How can we use Apple Provider with Spring Security oauth2 client - spring

I need to use Apple_Sign_In option with other Google, Facebook sign in options. Even though Apple is adopted the existing open standards OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (Hybrid Flow). It's difficult to get it work by simply changing the .yml configurations as described in GitHub fix for raised issue..
I have tried Customizing oauth request approach and I am stuck on reading Authorization code which is sent in body to use for token exchange and get logged user details(Apple does not support userInfoUri.)
More details can be found on github_comment
Can someone share a working code example how can we use Apple Sign In with oauth2 client ?


Spring RESTful web service auth

I am learning Spring and have written a simple RESTful web service that is not intended for browsers but for native mobile apps only. When trying to implement basic authentication for users. I've hit a wall, because the sources (even official tutorials) assume (and recommend) using OAuth2 through a browser with SSO and\or social logins.
All I want is to create an API RESTful endpoint that will take an email address and a password and return a token (possibly JWT). I do not need extended support for roles (but am not against it) and dynamic token revokation if that matters.
Is there any easy library/solution/tutorial that focuses on something similar?
Thanks for the answers — all of them shed more light on the auth process and are quite useful and on point!
Please check here, I have a working example for the spring security on my github. You may need to change the, to enable the jwt configurations on this project.
There are many tutorials available on internet for implementing JWT token based authentication using Spring Boot. Please find below some of them
Please go through them and try to implement. If you need a working code for reference, you can search GitHub for code. This is one of them

How to log in to arbitrary webpage that uses OKTA for auth?

I work for a large company (50K+). Some orgs within the company use OKTA for auth on their servers.
I have a valid user login (via OKTA) for the servers, and can log in through a browser without any issues, but want to access this site programatically.
How can I log into these websites using my OKTA credentials?
I've found this doc:
that details how to use an OKTA endpoint, but it requires some info that I do not have. Namely, nonce, state, and client_id. I have no clue how to get this info.
I've found another endpoint that allows a similar login method, but only requires username and password (I forget the doc that referenced this):
I am able to successfully authenticate with OKTA using this endpoint, and receive a session_token. Can I take this session_token and apply it to my arbitrary webpage somehow? I can not find any documentation that says so.
At first glance it appears that many of the API endpoints for OKTA require intimate knowledge of the hosted application (and/or are not meant to be accessed programmatically).
Is it possible to log into an arbitrary webpage that uses OKTA for authentication, with only knowledge that an end user would have (username/password/optional MFA)?
Hi not sure you found the answer yet. from your descriptions i think yours is web app, which is supposed to use authentication code flow. else, you can ask your web developers what authentication flow they use and follow the auth process accordingly.
you need to retrieve id token & access token for authentication.

Okta sign-in widget with PHP does not work

I was trying to setup OAuth workflow using the sample application as given here
However for some reason, after I enter my okta user Id and password, I never gets the control back on my call-back URL and application just hangs indefinitely.
However the normal Javascript Singn-in widget (check this link) with the minimal authentication does work and I get the control back to the redirect URL. But this is not for an OAuth2 workflow... which is completely useless for me. Because all it does is provide authentication service using Okta tenant app and it will redirect you to your App URL. This does not provide any authorization grant workflow or other OAuth2 complex workflow. May be useful for some application but not for enterprise app where you want to retrieve user profiles, and create a login session based on user profile data retrieved from OKTA.
So my question is why is the OAuth workflow not working using the PHP application that uses JS sign-in-widget? And why there are no instructions or warning on this page for this costly service (this is not free and many org is probably paying for this)?
I spent almost a day trying to setup my Authorization server as per the instruction given on this link, but nothing works. Any idea what must be going wrong ?
Does this entire example works only after contacting OKTA support to enable the Authorization server feature? Because, I also saw a documentation here that says that this is Early Access (EA) feature (and it is probably recently added in OKTA? Extremely frustrating experience).
BTW I sent email to their customer support to enable this Authorization server feature just in case if I am missing something. If this does not work then I will have to create my own OAuth2 server using Laravel 5.4 PHP framework, which is probably the quickest solution and 100% free.
I also tried to test the Authorization server setup as per the instructions provided here.
I was successful in getting the following end point working:
But I am unable to get any scope and claims using api end-point:
So in short, I am so far unable to test my Authorization server to get my authorization grant workflow working.
Where can I look for some troubleshooting advice?
Is there another way to check whether I have configured my OKTA Authorization server properly?
I found out that the JS script provided for the PHP sample is not right for the workflow I am working on. So after changing that JS Script, things started to work.
Edit: Also please note that Setting up Authorization server is a new feature (It is Early Access feature) in OKTA. It is not enabled by default. So you need to contact OKTA support team to enable the Authorization service endpoint and functionality provided by it.

