write the correct data).
Please let me know if you have any hints or solutions.
I've tried playing around with the cache (right now it's just initialized default like new InMemoryCache({})). I can see the cache is normalized with a bunch of List:1, List:2, ... and ListItem:3, ListItem:4, ...
Tried to disable normalization so I only have List:{id} entries. Didn't help. Also tried to add __typename: 'ListItem' to item added, but that only caused the { data } in the update: ... for the optimistic response to be undefined. I have used hours on this now. It should be a fairly simple and common use case what I'm trying to do :).
"#apollo/client": "^3.3.4",
"graphql": "^15.4.0",
"#graphql-codegen/typescript": "^1.19.0",
I have this function which works:
export const tagsByLabel = async (params) => {
const findManyParams = {
where: { userId: userIdFromSession },
orderBy: { title: "asc" },
if (params) {
const { searchTerm } = params;
findManyParams.where.title = { contains: searchTerm };
console.log("findManyParams", findManyParams);
const tagsByLabelResult = await db.tag.findMany(findManyParams);
console.log("tagsByLabelResult", tagsByLabelResult);
return tagsByLabelResult;
If I search for 'mex', I see:
findManyParams {
where: { userId: 1, title: { contains: 'mex' } },
orderBy: { title: 'asc' }
tagsByLabelResult [
id: 9,
title: 'mex',
description: 'Mexican food',
userId: 1,
createdAt: 2020-05-03T22:16:09.134Z,
modifiedAt: 2020-05-03T22:16:09.134Z
And for an empty query, tagsByLabelResult contains all tag records.
How can I adjust my tagsByLabel function to aggregate (using "group by") the records and output a "count" for each record of tagsByLabelResult in order by count descending?
tagsByLabelResult [
id: 9,
title: 'mex',
description: 'Mexican food',
count: 25,
userId: 1,
createdAt: 2020-05-03T22:16:09.134Z,
modifiedAt: 2020-05-03T22:16:09.134Z
I see the docs example of prisma.user.count(), but that seems to retrieve a simple count of the result of the whole query rather than a count as a field with a "group by".
I'm using RedwoodJs, Prisma 2, Apollo, GraphQL.
As of now groupBy support is still in spec here so currently you would only be able to use count with specific querying.
As a workaround, you would have to use prisma.raw for the timebeing.
In my tags.sdl.js I needed to add:
type TagCount {
id: Int!
title: String!
count: Int!
principles: [Principle]
description: String
createdAt: DateTime!
modifiedAt: DateTime!
And change query tagsByLabel(searchTerm: String): [Tag!]! to tagsByLabel(searchTerm: String): [TagCount!]!
In my TagsAutocomplete.js component, I now have:
export const TagsAutocomplete = ({ onChange, selectedOptions, closeMenuOnSelect }) => {
const state = {
isLoading: false,
const client = useApolloClient();
const promiseOptions = useCallback(
async (searchTerm) => {
try {
const { data } = await client.query({
variables: { searchTerm },
console.log("promiseOptions data", data);
const tags = data.tags.map((tag) => {
if (!tag.label.includes("(")) {
//ONEDAY why does the count keep getting appended if this condition isn't checked here?
tag.label = tag.label + " (" + tag.count + ")";
return tag;
console.log("promiseOptions tags", tags);
return tags;
} catch (e) {
console.error("Error fetching tags", e);
And in my tags.js service, I now have:
export const tagsByLabel = async (params) => {
let query = `
SELECT t.*, COUNT(pt.B) as count FROM tag t LEFT JOIN _PrincipleToTag pt ON t.id = pt.B WHERE t.userId = ${userIdFromSession} `;
if (params) {
const { searchTerm } = params;
if (searchTerm) {
query += `AND t.title LIKE '%${searchTerm}%' `;
query += "GROUP BY t.id ORDER BY count DESC, t.title ASC;";
console.log("query", query);
const tagsByLabelResult = await db.raw(query);
//TODO get secure parameterization working
console.log("tagsByLabelResult", tagsByLabelResult);
return tagsByLabelResult;
But, as mentioned in the comment, I'm still trying to figure out how to get secure parameterization working.
I have this object in my dynamodb table which looks like
"id": "b31de483"
I want to add another object that looks like
"id": "b31de483",
"players": [{"playerId": "1234"}]
This is my code
const addPlayerToGame = async (gameId, playerId) => {
const params = {
TableName: process.env.DYNAMODB_GAMES_TABLE,
Key: {
id: gameId
UpdateExpression: 'set players = list_append(if_not_exists(players, :players)',
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':players': {
"L": [
{ "S": playerId }
return await documentClient.update(params);
This throws an error but I cannot understand how to fix it. I am looking at documentation here
Figured it out
const addPlayerToGame = async (gameId, playerId) => {
const params = {
TableName: process.env.DYNAMODB_GAMES_TABLE,
Key: {
id: gameId
UpdateExpression: 'set players = list_append(players, :players)',
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':players': [{
"playerId": playerId
return await documentClient.update(params).promise();
Hi Guys I'm trying to filter post with data json format field?
"categoryList": ["cat", "cat1"]
For anyone still looking for a solution, this is what I have done for a json type field called tags of a collection type called Articles.
