Unable to generate javadocs using frame with maven-javadoc-plugin - maven-javadoc-plugin

I am using the default configuration of maven-javadoc-plugin 3.2.0
I would like to generate something like the the testapidocs, but unfortunately it generates only NOFRAMES doc.
I tried playing a little bit with no success.
Anyone else having the same behaviour?

Answering my own question :)
this is the behaviour when you use Java 11. Changing it to Java 1.8 generates the frames. So I think it has been changed in the default doclet.


Migration from Xerces 2.X to Xerces 3.X

Currently, My code uses Xerces-C 2.7, but due to requirement I was asked to migrate to Xerces-c 3.X. I couldn't find any official detailed document that can help me in achieving the same.I am using wrapper on the top of xerces-C 2.X that makes me more uncomfortable to port my code to use Xerces-C 3.X.With different link I was able to write the standalone code to Read and write XML using latest Xerces.(Took help : Xerces-C: Migration from v2.x to v3.x?).
Does is it right choice whether to port my code for 2.X to 3.X or write a new library?
I am not aware, if any Xerces 2.X code is compatible with stdC++11 ?If yes, Kindly Let me know the version along with the Link from where I can get the code.
Thanks in Advance
We didn't migrate the code.As a temporary way,to support C++11 feature, we build the xerces2.X with c++11 flag and was able to successfully link to the library.

maven-javadoc-plugin sourceFileExcludes not working

I'm not too sure what is the right way to use this tag, but I use it like this:
It doesn't work at all. It seems that there was a known bug in maven that this tag won't work as I found these threads:
But that was a while ago. I didn't find much useful information on maven website as well.
So how can we exclude certain source files / classes while we build javadoc using maven?
Finally figured it out.
First, there was an known bug as tracked in this page: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MJAVADOC-365
And the patch went into the plugin 2.10.2. So after that version, the bug is fixed. However, I was using some earlier version.
Second, use this schema:
To exclude file.
Third, in the sourceFileExclude, I used someClass.java, this is probably not right. Instead, I used someClass.* and this works for me.
You can use this pattern. It excludes the files irregardless of their package structure. More information here

com.lowagie.text.DocumentException: Font 'STSong-Light' with 'UniGB-UCS2-H' is not recognized

a maven project ,when i want to ctreate a pdf ,happened this:com.lowagie.text.DocumentException: Font 'STSong-Light' with 'UniGB-UCS2-H' is not recognized.
Please take a look at the following fragment of the free ebook The ABC of PDF with iText:
As you can see, I create a font 'STSong-Light' with 'UniGB-UCS2-H' as encoding, and I use it to write the Chinese title of the movie "House of The Flying Daggers". You can see that this works perfectly by looking at the screen shot of the PDF.
If it doesn't work for you, then this is what may have gone wrong:
You didn't read the documentation (or you wanted to wait until somebody copy/pasted a snapshot of the documentation) which explains why you didn't include the itext-asian.jar into your CLASSPATH. This jar can be found in the extrajars-2.3.zip
Or you did read the documentation, but you didn't include the correct itext-asian.jar into your CLASSPATH. I see that you are using my name in your code (I am the Lowagie from com.lowagie.text). This means that you are using a version of iText that has been removed from all official servers years ago. That version should no longer be used!
In short: you can solve your problem by upgrading to the latest iText version and making sure that you include the itext-asian.jar.

What would cause Intellij to suddenly get really slow with scala?

I have been using Intellij 12 to build a Play Framework 2 app for about a month. It's been fine up until yesterday. Now when ever I try to write code in one of the scala templates Intellij gets very very very slow. Like it takes 5-10 seconds to enter a couple new lines. What would cause this to start happening all of a sudden and how do I fix it?
I tried increasing my vm options to the following, but it didn't help:
Edit: Could a recent Intellij or plugin update have destroyed performance?
Edit: I updated my Scala and Play plugins and it didn't help.
Try to update to new version (0.2.16)
I had a similar problem, switching to sun java from openjdk fixed it. Also check if it isn't doing something in the background like indexing or sth like that. Just a guess. Cheers!
Edit: google-fu resulted in one potencionally interesting fact. A lot of scala users are experiencing this. It looks that scala is only available in intellij 12 and this is a first version, so it's probably a problem on the side of scala devs.. if I manage to find a workaround I'll post it here. Brace for scala updates until then ;)

Cuke4Duke on Grails

Ok, so I've got a grails app here.
On a previous project we used cucumber alongside grails with our step definitions working in ruby.
It was ok, but it would be nice if we could write our defs in groovy, same scripting language we're using everywhere else.
If anyone's ever done it before, or knows how I could get it running, let me know. I've seen a few plugins that don't appear to work with 1.3.7
Is there not some way for me to just put jruby, cuke4duke in the BuildConfig dependencies and just write a scripts/Cucumber.groovy to invoke it?
Looks like someone else had already built a cuke4duke plugin, my modification causes it to fail on errors and allocates a large permgen space for it to use.
We're now using groovy step definitions (just put .groovy files in ${project_root}/features/step_definitions) and geb to drive the browser, all seems to work ok
