Config: Missing name WorldDatabaseInfo in config - windows

Just did a "git pull" to check for new updates on an install of wow via docker (windows)
But these errors came up when trying to start the server.
ac-worldserver_1 | > Config: Missing name PidFile in config, add "PidFile = "
ac-worldserver_1 | > Config: Missing name WorldDatabaseInfo in config, add "WorldDatabaseInfo = "
ac-worldserver_1 | World database not specified in configuration file
I am not sure how to fix this, I have been regularly updating the server with zero issue, now this popped up to me today (Feb. 28, 2020)

Configs path has been changed to
In Windows (./configs) and (./configs/modules)
In non Windows (./etc/) and (./etc/modules)
Check PR for more info


Datadog agent do not send data

I run into an issue with my Datadog agent. I installed Agent version 7.35.0 on an EC2 ubuntu machine. After I restarted the agent I got this error:
Apr 10 11:24:24 ip-10-100-0-33 agent[9951]: 2022-04-10 11:24:24 UTC | CORE | WARN |(pkg/collector/python/datadog_agent.go:124 in LogMessage) | disk:e5dffb8bef24336f |( | Unable to get disk metrics for /sys/kernel/debug/tracing: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/sys/kernel/debug/tracing'. You can exclude this mountpoint in the settings if it is invalid.
From what I've seen on threads, they gave this answer:
Can you add "tracefs" to the "file_system_blacklist" configuration to see if that unblocks you? We can add it by default if it does.
But I do not completely understand this answer, and I am not sure what should I change to fix this issue.
If anyone experiences this kind of thing and can help me it would be super helpful
Thank you!
With Datadog Agent 7:
mv /etc/datadog-agent/conf.d/disk.d/conf.yaml.default /etc/datadog-agent/conf.d/disk.d/conf.yaml
Then in /etc/datadog-agent/conf.d/disk.d/conf.yaml, uncomment file_system_global_exclude and underneath it add - tracefs:
- tracefs

Google App Engine Flexible environment deployment failed using Google Cloud SDK from WINDOWS OS 10

My production site developed in CodeIgniter Frame work, It has more than 10k files, I deployed last week successfully without any issues. Today My deployment got failed, I just corrected one query in script.
I got the below issues
C:\myproject>gcloud app deploy --version 13 app.yaml
Services to deploy:
descriptor: [C:\myproject\app.yaml]
source: [C:\myproject]
target project: [xyz]
target service: [uat]
target version: [13]
target url: []
Do you want to continue (Y/n)? Y
Beginning deployment of service [uat]...
#= Uploading 0 files to Google Cloud Storage =#
File upload done.
ERROR: ( INVALID_ARGUMENT: This deployment has too many files. New versions are limited to 10000 files for this app.
- '#type':
- description: This deployment has too many files. New versions are limited to 10000
files for this app.
field: version.deployment.files[...]
I referred the below SO posting
gcloud app deploy failed because deployment has too many files for PHP CodeIgnitor files
gcloud app deploy : This deployment has too many files
Approaches for overcoming 10000 file limit on Google App Engine?
Communicating between google app engine services
I enabled .gcloudignore file as per the below and created in myproject
How to include files in .gcloudignore that are ignored in .gitignore
C:\>gcloud config set gcloudignore/enabled true
Updated property [gcloudignore/enabled].
C:\>gcloud config list
screen_reader = False
region = region-name
zone = zone-name
account =
disable_usage_reporting = True
project = xyz
enabled = true
My current Cloud SDK version is: 320.0.0
Installing components from version: 320.0.0
I could not find the solution. Why suddenly My deployment failed Using Gcloud SDK to GAE flexible environment ( Note: My project has more than 10 k files, Upto Last week I didnt get this issue)
Plz, Help me to solve this issue, If I miss anything in this,
Thanks in Advance.
It looks that there was a change on the way App Engine deploy the files.
Running the command gcloud config set app/trigger_build_server_side false solved the issue
Now on Dec 15 this change seems to be reverted and normal deploys should be working as before