Is there another way to access google APIs other than OAUTH2?

I'm trying to write a CLI script (ruby) to manage my youtube videos. Technically I'm updating a script that I used in 2012 to do this. It appears that since 2012, youtube has discontinued the simple client authentication mechanism and moved to OAUTH2 (though I'm not totally sure).
I'm wouldn't be the first to say that OAUTH2 is hell (just google it). It's been 3 hours and I still haven't gotten my old script to even authenticate with google (using the youtube_it ruby gem).
I simply do not understand why I would need to use OAUTH to access my own account on Google? What am I missing? I thought OAUTH was so that separate users could give access to applications to temporarily access their data.
Is there another way? What am I missing. As one blogger commented OAUTH2 is enough to make one want to change careers. Even the lead dev quit the project.
The Youtube API docs is specific in stating that if you're going to use Youtube API (or other Google APIs), you must learn how to use OAuth:
If your application will use any API methods that require user
authorization, read the authentication guide to learn how to implement
OAuth 2.0 authorization.
Youtube has a Ruby Quickstart sample which includes the OAuth process.
I simply do not understand why I would need to use OAUTH to access my own account on Google?
I think OAuth answers exactly that question, "how will Google products know if you are who you claim to be?"
Read the OAuth Google guide for more info.
OAuth 2 is an authorization framework that enables applications to obtain limited access to user accounts on an HTTP service, such as Facebook, GitHub, and google. It works by delegating user authentication to the service that hosts the user account, and authorizing third-party applications to access the user account. OAuth 2 provides authorization flows for web and desktop applications, and mobile devices.
for more detail study :-

Making an OAuth connection from a Windows application to a Google App Engine application

We have a Windows 7 Task Tray application that needs to access services in our Google App Engine application, and we are having difficulty making the OAuth connection between them work. For some reason our OAuth libraries that work with the Twitter and Tumblr OAuth implementations do not seem to work in this scenario with Google. Google is returning a 400 bad request response to the last step in the OAuth authorization sequence.
To debug the problem I am trying to use Google's OAuth 1.0 Playground page ( But I can't figure out what should be entered for the "scope" in step 1. If I enter the name of our GAE server the sequence will fail with the error message "Invalid scope". Clearly, choosing one of the provided scopes (the Google API services) is not an option for us.
Can anybody tell me how the OAuth scope designation should be set when accessing Google App Engine hosted services?
just for reference look at this blog,looks helpful in your case
I think this Google Official Docs explains best how to set up an endpoint to your own appengine application. You question isn't very specific, but take note of the following that is being written in this document:
The scope of an authorization, how much the consumer is allowed to access, is for all of a single app. App Engine only supports whole-app scopes, and does not support more granular scope requests. When Google Accounts prompts the user to authorize a consumer, the prompt explains that the consumer is requesting permission to access the full app.
And did you set up OAuth on your domain?
The consumer performs OAuth actions using a set of standard web service endpoints. These endpoints use reserved paths on your app's domain. For example, if your app uses a Google Apps domain of, the endpoints for the OAuth protocol begin as follows:
