SpringLiquibase: disable migration, just check status - spring

Normally I do liquibase update manually on every environment before upgrading to a new version of the application, for better control.
When the SpringLiquibase bean is initialized within my web application, it applies all pending changesets. However I'd like it to only check status (list pending changesets, incorrect checksums etc.), but not to do update. Is it possible to configure it such a way?

That's not possible AFAIK with available configuration. However you can override the bean SpringLiquibase and it's method afterPropertiesSet() where everything is executed.


Spring-Cloud-Config Custom Environment Repository

I am trying to build a Spring Cloud Configuration server that retrieves properties from a proprietary property server (not Git) using a RefreshScope annotation on the clients to re-inject changed properties
Since there are lots of properties and processing, I want to be able to do a conditional request, so that if no properties are changed since the supplied date, nothing will be injected.
I implemented the EnvironmentRepository interface and overrode the findOne() method to only retrieve the properties if they have changed, and otherwise return an empty map.
I also tried returning null from findOne() but that causes a NullPointerException to be thrown in the config server.
If I return the environment object, the properties are re-injected correctly, but I am trying to avoid that in the case where there are no changes
Does Spring provide some hook method where the config server can notify the config client to leave its properties as they are, and not to re-inject its properties?

Spring.datasource.initialize=false not working

I am working on spring boot and batch application.
Due to batch, the application tries to connect to datasource
with spring-boot:run.
I want to stop that and tried spring.datasource.initialize=false
Along with this also put spring.batch.job.enabled=false
While the second one works fine, it seems the first one is ignored.
Could someone let me know if there is a way to stop db connection on startup?
Thanks in advance
The problem is, that spring/spring-boot loads the whole spring-context when it is "booted". This means, that all defined spring-beans are loaded into the spring-context during this boot-phase. In the case of spring-batch, this also means that the datasource bean is loaded and, if not turned off by "spring.batch.initializer.enabled=false", the spring-batch tables are initialized.
Generally, you cannot prevent this from happening as soon as you have added your spring-batch-starter to your maven dependencies.
Moreover, I don't understand why you want to prevent this from happening. It is just initialisation taking place and, provided that everything is configured correctly, this shouldn't be a problem at all.
Nonetheless, if you really want to stop the datasource from beeing initialized, you could try the following approach. However, I don't know if this will work.
Spring-Batch needs a datasource that is registered under the name "dataSource" in the spring-context. If no spring-bean with that name is found, it creates its own. But if you provide your own implementation/configuration for it, it will use your spring bean.
What you need to do is, to provide a proxy for a datasource that is loaded lazily and then register it under the name "dataSource" in the context:
public class MySetUp {
public DataSource dataSource() {
// ... create your "lazy initializing" datasource
But - and let me stress that - this nothing that I would recommend and I don't see a good reason, why this should be necessary to do.
Furthermore, you mention that you only want load "initial static index page" (I assume, you are talking about html, right?). However, I don't see a "batch" use case, which should display html-pages. It would probably be better to have two different applications in this case.
Probably you could provide some more information about your use case.
As I understand, you don't want to prevent database connection during application startup.
Instead, you want to prevent execution of batch scripts.
Correct me, please, if I got it wrong.
To prevent execution of batch scripts set:

Spring Cloud RefreshScope post-refresh hooks

Is there the notion of an #RequestScope post-refresh hook?
Use Case:
We need to push config changes. Currently, this is manual and fires as a part of the app restart. However, if we can trigger a /bus/refresh, once the Environment gets refreshed, not destroy the bean (an #Service in this case), yet fire some config changes once the new environment value gets updated? Is something like this possible?
The solution I used was to make my #Service implement ApplicationListener and override onApplicationEvent(RefreshRemoteApplicationEvent event). This is already performed in RefreshListener, but my implementation was able to inspect the changed keys and react according to the rules the client setup for the specific key changes.

Globally disable EntityManager cache in jboss

Is it possible to disable caching with EntityManager in some jboss config?
I'll explain. I have some final "ear" of our product that is using EntityManager through hibernate (something like this, i an newbie to this) and I need to test some behaviour. The easy way for me is to change(remove, create) state of entities direct in the database. But after i did this, the application remain to find old values for some time. I've read about some jboss cache, that is used for entity-manager.
So, for testing, i want to disable EntityManager cache, but it can not be disabled on application-level, only on jboss-level.
In brief: i need application always to reload actual entity state, because it can be edited in database with come other application. And its impossible to disable caching on application-level(hibernate.xml and other)
PS: jboss 4.2.3, ejb3, hibernate3
The cache you are referring to is probably the PersistenceContext. It cannot be disabled. You can only tweak it's scope. In a Java EE environment, the scope of the persistence context is the transaction per default. So if you need for some changes to take effect immediately, you can extract these changes (including fetching the entities in question) into a separate method and annotate it to require a new transaction:
Once the method returns, all changes are committed.
You could also use bean managed transactions, so you can control the commit yourself. For this, annotate your bean with #TransactionManagement( TransactionManagementType.BEAN ) and use UserTransaction:
private UserTransaction tx;
//do stuff

Transaction not rolling back

I have mybatis 3.0.4 with mybatis-spring integration 1.0.1 deployed within Fuse (OSGi). I've created a basic database within SQLServer 2008. In Spring I've configured a TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy data source and a DataSourceTransactionManager transaction manager.
Now I've created my own bundle to be deployed within Fuse which inserts some rows into the database. I've told the bundle to use the configured data source and transaction manager. The method which carries out the logic looks like this:
public void go(RecsCashContext context) throws ActionException {
When this method throws an exception I can follow Spring through seeing the expected behaviour triggered. This leads me to Springs JtaTransactionManager and doRollBack(..).
So everything looks promising, except that when I look at the database, sure enough it's in an unstable state as previous inserts have not been roll back.
I'm at a loss on this one and I'm struggling to find any information online. Any thoughts?
What kind of exception is being thrown? Unless you tell Spring to explicitly rollback when a particular exception is thrown, it will proceed. By default, Spring's transaction handling only rolls back when an unchecked exception (e.g. RuntimeException) is thrown. In your case, if you're expecting the rollback to occur when ActionException occurs, you're out of luck unless you make the following modification:
public void go(RecsCashContext context) throws ActionException {
More details are in here, specifically in section, #Transactional settings
As it turns out Fuse (servicemix) already exposes a transaction manager via an OSGi service within bundle org.apache.aries.transaction.manager_0.2.0.incubating [49]. As a result when I was looking up the transaction manager service, the one exposed by bundle 49 got picked up first.
This was resolved by clearly specifying the transaction manager I was interested in. At the moment I am doing this using the bean-name propery:
<osgi:reference id="transactionManager" bean-name="transactionManager" interface="org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager" />
Though this could also be done by using a filter, but preferably we'll just make use of the transaction manager service that's already being expose as opposed to providing our own.