I have two articles in the database with one article having the following values set:
title: "lorem ipsum 1",
tags: [
The other article has the following values set:
title: "lorem ipsum 2",
tags: [
My graphql query looks like this:
query {
articlesByTag(limit: 2, where: {tags_include: ["test", "rest"]}, start: 0, sort: "title:asc") {
While my rest query looks like this:
This is my articles.js service file:
const { convertRestQueryParams, buildQuery } = require('strapi-utils');
const _ = require('lodash');
const { convertToParams, convertToQuery } = require('../../../node_modules/strapi-plugin-graphql/services/utils');
module.exports = {
async findByTag(ctx) {
let tags_include;
if (ctx.where && ctx.where.tags_include && ctx.where.tags_include.length > 0) {
tags_include = ctx.where.tags_include;
delete ctx.where.tags_include;
} else if (ctx.query && ctx.query.tags_include && ctx.query.tags_include.length > 0) {
tags_include = ctx.query.tags_include;
delete ctx.query.tags_include;
if (!Array.isArray(tags_include)) {
tags_include = [tags_include];
let filters = null;
if (ctx.query) {
filters = convertRestQueryParams({
} else {
filters = convertRestQueryParams({
...convertToParams(_.pick(ctx, ['limit', 'start', 'sort'])),
const entities = await strapi.query('articles').model.query(qb => {
buildQuery({ model: strapi.query('articles').model, filters: filters })(qb);
if (tags_include.length > 0) {
tags_include.forEach((tag) => {
if (tag && tag.length > 0) {
const likeStr = `%"${tag}"%`;
qb.andWhere('tags', 'like', likeStr);
return entities;
This is the entry needed in routes.js
"method": "GET",
"path": "/articlesByTag",
"handler": "articles.findByTag",
"config": {
"policies": []
This is the controller articles.js
const { sanitizeEntity } = require('strapi-utils');
module.exports = {
async findByTag(ctx) {
const entities = await strapi.services.articles.findByTag(ctx);
return entities.map(entity => sanitizeEntity(entity, { model: strapi.models.articles }));
And finally this is the schema.graphql.js
module.exports = {
query: `
articlesByTag(sort: String, limit: Int, start: Int, where: JSON): [Articles]
resolver: {
Query: {
articlesByTag: {
description: 'Return articles filtered by tag',
resolverOf: 'application::articles.articles.findByTag',
resolver: async (obj, options, ctx) => {
return await strapi.api.articles.controllers.articles.findByTag(options);
There is not currently a way to filter the JSON fields yet as of beta.17.8 (latest)
Probably something like that?
strapi.query('cool_model').find({ categoryList: { $all: [ "cat" , "cat1" ] } })
I'm trying to get my head around graphql-subscriptions and withFilter. Subscriptions without variables work as intended, but if I try to use withFilter, I only get 'Subscription field must return Async Iterable. Received: undefined' error when I try to run the subscription.
Am I doing something wrong with setting up withFilter, are the some incompatibilities with packages I'm using or am I completely missing something obvious here? All queries and mutations work properly, so the basic set up should be fine.
My set up is similar to this (all code snippets are in https://gist.github.com/aqmattil/41e10e7c9f30b8ea964cecdc61c58f20
// package.json
"dependencies": {
"apollo-server-express": "^2.0.0-beta.2",
"body-parser": "^1.18.3",
"express": "^4.16.3",
"graphql": "^0.13.2",
"graphql-subscriptions": "^0.5.8",
"subscriptions-transport-ws": "^0.9.11"
// mutations.js
const mutation = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'mutation',
fields: {
addSite: {
type: SiteType,
description: "Create a new Site",
args: {
name: { type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString) },
location: { type: GraphQLString },
company: { type: GraphQLString }
async resolve(parentValue, { name, location, company }) {
const site = await new Site({ name, location, company }).save()
const siteid = site._id;
console.log("addSite resolve", siteid, name, location, company );
pubsub.publish('siteAdded', { 'siteAdded': site } );
return site;
module.exports = mutation;
// subscriptions.js
const graphql = require('graphql');
const {
} = graphql;
const { withFilter } = require('graphql-subscriptions');
const SiteType = require('./site_type');
const pubsub = require('./pubsub_helper');
const Subscriptions = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'subscription',
fields: () => ({
// this code works, commented out to test withfilter
siteAdded: {
type: SiteType,
resolve(payload) {
return payload.siteAdded;
subscribe() {
return pubsub.asyncIterator('siteAdded');
// test withFilter
siteAdded: {
type: SiteType,
args: {
name: { type: GraphQLString }
resolve(payload) {
return payload.siteAdded;
subscribe() {
// this returns undefined
() => {
console.log("in subscribe withfilter");
return pubsub.asyncIterator('siteAdded');
(payload, variables) => {
console.log("payload, variables", payload, variables);
return true;
module.exports = Subscriptions;
I'm using graphiql to run the queries,
// this is used to add a site
mutation {
addSite(name:"test name", location: "somewhere") {
// simple subscription - this works as inteded, and new sites are shown
subscription {
siteAdded {
company {
// using query variables --> returns "Subscription
// field must return Async Iterable. Received: undefined"
subscription {
siteAdded(name: "test name") {
company {