GitHub for Mac crashes on open because of local repository issue

I am trying to figure out why my GitHub for Mac crashes on start when I choose a local repository. I added this local repository from a folder I had cloned. Unfortunately, I was playing around with the git command line and I must have done something to corrupt the local repository.
Now my GitHub for Mac is trying to access this corrupted repository on reopen and I can't change it within the program before it crashes. I would rather not purge the system of files because I have other repositories saved in GitHub for Mac.
How exactly would I be able to solve this issue or delete the reference to this local repository that is causing me massive issues? I have attempted to get an answer from the people at GitHub but they have not responded to me yet. Thank you. The error I am getting is below.
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception
NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Received error from <RACDynamicSignal: 0x600000e3dca0> name: in binding for key path` "headerContentViewModel" on <GHChangesViewModel: 0x600000129420>:
NSError { domain: GTGitErrorDomain, code: -12, description: "Failed to create reference to tracking branch from <GTBranch: 0x600000e20c00> name: refs/heads/master, shortName: master, sha:
b5db93cacaf51cde5ad27c605c4bdb114cd23605, remoteName: (null), repository: <GTRepository: 0x60000041b4e0> fileURL: file:///Users/name/Desktop/personalWebsite/", underlying error: NSError { domain:
GTGitErrorDomain, code: -12, description: "'' is not a valid remote name." } }'
terminating with uncaught exception of type NSExceptionabort() called
I had this same problem, the source turned out to be an incorrect line in my .git/config file.
The master branch had these lines:
[branch "master"]
remote =
which matched most of the url value for the [remote "origin"] line.
Changing the line to this:
remote = origin
Fixed the problem immediately, and no more "Unable to create tracking branch" errors like I've had for quite some time.
Be sure to make a copy of that line in case it doesn't work.
GitHub support verified that this was the correct solution - at least in my case.
It looks like you've changed the config file, specifically for the repo location. If you're not able to repair the git config file yourself, can you do cat ./.git/config for us?

error message at vagrant start with puppet provisioning

I wrote an automized puppet file for the installation with Vagrant.
It's just for a fast installation for a apache web server (with PHP5, MySQL)
and atm it is as simple as possible for the beginning.
Every time I start up my Vagrant I get these messages and couldn't interpret
by myself:
←[0;36mnotice: /Stage[main]/Lamp/Package[php5]/ensure: ensure changed 'purged' t
o 'present'←[0m
←[0;36mnotice: /Stage[main]/Lamp/Package[mysql-client]/ensure: ensure changed 'p
urged' to 'present'←[0m
←[0;36mnotice: /Stage[main]/Lamp/Package[mysql-server]/ensure: ensure changed 'p
urged' to 'present'←[0m
←[0;36mnotice: /Stage[main]/Lamp/Package[apache2]/ensure: ensure changed 'purged
' to 'present'←[0m
This is not an error at all.
It just says, that the state of those packages has changed from purged to present.
purged = not installed
present = installed
It just means, the package was installed successfully.

hg-git deploy to heroku from Lion

I have this application on my Lion machine that is in a mercurial repository so I'm using hg-git to deploy it to heroku.
hgext.bookmarks =
hggit =
default =
push-heroku = push git+ssh://
Then when I run hg push-heroku it should deploy, but instead I get:
caseys-MacBook-Air:project casey$ hg push-heroku
pushing to git+ssh://
creating and sending data
["git-receive-pack 'appname.git/'"]
! Invalid path.
! Syntax is:<app>.git where <app> is your app's name.
abort: git remote error: The remote server unexpectedly closed the connection.
This doesn't make any sense. I feel like the error message is misleading because that repository DOES exist.
Also this works perfect on my ubuntu machine with a similar setup.
Turns out this was related to this issue. I hadn't noticed the extra slash before. I applied a patch similar to this guy and it worked for me (on latest hg, hg-git and osx).
Full details of how to install the patch:
first uninstall it
sudo easy_install -m 'hg-git'
then delete the hg-git egg file in ~/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages
install as directory
sudo easy_install -Z 'hg-git'
open ~/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/hg_git..../hggit/
apply patch by hand (mine was more like line 1118)
--- Thu Jul 28 22:05:45 2011
+++ Thu Jul 28 22:11:44 2011
## -1066,6 +1066,8 ##
port = None
host, path = hostpath.split(hostpath_seper, 1)
+ if (host.find('heroku') > 0):
+ path = path.rstrip('/')
if hostpath_seper == '/':
transportpath = '/' + path
Your git remote format is screwed.
In .git/config ensure that your remote takes the format of:
where appname is your applications name on Heroku
